As an Empath, I allow myself to relax or recharge by setting aside alone time. It helps me shed others energy. I go on daily walks. It helps me balance my energy and clear my mind. I love to eat fresh fruit and vegetables and drink teas like chamomile and turmeric. Here are more self care tips I’ve done or tried over the years.
It’s so hard to manage your self-care as an Empath because you are so busy taking care of others. As an Empath we desperately need time to relax and recharge. At times we can feel guilty about taking time to do this. If we don’t take time to unwind it can cause us to burnout. To keep you feeling balanced here are some self care tips.
Health is wealth and should always be a priority. Try working out a few times a week. Drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruit and vegetables regularly. These little investments in your health can make a big difference in your energy. Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed, take an honest inventory. Ask yourself often if you’re taking on too much or if you’re over stimulated. If the answer is yes, prioritize from most to least information. Make a weekly schedule to ensure you won’t overload yourself for the week, pencil in rest breaks. Saying no isn’t selfish. Knowing when to say no is important. We all have a limited amount of time and resources to give; you can’t help everyone at all times. Setting boundaries is important and can help prevent burnout.
Empaths often need time to be alone and center themselves. Be honest with yourself when you have met your max capacity with interactions or socializing. Allow yourself blocks of alone time. Seek out hobbies or activities that allow you to express yourself. Writing and poetry are amazing outlets for an overflow of emotions. Other activities like photography, hiking, and biking can provide an opportunity to get out into nature and slow down. Nurturing our hobbies allow us to nurture our hearts and create outlet or release that allow us to grow and process in our own way.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help, sometimes we need tools to help us process our emotions or a trusted friend or counselor to listen. It takes strength to let someone in and evaluate when you may need additional support. Just as you have a heart for helping others, there are people ready to help you, too. Please, if you are struggling, do not hesitate to ask for help. Your ability to connect with the emotions of others is a blessing. It’s not a weakness to feel as much as you do, but it will require awareness so you don’t become overly immersed in the emotional highs and lows of others. Be gentle with yourself as you navigate tough emotions and situations.