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Monthly Archives: June 2023

5 Steps to Cultivating Gratitude.

As a Psychic Reader, I have developed some ways to take an energetic dip as an opportunity to address self-peace. 5 steps to cultivating gratitude.

1) Say I am sorry (and mean it) to yourself. LET IT GO!

2) Give yourself time. Whether it’s 5 minutes or 5 hours, give yourself time to self-evaluate.

3) Do one thing that may not be normal. Wear a crazy accessory, get that little black dress on, or spend too much on one self-care item you never buy. The point isn’t monetary value. It is allowing yourself to indulge in one harmless “treat” or doing something that makes you feel special.

4) Affirm your positives in the wake of the affirmation movement. It’s incredible how much positivity comes from simply telling yourself, “I am enough” and “I am beautiful/handsome.” One small compliment to yourself daily can change your entire week/month/year.

5) Let go of comparisons! You are you for a reason. No one in this plane of existence is you more than you. If you have the grace to forgive that makes the next hurdle of forgetting a lot easier. Giving yourself time to breathe and release the negativity the anxiety will help. Taking yourself out of the normal day to day, it allows you the ability to see things in a different light. I am a huge proponent of affirming your beliefs by practicing the grace of acknowledgment. Quit comparing, you will never be anyone else other than yourself. Being them comes with a whole source of issues that use up energy and shift focus.

The people you surround yourself with is the person you want to be. So the only person who should ever dictate your feelings and reactions is you. The person you haven’t found yet is the best version of yourself. And you should show them just as much, if not more, love than anyone else in your life.

I-Ching Readings

The I-Ching, also known as the Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination system that has been used for centuries to gain insight into the nature of the world and our place within it. The I-Ching is based on the concept of yin and yang, the two complementary forces that govern the universe.

The I-Ching is a collection of 64 hexagrams, each made up of six lines, that represent various states of being and situations in life. To use the I-Ching, one typically begins by asking a question or focusing on a specific situation in their life. The question should be clear and specific, and can be answered with a simple yes or no.

Once the question is formulated, the diviner typically uses a set of coins or yarrow stalks to generate a hexagram. The coins are typically tossed or shaken, and the resulting pattern of heads and tails is used to determine which lines in the hexagram are changing and which are stable.

Once the hexagram is generated, the diviner consults a book or set of interpretations to gain insight into the meaning of the hexagram and its relevance to the question at hand. The interpretation typically includes both general meanings of the hexagram as well as specific guidance for the situation at hand.

It’s worth noting that while the I-Ching is often used for divination, it is also considered to be a valuable philosophical and spiritual text in its own right, and has been studied and appreciated for centuries as such.

Psychography- Automatic Writing

Psychography does not relating to writing about psycho’s… but that can happen. Instead, it is Automatic Writing.

Automatic writing is a practice in which a person writes without consciously thinking about what they are writing. The process typically involves the writer entering a relaxed or meditative state, and allowing their hand to move across the page or keyboard without consciously directing it. The resulting writing may be incoherent or may contain messages that the writer did not consciously intend.

Automatic writing is often used as a tool for personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual exploration. Some people believe that the writing produced through automatic writing is influenced by subconscious or spiritual forces, while others see it as a way to tap into their own intuition and creativity. It can be used for various purposes, including accessing inner wisdom, exploring emotions, and working through issues or problems.

It’s important to note that automatic writing can be a powerful and potentially transformative practice, but it should be approached with caution and guidance from a qualified professional. It can sometimes bring up intense emotions or experiences, and it’s important to have support in processing these experiences.

Next time, we’ll comb through Non-dominant writing to access the inner child.

Non-dominant writing accessing  Inner Child

Non-dominant writing refers to the act of writing with the hand that is not your dominant one. For most people, their dominant hand is the right hand or the left hand, and using the other hand to write can feel awkward and challenging. However, practicing non-dominant writing can offer several benefits, such as improving coordination, stimulating creativity, and strengthening the connections between the brain’s hemispheres.

Practicing non-dominant writing can access your inner child.

You can start by writing simple sentences or short paragraphs with your non-dominant hand, and gradually increase the difficulty level as you feel more comfortable. It’s important to be patient and persistent, as it may take some time to develop the muscle memory and dexterity needed for non-dominant writing.

Writing from the perspective of your inner child with your non-dominant hand can be a powerful way to connect with your emotions, memories, and experiences from childhood. It can help you tap into your creativity and gain new insights about yourself.

To start, find a quiet and comfortable place where you can write without distractions. Take a few deep breaths to relax and focus your mind. Then, begin writing with your non-dominant hand, allowing your inner child to guide your words and express their feelings and thoughts.

You can start by asking your inner child questions such as:

What do you want to say?
How are you feeling?
What do you remember from your childhood?
What did you enjoy doing as a child?
What did you find challenging or difficult?
Write down whatever comes to mind, without judging or censoring your thoughts.

You may find that your writing is messy or illegible at first, but with practice, it will become easier and more natural.

When you’re done writing, take some time to reflect on what you’ve written. What insights have you gained about your inner child? What emotions or memories have surfaced? How can you use this information to nurture and heal your inner child?

Buried memories rarely appear in tact. Sometimes, they may come in fragments through a s sound, taste, smell, feeling. The awakening of memories is powerful.

Remember to be kind, compassionate, and patient with yourself as you explore this process. Writing from the perspective of your inner child with your non-dominant hand can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing.

Clues to Relationship Breaking Ups

Relationships? Deciding to end a relationship can be a difficult and complex process, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, there are some common signs that may indicate that it’s time to end a relationship. Here are a few:

Lack of communication or frequent arguments: If you find that you and your partner are no longer communicating effectively or are constantly arguing, it may be a sign that the relationship is no longer healthy or fulfilling.
Different values or goals: If you and your partner have different values, beliefs, or goals, it can create significant tension and conflict in the relationship.
Loss of trust or respect: If trust or respect has been broken in the relationship, it can be difficult to rebuild, and it may be a sign that the relationship has run its course.
Feeling unhappy or unfulfilled: If you feel consistently unhappy or unfulfilled in the relationship, despite efforts to improve it, it may be a sign that it’s time to move on.
Lack of intimacy or emotional connection: If you and your partner have lost the emotional or physical intimacy that once existed in the relationship, it may be a sign that you have grown apart and it’s time to end the relationship.

It’s important to remember that ending a relationship is a personal decision, and you should consider your own feelings and circumstances before making any decisions. It may also be helpful to seek the advice and support of a trusted friend during this process.

Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are a type of divination tool used for gaining insight and guidance. Unlike tarot cards, which have a standardized set of 78 cards with specific meanings, oracle cards can have any number of cards with a wide range of themes and artwork.

Oracle cards are typically used for personal growth and self-reflection, and they can be used for a variety of purposes, such as gaining insight into a situation, finding inspiration, or receiving guidance on a particular issue.

There are many different types of oracle cards available, each with their own unique themes and artwork. Here are some common types of oracle cards:

  1. Angel Cards: These cards feature images and messages from angels and can provide guidance, comfort, and support.
  2. Goddess Cards: These cards feature images and messages from various goddesses from different cultures and can provide insight and guidance on feminine energy and empowerment.
  3. Animal Cards: These cards feature images and messages from different animals and can provide guidance on connecting with nature and understanding animal symbolism.
  4. Chakra Cards: These cards feature images and messages related to the chakras, or energy centers in the body, and can provide guidance on balancing and healing these centers.
  5. Tarot-inspired Oracle Cards: These cards are similar to tarot cards but with less strict structure and can provide guidance on various aspects of life such as love, career, and personal growth.
  6. Affirmation Cards: These cards feature positive affirmations and can be used as a tool for self-reflection and self-improvement.
  7. Numerology Cards: These cards feature numbers and can provide guidance on understanding the significance of numerology in one’s life.
  8. Elemental Cards: These cards feature images and messages related to the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and can provide guidance on understanding and connecting with these elements.

There are many other types of oracle cards available, and new decks are constantly being created with unique themes and artwork.

Medium Reading Vs. Psychic Reading

A Medium reading is the practice of communicating with spirits of the deceased. A medium is a person who is able to perceive and communicate with spirits in order to relay messages, guidance, or comfort to those who are seeking to connect with loved ones who have passed away.
 In a typical mediumship reading, the medium will go into a trance-like state and connect with the spirit world. They may receive messages through images, sounds, feelings, or even direct communication from the spirit. The medium will then interpret the message and convey it to the person seeking the reading.
 It is important to note that not all mediums work in the same way, and the accuracy and effectiveness of mediumship readings can vary greatly. Some mediums may specialize in specific types of communication, such as connecting with animal spirits or angels, while others may focus solely on communicating with deceased loved ones.
 Mediumship can provide comfort, closure, and healing to those who are grieving or seeking guidance from beyond. However, it is important to approach mediumship with an open mind and to remember that it is not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice.
 The main difference between mediumship and prediction is the type of information that is being communicated.
 Mediumship is the practice of communicating with spirits of the deceased, and the messages conveyed are typically focused on providing comfort, closure, and healing to those who are grieving or seeking guidance from beyond. The information received through mediumship is usually personal, emotional, and based on the specific needs of the person seeking the reading.
 Prediction, on the other hand, involves using divination tools to gain insight into the future. This can include practices such as tarot readings, astrology, and numerology. The messages conveyed through prediction are typically focused on providing guidance and direction for the future, and may be more practical and specific in nature.
 While there can be some overlap between the two practices, mediumship is generally more focused on emotional and spiritual healing, while prediction is more focused on providing practical guidance for the future. It’s worth noting that both practices require a certain level of skill and experience, and the accuracy and effectiveness of readings can vary depending on the abilities of the practitioner and the openness of the person seeking the reading.

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is a type of psychic ability that involves using extrasensory perception (ESP) to gather information about a distant or unseen target, object, or location. Remote viewing is believed to allow a person to perceive information about a remote target through means other than their five senses, such as sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

Remote viewing is often used in the context of espionage, military, and law enforcement applications to gather intelligence or locate targets. However, it is also practiced by some individuals and groups for personal or spiritual purposes, such as exploring the nature of consciousness and the universe.

The practice of remote viewing typically involves a trained practitioner or viewer who enters into a state of relaxed focus and uses various techniques to access information about a remote target. This information can be in the form of sensory impressions, images, feelings, or words. The viewer then reports their findings to the person or organization that requested the remote viewing session.

There are certain techniques and aids that some practitioners may use to enhance their ability to perceive information about remote targets. Here are some common tools and techniques that are used in remote viewing:

Sketchpad and pen/pencil: Some remote viewers use a sketchpad and pen/pencil to quickly draw images or impressions that come to them during the viewing session.

Blind target feedback: In order to verify the accuracy of their perceptions, remote viewers may use blind target feedback. This involves having someone else select a target at random and provide feedback on the target after the remote viewer has provided their impressions.

Meditation: Many remote viewers use meditation to enter into a relaxed, focused state of mind that is conducive to perceiving information about remote targets.

Coordinate remote viewing: This involves using a set of random numbers or coordinates to identify the target for the remote viewing session. The viewer is given only the coordinates and must use their psychic ability to perceive information about the target associated with those coordinates.

Associative remote viewing: In this technique, the viewer is given a cue or keyword that is associated with the target. They then use their psychic ability to perceive information about the target based on that association.

It’s important to note that while these tools and techniques can be helpful in remote viewing, they are not necessary for the practice and not all remote viewers use them. The most important aspect of remote viewing is the viewer’s ability to access their psychic ability and focus their attention on the target.

Tips Before a Reading

Whether it’s Tarot, Scrying, or Mediumship, some universal tips are useful for receiving a reading and the reader. There are general practices to follow most would think of before proceeding: make sure you are rested, set aside a specific time to be fully focused and don’t rush, etc.
 Before the reading starts, execute good life habits that improve all areas of your life. Grounding activity helps before reading for all involved so that information can be properly given and received. Deep breathing, aromatherapy, incense, and nature can help your brain and body get into the habit of relaxing and slowing down the mind.
 Clarify your intentions: Reflect on why you want a psychic reading and what specific areas of your life you would like guidance or insight on. Having a clear intention can help you get the most out of the reading.
 Take notes: During the reading, it can be helpful to take notes or record the session (if permitted) so you can refer back to it later. This way, you won’t rely solely on memory and can review the information provided at a later time.
 Reflect on the reading afterward: Take some time after the reading to reflect on the information and guidance you received. Allow yourself to process the insights and consider how they may apply to your life. Remember that you have the power to make choices and decisions based on the information provided.
 Follow up: If you have any further questions or need clarification after the reading, don’t hesitate to reach out to the psychic for additional support or guidance. They may be able to provide further insight or offer suggestions for your specific situation.