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Monthly Archives: January 2022

Hellenistic Astrology:  Annual Profections

Annual Profections

One of my favorite Hellenistic practices is Annual Profections. Yes, that is the correct word, it is not perfection. Rather it is PRO (ahead), FECT (make or do), and ION (the act of).

This was a technique developed in the Hellenistic Tradition of Astrology where each year of the person’s life, the Ascendant, or the 1st house, represents the native. It advances annually on the birthday whereby it moves to the next sign and place.

Annual Profections Basics Needed:

 1) House Triggered: The house issues will be propelled to the forefront of the person’s life for that year.

 2)  Sign Triggered: The sign won’t have intrinsic weight, but planets transiting through that sign are significant. 

 3) Planets Triggered in House: What the planet represents in the chart willrepresent the focus for the year.

 4)  Ruler of the Triggered Sign: This will be the planet theme most symbolic for the whole year. The location of that ruler natally, the ruler, and aspects are important. 

If you look at the wheel, the houses in modern are used. Themes around one’s career would be activated at age 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, and 69 as the 10th house is activated. Love life is triggered at ages 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66 as the 7th house is activated. Each house repeats itself in 12-year increments.   Surely, there are differences for a 6 year old having a first crush versus an 18 year old having the most serious experience. 

When we layer the above periods with the 4 guideposts, insights as to the specific themes for that period are available. It is important to factor in the condition of the chart at birth. Also, the house system in place for this technique is quite different. The whole sign system was used instead of the modern chart. This may shift signs and planets in the chart.  

For example, I have a client that her 2nd house (money, possessions, and finances) triggered at ages 25, 37, and 49. Indeed, financial matters were the main themes for those years. However, that did not mean that those years’ finances were great. At age 25 her earning capacity increased. At age 37 multiplied with extreme power struggles as she experienced a divorce. At age 49, she encountered severe financial losses and setbacks. Yet, the theme for all those years revolved around finances. So, the Hellenistic tradition worked fine. However, modern techniques define specifically if those years will have gains or losses. 

Though I do believe Annual  Profections should not be used as a stand-alone technique, it will confirm themes, especially when eye-balling a chart on the spot.

Next, I’ll share a Zodiacal Releasing based on the Hellenistic Astrology.

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Tarot: Space/Time Continuum

Tarot Card Reading

Tarot has all the trappings of a completely plot-twisted sci-fi novel, and I am sure you are wondering what this includes and how it predicts your fate or reads the mind of your constantly running twin flame.

Before we dive into Tarot, please hold in your mind that all things are energy. All that you see, taste, touch, smell, hear, and perceive, is energy. Your words, your thoughts, your feelings, hold an energetic frequency.

According to Einstein, “Everything is Energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. “

Tarot, simply put, is a manner of matching a reality to a frequency.

Tarot is the mystical art that surfaced sometime around the 15th century. Its spread was quick and vast. From the crevices of Europe to the rolling hills of Mozambique; a wholly unique phenomenon within itself, we will save this for another day.

It came to be known as a tool for divination, according to the reigning Supreme and Almighty, Roman Catholic Church, which is also energy. Everything is energy.  Energy is measurable.

Divination is the seeking of knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. The word supernatural is simply a word that is used to define anything that is not capable of being understood through science. Anything that is beyond common Human understanding is supernatural.

When we turn to God in prayer, asking for a sign about the job we applied for, or what’s on the mind of our constantly running twin-flame, is this not, by definition, divination? Or has mankind gained a scientific understanding of that which we call God?  Matthew 7:7-8; Ask. Seek. Knock.

Tarot offers visual authentication for the things for which we pray.  It cannot be distinguished from praying, then turning to a random page in your Bible seeking a sign regarding the answers that were sought in prayer.

Scientifically speaking; Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. The energetic potential for all that was, all that is, and all that ever will be, exists within the space/time continuum. We cannot add to it, nor can we take from it.

A psychic medium, who uses tarot as a tool, is tuning into the energetic frequency of a given moment to provide the signs, messages, answers, or guidance to your prayers. Or as I like to call it, time travel; riding on the principle that all are measurable energy, and I am aligning with the frequency of your words, past, present, and future.

Let’s see what the cards has in store for you.

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