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Monthly Archives: January 2023

FAA Outage Predicted 3 Months Ago!

Congratulations again to Albert Ext 3030 for nailing 3 predictions in 1 newsletter! Floods/Rain (California), Travel / Technical issues FAA outage.

Predicted in October 2022. https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/mars-retrograde/

The FAA had difficulties with a damaged database file that paused travels.

Per newsletter << There could be difficulties, arguments, disagreements with legal, religious, travel>> and <>

Another prediction made in the same newsletter was the difficult weather/floods. Pouring rain in California (especially Northern) with a sinkhole in Southern California (Chatsworth,). << Fires, possible protests, and “Acts from God” will also be strongly themed. Hurricanes are strongly felt during this period as well as floods and possible earthquakes.>>

From 2017 through 2019, Albert provided extensive coverage of Harvey Weinstein.  Well, the verdict was out mind December 20212.  Per our newsletter on October 18, 2019, Albert stated <<Also, he has the possibility of more complications in other states, especially during the end of 2022. More convictions during that time are likely. >>

The ruling is out. In mid November, Weinstein was convicted in Los Angeles. We don’t honor that victory. Rather, we glorify our readers’ victory with accurate forecasting and timing exactness.

How many networks have this track record? Let us know! Remember, if our readers can forecast this level of accuracy on global and public figures accurately, imagine what they can do for you regarding your love and career forecast. This is why we test read every Psychic staffed on our network. 

We have sent over 50 of these “nailed it ” in our history – it’s our pattern! Albert has forecasted accurately in front of all of us in these newsletters:  Rhianna’s major financial success in the cosmetic industry Johnny Depp Court Success Lincoln College Cyber attack Presidential Election 2020 Covid Vaccines Harvey Weinstein Verdict & Timing Madonna Health/Surgery Rob Ford Scandal, and health decline, and more. 

Albert is known for publicly forecasting in 1993 on his Call in TV show, Chartalk, the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center 2001. Everyone was shocked 8 years later.  

We have a new promotion!  Try the network for just $1/ Minute! Only the Best Psychics are on our network. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

2023 Planetary Forecast

In this 2023 Planetary Forecast, you’ll notice few improvements and changes . A difficult portion of 2022 will finally be released as Mars turns direct on January 12.   Protests and scandals start to resolve.  Mars brings confrontations, upheavals, disagreements, violence, and infections. Mental and emotional volatility will stabilize. The Twitter fiasco could have been avoided if someone consulted an Astrologer prior. In the sign of Gemini, technology and communication improvements move forward. Perhaps there will be more changes in Twitter starting in February.

Projects that have stalled will finally get more momentum once Mars comes out of Retrograde on January 12.  It will take another week for improvements as communication is still an issue.  Though the above sounds promising, from the 18th of January we have another hurdle to overcome as both Mercury and Mars are in a quincunx aspect until January 23.  A need to revamp agreements, plans, and ideas is likely.  Careful with the security around technology; it’s a vulnerable period around hacking.

Pluto enters in Aquarius March 23: An entire book can be written on this; this is a watered-down version. Transcendental planets bring about new generational themes. When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, changes in Corporations and banking systems took place.  The rise of the Kardashians blossomed.

When outer planets experience a change in sign, themes and fads shift. Pluto in Aquarius will bring Transformation in democracy. This is most certainly for the people, global causes, changes in artificial intelligence, technology, and more. When Uranus was in Aquarius, the rise of the internet grew as well as mobile phones, and mobile phones had internet on them. Expect more development in all appliances and technology. Robots may become the new norm in the years to come. We might see these metal creatures in supermarkets bagging our groceries or on the street doing the job of police officers. Though Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11, final themes start the fading process so that once Pluto re-enters Aquarius in 2024 commences a new chapter.

Saturn enters in Pisces on March 7:  Finally, there is a shift from Saturn in Aquarius’ detached and cerebral analysis to a sensitive/sacrificing sign.  With the entrance into a new sign, there are learning lessons and changes around homelessness, special governmental assistance programs, prison systems, hospitals, health care, and more. Saturn in Pisces typically brings recognition and learning lessons around sacrifice. However, there is one golden nugget to this. Saturn is the taskmaster, and Pisces is the dreamer. When the 2 combine, dreams come true.  Artistic projects take on a special shape such as special effects, animation, and other creative vessels blossom.

May 19-23 Caution alert: Careful with any type of travel. The volatility of Mars square Pluto can be devastating, combating, explosive, and violent. When these 2 are paired with each other in opposition, both have to give in and balance each other out. The 3rd planet combined is Jupiter. This adds extended issues to the planets in the opposition. The rule of thumb, a T square requires the opposition by the planet squaring both planets. Jupiter will require some type of understanding, generosity, and foreign aid. Brutal force is applied. Stock markets dip during this period. There may be some type of warfare, environmental, weather, earthquake, and volcano type of major eruption.  The concern about this configuration is that it is highlighted by the Solar Eclipse a month prior.

Saturn sextille Jupiter 6/13-6/24: Growth and financial stability are strong. The markets will be doing much well, especially with Jupiter in a financial sign. For most of the last 2 years, conservative caution was recommended in financial portfolios. This will be an ideal period to rebalance investments.

January through April is a productive period for asserting new projects and exercising more drive with projects that have stalled.

Get more than just 2023 Planetary Forecast – get your own private reading!

Samuel Schiffer & Yocheved Schiffer (maiden: Bleier)– Theft/Money Laundering

Be sure to read on Yocheved’s father Rabbi Robert Bleier.

Suffern, NY: Yocheved Schiffer a/k/a Yocheved Bleier: Prostitution, Drugs, and Money Roll! These are just some details Yocheved admitted about her husband, Samuel, over the telephone. Since she dodged paying us, her recordings are released. Feel free to listen to all corruption below.

Yocheved also admitted to Samuel hiding money in different countries under different alias including Switzerland, Israel, and more. 

If you are going to do business with her, beware, she will deceive you as well. Yet, her behavior is beyond volatile. Samuel had to obtain a restraining order against her. Usually, a female obtains a restraining order against a male. For a man to obtain a restraining order against a female is less common.  

Yocheved Schiffer is not suited for representing a company, product, service, and/or any responsibility. She lacks honesty, integrity, focus, or vision. She has brought shame to her father, a Rabbi, and many in the Jewish community.  This is quite a shock to Orthodox. According to Merriam Webster, the definition of Orthodox is constituting any of various conservative religious. Yet, there is nothing conservative about theft, dishonesty, manipulation, and abuse regardless of religion.

Yocheved Schiffer (maiden Bleier) accumulated over 10 hours of talk time with our advisors and has dodged payment. Both are part owners of High Field Gardens Care Center. We will circulate this to the staff, patients, and family of the patients of this facility.

Apparently, she was using her husband’s credit cards with Commerce Bank. The card number changed on 3 occasions on a 6 week period. Samuel threatened Commerce Bank and disputed over 60 transactions at our business. As a retaliation against his wife, he is refusing her charges.

Yet these are Orthodox Jewish individuals that practice a religion falsely. They have stolen from our business. In the Orthodox faith, theft is not permitted.

Interestingly, Yocheved stated that her husband has money hidden in different countries, money laundering, and other illegal practices. Yet, Samuel was a Rabbi? Well, found out her father is a Rabbi.

For Commerce Bank to condone such practices is equally corrupt. Enclosed are the recordings to all her calls. The total is over 9 hours of audio footage.

We discovered some relatives to the Shiffer’s include: Jonathan Bleier, Sorah Bleier, and Rabbi Robert Bleier. Together they are part of Highfield Holdings, LLC 199 Community Drive, Great Neck NY. This is a nursing facility. We are circulating this to all the staff of that nursing facility as well.

Commerce Bank Condones Credit Card Theft

If you are seeking a Visa Card with a bank that condones theft after you purchase a product or service, try with Commerce Bank.  You may be able to get your product and services and then dispute the charges without a hassle

Samuel Schiffer and his wife, Yoscheved, charged over 50 transactions at our business in a 6 week period. The reason for this is because our phone readings are in 10 minute increments.  In an hour it’s easy to accumulate 6 transactions.

Even though we have submitted rebuttals showing the contradictions the customer asserted in which they were disputed under different category codes, it seems apparent, that Commerce Bank was threatened by the main card holder, Samuel.

So if you want to ruff a bank up by threatening that you will close all your other accounts, this is the bank for you.  Apply now and steal later!