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Monthly Archives: October 2020

Trump Versus Biden Election Prediction 2020

Election Prediction- Election Day 2020  is around the corner.  As for predicting the next president will be,  I  have to first explain exactly how I did this and why I throw caution to the wind.

The general rule of thumb I heard from my favored teacher when it comes to forecasting the winner of a presidential race is by looking at the recent solar return set for Washington DC. The nominee with the most angular planets is the winner. I have used this theory in the past and have successfully predicted the winner. But there is one thing that is vital to keep in mind if the time of birth is off, so is the forecast.

In election for 2016 it was difficult to forecast Hillary Clinton as there are over 3 different birth times. 

Providing the hour of birth is correct for Biden, I am forecasting he will be the elected. 
Here are the solar returns to illustrate this:

Election Prediction

The red circles are planets in angular houses. 
Total: 4 PLANETS..
Election Prediction

The red circles are planets in angular houses. 
Total: 5 PLANETS

The solar return chart is valid for one year. It serves as a stand alone chart that shows the year ahead. It is calculated close to ones birthday and lasts until the next birthday. This technique I use as a confirmation to the other forecasting techniques.

There are concerns over turning direct from Mercury retrograde motion the day prior to the election.  Some have equated similarities to the 2000 election with Bush versus Gore.  However, that year Bush had more anguliarity in his Solar Return.

Finally, there are concerns over the void moon taking place on Inaguration Day, January 20.   Some theories indicate that presidents sworn in under that period will not complete the term.  I have to agree with this concept too because any action or plan made on a void of course moon always changes.  More to come on this topic.

Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics! 

Donald Trump Astrology Health Forecast 2020-2021

Be sure to watch the previous video that precedes from April 2020 where Covid-19 forecasted for Melania and Donald’s health issues too!

Donald Trump Astrology 2020-2021 Forecast

Donald Trump Astrology

Currently, Donald Trump has progressed Moon square natal Uranus which governs the 6th house (health.) The next 2 months are going to be a battle to survive. These aspects deprive stability. With Uranus change is needed otherwise, surprises and shock come in. 

In Trump’s chart, he has a Sun / Uranus conjunction in Gemini.  Gemini is associated with the lungs and breathing.

Through 2020, Trump was already challenged with health cycles from Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn to his natal Sun. 

In the last few months, I focused more on the cycles he had at the end of November, which seem difficult for health.  When factored in these newer cycles, it seems this is the start of health challenges.

In 2021, Trump has more health concerns taking place with transiting Saturn entering his 6th house, the placement for health.  More concerning, he will start a powerful 10-month cycle of Solar Arc, Uranus, conjucting his Ascendant.  This brings change to the physical body and health.  Also, around the same time, Solar Arc Neptune is Opposite Uranus.  Uranus rules his 6th house.  These 2 in combination are susceptible to odd illnesses.  The nature of an opposition throws one off course.  Neptune can dissolve matters.  Often it requires medical attention.  If Trump survives, something deemed as “odd” is likely to occur.

I never forecast death because of ethical reasons.  The inability of finishing his term in office seems likely and can result from many reasons from the obvious to the unexpected.  I leave room for many possible factors because Trump was born with Sun / Moon Uranus which means in this lifetime he will always be full of surprises and draw unexpected circumstances that will shock others.

Interestingly enough, Covid 19 is the recipe of these 2 in combination as that is what was present at the time when the pandemic started.

In Trump’s chart, the impact of this solar arc cycle governs his physical body, his health, and surprises.  Again, Uranus brings unexpected shock and change: a breakdown or breakthrough.  The zodiac sign involved is Leo which is susceptible to heart issues. 

Though Saturn does not create health problems, it requires one to take responsibility for their health.  However, in older age, this is the reverse.  There is more concern about his bones especially. 

Finishing his term as president seems difficult.  If he were able to complete his term, I would be surprised because these cycles do not let up. 

So does this mean Joe Biden has a stronger chance of becoming America’s next President?  That has to be in Biden’s chart, which will be explored separately in the weeks to come. 

7 weeks from now, Trump’s Progressed Ascendant moves into a new sign, Scorpio.  The change in Ascendant usually happens approximately every 30 years depending on ascension.  Scorpio will be about endings, surgery, and looking at life through a different lens.  The body and personality undergo a huge change.  More importantly, people view the individual differently too.  To the individual, it brings about a sense of permeating beneath the surface the effects of their behavior.  His first ex-wife has Scorpio rising in her chart.  More than likely, she will play an even more significant role in his life thereafter.

Get your own Psychic, Tarot, Astrology Reading now – 3 minutes free. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Melania Trump Prediction Nailed it again- Covid-19 Positive

Covid 19 Positive for Melania Trump Prediction comes true

Congratulations to our reader, Albert ext 3030. He has astounded us over the last 19 years with stunning exactness in global affairs. This year alone he has forecasted Vaccine promises additions hitting the news first week of September accurately, Madonna’s health complications, and much more. These are minor compared to huge events including 9/11, and more.

In the below APRIL 2020 video, we stated Melania Trump has health concerns and vulnerable to Covid-19. She now has tested Covid-19 positive.

Since our Trusted and Accurate Psychics can predict events to public figures accurately, imagine what they can do for you! Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Below is the video again!