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Monthly Archives: January 2020

Madonna Astrology Health Issue Part 2

Madonna Astrology

See Part 1

Madonna Astrology Health cycles caution! Pluto in Capricorn is quincunx her Sun in Leo. This has raised issues with health. More particularly, it has produced issues that are related to her knees, which rules Capricorn.

Her “illness” has not been revealed in the press.  It is obvious that seeing her walk with a cane and appear stiff in her rehearsal videos, that she is experiencing knee issues.  She has adjusted her footwear to dance in her latest tour, Madame X.  Also, her choreography has gone through alterations.  Furthermore, she has also canceled yet another show.

This cycle continues for a few months and is the main theme for her during 2020.  The new moon in her health sector does bring some hope to possible new treatment options.  Yet, she will be slowing down more.  She has 27 more shows.  More shows will be canceled.

Likely, she will possibly undergo surgery in the spring season.  Recovery seems very promising especially during the summer time. 

In my opinion, health diagnosis is never something a reader should attempt unless they are a medical professional.  Sure, I recommend full physical examinations when there are indications that health needs more attention.  Certain elements that may indicate a certain spot of the body is vulnerable during a specific period, but that is best left to a doctor.

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Horoscope Update

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Astrology Forecast – Part 2

Astrology Forecast
Madonna Astrology

The year is off to a combustive start. In the next 7 days, we are entering a red zone with the astrological planetary cycles. This weekend brings together a very strong planetary aspect, Saturn Conjunct Pluto. The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) also triggers it on Friday. Strains with and Iran will escalate. This aspect stays in consequence until the 22nd of January.  

When these 2 planets come together usually there are some issues with the stock market as well.  Pay extra careful attention to investments.  Now is not the time to take action.   

On a side note, I would like to also make a forecast regarding the Queen of Pop, Madonna.  Use this information, observe, and see the accuracy of planetary activity.  

This Saturn/Pluto conjunction is a problem Madonna’s chart as it is an exact Quincunx to her natal Sun.  She has been on a theatre tour for Madame X since September 2019.  The tour faced several cancellations in every city.  Recently, she canceled her Boston dates and her last date in Florida due to health concerns.  She claimed to be in a lot of pain.  

The problem is that the Sun in Madonna’s chart is receiving concerning aspects.  The Sun is the giver of life and vitality.  Quincunx aspects require adjustments, changes, sacrifices, and health aspects.  When Pluto impacts the Sun, surgery may be required.  Also, Pluto may be forceful, where issues beyond one’s control take place.  Saturn can bring delays, restrictions, and issues with the skin, teeth, bones, and knees.  With both of these planets in Capricorn during this conjunction, health concerns will increase for Madonna.   

According to the tour schedule, she is will be opening up in Portugal this weekend.  It seems more than likely she may need to adjust her entire show.  Perhaps she may be forced to do less dancing, and/or adjust a lot of her choreography.  This tour has been rocky from the very start.  Now that these planets are aspecting her Sun, it is very likely she may cancel a lot more shows or the rest of the tour.   

These are very serious aspects that can take a toll on one’s health if not given attention and result in consequences when resisted. 

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2020 Astrology Forecast

2020 Astrology

The first half of 2020 has a few difficult planetary periods. There is no such thing as a good or bad year. Rather, every year can be used to its’ fullest possibility to achieve more satisfactory results. The goal is to understand the window of time within a given period.

The first three weeks of January are a bit shaky.  The closer we get to January 12, the more critical this becomes.  Maintaining old structures and boundaries in place are challenged with a new order of governance where rebirth and transformation are demanded.  This creates eruptions, protests, and possibly explosions.

Some countries have some political unrest.  Australia has fires, the UK has issues with Brexit, and Donald Trump Impeachment is the USA.  Expect the stock market to go through volatility during this period. Improvements will occur in March.  This will be much better to review financial portfolios.

During this period, it is best to avoid making significant changes with your investments, property, and business matters.

Though there are improvements after January 24, note that there will be a 2.5-week window to get projects completed before they get distorted with unclear communication and technological difficulties.  Avoid signing contracts or making any major technological upgrades during this period.  This includes moving homes, buying homes, and/or putting a home on the market for sale.  If you have a broker/agent that you have to sign where you have to sign an agreement, wait until after March 9. 

After March 9th, we have a window of time until the first few days of May to finalize projects.  This is a better time to complete and start projects. 

Be cautious in making major purchases, changes, or starting business projects and personal endeavors from May 12 through June 24.  You may notice your taste may not be the same as it was prior resulting in dissatisfaction.  Also, pricing may be extremely expensive during this time. It is best to collect ideas and execute them later.  This will not be a time to buy important items, make renovations, or embark on a significant relationship (including a business partnership).

From June 17-July 12, we re-embark another period of distorted communications. 

Between July 12 and September 8, another window of opportunity avails itself to finalize projects.  

Later on, I will cover a more detailed description of how to best use the above periods.

Daily horoscope for all zodiac Aries thru Pisces  Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!