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Tag Archives: daily horoscope

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COVID Predictions Mars Retrograde

Covid on Mars Retrograde

There has been quite a bit of scope regarding trials entering phase 3 for COVID vaccines. My concern is that there may be a rush to mass-produce vaccines that may require more term for development. A word of alert: hold off on any possible vaccine until after November 13. 

Mars is in Aries usually operates effectively. The retrograde can either slow down productivity or bring an impulsive delivery. Aries nature is “Me first!”  Also, Aries is known for jumping into situations without due diligence.  The concern is that some manufacturers may be trying to claim their name as the first one to deliver a vaccine.

Between Venus and Jupiter, Mars resides. It rules the will force, physical energy, efforts, impulse, courage, driving force towards a goal, assertion, and sexual libido. Depending on Mars’ zodiacal position at birth, it describes your will and passion. From September 8 – November 9 2020 Mars will be retrograde in the sign of Aries.

Retrograde Mars occurs every 26 months for 70 to 80 days. Projects will stall or develop slowly. Our energy level will be lower. Accidents and arguments from impulsive actions and unrecognized anger will flare. Sexual activity is often unsatisfactory.

The textbooks indicate that suppressed frustrations result in a volcano-like eruption. Individuals may explode with frustration and decide poorly and respond with violence and anger instead of patience and dialogue. A retrograde can force one to go deep within and make groundbreaking changes in terms of the nature of the planet and the nature of the sign. 

This retrograde can result in procrastination. Assertive patterns are more introspective. Many will encounter passive individuals that may lack drive. Steer away from starting a new business under a retrograde.

The birth of a business during a Mars Retrograde will result in constant problems with having action asserted at a quality and effective pace. No matter how hard you try to push, nothing will happen. Everything is in a sluggish state.

More importantly, steer away from major repairs and surgery. Since Mars governs destructions, deconstruction may become more understood after Mars turns direct. If an electronic gadget breaks down on a Mars Retrograde, a repair job will not cure the fix. A repair job on a Mars retrograde may result in having another repair take place. However, after the retrograde has turned direct, the problem can be more understood. Repair jobs include surgery. Avoid surgery under a time frame if possible.

However, being born with a Mars retrograde is much different than experiencing one during the cycle. A well aspected Mars retrograde in an individual’s birth chart can produce a lot of success. Since energy and initiative are internalized (retrograde) usually the individual competes with himself. Many athletes are born with a well-aspected Mars Retrograde. However, when Mars is aspected with challenging aspects, individuals may act hastily and often need to retrace and redo his steps

There could be difficulties, arguments, disagreements with legal, religious, travel, and matters with someone that may be very philosophical and/or have a very strong opinion. So during this time, it would be wise to frame your intentions as a visionary. Keep the bigger picture in mind especially when asserting your own opinion as dogma.

One’s sexual drive during a Mars retrograde can change a lot. It has been stated that the level of satisfaction during a Mars retrograde can be difficult to satisfy. In the sign of Aries, it could be the opposite of nature: stagnant and procrastinating.

Aries rules the head and battles. During this cycle, there are going to be some upheavals. More than likely some scandalous battles will result between presidential candidates. This is a strong placement for assault (verbal, physical, emotional, etc.)

I will cover some of the aspects Mars will form in the next edition. Stay tuned!

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Prosperous Astrological Periods

Astrological periods

The coast is clear for the next few weeks. This release marks a more prosperous Astrological period. The majority of the time between now and September 9 is recommended to get as much done as feasible. It is a strong period for professional attempts and structuring your career goals. Whether this means regarding classes or planning, it is an excellent time to put one together. 

Also, it may be a better time to evaluate financial portfolios and devise action plans for the upcoming months. 

After September 9, Mars will turn retrograde until November 13.  Though this is not catastrophic, it is not an ideal time to embark on a new project or venture.  Projects can be open to disruptions and stagnations.  This Mars in the strongest position in the sign of Aries, so it should be “better” Mars retrograde.

Mars retrograde is responsible for your will force, physical energy, ambitious energy, libido, and enthusiasm. Projects during this development many not turn out as expected.  Steer away from major repairs on equipment (including cars.) A repair job on a Mars retrograde may result in needing another repair take place. After the retrograde has turned direct, the problem can be more understood. Repair jobs include surgery. Avoid surgery under this time frame if possible.  Aside from delays, there can be conflicts with protests and world leaders.  Surgery is not recommended on a Mars retrograde.  If you can choose a date, make sure it’s either before the retrograde or after.

Some improvements in the next 2 weeks regarding Covid as Jupiter sextiles Neptune.  I am holding out for the Full Moon in Pisces on September 2.  That upcoming Full Moon will be in the opposite position when the pandemic was declared that resulted in and all the super hygienic products were stockpiled on the full Moon was in Virgo, March 9.  Pisces rules medicines.  So there can be more promising news around vaccines around the last week of August through the first week of September.

There are a few dates to watch such as August 12-13 and August 23-24.  I do not recommend travel or making extreme purchases on these dates. 

From October 13-Nov 3,  Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio.  Careful making any upgrades or changes to your equipment (computer, phone, electronics. ) As with any retrograde Mercury, it is not the time to sign a contract. It is a great time to re-inspect prior documents and books. This will be a great period to re-learn your equipment. Your mind is more receptive to learning or re-learning operations.  This retrograde may bring out a lot of secrets to the surface. 

Regardless, now is the time to take action.

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Trader Joes Scandal Maskless Shopper: Electional Astrology

Electional Astrology: Timing

Last Friday, June 26 at 9 am, Trader Joe’s officially unlocked after many months of construction to the newly established strip mall now labeled as Noho West in Los Angeles. Immediately within hours, a scandal busted out over a consumer rejecting to wear a mask in the store. That video went viral and made its way to the news. That is a lot of activity for a business in less than 8 hours of operations in a grand opening. This piqued my interest as I am familiar with the neighborhood. 

In business Astrology, we can create the best time to business or personal endeavor any event for a successful outcome.   For a business, this is indispensable.  This too can be done for setting wedding dates, elective surgery, making a major purchase, or launching a business project.  This is known as Electional Astrology.  

When I review the chart for the newly launched Trader Joes, my biggest concern is the retrograde Mercury.  This is a big problem in terms of contracts, parking, communications, and technology (telephone, cash registers, electric equipment, and computers.)

Since the Mercury retrograde is in Cancer, I am concerned about the food at the store as Cancer rules all food.   Miscommunications and wrong package labeling (perhaps expirations dates) are vulnerable to neglect and/or errors.  My concern is that this Mercury retrograde also has an impact on the money the business generates as it rules, the 2nd house, finances.  Miscommunications can result in challenges.

One of the most important planets in a chart for a business is the Moon.  The general rule of thumb is no applying squares.  The Moon in this chart is on point. 

The scandal that took place within hours after the grand opening, a maskless shopper created a fiasco is demonstrative of Uranus conjunct the MC of the chart.  Uranus will bring notoriety, fame, and media attention.  Instantly, the story became a viral video.

Uranus energies are shaky energies.  Expect the unexpected.  They can bring a breakdown or breakthrough.  It is also the planet associated with sudden events including earthquakes.  Should LA experience an impactful earthquake, this place is extremely vulnerable to impact.

What about the public and clients it draws?  In this chart, it is ruled by the 7th house.  It will draw eccentric, rebellious, and possibly humanitarian clientele.  Since that ruler of the 7th is on the MC, it would not be surprising if this spot also became a paparazzi location to find celebrities and /or individuals in the media. 

Mars is responsible for confrontations and placed in a very strong position.  It is in the 29th degree of a sign which forces all the energies of the sign cram before leaving into the next sign. In sensitive Pisces, it will be extremely sensitive to criticism.  There are 2 other important components:  Mars is also conjunct with the Zero Aries axis which means “known in the world at large.”   This is also another indication of fame.  This Mars has a difficult aspect, the sesquiquadrate to Mercury (retrograde).  It will have a powerful impact leading to sensitive confrontations and outbursts.   When merged, an argument will be known to the world at large.  The art of astrology is blending all keywords: Mercury (communication), Mars (arguments), and Aries Point (world at large).

Though there is no such thing as a perfect chart, I would have opted to open the store after Mercury leaves retrograde motion on July 14/15.  I would also adjust the cluster of planets in the 6th house so that it can have more steady employees.  However, this is where we need to pick and choose several factors.

Executing a business or project may take months.  There may be parameters where it has to be done within a certain time window.  Finding the best date and time will assist in obtaining better clients, workers, and draw better financial possibilities.

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Solar Returns Pt2/Covid-19/Novak Djovkic

This week we resume the accurate and valuable use of Solar Return Charts in readings from last week’s article. This week we use tennis player, Novak Djovkic, Solar Return chat, and his recent Covid-19 positive result. This continues with the 2 Covid-19 videos Health Astrology (Video #1 and Video #2. ) from a few weeks ago.

The Solar Return for tennis player, Novak Djovkic, shows many health themes. He tested positive for Covid-19.  His birthday last month brought a new Solar Return.

As mentioned prior, the only way a health issue arises for an individual is when they have 3 characteristics:

  1. Activity to the Ascendant: This is the physical body
  2. Activity to the Sun: this is the core of one’s being
  3. Aspects to the 6th house or planets in the 6th house.
Novak Djovkic solar return

Djovkic’s Solar Return has all of the above.  Note: the Solar Return is only one element.  One has to factor in more significant forecasting techniques such as secondary progressions and transits.

a & b) Solar Return Ascendant is exactly Quincunx the Natal Sun: Quincunxes are health aspects.  More specifically a quincunx to a planet in Gemini can magnify mobility and respiratory issues. Quincunxes require adjustments and sacrifices.  Often, they are health-related.  Technically it is an out of sign quincunx.  However, it is valid as it is an applying aspect to the Sun in a tight 2-degree orb.

Next, the South Node is conjunct the Solar Ascendant.  This will bring challenges to the area it’s located (the body.)

c) The Venus and Mercury conjunction in the 6th house of his Solar Return is both square Neptune. This is a very classic health aspect. Mercury is prominent for breathing and mobility.

Novak Djovkic solar return

 In his natal chart, the recent solar eclipse landed in his 6th house and conjuncted Mars (infections.)  More importantly, it also triggered a natal configuration between Neptune and the Moon which only makes him more vulnerable to infections.   The effect of an eclipse is valid for 5 months. 

Transiting Saturn through the first house was quincunx natal Mars and trigger by the eclipse as well. This only adds more health complications with vitality and physical strength. 

The Secondary Progressed chart to the Natal shows:  

 a & b) Progressed Ascendant square the Natal Sun – This is a vulnerable health aspect as the body and vitality are challenged.

c) Ruler of the natal 6th house, Mercury has progressed Moon conjunct it. Also, it triggers the natal opposition Saturn makes to Mercury. The 5th house rules fun activities and sports. It is probable that he may have been infected either at a practice. However, the Saturn opposition will demand him to be extra responsible and dutiful towards his health. There are no shortcuts with Saturn. Saturn will demand every “T” to be crossed and “I” to be dotted. Saturn is a strict disciplinarian. An opposition will alter one’s events by putting them in a different direction. In this case, this is time out for him as Saturn will place his plans on hold to attend health responsibilities.

Progressed Mercury (ruler of the 6th house) is Semi Square natal Sun. This signifies health is certainly a major theme in his life that may be complicated with health issues.

Regardless, of pandemic status, the only way one can contract any type of health complication is by it showing up in the above scenario.  

A Solar Return is an excellent tool for providing additional insights to a person’s birthday to birthday year.  In my opinion, it should not be the main tool used for forecasting, it is certainly an additional tool that helps give confirmation to more important forecasting tools.

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Top 3 Reasons Solar Returns great in Predicting

The Solar Return chart is drawn from birthday to birthday. It is a snapshot of the heavens at the exact time and place where your Sun returns to the exact position it held at birth.

Though there are more than 3 reasons a Solar Returns is an excellent prediction tool, the main ones are:

1) Predict pieces that will occur for you during your solar year. With so many predictive methods available, this tool can help get to the heart of what will be the theme for the year immediately. It defines conditions, feelings, emotional states, and what each area of life will experience. 

2) Confirm themes that show up in more significant predictive tools.  In my professional opinion, I believe more emphasis needs to be placed on other predictive tools such as Progressions.

A Solar Return that shows a similar pattern to a progressed cycle adds additional confirmation.  Also, when a natal pattern is repeated, it emphasizes the energy for you.

3) Assist in timing for relocation analysis. The Solar Return is calculated for the place of residence, not the place of birth.  If one lives or does business in multiple locations, this is a great tool to utilize for analyzing efforts.  For example, a business owner discovered a new business location that had potential. This tool confirmed it.  It also confirmed the following year to pull away.

Solar Return Astrology Chart Donald Trump

Donald Trump has a challenging Solar Return.  The chart ruler is in Pisces square his Sun in the 12th house.  This can bring lawsuits, health problems, and hospitalization.  Thought the Solar Return is not a standalone tool, other predictive tools demonstrate health issues are highlighted in December. Also, the aspect Moon and Sun make in the solar return chart is repeated in

January 2021.  Health again is an issue. 

Next, the South Node in the 6th house indicates health problems.           

Mars conjunct Neptune in a Solar Return can result in infections. Since the sign is in Pisces, hidden matters may surface.  Could there be another type of “Stormy Daniels” out there?  The field day the media will have will increase. 

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6 Things to Avoid on Mercury Retrograde and Venus Retrograde

Mercury retrograde started on the August 23. We are in this period till September 14. While Venus is about to turn direct on September 3, there will be a full week where communication and desire are delayed. Avoid the following:

Avoid significant buys. This is not a time to go window shopping. You may have misinformation about the object and/or you will not enjoy it.

2. Avoid major decisions.  You may not stick with ideas after both planets turn direct.  That means it is not the time to start a new job, hire someone new, and/or terminate someone.

3. Avoid financial changes.  This is not the time to change portfolios or make market change.  If it is crucial, then making a temporary adjustment is ok.

4. Avoid car repairs.  If your car breaks down or won’t operate anymore, consider a rental car or alternative temporary solution.

5. Avoid purchasing technical equipment.  Computers are necessary.  If you can temporarily use an older one or borrow one, it would be in your better interest than to purchase another one.

6. Avoid going on a date with someone new.  The communication may not be enjoyed.  Blending the concepts of both planets retrograde results in poor communication that may become distracted, lacking taste, or enjoyment.

Though Venus turns direct on September 3, 11 more days will be needed for Mercury to complete its motion as well.  Consider the following:

1. Review all documents before signing them carefully.

2. Add tracking and insurance to important mail and/or packages as Mercury has rulership with the post office and other mail couriers.

3. Give yourself extra time for appointments and travel. 

4. Focus on the prefix, re:  renew, review, revamp, redecorate, etc

5. Reunions with old friends and loved ones go great however be prepared for delays.

6. Expect to have contact with people from your past

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Venus Retrograde Part 2

Years ago on a prior Venus Retrograde, Facebook went public. There were a lot of issues that took a while to iron out. Though they have grown abundantly, it came with wrangles. As for investors, making any major portfolio shifts is not recommended. Making any major economic decision may not be wise because the market may be too pricey or not the best promising period. Please wait until after July 5th.

There are a few celebrities that are poster children for very bad plastic surgery. I won’t mention names.  We know who they are!  They either went to a butcher or overdid it. Some have gone under the knife during a Venus Retrograde and did not like the results requiring a revision. 

On a Venus Retrograde never get married, start a new job, or start a new relationship. So is living under a rock recommended? Of course not… I observed something very fascinating that does work on a Venus Retrograde.

A radio station fired its’ main announcer years ago. The station lost ratings. He was brought back during a Venus Retrograde. In that instance, re-evaluating a previous relationship that went awry became beneficial as it was revisiting a previous disagreement.

Reviewing the value of a person or relationship is strong during a Venus Retrograde because Venus also rules our taste, ability to express appreciation, affection, and experience satisfaction.

So re-embarking an previous job, relationship, or  friendship may be very positive. However, tread with caution especially when contracts are involved. It is a wonderful time to re-purpose items that are hardly used.  Go through your possessions and you will find creative outlets for their usage. 

I was told that antiques become quite popular during a Venus Retrograde because one re-inspects old items that have gone through many owners. I have an acquaintance with a progressed Venus Retrograde that is an antique collector.

So what happens to new  items purchased on a Venus Retrograde? You might return them because you may not like them or see their value is worthwhile. I once bought a cheap shirt on a Venus Retrograde and never used it. It still hangs somewhere inside a drawer.

New people that enter your life on a Venus Retrograde will appear different after the retrograde is completed.  

The most important tip I can share is to avoid making any major purchase or renovating during this retrograde. 

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Venus Retrograde May 13-June 26

Venus Retrograde

From May 13-June 26 is a time of  Venus retrograde. It will be an excellent time to reflect on the satisfaction derived from one’s ambitions and efforts. Romantic and business partnerships can be seriously tested. Dodge making major financial shifts or purchases as they will be regretted later. The books claim that during a Venus retrograde, the market is too expensive. Starting a new job on a Venus retrograde will lead to regret afterward. I have seen this over and over where the person either detested the job after Venus went direct or they wound up discovering coveted information. 

Affection is stagnant and inwardly expressed. This is not a time to start dating or get married. If you are paying for matchmaking or dating service, freeze your membership. It will not be the best time to start swiping left or right on dating apps.

The upcoming Venus retrograde will be at 21 Gemini. I believe history repeats itself. Review what was going on in your life during the previous retrogrades periods that were close to the same position as follows: June – July 1996. There will be similarities where you review and revise what you find pleasurable and worth bonding onto. This is truly an art of reflection. Take a stroll down memory lane and write down what was going on in your life. If necessary, consult a calendar. You will see many similarities.

Technically speaking, the full effect of a planet’s retrograde is wiped out after it reaches past the shadow period. So on July 29, the full effects of Venus Retrograde are gone. The energies improve before the shadow exits.  One can carry out new ventures.

Venus also rules beauty and beauticians. Under the current pandemic, taking matters into their hands and heads is not recommended. Careful giving yourself a “Pandemic Haircut” or “Pandemic Chemical service.” Embarking a new relationship with a new stylist is not recommended.

I noticed 48 hours ago a building in my community started re-painting their building a different color. Unless it was a former color, I do not recommend it.  Yet, I still do not recommend repainting or renovating on a Venus Retrograde.  From a business perspective, that building may generate results that may not be positive.

Work carried out may be expensive or limited. Worse, the work may need to be redone after the retrograde completes.

During this retrograde, there will be a lot of reflection in the current social distancing and communication.  Though there are improvements between now through June 25, I believe the best improvements will be after July 29.

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Just Launched: New Design Psychic Site Portal Feature


Psychic Site Upgrades

Major Notification – Psychic Reading Web Portal & New Design! Earlier in the week we launched an online interface. You can resume doing your Psychic Telephone Reading at 800-498-8777. 

Now there is also a second option.  You can register for a a Free account on our website and order online. Our system will connect with you.

Better International Access
:  Outside of North America resident in countries like UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, India, and Sweden can access this feature.  All other countries can access our local phone numbers.

We kept mentioning we had a special surprise! Here we are! 11 months of hard work. Also, we have refreshed our site as well. There are more surprises to come!

Finally, we are so grateful to everyone that have given us wonderful ideas. Also, we take a moment to thank all the engineers that have spent endless hours making this happen.  This was a major addition to our platform as we “dot com’d” our Telephone Network.

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Madonna Astrology Health Issue Part 2

Madonna Astrology

See Part 1

Madonna Astrology Health cycles caution! Pluto in Capricorn is quincunx her Sun in Leo. This has raised issues with health. More particularly, it has produced issues that are related to her knees, which rules Capricorn.

Her “illness” has not been revealed in the press.  It is obvious that seeing her walk with a cane and appear stiff in her rehearsal videos, that she is experiencing knee issues.  She has adjusted her footwear to dance in her latest tour, Madame X.  Also, her choreography has gone through alterations.  Furthermore, she has also canceled yet another show.

This cycle continues for a few months and is the main theme for her during 2020.  The new moon in her health sector does bring some hope to possible new treatment options.  Yet, she will be slowing down more.  She has 27 more shows.  More shows will be canceled.

Likely, she will possibly undergo surgery in the spring season.  Recovery seems very promising especially during the summer time. 

In my opinion, health diagnosis is never something a reader should attempt unless they are a medical professional.  Sure, I recommend full physical examinations when there are indications that health needs more attention.  Certain elements that may indicate a certain spot of the body is vulnerable during a specific period, but that is best left to a doctor.

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