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Tag Archives: spirituality

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5 Steps to Cultivating Gratitude.

As a Psychic Reader, I have developed some ways to take an energetic dip as an opportunity to address self-peace. 5 steps to cultivating gratitude.

1) Say I am sorry (and mean it) to yourself. LET IT GO!

2) Give yourself time. Whether it’s 5 minutes or 5 hours, give yourself time to self-evaluate.

3) Do one thing that may not be normal. Wear a crazy accessory, get that little black dress on, or spend too much on one self-care item you never buy. The point isn’t monetary value. It is allowing yourself to indulge in one harmless “treat” or doing something that makes you feel special.

4) Affirm your positives in the wake of the affirmation movement. It’s incredible how much positivity comes from simply telling yourself, “I am enough” and “I am beautiful/handsome.” One small compliment to yourself daily can change your entire week/month/year.

5) Let go of comparisons! You are you for a reason. No one in this plane of existence is you more than you. If you have the grace to forgive that makes the next hurdle of forgetting a lot easier. Giving yourself time to breathe and release the negativity the anxiety will help. Taking yourself out of the normal day to day, it allows you the ability to see things in a different light. I am a huge proponent of affirming your beliefs by practicing the grace of acknowledgment. Quit comparing, you will never be anyone else other than yourself. Being them comes with a whole source of issues that use up energy and shift focus.

The people you surround yourself with is the person you want to be. So the only person who should ever dictate your feelings and reactions is you. The person you haven’t found yet is the best version of yourself. And you should show them just as much, if not more, love than anyone else in your life.

5 Self Care Tips

The previous few months have taken a stirring toll on our lives with the Corona Virus pandemic. Integrating motion plans to cope while we wait for the completion of this brief life phase will enrich you. Here are 5 simple methods you can practice self-care today.

1. Nurture your mind, body, and soul.

Taking 5 minutes for yourself to practice some deep breathing is helpful.  Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.  You will be amazed at how refreshed you will feel. 

Physical exercises are crucial.  Whether it’s stretching, yoga, or cardio, physical activity will awaken your body and elevate your mood.  It is also an emotional reboot.  If this sounds boring, put music on.  Sing and dance!

Continue grooming routines. Feeling refreshed at the start of your day has an impact on your mind. 

Finally, meditation is a great way to decompress.  There are many meditations on YouTube and our blog.

2. Keep track of your feelings

The power of journaling is profound.  Even if you allow 5 minutes to write down what you are feeling, why you are feeling the way you do, and what you hope to accomplish, you will have a record to track patterns.  This will put you on the path towards making an action plan. 

3. Limit News and Social Media.

There is a difference between staying informed versus hearing every gory detail.  Unfortunately, the purpose of the news is to sell.  Online news outlets earn revenue through clicks and impressions.  The news may attempt to arouse fear by juxtaposing information for keeping viewers in suspense. 

4. Remain connected

It is easy to develop cabin fever after spending much time in isolation. Social distancing and working remotely can bring feelings of loneliness. Make time to have communication with friends and loved ones.  We are human and need connection.  Sometimes hearing another’s struggles helps us realize we are not alone.  The strength we give, we receive.  

5. Remember your purpose

During these times, many of us question our purpose in life.  Periods of reflection give rise to brainstorming new possibilities and brilliant ideas.  Everyone has a different response to a situation as each individual has a unique emotional and psychological gift.  One person may view quarantine as a gift whereas another individual may see it as stressful.  Getting to the root of the matter and discover fate is where our Psychics will help! Online tarot readings available too.

Gain deep insights by the Best Psychic Readers on our Psychic Network. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Self Care Kits

Self Care

When we get a scratch, we go to our first aid kits for bandages and lotion. But what about when we have a life experience that catches us off guard or triggers difficult emotions? Here are some suggestions for you to create a Self Care Kit for those instants when life can be overwhelming.  


Crystals are great tools to help raise your vibration.  Rose quartz, for example, helps amplify the vibration of self-love, so it’s a great choice for your Self Care Kit.  Amethyst is a great crystal for bringing a sense of balance into your life.  Clear quartz is often called Master Crystal since it can assist the clearing of negativity in your environment. 

No matter what crystal you choose for your Self Care Kit, carrying it during times of stress will help balance you. 

Essential Oils

These pleasant-smelling oils can actually “trick” your mind into being happy.  Science has shown that the part of the brain that takes care of the sense of smell can be activated using aromatherapy. 

Add Orange, Lemon or Grapefruit Essential Oils to your Self Care Kit.  One small whiff can help you relax and feel uplifted.  Frankincense Essential Oil has been known to help with meditation and focus.  Many stores sell blends of oils for Peace, Calming or Stress Relief, but be sure to try a sample first to be sure you like the scent.

Pen, Colored Pencils, and Plain Paper

Who didn’t love coloring when they were a kid?  Even if you are not an artist, one of the best mindful meditations and stress relievers is drawing and coloring.  Get bold and use colors that are not necessarily your favorites.  Draw out your feelings.  What shape is it?  Does it have a color?  When completed, give your drawing a name.  It has been said, once we name it, we can claim it; then it’s not so scary and overwhelming.  Keep your drawings to look back at your evolutions.

Dark Chocolate

Yes, really!  Eating a small bite of dark chocolate can release happy hormones and bring about feelings of wellbeing.  Its also loaded with magnesium which is a well-known relaxer. 


When you are feeling calm, peaceful and happy, write down lists of movies or TV shows that you enjoy and make you laugh (or cry).  Put this list in your Self Care Kit so that you can remember when the stressful times come on. 

Same for a music playlist.  Create something that makes you dance and move. 

Speak to a Psychic

Sometimes it’s a matter of getting details on your upcoming potentials so that you can discern if you are on track. Speaking to a Psychic will make the world of a difference.

Now, place all of these things into a box that only you know the contents.  Make your box fun and magical.  It can be a shoebox covered with affirmations or a fancy wood box decorated with carvings.  Get creative with your Self Care Kit, but most of all, have fun with it!  What matters most if you have just made a powerful tool to be accessed during times of your life when you may be feeling sad. 

Need your to investigate your partner?  Get a psychic reading  Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Being Spiritual

For as long as man can recall, we have been subjected to organized religion. We have all been placed in a typical group, whether that be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, etc. But what exactly makes them all distinct beyond the fact of who we send our compliments to? How can we have so much negativity surrounding something that is meant to create joy, love, and peace? Universal throughout all religions, we will see that we all follow the same blueprint: To love everyone and everything unconditionally, compassionately, and whole-heartedly. It doesn’t matter the deity you call on or the name you have for the Creator. If you have faith and acknowledge that there is a higher force that plays a major part in your life on this Earth, that is all you need.

When I first started learning about the different aspects of religion, I was a practicing Christian. I grew up in a very religious family, although they all worshipped something other than Christian. I was brought up believing that having faith in something was all you needed no matter which path you took. One day I found myself feeling unfulfilled by listening to a sermon one day at church, so I decided to branch out and see what everyone else was learning. When I began to research the different religions, I found that if we stop looking at the words in a literal aspect, we will see they are merely instructions on how to make it through this journey we call life. Being unique is one of our most prized gifts as humans and we must embrace that uniqueness. We all grew up with the idea that our family traditions would be the way to live and follow, but as we get older, we find that something’s just don’t fit into our lives the way they did for our parents, grandparents, etc.

But if you don’t follow a religion, are you an atheist? Far from it! Being able to expand beyond the little boxes that we have been placed in allows us to be able to have more understanding for our fellow man and animal as we cohabitate this beautiful planet. I have come to learn that being Spiritual not only keeps my faith high but also keeps me connected with everything in the Universe. Being spiritual allows you to break free from thinking inside the box, knowing there are limitless possibilities, and if we can keep the idea present that there is a Higher being, a Creator. 

We have the right to choose who we want to be, where we want to go, and how we want to do it. To stay blinded by any hype blocks messages that our Higher Source has for us and keeps our lights dim as we move and allow others to lead our lives. 

Let’s tape into the richness of all sources and see what is in store for you. 

Online Psychic Readings by only the best . Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Higher Power & Psychic Readings

Higher Power

Our higher power wants to assist us make smart conclusions so that we can live our best potential life. All they want is our pleasure. They want to be invited but can’t reply us directly all the time the same way we speak to each other. This advice needs to come through a material object because we are physical beings. To not ask them is like our favorite uncle leaving us a million dollars in the bank, and we would die to death instead of drawing money for food. There were isolated incidents when a sudden vocal warning from the spiritual realm saved somebody from destruction or disaster, but it is more common for answers to come from divination.

Divination is using a physical object combined with a spiritual connection to receive wisdom in our daily lives.  In my preschool days, I practiced divination with colored buttons, so I would know when it was safe to leave my hiding place and return to our large farmhouse.

My question was urgent as I felt my life depended on the answer.  When helping others, I have seen the more pressing issues seem to make a stronger spiritual connection.  This is when clients receive quick and sure answers.  The urgency allows anything in them that blocks the flow to fall away.

For a single urgent question with a yes or no answer, I like to roll dice (throw the bones).  Another method I often use for a single urgent question with a yes or no answer is a special coin.  It doesn’t matter what the object is when practicing divination.  The crucial ingredient for accuracy is giving oneself with complete abandon to a spiritual connection.

Cards work well for more complete readings to get the whole picture; however, when the mystical energy is flowing, it takes on a life of its own, and the cards become secondary.  It doesn’t matter what kind of cards are used, Tarot or a regular deck.  What matters is the accuracy of the reading.

To discern personalities, I love to use a combination of Tarot Cards and Numerology to learn what card in the Major Arcana represents the personality of the person that is being inquired about.  When we meet a new person, they can put on a front for at least 6-8 weeks.  That is time enough for us to fall in love with who we think they are.  Invariably they will turn into the exact person that their card represents them to be.  It is a great benefit to us to check their signature cards early on so that we are not deceived and disappointed by a bad experience.

In dealing with others in the workplace, it is a lifesaver to have this insight into the character and to know how much to trust or what to expect.  I will follow up this article with a series about the meanings of each of the cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot Deck and how they represent the character of the persons we need to know.

Astrology charts for free  Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!