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Monthly Archives: January 2021

Grief: Transforming Pain into Gain


During turbulent times, it can be very difficult to remain congruous and leveled. As a psychic, I am seeing that the masses will receive new, major announcement in the next couple months. The power of change is within. 

That is precisely why I want to give you a step-by-step guide for clearing negative energy from your life. My goal is to prepare you for this huge transformation happening in our society and the world at large. You can make the most out of any situation and transform your pain into gain.

Step 1: Validate Yourself in Present Time

You are completely unique, there is no one else in the universe quite like you. We are all here on Earth to learn from this magnificent classroom of Life.  Wherever your life is right now, at this very moment, is exactly where you need to be. Validate what you have been through up until this point using your strength, grit and resilience. There is no need to talk to yourself negatively or get down on yourself. When I look at you, I see a divine being with a beautifully intricate soul. You are doing the absolute best that you can, and it shows!

Step 2: Tune in to your Higher Self

I encourage you to take a step back from your emotions just for a moment. Try and remove yourself from your current situation, as if you are looking down at everything from a distance.  Look at yourself from the perspective of unconditional love. What positive encouragement would you give yourself if you were the best therapist in the world? What advice would you give yourself if you were the best parent in the world? Sometimes we feel that we cannot move forward because we don’t have the support we need. However, I can see that your Higher Self is there, guiding you and supporting you every step of the way. Whenever you feel lost or overwhelmed, just step back and tune in to your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is ALWAYS rooting for you!

 Step 3: Find Amusement and Neutrality

If ever you feel depressed, stuck or confused, try and find some amusement. Negativity is a heavy set of vibrations that quite literally trap us in illusion, pain and fear. Why do pain and fear have to exist? Because we wouldn’t understand or appreciate love without hate, joy without pain, or strength without fear. Shifting your perspective from fear to love can help you take any pain or negativity with a grain of salt. Cracking a joke or making someone giggle will thwart the heaviness and lighten your mood. Taking a step back and remaining neutral can show you all the energies at play, so that you can make an informed decision about how to move forward.

You can turn your pain into gain by slightly shifting your perspective. What is your life purpose? What are you here to learn? What makes you completely unique?

Lets explore in finding these answers.

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Soulmates and Twin Flames Psychic Readings

Soulmates and Twin Flames Psychic Readings

Many of us have been asking the universe questions about our soulmates: “When will I meet my Twin Flame?” “Is my current partner my soulmate?” “How will I know when I find my ideal match?” These are all good questions because as we know, Love is one of the most attractive and important aspects of life! I support you in your journey, and I want to give you some guidance to navigate your relationships with ease and grace.

Let’s start with the hottest topic right now, “What is a twin flame?”  Maybe you’ve heard this term before. A Twin Flame is a person that you have an intense connection  It can be a romantic partner for some, but for others, it can be a platonic relationship such as a friend or family member. The connection is intense because there is polarity, or in other words because opposites attract. In the case of twin flames, two opposites are connecting to create a sense of wholeness.  However, many of us have experienced a roller coaster of feelings with our twin flames leaving us to feel that wholeness is far off or even unattainable. Why is this happening? Because finding wholeness with a twin flame is a journey of finding balance within yourself. You may have completely different opinions or ways of doing things than your twin flame, which can result in both of you being triggered and frustrated. When you feel this way, realize it is just the pull of polarity keeping you magnetized to this person. Find some common ground, agree to disagree, or perhaps just give each other some space. This may seem difficult to navigate at times, but always try to see the silver lining. Love is complex, and unconditional love means opening your heart and your mind. Your twin flame is here to teach you all about life and love from another perspective. Try to be patient; try to listen to the messages that love has on offer.

At this point, you might be wondering, “What is the difference between a Twin Flame and a Soulmate?”  A Soulmate is a person you have met in previous lifetimes. This can be a twin flame, a lover, a partner, or even a non-romantic person like a parent, sibling, or best friend. A soulmate relationship is not necessarily as intense or emotional as a twin flame connection. A soulmate is here to support you, guide you, love you, and show you the amazing synchronicity we experience throughout our lifetimes. You have likely had different relationships with soulmates in your past lives. For example, your father in a previous lifetime might be your teacher in this lifetime. How incredible!

Maybe you haven’t met your twin flame yet or you just need some clarity on your current relationship. Well, I have a proposition for you: Receive a Past-Life Reading. Find out who you were, who your soulmates are, and where your twin flame is at!

Yes No Tarot Reading

Want a quick and accurate Tarot Answer? Try a Yes No Tarot Reading on 1-800-498-8777 or online. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Inauguration Day Prediction 2021 Forecast

Inauguration Day Prediction

Inauguration Day Prediction, January 20 at noon always has the Ascendant, Midheaven, and Sun in the same place. Every 4 years, the Moon, inner planets, and outer planets vary. These changes include house position and connections with each other (the aspects.)

The themes to look at are aspects to angles and standouts.  

1)      Void Moon:  The general rule of thumb is that any action taken when the Moon is in this position will not last.  Purchases made on a Void Moon are either returned or fretted.  Does this mean Joe Biden will have a difficult time on this day?  It can also bring about a delay in the inauguration.  The hack around this is to repeat the action after the Moon is past the Void Moon position or delay the event to a later time.  I do monitor the Void Moon as it happens once every 60 hours.  Sometimes the void position lasts for minutes other times for hours.   

This is not a deal-breaker.  Obama was sworn in 2009 under a void moon.  He was re-sworn into office the next day.

2)      Pluto Conjunct Midheaven:  This is powerful.  It is a moment of transformation.  Yet, the event will go down in history as setting records for the start of a revolution fueled by immense change.  The prospective president will transform and regenerate the country like never before.

3)      Difficult Aspects: Mars in Taurus can be extremely determined and unbending.  This is a day that will be remembered in history.  There is an increased presence of military and law enforcement scheduled for this day.  The difficult aspects on this day include Mars – Jupiter – Uranus in a square relationship.  The combinations of these 3 planets can be interpreted as follows:

a)      Mars / Jupiter – Increased energy, impulse, competition, action, and violence

b)      Mars / Uranus – Explosive energy, volatility, unexpected eruptions/explosions, and fire

c)       Jupiter- Increases the nature of anything.  Expand the above.

4)      12th house Emphasis:  There are many secrets around the Inauguration for protection.  Though the media has done an elaborate job in disclosing the amount of military personnel and law enforcement dispatched, many other details may seem innovative and surprising once they are revealed after the event.

5)      Taurus rising with the Mars/Jupiter in the 12th house indicates there is a lot of Intel and security is beyond tight; it is locked.  Events and individuals with Taurus rising strive to protect and define boundaries very deliberately.  In other words, they have it locked up tighter than Fort Knox!  It is a very protective placement.  The 12th house is a very intuitive placement.  So, I believe authority is ahead of the game and prepared for just about anything.

There are many noteworthy cycles in effect after the Inauguration.  More to come!

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Global Forecast Part 1

Mars Retrograde

Global Forecast Forecasts are here now! There are quite a few advancements and changes in store for 2021. The most difficult portion of 2021 will be the 2nd and 3rd week of January as there are quite a few inflictions with Mars. Expect rallies and scandals to increase. Mars can bring fights, upheavals, disagreements, violence, and infections. Mental and emotional volatility will be taking place.  

January 10 thru the end of the month will be the most challenging.  There will be some shock felt too.  Unexpected shocks and devastations are anticipated with Jupiter and Uranus in aspect.  This combination can bring about rare instances, volatility, earthquakes, tsunamis, and difficult weather.  More importantly, it can bring out concealed information such as secrets or surreptitious activity.

There are shifts in energies that will be seen and felt.  In 2020 we had Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in Cardinal Signs (Aries and Capricorn.)  These energies are associated with doing and starting.  The changes into fixed signs (Taurus and Aquarius) bring more resilience, determination, perseverance, and creativity to work through situations.  The unyielding energy will supply power and strength to push through. 

2021 shows more promise regarding Covid-19.  Getting through January will be important.

From February 1- March 3, Saturn will be square Uranus resulting in important financial changes.  During this time there are changes to banking, economic impacts will be felt, and there can be some downward trends.  However, this is not a bad thing.  Remember, buy low, sell high.  Moving to a more conservative portfolio before February 1 is favorable.  Wall Street is going to have volatility.  Though this improves by March, this cycle repeats later during the summer.  Also, bear in mind, that this is a global forecast.  Individual forecasts have very little to do with global.  Remember, some people thrive in times that others do not. 

With regards to Covid-19, improvements are coming in after the end of January.  March is more promising.  The cycles present at the time of Covid were what deemed “hard” aspects from Uranus and Saturn even if it was only a semi-square.  Together they bring odd illnesses.  Saturn will be in aspect to both of these planets both minor and major aspects.  On a positive note, Saturn can bring structure, order, regulation, and discipline.  We can look forward to more vaccines, vaccine distribution improvements, and more.  Yet, some of these cycles enter in January.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a glimpse into this earlier.

Lotus Tarot Card Reading

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