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Mars Retrograde

December 6, 2024-February 23, 2025

Each Mars retrograde differs based on the sign it occurs in. Currently, this Mars retrograde begins in the sign of Leo. The previous time Mars was retrograde in this position was between December 2009 and March 2010. While there are similarities, this retrograde will also move back into the sign of Cancer.

Reflect on what was happening in your life during the previous retrograde, as similar themes may arise. There is an emphasis on how assertively, passionately, and confidently you act and express yourself.

Expression and Barriers: Are you putting up walls? What might be hiding behind those walls? These are important questions to explore during this time.

Mars retrograde occurs approximately every 26 months and lasts for 70 to 80 days. Projects may stall, and energy levels can feel lower than usual. Impulsive actions and unrecognized anger can lead to arguments or accidents. Sexual activity may also feel less fulfilling or encounter challenges.

Textbooks suggest that suppressed frustrations can build up, leading to explosive, “volcano-like” emotional outbursts. Individuals may respond to setbacks with anger or violence rather than patience and dialogue. However, this retrograde also encourages deep introspection and transformative shifts, especially concerning communication.

This retrograde may lead to procrastination in communication, with assertive behaviors becoming more introspective. Passive-aggressive tendencies may surface, and you may encounter individuals who lack drive or fail to follow through on commitments.

Avoid Starting New Ventures. Launching a business or major project during this time can result in ongoing struggles, with actions progressing at a frustratingly slow pace.

Patience and re-evaluation: Instead of forcing progress, focus on refining plans, resolving hidden frustrations, and building inner strength.

Mars retrograde offers a chance to step back, reassess, and transform. By working with its energy constructively, you can prepare for a more productive and empowered phase ahead.

More importantly, steer away from major repairs, especially automotive repairs or purchasing a new vehicle.

Avoid surgery during a Mars retrograde. Since Mars governs destruction, deconstruction may become more understood after Mars turns direct. If an electronic gadget breaks down, a repair job will not cure the issue. A repair job during a Mars retrograde may result in another repair being needed. However, after the retrograde has ended, the problem can be better understood. Repair jobs include surgery. Avoid surgery during this timeframe if possible.

Nevertheless, being born with a Mars retrograde is much different from experiencing one during the cycle. A well-aspected Mars retrograde in an individual’s birth chart can produce a lot of success. Energy and initiative are internalized (retrograde). Usually, an individual competes with themselves. Many athletes are born with a well-aspected Mars retrograde. When Mars is aspected with challenging aspects, individuals may act hastily and often need to retrace and redo their steps.

There could be difficulties, arguments, and disagreements related to legal matters, religion, travel, and interactions with someone who may be very philosophical and/or have a very strong opinion. During this time, it would be wise to frame your intentions as a visionary. Keep the bigger picture in mind, especially when asserting your opinion as dogma.

One’s sexual drive during a Mars retrograde can change significantly. It has been stated that the level of satisfaction during a Mars retrograde can be difficult to achieve.

Political issues will be exaggerated in the news. Fires, possible protests, and “acts of God” will also be prominent themes. Hurricanes, floods, and possible earthquakes are strongly associated with this period.

During this cycle, there are likely to be upheavals. Scandalous battles may arise between presidential candidates. This is a strong placement for assault—verbal, physical, emotional, etc.

Technological breakdowns may occur, with website outages and security breaches making headlines, especially in the travel industry. Avoid major purchases of any kind if possible.

Fortunately, this cycle lasts only 80 days every 2 ½ years. On February 23, 2025, this retrograde will be completed.

In general, this is not the time to look at new property, start a new job, or begin a new business plan.

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Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith
Will Smith Natal Astrology Chart

In part 1, we discussed the planets Will Smith had at the time of the Oscars. Now, we are going to review his natal chart in more detail. Natal analysis always precedes forecasting because the natal promise defines prospects. However, to get this out, I juxtaposed the series for educational purposes. 

 Will Smith is a Libra with Gemini Rising and a Scorpio Moon

The chart ruler, purpose, Mercury in Gemini rising is striving to communicate the effects/result of emotions (6th house) with peace, diplomacy, and kindness (Mercury in Libra.)  Saturn opposing these positions will require navigating through many fears, worries, doubts, behind scenes responsibilities with balance.  The emotional life is reactive, intense, controlling, and may jump to conclusions (Moon in Scorpio.)

The highest achievement in this lifetime (MC) is uniqueness and freedom (Aquarius.)  Freeing up is required.  More specifically, emotional liberation will be tested. 

The Sun in Libra in this chart has the purpose to shine in enjoyment, children, creative forces, and balance in the way the emotional expression is released.

As a side note, in the millions of charts I’ve examined, more than 60% of actors have Venus and Saturn, Saturn and Neptune, and Venus and Neptune in Aspect. Smith has this placement. 

When blending the Smith’s Ascendant in Gemini, this can serve as a teaching force for children in a humanitarian way. Perhaps someday this will come to fruition. 

The Moon in Scorpio has more themes around controlling based on the aspects it makes to other planets.  Control backfires in this chart as Saturn will require ongoing adapting, adjusting, compromising, and giving in leaving the person feeling uncomfortable.

The Moon and Saturn are in fall positions in the chart.  Also, Jupiter is in detriment position.  These positions often require a person settle for less than optimal results after hard work.  Yet, Venus is in its ruling position making Smith charismatic, charming, likable, and artistic.  Planets in their rulership manifest results easier in achievement.  When a combination of planets in strife and other planets in dignity, maintaining results is where hard work is required.  Often, it is this level of excruciating work that becomes emotionally draining. 

Will Smith Declinations Hidden Gems

As mentioned a few weeks ago, Declinations often get overlooked.  These aspects are formed by latitude instead of traditional longitude aspects. 

Neptune Parallel the MC brings in strong artistic and intuitive ability.  Work in the arts is confirmed.  Also, it can generate an absent parental figure.  This is confirmed by the father abandoning the family.

Pluto Contra-parallel the MC will require one parent to dominate the family rigid and highly controlled behavior is in place to maintain equilibrium.  The Moon in Scorpio can make the mother domineering.  Since the moon has conjunction to Neptune, I wonder if religion was used as a weapon growing up.

Ascendant Contra-parallel the Moon brings support from women and the public.  The mother becomes the strong central figure. Sometimes the mother becomes high maintenance whereby she controls the native’s life.

Venus Contra-parallels Mars can accentuate one’s swag meter as others will find the native irresistible.  The sexual libido is intensified for natives with this element.  When combined with the ruler of Venus in the ruling position, this is further strengthened.

Will Smith
Will Smith 90 Degree Uranian Chart

90 Degree Dial

When we plot Smith’s planets along the 90 degree dial, more details become visible.  Planets on the Aries point are visible to the world at large.  These points are degrees of 0 and 22.5 cardinal, 15 fixed, and 7.50 Mutable.  Smith has the combination of Chiron, Uranus, Saturn, and, MC, and Ascendant on these points.  The potential to influence a revolution healing from emotional wounds is indicated.  More than likely, this will get offset by the birth of a grandchild.  This seems relatively soon within the next year. 

Will Smith
Will Smith Hellenistic Chart

Hellenistic Wheel

Planets will shift houses as the house system used in Hellenistic Astrology is Whole Signs.  In Smith’s chart, Saturn moves to the 11th and Mercury and Venus shift over to the end of the 5th house in the Hellenistic chart. This leaves the 6th house with only the Moon.  The mother shows up as hard working, intensive, and commanding.  Emotional drama in childhood was likely in daily chores.  Leaving a dirty plate in the sink would have resulted in beating, shaming, violence, and/or humiliation. 


There are more aspects that can be analyzed.  However, to keep this a short article, the biggest theme that jumps out in this chart is the Moon in Scorpio and the aspects it makes. Themes around  control and domination are strong in this chart.  Jupiter and Pluto in aspect within this chart amplify these themes too. Also, the emotionally dramatic household Smith was  raised in are shown with Mars in the 4th house square the Ascendant.  This can bring up a parent with severe anger and control issues.  Undoing much of that emotional influence to reach liberation and healthy detachment (Aquarius MC) stands out.  Currently with Transiting Saturn traveling through this position, learning lessons surrounding this will come to the forefront.

Will Smith More Links

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Love Compatibility Analysis

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith Oscar Slap

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Will Smith Oscar Slap

The planets in Astrology urge. They do not force. Planets are never the fault, they simply have an impact. Our free will, character development, schooling, and intent co-determine destiny.

Saturn is transiting through Smith’s MC square his natal Moon in the 6th (work/employment.) Saturn brings honor for hard work and learning lessons. Sometimes the lessons seem unjust. It can increase productivity, workflow, work pile, and issues with authority figures. 

The achievement of winning an Oscar is a highlight. 

Will Smith Natal / Solar Arc Directions

On a side note, the last time transiting Saturn was in this exact position (1992), Smith’s fame rose from his role in “Where the Day Takes You” and “6 Degrees of Separation.”  

The Moon in Astrology governs emotions.  Saturn’s transit to Smith’s Moon in Scorpio will bring learning lessons around detaching emotionally.  The current transiting Saturn in the sign of Aquarius will teach lessons surrounding rationality, using words/ideas instead of emotions.  

Smith’s natal Moon in Scorpio is defined as a fall position as the Moon may overreact to situations as intense feelings take over.  This is a severe learning lesson for smith in working out his emotions and choosing responses that seem fit.   The Moon in Scorpio has a strong gift, mindfulness wisdom through attainment. 

There is another more intensive transit that has impels impact:  Transiting Pluto is squaring Smith’s natal Mercury and Venus setting off a cardinal T Square with Saturn.   Since the transiting Pluto is going through the 9th house, there are issues surrounding legal matters and publicity.  Often, Pluto can bring out matters from the past.  Pluto aspects are skin deep.  This is a huge wake-up call.  It is the power of rebirth and transformation.  When contact with Mercury comes into play, it will transform a person’s way of thinking.  

Contact with Venus will transform a person’s affections and interpersonal skills. 

In a T Square, the empty house of the configuration is where the activity takes place.  In Smith’s chart, the 3rd house is where all this will play out:  communication, news, thinking, and speaking.  

Pluto takes additional overtones in Smith’s Solar Arc Direction.  Currently, Smith has SA Venus is square natal Pluto.  Since these 2 are also paired up in the transit, this is a strong message regarding a change in the way people view him and work changes as Venus rules his 6th house (work) and 12th house (subconscious mind.) 

Moving forward, these next few weeks (April thru end of May 2022) will bring legal and disciplinary consequences for Smith as Pluto continues aspects by transit and direction.  Transiting Saturn will form a quincunx to Smith’s natal Pluto resulting in a possible change, adjustment, loss, compromise, and consequence for his behavior. 

The consequences seem severe.  This will impact his ability to work, but more importantly, it will impact how the Academy votes on consequences. 

Will Smith Hellenistic Astrology

When working with Annual Profections, Smith’s current age is 53.  Since September 2021, he has been in a 6th house Profection year. 

The focus from September 2021 to 2022 is on work and day-to-day routines.  The natal ruler of the year is the 6th house, Venus and Pluto. 

Most would disagree that it should be Mars instead of Pluto. 

However, when we compare this additional confirmation to the transits and solar arc directions, Venus/Pluto themes repeat.  When we examine the natal condition of these planets and see the opposition from natal Saturn is highlighted.  The public will have a change in how he is perceived requiring learning lessons in his behavior. 

Annual Profections were used as a standalone technique in medieval Astrology.  With the evolution of Astrology, I use them as an add-on confirmation tool. 

In a different article, I will cover Chris Rock’s chart.  Briefly, this will have the opposite effect on Rock as in the next 5 years he will continue climbing up the success ladder.  

Will Smith more links

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Love Compatibility Analysis

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith Oscar Slap

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Afflicted Moon in Astrology Chart

Ed Buck Astrology
Ed Buck Astrology on AbsolutelyPsychic.com 1-800-498-8777

Any aspect of the Moon in the chart highlights a person’s emotional life and well-being. Flowing aspects can bring ease and opportunity for positive emotional expression. Hard aspects to the Moon can bring emotional challenges. An afflicted Moon has several difficult aspects, it is known as an Afflicted Moon. 

There isn’t a hard and fast formula as to the number of aspects needed for it to be classified as an afflicted Moon. This depends on all aspects it makes, the sign position, the house position, and the rest of the chart. 

Generally speaking, an afflicted Moon can bring complications with daily moods, negative thinking, habits, difficulties with females, and conflicts with a person’s mother.

Usually, an afflicted Moon means the Moon on the day the person was born was forming hard aspects with other planets that day. 

Typically the square is considered a conflict. However, if a Moon has no squares, it doesn’t mean it’s a smooth ride. There can be many other Astrological aspects and factors to consider. For example, I know an individual with no squares to the Moon, however, he had 3 quincunxes to the Moon, 2 oppositions, the Moon was Void in his chart, and was out-of-bounds. I classify that lineup as an afflicted Moon.

Recently, I used Ed Buck as an example of a Moon with several challenging aspects. Though there isn’t a time of birth for Buck, there are 2 squares the Moon makes to Venus and Neptune. There is also a conjunction to the South Node which is more burdensome.

 Buck was a drug user who escaped into the world of fantasy by combining drugs and sex and injecting drugs into the arms of escorts who passed away in his home. Addiction is shown by a few factors in a chart including aspects to Neptune. I also have to make room for another issue in his chart, the applying conjunction to Uranus and Jupiter. The conjunction with Uranus will lead a person to irritability and emotional instability. However, Jupiter will expand the nature of anything. Expanding the above-mentioned magnifies this to the point of concern.

Though hard aspects, such as a square can bring challenges, I believe the most important idea is the planet aspects. For example, in Buck’s case, the Moon is square to Neptune. His emotional nature may be filled with denial, escapism, addiction (clearly), and instability. That is more complicated to handle than having a Moon square to an inner planet.

Next, I look for is exact aspects in a chart as these are visible instantly. If a chart has a few difficulties, 1 exact moon square, depending on the square, would be a point I would have to factor in.

Finally, an afflicted Moon doesn’t mean the person is destined to a life of duress. The native has to study, grow, change, and receive a few hard knocks along the course of life. An oyster will turn into a pearl. However, this isn’t a joyride either. It requires mastery, discipline, and hard work.

Top 3 Reasons Solar Returns great in Predicting

The Solar Return chart is drawn from birthday to birthday. It is a snapshot of the heavens at the exact time and place where your Sun returns to the exact position it held at birth.

Though there are more than 3 reasons a Solar Returns is an excellent prediction tool, the main ones are:

1) Predict pieces that will occur for you during your solar year. With so many predictive methods available, this tool can help get to the heart of what will be the theme for the year immediately. It defines conditions, feelings, emotional states, and what each area of life will experience. 

2) Confirm themes that show up in more significant predictive tools.  In my professional opinion, I believe more emphasis needs to be placed on other predictive tools such as Progressions.

A Solar Return that shows a similar pattern to a progressed cycle adds additional confirmation.  Also, when a natal pattern is repeated, it emphasizes the energy for you.

3) Assist in timing for relocation analysis. The Solar Return is calculated for the place of residence, not the place of birth.  If one lives or does business in multiple locations, this is a great tool to utilize for analyzing efforts.  For example, a business owner discovered a new business location that had potential. This tool confirmed it.  It also confirmed the following year to pull away.

Solar Return Astrology Chart Donald Trump

Donald Trump has a challenging Solar Return.  The chart ruler is in Pisces square his Sun in the 12th house.  This can bring lawsuits, health problems, and hospitalization.  Thought the Solar Return is not a standalone tool, other predictive tools demonstrate health issues are highlighted in December. Also, the aspect Moon and Sun make in the solar return chart is repeated in

January 2021.  Health again is an issue. 

Next, the South Node in the 6th house indicates health problems.           

Mars conjunct Neptune in a Solar Return can result in infections. Since the sign is in Pisces, hidden matters may surface.  Could there be another type of “Stormy Daniels” out there?  The field day the media will have will increase. 

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Venus Retrograde Part 2

Years ago on a prior Venus Retrograde, Facebook went public. There were a lot of issues that took a while to iron out. Though they have grown abundantly, it came with wrangles. As for investors, making any major portfolio shifts is not recommended. Making any major economic decision may not be wise because the market may be too pricey or not the best promising period.

There are a few celebrities that are poster children for very bad plastic surgery. I won’t mention names.  We know who they are!  They either went to a butcher or overdid it. Some have gone under the knife during a Venus Retrograde and did not like the results requiring a revision. 

On a Venus Retrograde never get married, start a new job, or start a new relationship. So is living under a rock recommended? Of course not… I observed something very fascinating that does work on a Venus Retrograde.

A radio station fired its’ main announcer years ago. The station lost ratings. He was brought back during a Venus Retrograde. In that instance, re-evaluating a previous relationship that went awry became beneficial as it was revisiting a previous disagreement.

Reviewing the value of a person or relationship is strong during a Venus Retrograde because Venus also rules our taste, ability to express appreciation, affection, and experience satisfaction.

So re-embarking an previous job, relationship, or  friendship may be very positive. However, tread with caution especially when contracts are involved. It is a wonderful time to re-purpose items that are hardly used.  Go through your possessions and you will find creative outlets for their usage. 

I was told that antiques become quite popular during a Venus Retrograde because one re-inspects old items that have gone through many owners. I have an acquaintance with a progressed Venus Retrograde that is an antique collector.

So what happens to new  items purchased on a Venus Retrograde? You might return them because you may not like them or see their value is worthwhile. I once bought a cheap shirt on a Venus Retrograde and never used it. It still hangs somewhere inside a drawer.

New people that enter your life on a Venus Retrograde will appear different after the retrograde is completed.  

The most important tip I can share is to avoid making any major purchase or renovating during this retrograde. 

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Momma Trump Dearest Part 2

In the previous few weeks, we’ve examined Donald’s past affinities. I think the most important association that needs to be comprehended is the connection with his mother, Maryanne. Be sure to check part 1 of Momma Trump Dearest and the video

Maryanne’s chart is placed around Donald’s to the right.

His relationship with his mother was volatile.  As mentioned in a previous article, there are many Moon problems in his chart.  This presents a problem because at the root level.  The Moon in the chart indicates the early childhood, emotional responses to life, relationship with women, emotional needs, and above all, the early conditioning that impacts a person in their adult life.

In actuality, analyzing only Donald’s chart was enough for me to conclude that his relationship with his mother was brutal.  But, when I factor in her chart into the equation, it confirms it by 200%!

The effects of growing up with such animosity may result in emotional wellness issues.  I am an advocate and ally of Mental Health, but it is not my professional expertise.  I assert that as a result of growing up with so much aggression can result in personality challenges.  More importantly, his mother may have had mental health issues herself.  Why?  Donald was born with the Moon Conjunct the South Node. I have yet to meet a native with this aspect that doesn’t have an over the top problematic mother .  Also, the mother is born with the Moon Square Saturn and a prominent 12th house.  When I factor in those two elements, I can make a professional opinion based on it being universal.

Now when compare Maryanne’s planets to some of Donald’s planets, more details appear.

The effects of growing up with such animosity may result in emotional wellness issues.  I am an advocate and ally of Mental Health, but it is not my professional expertise.  I assert that as a result of growing up with so much aggression can result in personality challenges.  More importantly, his mother may have had mental health issues herself.  Why?  Donald was born with the Moon Conjunct the South Node. I have yet to meet a native with this aspect that doesn’t have an over the top problematic mother.  Also, the mother is born with the Moon Square Saturn and a prominent 12th house.  When I factor in those two elements, I can make a professional opinion based on it being universal.

Now when compare Maryanne’s planets to some of Donald’s planets, more details appear.

Maryanne’s Saturn conjunct Donald’s MC:  This can be a strict parent that may demand perfection and the world from the child.  This parent may insist the child become just like the father, please the father, and influence the child that the only way to success is to mirror the father.  The father in the chart is often the MC.  The mother is the opposite point, the IC.  Usually, the mother may demand this type of achievement based on her own fears and insecurities.  His mother may have worried that if her children wouldn’t conform, her husband would leave her.  She grew up in poverty and was very financially driven.  The fear of being abandoned and stuck with a houseful of children may have resulted in paranoia. 

Maryanne’s Saturn quincunx Donald’s Moon:   This aspect is significant because Donald has this in his chart.  The mother may never give approval, credit, or validation for any success.  This can create an ongoing nagging that there is never enough time to enjoy the fruits of one’s labor or success.  Maryanne’s Saturn is in Taurus, which will make her financially driven.  She may place the worth of a person based on financial success.  Communication is stalled.  This is a vast problem aspect because it creates a communication barrier for the child with the parent,

Maryanne’s Saturn Square Donald’s Mars:   This combination is subjected to many frustrations, physical assaults, outbursts, and breakdown.  The mother will continuously demand more as she can never succumb to satisfaction.

Maryanne’s Mars Quincunx Donald’s Moon:   This is a problem with emotional bonding, empathy, and the ability to develop intimacy.  Maryanne may come across as aggressive, dominant, and always stressed, or she cannot be bothered. 

Maryanne’s Neptune Quincunx Donald’s Moon:  Over idealization of a dream for perfection is a life mission with this combination.  The barometer may be set through the ceiling whereby over achievement is considered normal.

Next time we ill review the Composite Chart with Maryanne.

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Harvey Weinstein Astrology Chart Update

I discovered his time of birth! I rectified his Astrological chart by mathematically figuring the chain of circumstances. When a time of birth isn’t known, getting dates of important events to calculate a possible time of birth is employed.

There are 5 other parts to this article Harvey Weinstein Part 1Harvey Weinstein Part 2Harvey Weinstein Part 3Harvey Weinstein Part 4, and Harvey Weinstein Part 5. This rectification process takes time.

I calculated his time of birth as 7:56 pm. It was discovered to be 9:45 pm. I’m glad I got it as close as possible. That’s ok. This serves as a tool to emphasize that rectification isn’t an easy process. I’m glad though I didn’t see it as a morning birth! It needed 1 hour and 49 more minutes. I used only a ballpark of periods instead of exact dates for the events of birth, marriage, divorce, etc.

The corrected chart is the rising sign is Scorpio with Mars conjunct to the Ascendant. This can add a lot of physical energy, sexual energy, and the possibility of twisting scenarios to fit into a specific mold. This placement can make a person jump into situations without scrutiny. It can make an individual very pushy, impulsive, demanding, and aggressive. Scorpio rules sex. Next, the chart ruler is a strong aspect conjunct the Midheaven. That is attaining a power career.

The big obstacle in this chart is Mars Square Pluto. To me, this was never about sex addiction. Instead, this was more about a misplaced will force that doesn’t have an outlet. Negatively used, it can resort to power plays or as I refer to in a previous article- Power Fetishes.

Falling from grace is the result of the progressed Midheaven in a quincunx aspect to progressed Venus. This entered in 2017, and it is about to exit. Yet there is another Quincunx that will be beginning.

Currently, he is on house arrest wearing an ankle monitoring bracelet. First, it looks like a prison sentence is very close. The progressed MC is making a quincunx aspect to his Sun. That will alter his freedom, day to day living, and may bring about confinement. The signs are Libra & Pisces, so sacrifice, incarceration, legal, and justice.

Next, we look at the progressed Moon. It is in Cancer. It is a susceptible position. In mid-November, this aspect comes in contact with his natal Uranus, which will trigger the natal cardinal grand cross with Uranus/ Saturn/Jupiter and Mercury. There is more scandal expected that can create a downward spiral. The media is going to have a field day for three months. Also, when we look at his natal chart using Munich Rhythms, the seven years of life between the ages of 63 thru 70 are ruled by the 4th house. Hence, the trigger of Uranus’ aspects will be activated. It is nice to see how two different forms of Astrology confirm each other.

The more significant obstacle is in about three months from now when the progressed Moon comes in contact with his natal Saturn. Aspects to Saturn bring learning lessons. Some may call them karmic. We sow what we reap.

In calculating his solar return for New York for March 2020, I see 9th house and 12th house activity. When I do a few other techniques to this chart, the trigger time is certainly January. It seems likely sentencing is very expected.

Also, he has the possibility of more complications in other states, especially during the end of 2022. More convictions during that time are likely.

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Mommy Trump Dearest

In the Astrological chart, the 4th house, the Moon, planets in the 4th house, and the ruler of the 4th house defines the momma and the person’s emotional nature.

By the appearance of Donald Trump’s Moon, it is clear; there are a lot of emotional conflicts when it comes to harnessing healthy and nurturing relationships. Donald Trump’s Moon in Sagittarius describes a person that may have disagreements with having emotional needs fulfilled, stiffened emotional growth, low nurturance, challenges with honesty, and emotional ups and downs.

Donald Trump has a lot of mother issues in his chart:

  • Moon Conjunct South Node 20 Sagittarius: This aspect can bring a very dominant mother that may require too much attention and stir a bit of drama. This is also a very clairvoyant aspect where the mother could have been into the new age, astrology, and divination. More importantly, the mother may be a bit high maintenance and resort to dramatic theatrics to get her way. Guilt-tripping is typical of this combination. I call this a very histrionic mother because the mother may unusually behave like a soap opera character. In turn, this can be exhausting and draining. Typically, when the south node aspect, it debilitates that planet.
  • Ruler of the 4th house, Pluto 10 Leo in the 12th house: In medieval times, planets in the 12th house usually indicate limitations and sorrows. There may have been an emotional absence from the mother. In childhood, nurturance was based on a hidden agenda. The mother may require special care in the elder years. The child may feel imprisoned by the parent emotionally. As a result of the role modeling provided by the parent, there may have been limited development. 

The nature of Pluto is to purge and transform. Emotional power struggles are daily, as conflicts in the household occurred with the roles the parents portrayed. Love may have been conditional based on accomplishments. 

  • Moon 21 Sagittarius Opposite Uranus in 17 Gemini: This is a problematic aspect. This can manifest in an emotionally on again/off again, mother. The emotional nature of the mother may have been all over the map. This aspect, in combination with Moon Conjunct South Node, indicates a mother that may have had mental health complications. It is a very emotionally unstable position. This often lacks empathy. 

The problem with this aspect is feeling emotionally crowded each time an emotion comes to the surface. In turn, this can make the person emotionally neglectful in a relationship. 

Trump’s mother, Mary Anne Trump, had a Moon in Aquarius. Uranus rules Aquarius. This certifies the mother needed a lot of space and may have felt restricted in parenting her Moon is square to Saturn in Taurus. Too, with Taurus, themes around stability/instability are prevalent.

  • Moon 21 Sagittarius Opposite the Sun 22 Gemini: Though this aspect can fuel ambition, it also separates. It can go in either direction, depending on the rest of the chart. Emotional separations due to being emotionally unavailable are frequent. 
  • Moon 21 Sagittarius Quincunx Saturn 23 Cancer: The quincunx aspect creates an emotional separation from the mother. There are emotional communication problems with the mother. In the sign of Sagittarius, it can be an expansive sensitive nature that crashes against over heightened emotions (aka super moody) Cancer. This also creates communications with relationships, especially with women.
  • Moon 21 Sagittarius Quincunx Venus 25 Cancer: This is another complicated combination where the mother may have been difficult to please. Perfectionism and high demands are impossible ever to fulfill. It can make a person an overachiever. This also creates trying to balance nurturance versus freedom in one’s relationships.

In a chart, an inflicted Moon usually has challenging aspects. In turn, a person can become emotionally stifled, disconnected, and suppress their emotional nature. Emotionally limitations create severe nurturance problems in relationships as the expression is suppressed. Through time and effort, one can rise from those natal positions, hence Secondary progressions. Some people may be stuck in their natal charts, whereas other people become more like their progressed chart. 

On a final note, with all these bottled up emotions, can you see why there is a strong flamboyance from Donald? Hence, Leo rising does everything over the top!

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