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Astrology Planetary Cycles

Astrology Planetary Cycles

June 2019 has a fantastic astrological planetary movement. For the entire month of June, Saturn and Neptune are in a pleasant sextille. This mixture can make dreams come true. It can structure Neptune’s artistic and creative side. It will be an ideal period for performing artists and certain films to get recognition of having a social impact. Mini-Series Films such as “When They See Us” is under this influence and have started a lot of outflow or aid and raised social awareness on so many levels. Expect pieces of art and music to have this type of effect.

Then during June 8-June 24, Jupiter will be in square aspect to Neptune. This can create complications with oil, gas prices, stock market volatility, and hidden scandalous matters that come to the surface. 

This is not the time to start any major relationship with a vendor or invest hard-earned dollars. With Neptune, the matters may seem inspired, but unrealistic. Since Jupiter’s nature is too expansive, this will be a more complicated issue because the reality or deception of Neptune can be stronger.

Now, the Mars aspects in the next few weeks will be standout. Mars rules explosions, military, violence, impulsive acts, arguments, and more. These 3 Mars aspects are:

Mars Quincunx Jupiter:  June 13-June 16: This can be added stress. Timpulsivity of these 2 planets in combination can result in overly emotionally words exchanged impulsively by world leaders /political figures with foreign countries. The nature of this aspect can also have challenges understanding another person’s philosophical point of view due to being too emotionally invested in the self or upsets. This is not the time to assert any major project with any company or any individual. Long terms decisions are best to be considered after these aspects.

Mars opposite Saturn: June 12-16: This is a double whammy during this period. Mars and Saturn combinations can be problematic as Mars can be too argumentative, and Saturn will not have it. Saturn will restrict Mars’ flow. So there is suppression, issues around boundaries (which include borders,) and matters surrounding security. When placed simultaneously with Mars Quincunx Saturn, these days very challenging. There could be security ideas that may be harvested, fought for, and then scrapped. Travel is not recommended during this period.

Mars opposite Pluto: June 18-June 22: This can be a problem around aggression and impulsive action where control, domination, and impulsivity are in a battle. This can be the grounds for a breakdown/shakedown of events and a slight disaster. I would never forecast an explosion or something massive. However, this energy is not the safest energy to be around. I avoid crowds (concerts, arenas, etc) during these periods. 

Though there is no such period is defined as “bad,” it is recommended to think before speaking and not jump into a new venture during the June 12-22. Since its only 10 days, the better way to use these energies is to exercise, housework, and brainstorm ideas that will be reinvented.

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Mercury Rx Part 2

Mercury Rx
Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Rx Part 2: Like any planet, glancing at the sign it is in helps clarify how that planet functions. In a person’s chart, it is equally necessary to consider the location the planet is in. Is it in the love sector? Is it in the occupation sector? Or is it someplace else? That defines how the current planet is affecting the individual.

 Currently, this retrograde Mercury is in the sign of Pisces. This type of thinking is categorized as poetic, reflective, and dreamy. A Mercury Retrograde can make a person think on a deeper level. Often, one can re-think things through. Exploring emotions and developing deep empathy are possible and intuitive.

 Interestingly, Alcoholics Anonymous was founded by Bill Wilson when Mercury was Retrograde in another water sign. Though the nature of a 12 step program is about getting sober, getting down to the core of one’s feelings and tracing one’s roots as to how they got to feel about people, places, and things is magnified. Mercury Retrograde in Pisces can be used for the same thing.

 More importantly, since Pisces also rules addiction, the current retrograde can be used as a period of examining sobriety.

 Surely this is not a “bad” period. There are many positive uses for this, such as reviewing old ideas, feelings, thoughts, etc.…As usual, many blame this for delays in communications, articles getting lost, etc.. However, with any energy, it is essential also to know the positive use. Retrograde Mercury is a beautiful time to re-read a book, review materials that you previously learned or re-investigate matters. Often one will have a new perspective on it. Usually, if one didn’t understand a subject, re-exploring it on a retrograde can help one appreciate it better.

 There are some peak dates that one should be careful with communication devices and technology: March 14-March 16 as Mercury will be squared to Jupiter. There can be many misunderstandings and stumbling blocks in functionality. It is strongly advised not to hold any important business meetings or do any device upgrade during that 48-hour window.

This point in time is unique and purposeful. The current period we are in is only descriptive of the energies. You can turn them around to make them better. It is a matter of knowing how to do so.

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Quincunxes: Health and Sacrifices-Trump!


Out of all the important elements in Astrology, the one that often gets very little attention is the Quincunx, otherwise understood as the Inconjunct.

This aspect can be one of the most problematic aspects. Like the Square aspect, a conflict arises. The big difference is that the efforts expended to resolve them may feel never-ending and require ongoing adjustments. In other words, it is trying and re-trying. It is a never-ending negotiation. This can also, in turn, create a waiting period. Sometimes there is a personal level of sacrifice required.

Also, the Quincunx is a health aspect Rob Ford (Former Crack/Cocaine Toronto Mayor) had tons of quincunxes in his chart a year prior. That was when his cancer got worse. Note: not every Quincunx is cancerous! It is essential to utilize common sense. An individual that is pro-active regarding health and maintains a healthy lifestyle isn’t going to have the same outcome. At the same time, we must look into the natal chart because that must be factored in when forecasting.

When I reviewed Donald Trump’s chart, I noticed he has a dual aspect taking place. First, his natal Sun has a Quincunx from transiting Pluto. That can be a significant issue regarding forcing his will to get his way. This is a major obstacle. With Pluto, there are power struggles where one has to surrender control and domination. However, when the Sun is involved, it is an issue regarding surrendering one’s ego. Now since both of these aspects are in the 5th house, there can be more scandals coming out in the media regarding love affairs. Health needs to be taken seriously. The Sun rules the heart and the right eye in a man’s chart. Gemini governs the lungs and shoulders. These 4 body parts are particularly vulnerable.

Also, the opposition that Pluto will form to natal Saturn starting March through July requires a need to give in. An opposition typically will pull an individual in the opposite direction according to the will of another person. However, oppositions are notorious for separations. Since the Sun is on the Midheaven, the status is impacted. That can translate into business dealings that may undergo “restructuring,” surrendering, and loss. 

For the next few months ahead, there is a lot of submissions that will be needed by Trump to handle some challenges that come in. There is resistance in his chart as it is ruled by the Sun (rising Sun ruler) and an active Mars that rises by the Ascendant. Compromise isn’t his strongest forte. However, there is a fine line between not being able to do versus being forced to do so. That is where the primary battle starts.

Handling multiple stresses can feel like being a juggler in a circus. Fortunately, Trump’s Sun in Gemini is skilled at multi-tasking. The concerns over Pluto and a Quincunx can be overwhelming, especially heart health matters. This is a time to find ways to decompress, develop humility, cultivate a healthy regimen, and detaching from ego. 

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Neptune-Saturn- Dreams Come True

Saturn Astrology
Neptune Astrology

From Now till February 14, June 1-July 3, October 27-November 19, Saturn will be sextile Neptune. This is a potent mixture for mixing discipline with ideas. It is the fuel of a disciplined artist. Disciplining motivation will lead to glory. There can be gains from Spirituality. This can make your visions come true with hard work. Though Saturn defines constraints, the unlimited can be set loose. Spiritually, it can help cultivate a more in-depth insight into goals and how they tie into the broader spectrum.

This is also a powerful cycle for the wisdom of a sage. Self-discipline, mixed with sacrifice, does bring results.

This is an active period for the stock market in terms of oil investments and legal investments. Charities can thrive under this period, which includes animal rights, environmental causes, churches, religious groups, spiritual groups, and more. Often, one may be drawn to these places.

When the energy is inspected for each planet, one can certify that it is a great time to start a new business and make a business plan. It is also a great time to undergo a Neptune activity. That can include an art class or creative endeavor of any kind.

There can be some brilliant pieces of art that can hit the media during these periods. Artistic recognition of someone prominent will be in the public eye, as well. This can also be the popularity of a film, book, or television series. There is also the possibility of a spiritual impact.

For those looking to re-balance financial portfolios, it is a great time to look into oil, gasoline, perfume, cosmetics, dental, chiropractic, medical, health, marine (including equipment), and seafood investments.

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Astrology Yearly Forecast Ahead

Astrology Yearly Forecast

It’s been a very prolonged time since we had onwards movement. We’ve come out of a Mars retrograde that took place for the bulk of the summer. Then we jumped on to a Venus retrograde that vanquished the majority of the fall season. Then we had 1 of the standard 3 Mercury retrogrades per year.

Specific years that have both Mars and Venus retrograde taking place during the calendar year can feel stagnated. We’ve had a pattern like these a few years ago. For example, the last time we had this within 12 months was December 2013-May of 2014. Then we had these 2 planets retrograde within another consecutive 12-month window during June 2015-June 2016. Surely, there were a few breaks in between. These cycles aren’t “bad.” However, they are not the most fruitful for manifestation. This was not the best period to initiate a new endeavor like start a new relationship or business.

On a positive note, we get to make up for these periods during time frames that don’t have these 2 retrogrades. This ties us into 2019 Astrological Forecast.

The beginning of 2019 starts with a Solar Eclipse on January 5. It is going to be very prominent eclipse because it will be in aspect to Saturn. Currently, Saturn is in Capricorn; it’s ruling sign. One can expect messy areas in one’s life to undergo reconstruction. 

A solar eclipse in Capricorn is also about business. So the first half of the year will be about tackling down hard work and taking responsibility. The effect of an eclipse lasts for 6 months. Technically speaking, it is from one solar eclipse to the next solar eclipse. 

Another positive aspect this solar eclipse makes is to Neptune. The combination of Saturn and Neptune can make a dream come true. It can structure Neptune’s artistic and creative side. It will be an ideal period for performing artists.

I have read some articles about this solar eclipse aspecting a fixed star named “Vega.” Though I won’t dismiss the validity of fixed stars, I do not believe they stand alone with strength. It needs to pick up more aspects to then serve as a confirmation to everything else. This aspect will accentuate Pluto, the planet of transformation and change. Some of the significant credits that are assigned to Vega should be assigned to Pluto. 

The most important aspect of this upcoming eclipse will make to your chart.

Finally, 2019 will be a significant period to utilize your ambitions for career and commitments in love. Surely if you are a crossroads, it will be time to evaluate them. It will be an ideal time to get organized, as that is what Capricorn and Saturn represent

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9 Types Of Astrology


Natal Astrology

Way of defining a person’s fate, essence, and possibilities based on the person’s date, time of birth, and place of birth.


Interpreting upcoming cycles in the hours, days, weeks, and months ahead. The most common are transits to natal planets, secondary progressions, solar arc directions, and return charts (solar, lunar and other planets.)


The analysis of 2 or more individuals charts to see how compatible or incompatible they are. This shows strengths, weaknesses, and more.

A composite chart can be calculated, which averages both charts into one chart. That chart is the chart of the relationship and serves as a confirmation to what is in the forecasting and natal charts of the individuals. It is a great surplus to be used but never supersedes the inter-aspects.

Relocation Analysis

In astrology, your date, time, and place of birth is needed. An astrologer can calculate a new chart for the desired location you would like to analyze. The planets will not change. However, the angles in the chart will because of time zone differences. Example: There is a distinct difference between 2 people born on the same date and time on different coasts. The goal is to analyze which area may serve you better for business, finances, relationships, schooling, etc.

It is common for business professionals who do business in multiple locations to want analysis on the place for their marketing campaign or business strategy. Everyone has a position that can bring more abundance or depletion.

Horary Astrology

If you need a specific question answered, your date, time, and place is not required. Instead, the astrologer makes a chart for the moment the question is asked. Values in the chart represent the querent and the topic they are inquiring.

Electional Astrology

If you seek a date and time to launch an important event such as getting married, taking a trip, booking a surgery date, starting a business, etc…This form of astrology will give you the best time possible. Everything has a chart, including an event. The goal behind this is to provide you the best energies possible.

A word of caution: The natal chart and forecasting need to be inspected first.

Uranian Astrology

This form of astrology uses mathematical like equations for natal, forecasting, and synastry. For example, if a client has a cycle such as Sun/Moon=Mars can indicate love life getting stronger.

This type of astrology is terrific to use as a surplus to the western approach.

Munich Rhythms

Developed by Wolfgang Doebriner, this form of astrology divides the houses into the periods of one’s life. For example, the ascendant and its aspects along with the ruler of the ascendant are triggered during the ages of 0-7 and 84-91. In a clockwise motion, each house is triggered in 7-year increments.


Indian style Astrology offering natal, forecasting, and synastry.

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Mars Retrograde and Mercury -Next few weeks

Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde

Now, we are undergoing 2 retrogrades: Mars and Mercury.
Navigate away from significant repairs on equipment (including cars.) A repair job on a Mars retrograde may result in needing another repair to take place. After the retrograde has turned direct, the trouble can be more comprehended. Repair jobs include surgery. Sidestep surgery under this time frame if probable.

In general, you may notice that the level of enthusiasm or desire in starting or completing projects may be stagnant. During a Mars retrograde, the sex drive may become dried up as one may lose the hope for physical expression.

Since this Mars retrograde is in Aquarius, it impacts asserting plans for the big picture. However, it can be an excellent time to reflect on the future. One of the best ways to handle a Mars retrograde is to review how much time you spend on projects and reassess the worth of your time.

I know a landlord that decided to have a few elevators repaired on a previous Mars retrograde. 2 2 months after Mars went direct, the elevator once again stopped working. Sometimes, the ideas that can help get a project completed well-executed aren’t available during a retrograde period.

Fortunately, this cycle is for 80 days every 2 1/2 years. On August 27th, this retrograde will be completed.

After this weekend, there are some slight improvements as Mars will be changing signs. It will be retrograding back into Capricorn. The positive thing about this is that there are more organization and regulation in reviewing one’s time.

Also, currently, Mercury is retrograde. Careful making any upgrades or changes to your equipment (computer, phone, electronics. ) As with any retrograde Mercury, it is not the time to sign a contract. It is a great time to re-inspect prior documents and books. This will be a significant period to re-learn your equipment. Your mind is more receptive to learning or re-learning operations.

A Mercury retrograde, it is an excellent time to re-read, re-review literature. It is also an ideal time to communicate with people from the past, including or people that you have lost communication ties. I know someone that went through 15 years worth of old business emails and organized them. That is a constructive way of using these retrogrades to your advantage. Fortunately, this Mercury retrograde is effect until August 19th. Fortunately, this is approximately 3 weeks. Though this happens 3 times a year, when it is layered with a Mars retrograde, it certainly does increase stagnation.

Once both of these planets pass their shadow, the exact placement it turned retrograde, the effects of the retrograde are entirely gone. Though this could take up to a month after the above dates, there will improvements after both planets turn direct.

In general, this is not the time to look at the new property, start a new job, start a new business plan, etc.. Using this retrograde by going thru old records is ideal.

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Harvey Weinstein Astrology Timing -Incrimination – Part 5

Harvey WeinsteinIn the case of Harvey Weinstein, a time of birth was never made available. So I proceeded through the method of rectifying his chart. That demanded going through a list of past occurrences in his life. So, in other words, it’s operating backward to estimate a probable time of birth. That allows the astrologer to push onwards.

A significant turning point in Weinstein’s life was transitioning from poverty. So for a career break would signify a change in status and power in achievement. That would be around the ages of 21-28 when natal Pluto was triggered in the MIdheaven.

Other events that would be considered significant would be a marriage. I also got a little fancy. I also looked up the planets of his current, former wife. It made sense that the time of birth I calculated for Weinstein ties in with the recent former wife’s planets. The other factors I considered were a prior marriage, divorce, and surely the birth of 5 children.

In moving forward, the current transit of Pluto is making 3 simultaneous aspects. It will be a substantial period for the next 18 months. Yes, he has an extreme likelihood of imprisonment. Transits alone in his chart will not denote imprisonment. Secondary Progressions also must be factored in. They override the transits. The first significant progression is the arrival of a new Midheaven changing signs. When there is a change in sign a planet or angle receives, it is like a new life ahead as the energies shift — this very universal for all charts. I look for a change in signs, aspects, house position, and direction in comparison to the natal chart.

The transits are pretty heavy for Weinstein. In mid-August, the transits of Pluto to Neptune, the Ascendant, and Jupiter leave the square aspects. So the best opportunity for a plea bargain could be offered between August through December 2018; however, once the 1st of December comes around, the transits from Pluto resume again and continue to go back and forth thru most of 2019.

Now, when the 7-year cycles of the Doebereiner are applied, yes, imprisonment looks very likely because the trigger is to Saturn in the 12th house: The house of sorrows and detention.

If Weinstein were my client, I would suggest accepting the plea bargain because that is the best it is looking in the immediate period. However, in seeing that he has an active Pluto (control), it seems very unlikely that he may accept it. I do not see him as a free man. Also, more new women and scenarios will continue becoming public.

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Planets in Aquarius Videos

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