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Monthly Archives: April 2018

Tarot Card Readings

Tarot Card Readings

A tarot card deck is assembled up of 78 cards. Each card has its importance. Although each psychic has its implication for the cards, the meanings are very similar. Tarot cards are not planned to make life choices for someone. However, they are created to give an understanding into situations. When you get a reading with tarot cards, remember to keep an open mind and understand that tarot reading are there for guidance. When you ask for a tarot reading, you are looking for insight into options. You must feel comfortable and connected to the psychic to get a clear and accurate reading. If the psychic cannot correlate with you, it will be challenging for the psychic to read for you. When asking the tarot cards your questions, keep in mind that issues like, “Who am I bearing to Marry” will be oppugning to answer, instead of questions like, “What can I do to find my significant other.” Again, tarot cards are not there to make your life choice for you; they are there to help guide you with your decision.

Most gifted psychics give positive readings, and their clients should leave a reading, feeling uplifted and positive. When getting your tarot cards to read, think of it this way, the tarot cards are YOUR inner voice trying to communicate with you. Tarot cards are just a tool that some psychics use to bring clarity and understanding to a situation and to help leave you better informed before deciding that you may be anxious about it. So, if you are thinking about a tarot card reading, check around, the psychics that jump out at you, are usually the psychics that can connect with you the most. The right psychic will have you leaving the reading, and coming back to them telling them, everything or mostly everything the cards read to you, came true. My advice to you, be patient after the reading, as the psychic before leaving the reading, how long until the reading manifests. When that time frame passes, the psychic’s tarot reading should be accurate and help you feel secure in your decisions.

Let’s see what the cards have in store for you.

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Spicen Up Your Love Life: Feng Shui!

Feng Shui

Take a peek at the southwest intersection of your home. You can use a compass to find the area. The state of this corner has an immediate effect on your love life and connections with others.

What do you see? Is it cluttered? You may be too busy for love or holding onto a lost love. Dark and dusty? That can bring loneliness. Ideally, your southwest corner should be bright and clean.

If your bathroom is in this corner, you might find that your romance luck gets flushed down the toilet! Remedy this by keeping the toilet lid shut when not in use and hanging a five-rod wooden wind chime inside the bathroom. Place your love corner enhancements outside the bathroom, never inside. Love enhancements placed inside the bathroom can attract low-quality people into your life.

You want to display romantic imagery in this corner. If you put up pictures of people, make sure that you have pairs of people together, never anything in threes, which can manifest a “third wheel” in your relationships. Flowers are lovely in this corner, even faux flowers or paintings of flowers. You want to use the colors red, yellow, or any shade of pink in your decor.

Are you into online dating? Keep your computer in the southwest corner to attract more responses. Alternatively, you can set up a cellphone charging station here.

Since the earth’s element rule this area, crystals are excellent, especially Rose Quartz. You can bring harmony into your whole household by displaying six small crystal balls of various sizes and colors in your southwest corner. Crystal chandeliers are excellent because they combine earth and fire elements.

A popular Feng Shui enhancement for the southwest corner is a pair of Rose Quartz mandarin ducks sitting on a lily pad. You can find these in most Chinatowns or online. To energize it, tie the ducks together with a red ribbon. This is a cure I learned directly from a Feng Shui master—and the people who have followed my advice have reported fast results.

Bright lights and candles energize this corner and can break up any stagnation you feel in your relationships. If you want to energize this corner and set your love life on fire, place a lamp with a red light bulb in this corner and turn it on every night.

I have a cautionary tale about the red light cure. In college, I had a roommate who told me that she had been celibate for a year. I felt terrible for her and decided to place a red light in the southwest. I never told her why, She didn’t “believe” in Feng Shui. Within a week, she started being asked out on dates. I was very happy for her until she started bringing people home every night, making our place so uncomfortable that I had to move out, taking my red light with me. If you use the red light, be sure that you can handle the heat it generates.

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