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Monthly Archives: October 2017

Harvey Weinstein Astrology Continued Part 3

Astrology Havey Weinstein
Weinstein Astrology Chart

Harvey Weinstein astrology chart continues to be analyzed. If you haven’t read part 1 or  part 2, please be sure to do so.

We need to study Jupiter in the 7th place. With the mixture above, Harvey was “lucky” to get out with many acts for numerous years. Jupiter can be very protecting and validating. Hence, people covered up for him all this time.

Jupiter in the chart usually represents where may find a bit of luck. Harvey’s success carried itself by support from others. Many feared him because of his power.

Surely we can continue with looking at the aspect to Jupiter, such as the opposition to Neptune. Not only does that mean more illusion and fantasy, however, I would also state that for Harvey, but his entire fetish is also a fantasy to escape reality even it doesn’t factor in the impact it has on others. That is very typical of Aries as it will focus on itself first. So his needs, desires, etc. would be more important to him.

The news stated he was receiving help for sexual addiction. I believe there are deeper issues at hand. If there were a treatment plan for “fetish addiction,” I would state that would be his first order of recovery. Surely this chart does show other addiction(s) could be at work too, such as alcohol and substance abuse. I won’ discard sexual addiction.

Another factor in the Harvey Weinstein astrology chart that must be factored in his Moon sign, location, and it’s aspects. Harvey’s Moon in Capricorn. That is the most complicated location for the Moon because the Moon in Capricorn is in detriment. , nurturing isn’t the forte of this Moon. Often an individual grew up where there may not have been nurturance or support. The mother is represented as either aloof or cold. In turn, the native with this placement may show disturbing emotions either by demonstrating shaming criticism and coldness.

Moon in Capricorn is very ambitious and may look at relationships as a business transaction. Now the most significant problem this Moon faces in his chart is the exact square the Moon makes to Saturn, especially since the Moon is in Capricorn square its ruler. This again doubles the Capricorn qualities. Since Saturn is in Libra, partnerships are accentuated even more. The emotional nurturance and healthy communication of feelings may not be Harvey’s forte. Moon Square Saturn can be super sharp for business.

Surely with Astrology, we can define Venus in the chart by the sign it’s in. However, it will not illustrate the entire picture. Harvey’s Venus is in Pisces. That will give him themes around extreme fantasy, sacrifices, addiction. Since Venus rules his rising sign and his 8th house (house of sexuality, joint finances, and support given), there is a certain level charm that is operating. This type of charm can be dominant for a charismatic quality. When planets are working in their home or exalted zodiac signs such as this Venus, it makes the specific are of the individual’s life mold easier. This Venus has received a substantial amount of aspects via secondary progression as it had contact with retrograde Mars trining it for several years, That will increase a person’s libido even more.

After reviewing the above aspects, my biggest concern is rash decisions made for either superficial reasons or reasons that were disconnected. This is especially applicable to choosing marital partners and behaviors that carry out extreme. It seems that Harvey has a desperate need to escape and whichever instrument is at his disposal. He uses it to get a “fix.” The level of sacrifice that is needed for Harvey was not being able to obtain fulfillment from his fantasy from his partner and seeking it elsewhere. Perhaps the partner may have found it humiliating or Harvey felt the need to keep it a secret so that he can have 2 agendas: overt agenda and covert agenda. After all, Pisces has duality.

Finally, in Harvey Weinstein’s astrology chart it shows that in late November and all of December are shaky months of Harvey as transiting Saturn will square his Sun. That is a concerning period as legal matters could lead to confinement (prison). It wouldn’t be surprising criminal proceedings reach an essential turning point during this period. However, more concerning is the transiting Pluto squaring is Mercury and then forming a square to his Jupiter. Hence, the heavy-duty legal drama will become front and center in his life. In fact, with Pluto, often past behaviors and secrets come to the surface.

We need to inspect Jupiter in the 7th house. With the combination above, Harvey was “lucky” to get away with many acts for many years. Jupiter can be very protective and supportive. Hence, people covered up for him all this time. Typically we have Jupiter in the chart usually represents where may find a bit of luck. Harvey’s success carried itself by support from others. Many feared him because of his power.

Surely we can continue with looking at the aspect to Jupiter, such as the opposition to Neptune. Not only does that mean more illusion and fantasy, however, I would also state that for Harvey, his entire fetish is a fantasy to escape reality even it doesn’t factor in the impact it has on others. That is very typical of Aries as it will focus on itself first. So his needs, desires, etc. would be more important to him.

The news stated he was receiving help for sexual addiction. I believe there are deeper issues at hand. If there were a treatment plan for “fetish addiction,” I would state that would be his first order of recovery. Surely this chart does show other addiction(s) could be at work too, such as alcohol and substance abuse. I won’ discard sexual addiction.

Another factor in the Harvey Weinstein astrology chart that must be factored in his Moon sign, location, and it’s aspects. Harvey’s Moon in Capricorn. That is the most complicated location for the Moon because the Moon in Capricorn is in detriment. , nurturing isn’t the forte of this Moon. Often an individual grew up where there may not have been nurturance or support. The mother is represented as either aloof or cold. In turn, the native with this placement may show disturbing emotions either by demonstrating shaming criticism and coldness.

Moon in Capricorn is very ambitious and may look at relationships as a business transaction. Now the most significant problem this Moon faces in his chart is the exact square the Moon makes to Saturn, especially since the Moon is in Capricorn square its ruler. This again doubles the Capricorn qualities. Since Saturn is in Libra, partnerships are accentuated even more. The emotional nurturance and healthy communication of feelings may not be Harvey’s forte. Moon Square Saturn can be super sharp for business.

Surely with Astrology, we can define Venus in the chart by the sign it’s in. However, it will not illustrate the entire picture. Harvey’s Venus is in Pisces. That will give him themes around extreme fantasy, sacrifices, addiction. Since Venus rules his rising sign and his 8th house (house of sexuality, joint finances, and support given), there is a certain level charm that is operating. This type of charm can be dominant for a charismatic quality. When planets are working in their home or exalted zodiac signs such as this Venus, it makes the specific are of the individual’s life mold easier. This Venus has received a substantial amount of aspects via secondary progression as it had contact with retrograde Mars trining it for several years, That will increase a person’s libido even more.

After reviewing the above aspects, my biggest concern is rash decisions made for either superficial reasons or reasons that were disconnected. This is especially applicable to choosing marital partners and behaviors that carry out extreme. It seems that Harvey has a desperate need to escape and whichever instrument is at his disposal he uses it to get a “fix.” The level of sacrifice that is needed for Harvey was not being able to obtain fulfillment from his fantasy from his partner and seeking it elsewhere. Perhaps the partner may have found it humiliating or Harvey felt the need to keep it a secret so that he can have 2 agendas: overt agenda and covert agenda. After all, Pisces has duality.

Finally, in Harvey Weinstein’s astrology chart it shows that in late November and all of December are shaky months of Harvey as transiting Saturn will square his Sun. That is a concerning period as legal matters could lead to confinement (prison). It wouldn’t be surprising criminal proceedings reach an essential turning point during this period. However, more concerning is the transiting Pluto squaring is Mercury and then forming a square to his Jupiter. Hence, the heavy-duty legal drama will become front and center in his life. In fact, with Pluto, often past behaviors and secrets come to the surface.

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Harvey Weinstein Power Fetish

Harvey Weinstein Astrology

In the rectified Chart for Harvey WeinsteinLibra is the rising sign. The 7th house represents how we hover relationships. So with Aries on the 7th house cusp, Harvey hovers over relationships in typical Aries fashion: quick, vibrant, assertively, fearlessly, boldly, intrusive, impulsively, and hurriedly.

With all house cusps, we need to look for the ruler of the house and aspects of that house. Also, we need to view the planets contained in that house.

The location of the ruler of the 7th house falls in the birth chart provides more details as to how relationships are pursued. However, they are also indicators as to the type of mate one is attracted to.

With Harvey’s 7th house ruler, Mars, in his 2nd house, there is a sense of moral values, tangible possessions, a sense of belonging, stability, and self-worth that are at the forefront. Often the partner may be linked to some financial arrangement. Harvey’s Mars is in is Scorpio, which means he will also be sexual, intense, emotional. There could be manipulation, and control themes at hand too. This is an accurate indication of domination, such as master versus slave.

Now the average eye would easily miss an aspect Harvey wasn’t born with but instead acquired at the age of 5. That was when Mars went retrograde in his progressed chart. That is a significant impact as that energy was dominant in his formative years and is lasting till age 81 as Mars is retrograde for about 76 days. In Astrology, we use a day-for-a-year progression whereby each day after the native was born equals the year at hand. For example, age 2 would be the planets 2 days after the individual was born. Those planets are compared to see what new changes formed in the chart. In this case, Mars went retrograde 5 days after Harvey was born, March 19, 1952.

Mars retrograde can be very competitive, argumentative, withholding and secretive. Secrets are often more of an issue when the sign is in Scorpio. Typically a Mars retrograde for a man can lead to a struggle with the way they express his masculinity. Early on, there could have been discomfort around competition. Later in life, the will force asserts itself either too aggressive or extremely passive. This retrograde continues in Harvey’s chart until the year 2033.

Also, when the ruler of the 7th house is retrograde, typically, the individual never tells it all to partners. Secrecy is involved. Undoubtedly this is accentuated even more with Mars in Scorpio, retrograde via progression and square to Pluto.

Harvey’s Mars square to Pluto in his chart can lead to power struggles and abusive acts. There is something typically more held behind this combination. It also carries itself in the form of fetishes. According to Miriam Webster, a fetish is an object or bodily part whose real or fantasized presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification, and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression.

It seems like most of Harvey’s sexual behavior may have a root in power fetishes to feel valued or sexually satisfied. With too so many Pluto themes, forbidden taboos, role-playing, costumes, and delving into areas that most in society would find appropriate is what Harvey is attracted to. To be continued.

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Harvey Weinstein Astrology Rectification

Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein Astrology Chart
Harvey Weinstein Picture
Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein‘s chart has been rectified. In Astrology, the time of birth is needed for timing goals. For every 4 minutes the birth time is off, the timing can be out up to a year. So when there is no time of birth known, we can throw in a couple of important life events such as a move, job changes, marriage, divorce, legal matters, etc. This mathematical process is called rectification. This rectification process can take a few hours. It is clearly not a service portrayed as an on-demand service.

Once the chart has been rectified, we need to look at the personality traits described in that chart to see if it makes sense. The planetary combinations must certify personality and lifestyle. This is an essential process in efforts to forecast accurately with precise timing.

Currently, in the news, embroiled producer Harvey Weinstein has faced several sexual abuse allegations. However, when we look at the significant events surrounding these allegations, some facts need to be factored in: divorce, career destruction.

For example, on the internet, we can search for Harvey Weinstein’s birth information. The only thing information we have at our disposal is a date of birth of March 19, 1952, in Flushing, NY.

Applying astrology, we need to see what would create a significant upheaval. Very simple, the planet Uranus is known for shake-ups, divorce, thrown down from power, scandal, etc..

So when placing a divorce cycle, I would put that transiting Uranus in the 7th house in a square aspect to the Midheaven. That would represent the current cycles. When we do this, the time of birth we calculate is 7:56 pm.

Now when looking at the rectified chart, all the sexual energy is defined by 2 things: Pluto on the Midheaven square Mars in Scorpio. All 3 sexual positions: Scorpio, Pluto, Mars. However, the theme there is far more profound than just sexual hormones. Instead, these aspects stem from a deep sense of power fetishes fantasies. Pluto is skin deep and goes to a place many people wouldn’t dare.

Also, we have to look at the other aspects involved: Mars has some serious harsh aspects to Jupiter and Mercury. The issue with this is that a person may sexualize stress by taking “sexual holidays” in efforts to escape stress, anger, upset, etc.. At the same time, the type of aspect involved, the quincunx/inconjunct, can lead to rejection. So for Harvey, the thrill is more about the conquest instead of the actual act.

An essential piece of evidence of this birth time being Harvey’s is his millionaire status. We need to look for apparent things when looking at the rectified position. The Pluto on the Midheaven can bring a person into a significant power in his lifetime. Mars in the 2nd house will also energize the person’s money. The aspects Pluto makes to Jupiter and Mercury indicate millionaire status. Furthermore, the Jupiter combination of Neptune often leads to fortunes.

The last piece of information that convinces me this an accurate chart is the Neptune/Jupiter combination aspecting the Ascendant/Descendant axis as that would describe famous artists the person would be contacted. Therefore, I am convinced Harvey Weinstein’s time of birth is 7:56 pm. 

Another astrological spark one can add to the chart once it’s been rectified is to plug in a spouse’s birth planets around the natal chart to see if it makes any contact. Sure enough, there is a contact from the soon to be ex-wife to Harvey’s chart. Her moon lands on Harvey’s Ascendant. This means she can be very supportive of Harvey. Furthermore, it will be r very public relationship.

Surely if the individual relocated from the birthplace, one could relocate the chart as well to the new location. Harvey was born in New York, and his primary home is in Los Angeles. That brings additional details.

Finally, in terms of forecasting, there are quite a few legal matters and criminal charges Harvey will be facing. This scandal is only beginning. A lot more details will be surfacing in the next 2 months.

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