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2020 Astrology Forecast

2020 Astrology

The first half of 2020 has a few difficult planetary periods. There is no such thing as a good or bad year. Rather, every year can be used to its’ fullest possibility to achieve more satisfactory results. The goal is to understand the window of time within a given period.

The first three weeks of January are a bit shaky.  The closer we get to January 12, the more critical this becomes.  Maintaining old structures and boundaries in place are challenged with a new order of governance where rebirth and transformation are demanded.  This creates eruptions, protests, and possibly explosions.

Some countries have some political unrest.  Australia has fires, the UK has issues with Brexit, and Donald Trump Impeachment is the USA.  Expect the stock market to go through volatility during this period. Improvements will occur in March.  This will be much better to review financial portfolios.

During this period, it is best to avoid making significant changes with your investments, property, and business matters.

Though there are improvements after January 24, note that there will be a 2.5-week window to get projects completed before they get distorted with unclear communication and technological difficulties.  Avoid signing contracts or making any major technological upgrades during this period.  This includes moving homes, buying homes, and/or putting a home on the market for sale.  If you have a broker/agent that you have to sign where you have to sign an agreement, wait until after March 9. 

After March 9th, we have a window of time until the first few days of May to finalize projects.  This is a better time to complete and start projects. 

Be cautious in making major purchases, changes, or starting business projects and personal endeavors from May 12 through June 24.  You may notice your taste may not be the same as it was prior resulting in dissatisfaction.  Also, pricing may be extremely expensive during this time. It is best to collect ideas and execute them later.  This will not be a time to buy important items, make renovations, or embark on a significant relationship (including a business partnership).

From June 17-July 12, we re-embark another period of distorted communications. 

Between July 12 and September 8, another window of opportunity avails itself to finalize projects.  

Later on, I will cover a more detailed description of how to best use the above periods.

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Donald and Marla Relationship Compatibility

Donald and Marla

Donald and Marla Astrology

Even if a connection is bland, it needs some form of 7th-house connection for binding. In the case of Donald and Marla, Marla’s Moon joins to Donald’s 7th house. The 7th house is the house of partnership. The qualities of the Moon supply help and nurturance. So Marla provided some form of nurturance and support by courting him. She respected and understood his needs and tried to provide emotional support.

Her Venus Quincunx his Uranus: The issues these 2 in combination bring are: demands, control, freedom versus attachment, and ongoing adapting and adjusting. It’s a never-ending failed compromise.

Marla may have disliked being in the public eye with Donald. Whereas Donald’s relationship with Ivana had a trine aspect making it harmonious when it came to enjoyment of the spotlight.

Marla’s Mars square Donald’s Mars/Ascendant aspect: This can bring clashes of the will, ongoing arguments, and frustrations.

He was missing 7th house planets for Marla. Donald didn’t have any of his planets in Marla’s 7th house, so there is a clear lack of fulfillment. Worse, Donald’s planets didn’t reach Marla’s 5th house of romance.

In reviewing Marla’s chart, she is very ambitious and career-oriented. The ruler of her 7th is in the 2nd, so she needs a mate that can provide financial support as well as support her worth and talent. Though Donald may have been able to provide her with financial abundance, there were issues with this connection having a special spark.

When I review their Composite Chart, there are additional pieces of confirmation that indicate this relationship never had luster. First, the composite Saturn is in the 7th house. This configuration suggests hard work and dimmed sparks in the relationship. Then the ruler of the 7th, Venus, is in the fall sign of Virgo. Furthermore, the Composite Chart Moon is in Capricorn in harsh aspects, making the emotional life non-existent. The Moon in Capricorn can be all business and construed as cold.

I’m sure Donald involved himself with Marla to have a relationship with less emotional volatility. His relationship with Ivana had too much drama. So having something more emotionally detached was something he was yearning for. However, he got too much friendship instead of a mate.

This combination is better suited for friends, co-workers, and neighbors, or business partners. Indeed, this duo combination not recommended for one for love partners.
I can conclude that Donald’s relationship with Ivana may have been stronger and more emotionally intimate than it was with Marla.

Some sharp critical opinions would write this relationship off as a gold digger looking for a sugar daddy. However, Astrology does not judge, nor does it write anything off. It only describes where the potentials best lie and the full energies associated.

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The Truth: Donald and Ivana Relationship Compatibility

Love Astrology: When examining inter-aspects between 2 Astrological charts, we need to inspect every planetary and point position from one chart to the other person’s planets.

Some combinations are not recommended. Also, some aspects immediately leap out as most consequential. In the case of Donald and Ivana Trump, each of their Suns land in each other’s 7th house. This is a powerful combination and can drive for a long-lasting relationship or result in a permanent bond. It is also a secure placement for being public in the relationship. Even though Donald and Ivana divorced, they have remained friends.

We should factor in the needs of each other from the 7th house, as demonstrated last week.  Ivana has Taurus on the 7th house; she needs stability, consistency, and communication.  Her problem is that the power struggles, control, domination, and issues beyond her control are intense as Pluto opposes Venus.  The significant conflict is that Donald’s Pluto is very close to her Pluto as it would be for anyone slightly younger/older than her.  This will trigger this aspect even more.  So their relationship faced many problems over domination.

Ivana’s Jupiter to Donald’s Venus/Saturn aspects can bring healing to those wounds, but they also expand those themes because Jupiter enlarges anything it touches.  The reason for healing is because it can bring an understanding of an underlying issue.  More importantly, for a relationship to glue, it needs Saturn.  If it weren’t for this aspect, it would be hard for her to pin down Donald.

One of the most harmonious aspects of this combination is her Venus trine to his Sun/Uranus conjunction.  This is an immediate attraction where each is captivated by the other. I’m sure Donald felt, “Love at first sight.”  Venus’ beauty, appeal, and magnetic quality can bring two people together.

Ivana’s Ascendant is precisely conjunct with his 4th house.  This appears to have a strong connection or resemblance to his mother.  Like the mother, his ex-wife has heightened emotional life as her Moon makes two squares in her chart.  These squares are an issue because they indicate problems with jumping too quickly into situations without considering consequences as well as making decisions that are problematic to her wishes.  Since it squares a planet in Pisces, it will force having to make sacrifices to her dreams, desires, and hopes.

I bring up the Moon because it squares Donald’s Ascendant.  They are different signs, but they are out of sign squares, which will magnify Donald’s Leo rising as overly dramatic and critical versus Ivana’s outspoken and intensive nature.  This relationship has much emotional volatility.  Aside from the fact that Donald had an affair with Marla Maples, they outgrew each other years prior and held on to the relationship to keep face in public.  Surely, Astrology can demonstrate how and why two people outgrow each other.  The technique behind that is in secondary progressions in comparison to the other person.  Also, there is a technique in progressing the Composite Chart.

In the derived house system, the 7th house indicates the first spouse.  The 9th house indicates the 2nd spouse.  The 11th house indicates the 3rd spouse.  It keeps jumping two houses each time a person is married or resides with a mate.

Surely the 7th house is the main house for the relationship.  The derived house system will show what the native is searching for in a new mate.  It will also give details about that mate.

Though the above may seem technical, it is rich with details in analyzing a relationship.  I deliberately went in reverse order because many enjoy jumping to just the relationship chart.  Understanding each person’s needs, fate, and character is more vital to understand the inter aspects as that will demonstrate the true compatibility.  The Composite Chart, in my opinion, is like an excellent polish that is best saved for last as an option, it is not a requirement.  However, it should not become a substitute for an examination of more significant comparisons.

Earlier I stated that there might be times where a Composite Chart may show difficulties that may not stand out with inter-aspects.  When this happens, it is because there is a natal aspect in a person’s chart that needs attention and it is reflected in most relationships.

Next time we will explore Donald’s inter-aspects with Marla Maples.

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Donald Trump Love Astrology Details

Donald Trump Astrology
Donald Trump Astrology

Donald Trump Astrology: This mini series had extensive coverage as found on video and prior articles.  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Video, and Trump in Relationships.

In follow up to the Composite Charts commentary, this week, we are layering in the essence of inspecting a natal chart for love energy before looking at inter-aspects or Composite Charts.

The 7th house is where we look for in the chart for love life. First, we look for the sign on the cusp.  Secondly, we proceed to look at planets in the 7th house and aspects it makes to the rest of the planets.  Next, we look at the ruler of the 7th house. Finally, we look for Venus and the aspects it makes.

In Donald Trump’s chart, he has Aquarius on the 7th house cusp. This indicates he needs a partner that is different, unique, and exotic.  An ordinary partner would bore him.  He has a quench for excitement and adventure.  A mate that stands out is important for him.  He has an attraction to women from different cultures.  Matters of independence are active themes surrounding his love life.  There is a level of detachment that Donald needs to feel content.

The ruler of the 7th, Uranus, is located in the 10th house of status, honor, recognition, reputation, and status.  The type of mate he needs is a person that will elevate his status and social standing. His relationship with Ivana put him on page 6.

Uranus is in aspect to his natal Sun in the 10th house.  This will make Donald independent and need a mate that can bounce off original ideas. Gemini is about communication, changeability, and the mind. He needs a mate that he exercises intellectual stimulation.  More importantly, in Astrology, the ruler of the 1st house (the self) and the 7th (the partner) in an aspect is a strong indication of a person’s desire to be with a mate or attract.  There is a conjunction between the Sun and Uranus.  Though the two aren’t the most solid as Uranus can always be changing and seeking new ventures, it does give him magnetism.  Some would argue by stating that a billionaire can purchase a relationship, or anyone would be easily attracted.  Though there is validity to that, it doesn’t mean that the native would desire a relationship.  There are others with the same planetary combination that share these same energies and are not in the same financial status.

An obstacle in Donald’s chart is the Moon opposite Uranus. This creates a lot of anxiety, emotional disconnect, inability to bond, restless females, and notoriety.  This is very similar to Donald’s mother, as outlined a few weeks ago. Click here for more.  There is a need to balance out emotional bonding versus detached freedom.  Being there emotionally, physically, or mentally for his mate and vice versa are ongoing obstacles.

Since there aren’t any planets in the 7th house, we can then proceed to the condition of Venus in Donald’s chart.

Venus in Cancer conjuncts Saturn and Square Jupiter.  This is a potent business position.  It is also a position for entertainment. Hence, Donald has made many cameo appearances and had his reality TV show. However, in love, this will have many learning lessons. Some may exaggerate Saturn and define it as Karmic.  In truth, with Saturn, we reap what we sow.  It can make a person very ambitious and willing to get serious.  But, if the person doesn’t shape up, significant problems occur.

Many Astrologers often neglect the Quincunx.  The Moon quincunx Venus can result in a critical, shaming, and nagging nature. There is difficulty adapting to a mates philosophy.  Challenges with judgment and understanding are also core issues.  Unfortunately, this can result in the mother and other family members not approving the native’s mate.

Jupiter in square aspect to Venus can make one very indulgent.  Yet there is frustration in trying to expand in love.  The natures of the signs are Libra and Cancer.  The conflict here stems from being out in the public limelight versus family and home issues. There can be an overindulgence in either direction.  Though these 2 in combination aren’t the most challenging aspects, it details merely Donald’s love nature.  The Venus / Saturn aspect in aspect to Jupiter has gotten him in trouble with infidelity and exposure to other indiscretions.

Before looking at compatibility, it is more important understanding the love energies one is born and doing the necessary work that comes with it. Then layering the energies of another individual is recommended. 

We will go over his marriages to both Ivana and Marla Maples in the next few weeks.

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Numerology: Born on the 31st


Numerology: In essence you re a 4, the number of emotions and sensitivity. You also take the mastery of communication from the number 3 and leadership from the number 1. 

This is a strong placement for a therapist.  You can easily get people to talk about their emotions, thoughts and difficulties.  You have the ability to inspire others with hope for healing and a better outcome, as you are gifted with the power of persuasion.

You are equipped with emotional strength inside you.  Relationship to women, your own mother, and anything feminine is a pivotal force in your own development. 

Your Traits

  • Detailed
  • Leader
  • Emotionally strong
  • Communication
  • Hard worker
  • Sensitive

Your Strengths

You love things that are solid and grounded in the practical. Yet, you possess a considerable amount of emotional talent that is searching for a deeper meaning and the root source.  As a natural communicator, you are talented in being able to express what is on your mind in an effective way that teaches and motivates people.  You have excellent concentration. You have to be careful not to become overworked to the point that you no longer take time to stop and smell the roses.

Writing comes naturally to you.  Some may come to you for edits, writing, and getting your opinion. 

Your Challenges

Your challenge is to make the most of what you are doing right now and staying in the present.  You can be stubborn to established methods. This can and often does lead to frustration and repression for you. Things seem to take forever, especially when you resist bringing fresh approaches into your very tidy and comfortable ways of doing things. The keys to your success are your willingness to maintain order and discipline in your life, and to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.

There is a need to simply be.  Enjoy life, the experiences happening at this very moment instead of analyzing what happened a few minutes ago or further in the past. 

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Numerology: Born on the 30th


Numerology: In essence a 3 which gives you communication talent. You are the 3 & 0. You are gifted in writing, communicating, speaking, and strategizing. You have a need to express yourself in whatever way you can; by using your body, your voice, art, etc. There is a need to be engaged at all times, otherwise you will become bored very fast. Multi-tasking assignments are one way to utilize this energy. If you do not use all your energy, it will in turn use you. So it s important to work out, take long walks, etc. to burn off the excess. 

Your Traits

  • Quick witted
  • Writer
  • Witty
  • Clever tongue
  • Highly creative
  • Flexibility
  • Make people laugh

Your Strengths

You are highly imaginative and quick-witted. You can be the life of the party, entertaining people with stories, jokes or witty remarks. You have plenty of vitality, your body heals quicker than most others.

You are versatile and talented and there are few things you cannot do. You have a very sharp mind and a fine understanding of the body, which makes careers in medicine or health both possible and rewarding. You are very creative and witty.

Your Challenges

Your challenge is to be willing to start your enterprise small and take practical steps toward enlarging it to its full scope. You have a gift for seeing both the details of a plan and how it should unfold. You are orderly and patient. You can approach a problem methodically and systematically. Your solutions tend to be unique. You keep your own counsel and have much inner strength. Conversely, you can be nervous and suffer grave doubts about yourself, which you also tend to hide.

 It is very easy to scatter yourself by taking out too many projects and not follow through with them.

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Numerology: Born on the 29th


Numerology: Granted you are an 11 which is a Superior number. As that you are separate from the ordinary 2. This number harnesses multiple layers from many numbers. Other peoples rules may not be yours, but you need a foundation to be of good essence and strength. You have weighted responsibilities and well as added possibilities. An 11 brings deep talent, extraordinary insight and huge personal stamina. Unlike the 2 you love reaching the community or world at large.

 You would excel in a profession that helps those less fortunate than yourself, combats poverty, and defends the rights of others.  Global outreach is a very pivotal focal point in your life.  Activism, politics, and law are great professions for you.

Your Traits:

  • Group oriented
  • Team player
  • Activist
  • Cultured
  • Sensitive
  • High standard of goals

Your Strengths

You tend to inspire people to move in a specific direction, or adopt new methods of living. Your presence is galvanizing. You have a good deal of leadership ability as well. But your life stands more as an example for others, rather than for sustained or orderly leadership. You prefer to let people take up their own struggles once you have helped point the way, rather than be directly involved in the day-to-day activities of leadership. You have a great deal of determination.

 Your talents can help make fundraisers a success.  The ability to persuade others and get them to see the betterment of mankind is natural to you.

Your Challenges

You are highly sensitive, emotional and reactive. You bruise easily from the criticism of others, and can take some time recovering from such slights. You can be very inspiring. You possess the qualities of a visionary and are often able to excite others with your ideas for a better world. Your intuition and sensitivity lead you inevitably toward philosophical and idealistic pursuits.

At times you can easily lose yourself by getting involved in a cause outside of yourself.  It is important to think of yourself from time to time.  Also it is important that once you give, you let go and not expect anything in return.  This will help you come from a place where you give unconditionally. 

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Numerology: Born on the 28th


Numerology: In essence you are a 10. You have a lot of initiative. In reality you are a 2 & 8 which makes you business-minded, wise, and a go-getter. Hard work never scared you. If a sacrifice is for a brighter and more successful tomorrow, you will do whatever it takes to climb to the top of that occupation ladder. You are the happiest by working for yourself with the freedom to arrive and act upon your own decisions. You appreciate tradition and conventions and seek those that can support and follow the same set of values. 

Your Traits

  • Ambitious
  • Dutiful
  • Leadership qualities
  • Business acumen
  • Practical
  • Earthy
  • Visionary
  • Pioneer

Your Strengths

You are highly ambitious and have a strong drive for success and power. Although self-confident, you like to be encouraged. You are a hard worker and an important fixture in any enterprise in which you are involved. People are attracted to your deep commitment to your work, and the steadiness with which you do it.

You attract money from all work that is service oriented. The more you do for others, the more you receive spiritually and materially.

Your Challenges

Your challenge is to achieve a wider degree of perspective on yourself and others. Exchange ideas with others, lest you become insulated and isolated by your own perspective. This can become a kind of prison for you. You can be highly stubborn, which emanates from fear. Try to see that all of life is but an ecosystem, a life cycle delicately balanced in such a way that everyone is supporting.

You are demonstrative with your affections and willing to sacrifice for others. You are highly idealistic, but if your ideals fail, you can become bitter and negative. You are very sensitive, with many emotional ups and downs. You tend to find yourself in dramatic situations, yet you like to control your emotions in public and come off as if everything is under control. With your determination and inventive and creative mind, you have potential for achievement and financial reward. 

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Numerology: Born on the 27th


Numerology:  In essence you are a 9: Selflessness, humanity and bringing compassion. However with the blend of a 2 and a 7 you also bring in partnership and balance. Often you are omniscient. You love and should travel. You have an intense mind and strong emotions and opinions. You are fond of an argument and enjoy a challenge. You also love your independence; you have extra charisma and an ability to reach the public. This makes it easy for you to evolve the leader. You re a lover of music and a true inamorato of the theater and literature. You need fresh air and exercise

Your Traits

  • Intellectual mind
  • Active body
  • Traveler
  • Loyal
  • Optimism
  • Honesty

Your strengths

You are a born leader, an efficient manager, capable of organizing and inspiring others. You are especially talented in the areas of politics, religion, art and law. You are highly creative and have an excellent understanding of people.

You are broadminded and should be educated in several different fields, particularly the arts. Many great artists are found under this number. You tend to be a late bloomer and must be willing to take your time before choosing a profession. You need experience and exposure to many different types of fields before you find the one area in which you will specialize.

You can relate to people in all walks of life. You will do quite a bit of traveling and go through many changes. At your base, you have a great dream for humanity. You want to improve the conditions of people, whether they are in your community, state, country or the world at large. This is where your deepest satisfaction lies — with performing some task that will benefit others. You are able to express your feelings well, though a bit dramatically at times. You have a calm and even aristocratic appearance. However, beneath it there is a sense of frustration with not having received your due in life, either from parents, co-workers or your community.

Your challenges

Self righteousness and the need to always be right can be themes to get past.  Sometimes in life is not about being right, however it s about handling a situation effectively.  With the gift of understanding, you can easily overcome this challenge.

Over optimism can be a problem by expending on more than you truly can.  There is a need to develop more practicality for the bigger picture instead of only living for the moment.  

Your bluntness may easily hurt others feelings.  Developing sensitivity and a better approach to redressing matters will make you more an effective communicator.

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Numerology: Born on the 26th


Numerology:  In essence, you are an 8: the number of power, of the octave and a higher manifestation. In reality, you are a 2 & 6: your base number is 8, which is karmic so you have a good understanding of cause and effect. You are a great investigator and investigator. You love delving into enticing, mind-teasing mysteries. You are high-minded and yet surprisingly conservative at times. You are honest with a high desire to reveal the truth. You have a particular skill in looking well below the obvious and pursuing hidden knowledge. You have a keen appreciation of music and hear the music of the spheres within yourself. Once you make up your mind, you rarely change it.

Your Traits 

  • Determination
  • Dynamic mind
  • Intellectually rigorous
  • Investigative
  • Deep
  • Passionate
  • Committed

Your Strengths

You are analytical, and blessed with being able to ascertain what lies under the surface of any situation.  Your approach to business is deep, insightful, and powerful.  You are viewed by in your field as the one that will discover something new and unexpected.

The fields you can thrive in are private investigator, attorney, auditor, accountant, and financial expert.  Any place where you can use your mind often to dig deeper is right for you. 

Your Challenges

Trust is a very delicate area for you.  There is a strong will and self-protective shell around you.  It is important to understand that if you do not let your walls down, you may be closing yourself off to certain opportunities.  It also prevents others from being able to give you joy. 

Self-control is important for you. You must realize that self-control can help you dodge difficulties but can act against you by not allowing you the very happiness you seek. 

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