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Mars out-of-bounds

Mars Retrograde

Mars is more than just the “God of war.” Mars describes what Venus enjoys and battles what Venus detests. Sex, assertion, drive, physical energy, competition, fire, anger, and war are ruled by Mars. Mars out-of-bounds is about to start.

Certain planets go out-of-bounds every few years. Usually, it is for a short 2-3 month period. The upcoming Mars out-of-bounds will enter on October 22, 2022, until May 5, 2023.  Similar to sports, beyond the limits of the established field of play is where an out-of-bounds planet travels. 

Some people born under the period of an out-of-bounds Mars may be labeled as aggressive. The adrenaline for such individuals may be interpreted as walking time bombs waiting to explode. This too is determined by the rest of the chart.  An out-of-bounds planet does not respect limits or boundaries. It can generate genius a breakthrough.  Negatively, it can become volatile and unacceptable to society. 

Freedom is retaliated against Saturn’s limitations. This freedom for Mars is like a super Uranus which seeks to awaken and revolutionize and liberate. These energies are interwoven when there will be some type of need to break freefrom something.

The best way to understand the future is by looking at the past. The general rule of thumb is that the longer a cycle lasts, the longer and more significant the impact. The last time we had an out-of-bounds Mars last for many months was during 4/5/2001-10/20/2001.  The major event that took place was 9/11. This does not mean that another worldwide catastrophe is forecasted. However, there will be national security changes taking place. Mars is also retrograde. Like in 2001, Mars was retrograde for a few months while it was out-of-bounds.  A few weeks after it turned direct and remained out-of-bounds, 9/11 occurred. 

Since Mars will be retrograde in Gemini (and will be covered separately,) this is the time to be extra careful with online security and online banking especially conducted via a Smartphone device. Though Gemini governs automotive, communication, local transportation, elementary schools, post offices, and communication carriers, this is a time to pay extra attention to any transaction with these institutions. Pay additional detail to passwords. The potential for hacking is strong.  Also, for those driving cars with driving assistant, pay attention to how you rely on it.  Recently, LAUSD was hacked. A ransom was rejected. The entire roster was exposed.  

Mars is war. Could there be potential or just talk Gemini loves to talk, the short answer is yes. However, it is mutable and short-lived.  

The financial markets may be a bit difficult. The last time another out-of-bounds Mars was in effect was during the period of 10/4/2007-4/25/2008. Certainly, with other planetary configurations, this is especially strong. 

Though Mars out-of-bounds may seem to appear as violent, it can produce courage and physical abilities.   Henry Kissinger had an out-of-bounds Mars in Gemini. He negotiated dialogues to end conflicts during the Vietnam War. Could this be a possible breakthrough with Biden? Maybe. Putin will have an impact. This too will be discussed at a later date.

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Progressed Lunation Cycle-Timing

The Progressed Lunation Cycle

Timing cycles are part of 28-year phases. There are around 2-3 in a lifetime. Each individual will experience a secondary progressed New Moon at some point in their life. This is estimated from the Progressed Sun to the Progressed Moon and becomes a highly individualized measurement that is divided into eight sections. The progressed Moon moves approximately 1 degree per month. Potent seeds for producing your life. Understanding what phase you are in now gives rise to understanding your full 28-year cycle ahead.

Similar to a monthly Moon cycle that farmers use to plant (Farmers Almanac,) the Moon cycle in a 28 year period can demonstrate the vibration you are on in terms of your career, financial, and relationship potentials.

The natal chart is stable.  The modifications are represented by the progressed chart.  Your chart grows, just like you.  In the progressed chart, the Moon is the quickest moving body. 

The Moon starts a waxing phase from a New to a Full Moon approximately every 27 – 28 days.  In progressions, each day equals 1 year.  The eight phases of the Moon are also applied in 27-28 year increments in your progressed chart as: New Moon, Crescent Moon, First Quarter, Gibbous Moon, Full Moon, Disseminating Moon, Last Quarter, and Balsamic Moon.  Note: this special cycle is Progressed to Progressed aspects; and they add precision to timing techniques like a charm.

The Progressed Lunation Cycle

New Moon: 0° – 44° ahead of the Sun.  Active period.  Sowing seeds.  Beginning over again.  Re-learning life. There may be a period of disorientation, confusion, or a sense of being in the dark. You may feel vulnerable, revived, eager, and enthusiastic.  You may start a new job, move, wed, divorce, or become a parent.  This positions the path for the next 28 years.  Keywords:  Emergence, beginnings, birth, potential. 

Crescent Moon: 45° – 89 ° ahead of the Sun.  Passive period.  Endeavors initiated on the New Moon grow.  The strong desire to thrust forward and expand is non-stop.  Situations may propel you out of your convenience spot.  The trail ahead may not be apparent, but there’s a sense that you must get rolling.  You may be trying out your plan, purifying it, and placing stronger foundations in place while gaining a more precise idea of where you are going.  Keywords:  Assertion, bravery, testing the waters.

First Quarter Moon 90° – 134° ahead of the Sun.  Active period. The first push towards victory.  This is a sweet spot.  There is often more money and opportunity as the Moon increases in light.  The square produces tension.  A crisis will result in action. Placing the support in place is crucial.  Keywords: Action, commitment, ordeals, crisis, outsource to get some help.  

Gibbous Moon 135° – 179° ahead of the Sun.  Passive period.  Gains, polishing, striving, and access to resources.  A sense of security is in the atmosphere.  You are starting to see how your efforts are producing.  If there was a loss in the first quarter, this phase may be marked by over-reaction or strain.  There’s haste to relieve distress, to try to force fruition.  If things went well at the quarter Moon, you may now be excited to see the results of your labors.  This can bubble over into impatience, drama, or overstretching.  Keywords: Expression, over-reaction, adjustment, adapting 

Full Moon Moon 180° – 134° ahead of the Sun.  Active period. Exposure, rise to the top.  You are in the spotlight.  Actions reach culmination.  Similar to the Full Moon in the monthly cycle, this represents a climax.  Feelings are intensified. Relationships with others may be pivotal.  You realize your goals or realize the idealism behind them. If this time is met with disappointment, this phase enables strategizing.  Keywords: Fruition, fulfillment, transparency, motivation, materialization, revelations.

Disseminating Moon 135° – 89° behind the Sun.  Passive period. Sharing, teaching, and giving back.  You acknowledge that you have changed and developed.  You put your talents to work, exhibit what you know, expend your privileges, and transfer your knowledge.  Experiences during this stage may question you to examine your knowledge of life to distill what you believe.  The Moon starts to wane (decrease in light).  Keywords:  Synthesis, demonstration, evaluation, sharing, productivity, allocation, integration, assimilation.

Last Quarter Moon 90° – 46° behind the Sun.  Active Period. There is a feeling of urgency to complete tasks as the Moon is decreasing in light.  A crossroad ahead where a predicament of consciousness may be reached.  You have gained maturity.  The challenge is whether to resume or start a process of releasing those things which no longer inspire you.  This phase needs confronting the truth and admitting when things have outgrown their effectiveness.  This duration of stress may require separating or restructuring.  It may feel like a final opportunity to make what you want in this revolution.  As the progressed Moon moves towards darkness, you may encounter a sense of void.  The void within buzzes you to recognize what must be removed to make room for new development in the end.  Keywords:  Re-orientation, adulthood, truth, restructuring, overindulgence.

Balsamic Moon is 45° – 1° behind the Sun.  Passive period.  Moving towards the darkness of the next New Moon.  You enter a time of liberation.  This phase is characterized by a feeling of winding down.  Now it’s time to let go and surrender to the next chapter of life. In the final part of this stage.  Periods of reflection and withdrawal will become a necessary process to allow you to release what needs clearance so that you are reborn.  You will find yourself thinking about the past, grieving, and healing.  This is a transition phase.  Keywords:  Release, endings, surrender, withdrawal, retirement, detachment, call inward, deepening studies, inner work, rest, solitude. 

Soon, you will be entering the New Moon phase and will re-embark on a new 28-year journey.  It is helpful to understand the phase of the Moon you were born in.  Some people that are more of a balsamic type may feel uncomfortable during a full moon period as they are more introverted.  Too much exposure for a person that desires privacy may become uncomfortable. Similarly, a person born when the Moon was waxing may feel unfamiliar during introverted periods. 

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Septar-Repurposed Solar Returns Part 2


Septars are an excellent tool for forecasting relationships and careers. It has a distinctive form for timing upcoming predictions. Last time, we explained the different ages that correspond to a specific Septar. That specific Septar is a previous solar return from childhood. Please see how these Solar Returns work in part 1 of this article 

Using Harvey Weinstein as an example, currently, he is 70 years old.  That means his 11th Septar is in effect between the ages of 70-76.  His 11th solar return took place in 1962. 

Though it’s customary to run the Solar Return for the location of residency, remember, this is not traditional Astrology, so the birthplace is used. 

When we view this specific Septar, we can see the major challenges he is currently facing in California after being given 23 years of prison in the state of New York.  Each house in a Septar is activated for 7 months in a clockwise direction.  Whereas in the traditional Munich Rhythm Theory, each house clockwise is for 7 years.

First, we can give this chart the justice it deserves by giving a mini interpretation before forecasting.  Doebereiner chart interpretation is very structured.  I appreciate that as a starting point to get to the meat of the chart, especially when eyeballing the chart on the spot.  The mission in this chart is striving to assert defining and protecting secrets to prevent loss (Taurus Rising/ruler in house #12.)  This is carried out by burying deeper fabrications and exaggerations (Sun in 12th house).  The outcome, MC ruler, is the legal consequences and the removal of freedom (house #10.) 

The chart ruler, Venus, in the 12th house, intercepted will bring up feelings of abandonment, loneliness, entrapped, and grief.  This is a difficult placement for a person as it can feel like an unloving period.  There is a configuration to this planet as well where the level of restlessness and despair.  The emotional level is extremely critical, dramatic, and hysterical.

From October 22, 2022, thru May 2023, the house shifts to the ruler of the 12th house.  That means Neptune and all the aspects formed on this planet dominate the period.  This includes the square formed by Saturn.  This combination will bring a lot of hysteria as a result of more information surfacing especially from females in his past.  Learning lessons around deception.  Since the Septar Neptune is in the sign of Scorpio, lessons around power, control, and sex.

Also, during this period, the activation of Aries occurs because it is intercepted in the 12th house.

Mars/Mercury/Pluto aspects bring out buried secrets.  There may first time news revealed about Weinstein.  More abused survivors may come to the surface.  He can also get into more legal problems for other matters or locations.  This can become a turbulent war-like period for him.

Transits may be applied to that specific Septar as a timing mechanism.  The activation of the transiting Uranus and Saturn Square will be impacting the Ascendant in this Septar. Saturn is about learning lessons, law, authority figures, and sowing from past behavior. Learning lessons around sexuality, exertion of authority, liberty, expression, and domination are all in the mix.

The big game-changing transit to this chart is transiting Pluto conjunct the Midheaven.  Pluto transforms by either empowering or disempowering a person’s status when transiting through the Midheaven.  Next, we can also look at the upcoming solar eclipse at 2 Scorpio.  It will activate Saturn and all the aspects formed by it.  The sentencing he is going to receive in California seems similar to or harsher than in New York.  After this house completes activation, in May 2023-December 2023, there is a shift in house energy again.  This eclipse confirms the release of Neptune/Saturn. 

The ruler of his 11th house in the Septar is activated.  The ruler is in the 5th in the sign of Leo. This can range from being moved to a different prison location, difficult health diagnosis, and heart complications. Surely, taking this further by digging deeper into the MRT of Weinstein’s natal chart is important as well a0s using other forecasting tools.

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Septar-Repurposed Solar Returns


A Septar is a German word for Solar Horoscope. In the Munich Rhythm Theory, a chart has a term of 7 years for each house clockwise. The computations for planetary releases are structured and overlap with other forecasting methods. Seeing a trend of similar influences confirms that the event is likely to take place. I like to see 2-3 assurances especially when forecasting career changes, marriage, divorce, relocation, etc.

The Septar chart is a sub-level chart that gives added clues in 7-year increments.  Each house has a revolution of 7 months.  The entire Septar chart is for 84 months.  A Septar is solar based (the Sun sign) chart.

Think of Septars as repurposing a previous Solar Return.  This is not traditional Astrology.  Instead, this is genius innovative material Doebereiner researched.  The key to this technique is to draw the location of the return for the actual birthplace even if the native has relocated out of that place and no longer lives there.

1st Septar is the birth chart starts on the day of birth (zero); it applies from ages 0 to 7.

2nd Septar is the solar return for one year after birth; it applies from ages 7 to 13.

3rd Septar is the solar return two years after birth; it applies to ages 14 to 20.

4th Septar is the solar return three years after birth; it applies to ages 21 to 27.

5th Septar is the solar return four years after birth; it applies to ages 28 to 34.

6th Septar is the solar return five years after birth; it applies to ages 35 to 41.

7th Septar is the solar return six years after birth; it applies to ages 42 to 48.

8th of Septar is the solar return seven years after birth; it applies to ages 49 to 55.

9th Septar is the solar return eight years after birth; it applies to ages 56 to 62.

10th of Septar is the solar return nine years after birth; it applies to ages 63 to 69.

11th of September is the solar return ten years after birth; it applies to the ages of 70 to 76.

12th of September is the solar return eleven years after birth; it applies to ages 77 to 83.

13th of September is the solar return twelve years after birth; it applies to the ages of 84 to 90.

Recently, I found a Septar that blew my mind.  The Septar for the client mirrored her fiancé’s chart to a tee!  Sometimes I wonder how much free will we have.

Next time we will use an example chart to illustrate Septars in more detail. Call our Psychics, Tarot Readers for insights in love and career. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Prediction Nailed Again- Rhianna Billionaire Forbes

Our reader,  Albert ext 3030, nailed it once again for the umpteenth time. 3 years ago, in the video, Albert shared singer, Rhianna’s forthcoming lingering success in the cosmetic enterprise. Check out the time stamp 28-35 minutes. Forbes reported this week, Rhianna just entered Billionaire status. 

This isn’t the first time a “nailed it” email is sent. It’s our pattern! Albert has forecasted accurately in front of all of us in this newsletter:   Johnny Depp Court Success Lincoln College Cyber attack Presidential Election 2020 Covid Vaccines Harvey Weinstein Verdict & Timing Madonna Health/Surgery Rob Ford Scandal, and health decline, and more. 

Albert is known for publicly forecasting in 1993 on his Call in TV show, Chartalk, the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center 2001. Everyone was shocked 8 years later.  

How many networks have this track record? Let us know! Remember, if our readers can forecast this level of accuracy on global and public figures accurately, imagine what they can do for you regarding your love and career forecast. This is why we test read every Psychic staffed on our network. 

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Vedic Astrology: Dasa’s

Similar to Firdaria, the Vedic Dasa (pronounced Dasha) system is a measure of a time period determined by the condition of the dominant planet in the natal Astrology chart.

The major focus in Vedic Astrology is Karmic.  Western Astrology is more psychologically driven.  I will cover more differences between the two systems at a later time.

There are differences between the periods in the Firdaria system and the Vedic Dasa time-period systems.  The Dasa system is exclusive to Vedic Astrology.

Firdaria may be used in either Western (Tropical) Astrology or Sidereal (Vedic) Astrology. Firdaria also relies on the natal interpretation. 

Johnny Depp’s chart was displayed; his Jupiter was activated via Firdaria. Via the Vedic Dasa’s, Jupiter is also activated. The differences are the signs’ placements and the aspects composed in the Sidereal system. Jupiter in the 9th house can bring fortune in legal matters. The sub-period Dasa Depp is on points to Venus.

The positions of the planets in the Vedic chart are usually 23 degrees less than the Tropical Western chart.  Note:  this is a rounded-off number.  Some may notice their Sun and/or other planets in earlier positions in Vedic Astrology.  In Depp’s Vedic chart, Venus remains in the same sign, but a few degrees earlier than in Western Chart.

One of the differences between Vedic and Western Astrology stands out.  In Eastern Astrology, the Western aspect of Venus square Saturn does not exist in Depp’s chart.  In other words, Depp’s Venus seems more inflicted in his Western chart.

Eastern Astrology uses the number of houses away from the planet in question.  One fascinating concept that doesn’t exist in Western Astrology is empty houses are aspected by planets.  Depp’s Eastern chart shows Saturn aspects to the 1st, 7th, 4th, and 10th house.  It doesn’t form an aspect to Venus.

In the Western System, aspects are calculated mathematically known as an orb.  Venus square Saturn in Deeps Western chart is a serious aspect.   Learning lessons and hardships in love will overwhelm Depp’s life especially from indulgent behavior.  This is an important aspect for an actor as 70% of actors have this aspect.  This aspect in the Western system applies more to Depp’s career Venus is on the Midheaven.  Artistic careers lend themselves to these types of aspects.  There are learning lessons in love for Depp as Saturn is in the partnership house.  The Venus sub period Depp is on in the Jupiter Dasa period, is about major gains (11th house.)

Firdaria’s and Dasa’s rarely have the same activation periods.  Depp’s prior Firdaria period was Saturn.  Learning lessons with the people he encounters personally and professionally, discipline, hard work, and focus are themes.  Such periods are career periods.   However, this would include the influence others have on him and the boundaries he sets. 

In the Dasa system, the prior period was Rahu (North Node).  Since the North Node is in the 12th house, influences of drugs and alcohol may become central themes in the connections he makes.  Any planet in the Eastern system influences the opposite house.   This also carries itself to the 6th house (work and co-workers.)  There were claims that Depp allegedly was under the influence while filming.  The Moon is conjunct to the South node (Ketu), so emotional responses and female influences require caution, especially with females in the workplace.

Dasa’s and Firdaria’s work equally.   I prefer factoring the Fidarias in other extensive forecasting tools as the rich details that surface show precise activation periods.   

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Firdaria Periods of Johnny Depp

Firdaria sketches a summary of a person’s life. They associate distinct times with different planets that determine the theme for each term. All terms have sub-terms as well.  

The most crucial step is understanding to see the condition of that planet in the natal chart. Nonetheless of the type of Astrology used, the natal chart is always the most important. So studying the planets in signs, house position of the planet and the aspects between planets is crucial.  

The sequence for day charts (Sun above the horizon) is Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, North Node, South Node.

The sequence for night charts (Sun below the horizon) is Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, North Node, South Node, Sun, Venus, Mercury.

Each planet rules for a specific number of years. Sun 10 years Jupiter 12 years Venus 8 years Mars 7 years Mercury 13 years  North Node 3 years Moon 9 years South Node 2 years Saturn 11 years  

Each period then is divided into seven sub-terms.

When we are inspecting love, looking for the ruler of the natal 7th house activated in either a period or sub-term will show the type of love activity taking place during the specific window of time.  Next, we can look for the planet of love, Venus receiving an activation. When we are inspecting love, looking for the ruler of the natal 7th house activated in either a period or sub-tern will show the type of events in love taking place during the specific window of time.

In reviewing Johnny Depp’s Firdaria, we notice he has been on a Jupiter period since June 9, 2014. In January 2015, he married Amber Heard. He was in a double Jupiter period which indicates optimism, progress, expansion, and higher learning. This may seem good on paper.  However, it is vital to inspect how Jupiter is position in the natal chart. 

Depp’s Jupiter in the natal sign of Aries may rush into decisions quickly.  Act now, think later. The condition of natal Jupiter must be factored in.  The challenge is the Yod configuration requiring adjustments, changes, sacrifices, delays, and compromising in the direction of others’ will.  This can lead to several frustrations and stunted expansion.  

When Mars was activated under the sub-term within Jupiter, conflicts increased in his marriage with Heard.  Upsets, confrontation, violence, and frustrations were activated. This was also the period the divorce was filed.  When Jupiter and Mars are joined, there can be an increase of Mars activity.  On a positive note, it can lead to increased productivity and enthusiasm.  But the issue is that it can lead to increased violence, disagreements, impulsiveness, selfishness,etc.

Most secondary progressions last up to 2-3.5 years. Firdaria periods are longer. Though I would not prioritize Firdaria over progressions, I treat this as a post-it sticky to keep digging for clues. For example, I will look for progressions, directions, and transits to and from Jupiter.

 Currently, Depp has his progressed Sun to natal Jupiter. This is helpful and advantageous for growth, visibility, and popularity. I believe this trial will assist his career more than imaginable. Support from the public and authority figures is likely.

Next, we can inspect the sub-term of Mercury. The natal condition of Mercury receives a conjunction with Venus and a square to Saturn in the 7th house (relationships). Learning lessons in love pleasure, communication, mate selection process, needs, and desires, are all tested. Wisdom is acquired by Saturn as it brings learning lessons. This is a crucial period as transiting  Saturn is currently aspecting this configuration. 

There isn’t a time of birth for Heard. Interestingly, her Venus is also in the same position as Depp. Though this may sound like an awesome aspect, the issue is that Depp’s Venus has a square from Saturn.  This is great for the arts and difficult for relationships especially when Saturn is in the relationship section of the chart. This also means that Depp has a Saturn Venus difficult connection to Heard.

 I think Depp and Heard will eventually walk away equal on this.  Though I’m more inclined to say that at the tail end of this Depp may be a bit more ahead due to the Jupiter Fidaria period, this case may go on or an appeal may be filed and continue.

Though I would not advocate using Firdaria exclusively, I think it is an enriching tool that assists with details, time periods, and confirming themes from more modernized tools.

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Mercury Retrograde 5/10-6/3/22

Mercury Retrograde diverts retrograde on Monday, May 10, 2022. Since this retrograde starts in the sign of Gemini, anticipate numerous stories about a scenario. Communication gets lost in translation (literally and figuratively.) Triple-check all data. However, those that require language translation may need to slow down as information may be processed incorrectly.

 On a global level expect:

  1.  Possibility of cyber attacks, clever viruses, or a major electronic hacking scandal.
  2.  Issues with gasoline continue.
  3.  Phone carrier and ISP issues.
  4.  Issues and/or scandals with the post office and transportation carriers, 
  5.  Donald Trump emerges more in the news.

 Interacting with people personally and professionally who lack clarity is strongly themed. Some of these people can experience mental fatigue, addiction, and limitations in processing information.

On May 24, Mercury re-enters Taurus and remains there until June 15. Communication may become unstable, slow pace, and lack empathy. People will take additional time to process thoughts. The biggest challenge is around the end of the retrograde from Jun 2-June 9 as Mercury will be squaring Saturn. On the first day of this square Mercury is retrograde and then the following day, it turns direct. The results of a concealed investigation likely become public. Mercury Square Saturn is a classic combination for slowing communication. Equipment can break during this time, whereas on a retrograde Mercury it may go haywire. June 2 is a day to pay extra attention to avoiding any major technical experimentation. 

In general, it is best to reschedule important decisions for a later date. More importantly, pay extra attention to any information that is given to you as it may be an incomplete or unclear version.

Mercury retrograde offers an opportunity to handle unfinished business. However, it is not recommended to start new projects. Contracts and agreements need to be carefully analyzed before signing. 

Under Mercury retrograde expect your electronic devices to crash. So making a backup is vital. Travel delays and traffic jams are normal.

 Below are some DO’s and DONT’s:


 1. Review all documents before signing carefully.

 2. Add tracking and insurance to important mail and/or packages as Mercury has rulership with the post office and other mail couriers.

 3. Give yourself extra time for appointments and travel. 

 4. Focus on the prefix, re: renew, review, revamp, redecorate, etc

 5. Reunions with old friends and loved ones go great however be prepared for delays.

 6. Expect to have contact with people from your past

 7. Run antivirus software on your computer and other electronic devices. 


 1. Make new purchases, especially car, technical equipment, telephone equipment, and/or electronic equipment.

2. Sign contracts or make an oral agreement without scrutiny. Wait until Mercury turns direct.

 3. Make long term commitments

 4. Turn in unchecked work.

 5. Make a mass mailing hit the post office. Save your stamp expense until Mercury goes direct. Though electronic mass mailings do not cost, it would be better if they can be postponed until Mercury turns direct.

 6) Make software updates.

 Finally, expect some funky turn-in events. Usually lost luggage is retrieved on a retrograde Mercury. I have heard stories of airlines suddenly delivering a suitcase many years later to the rightful owner. Retrieving items that were once lost is common. Also, expect certain gadgets to start working after they stopped.

Get more insights into your love life, career, and finances with our trusted Psychic Readings, Tarot Readings, and Astrology Readings. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Jada and Will Smith Astrology Videos

Jada and Will Articles

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Love Compatibility Analysis

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith Oscar Slap

Make sure to get your private one on one Psychic Reading.

Jada Pinkett and Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

The 2nd type of Composite chart, the Davison Composite Chart (DCC), is not as famous as the Midpoint Composite Chart (MCC). I like to use it because it lives in date, time, and space. It averages both dates and comes up with a new one that mirrors the relationship. If there is an age difference between the couple, the date will appear before one party in the relationship. Abundant details are visible In Jada Pinkett and Will Smith’s Relationship analysis.

As always, each individual natal chart must be analyzed in terms of the natal promise for each party in the relationship. Please refer back to Will’s natal chart, Jada’s natal chart, and the inter-aspects .

This type of composite chart is for determining what is outside the relationship (children, relatives, finances, etc.) The zodiac signs can be used.  I like to use this chart to look at other strong aspects such as Out of Bounds and Declinations.  A factor that is not possible in the Midpoint Composite Chart instantly shows up with this couple.  Jada and Will both have Venus in Libra natally.  Each has a loving nature that revolves around tact, diplomacy, fairness, equality, harmony, and kindness.  In the MCC, the couple’s Venus would show up in Libra.  However, in the DCC, the couple’s Venus shows up in Aries which may show up as impatient, tactless, jumping into situations before thinking, and more importantly, self vested interests.  Each may view the relationship in terms of what it is in it for “me” instead of us. 

Will has Venus opposite Saturn bringing discomfort and hard work when it comes to love.  Also, in his natal chart, he has the ruler of the 7th in fall position quincunx Saturn in Aries.  The discomfort of this relationship heightens Will’s fears more than Jada’s.  Saturn in Aries has learning lessons around sharing. Briefly, I cover only the top 4 DCC aspects for Will and Jada Smith. Each of these aspects deserves a chapter. This will be a watered-down rendition. For the sake of brevity, many other aspects are not covered as it would become a book.

If we go back to the MCC, we notice there was a stellium in the 8th house.  Take a look at the chart ruler for the DCC is in the 8th house. This once again highlights the previously mentioned 8th house themes. 

Jada Pinkett and Will Smith Relationship

We then see Plutonian themes resurface with Pluto paralleling the Midheaven in the DCC.   This relationship is labeled the power couple.  Yet, much of this is twisted for the media.  Power struggles and tight control impacts this relationship.  This relationship can feel like an actual routine and monotonous job in itself. 

Mars conjunct Saturn conjunct the Midheaven opposite Jupiter will generate deep ambitions, hard work, and heightened sexuality.  Since this relationship is about media and public image, there are issues connecting with each other harmoniously. This relationship takes time and hard work as promised by Saturn. They will elevate each other career-wise and prioritize career over any other area of life.  This can be extremely difficult with timing as Saturn is about the clock. When one partner is busy, the other is available and vice-versa.  Interestingly enough, when we examine Jada’s Mars, it is on Will’s Midheaven. I believe this theme is brought on more by Jada than Will.

Saturn/Mars combinations can bring about a very committed relationship that may be fueled by “all or nothing” narrow-mindedness Jupiter in Scorpio opposition as an omen.  Yet, it brings balance and opportunity to make this work.  Career pursuits impact the amount of time spent together.  Balance is the key to getting this to work as this relationship may find itself on one end of the spectrum and then on the opposite end of the spectrum at other times.  Bickering and disagreeing are common with this combination. 

Jada Pinkett and Will Smith Relationship Aspects

Sun quincunx Jupiter can have issues with sexuality.  These issues can come in the form of repetition, delays, and minimal satisfaction.  The technical pairing can have difficulty with growth, literally or figuratively.  By no means does this mean there are issues for erectile dysfunction, however, the potential is there, especially since the Sun is placed in the 8th house. This is further themed with Jupiter in Scorpio retrograde.  Themes around master/slave and domination may become themes in their sex lives.

Mercury quincunx Jupiter has communication barriers in terms of being understood and valued. One may feel minimized or unheard.  Agreeing, compromising, and negotiating are major obstacles requiring adjusting and adapting to each other.  Currently, Uranus is on the MC of this chart and the media is having a field day regarding the couple.  This continues for a while especially with the upcoming eclipse in May 2022. So for the next 5-6 months, there is more media and press regarding the couple.

A first look at Will’s and Jada’s natal forecasting needs to be evaluated. Then we can layer the following forecasting aspects to the DCC.

Currently, Uranus is on the MC of this chart and the media is having a field day regarding the couple.  This continues for a while especially with the upcoming eclipse in May 2022.  So for the next 5-6 months, there is more media and press regarding the couple.

Transiting Saturn is in the 7th house brings more hard work in the marriage.  Yet, I think the one that may have more difficulty with this is Jada because she was born with Saturn in the 7th.  There may be difficulties in the relationship where there are changes and adjustments to finances.  However, there may be concerns over privacy and a change in the home may be required as an invasion of privacy is likely.  This can be a move or adding a major security system within the home, or both.  I would caution this couple in the event they have any private video footage to guard as there is potential for exposure.

In summary, many repeated themes show up in Jada’s chart, Will’s chart, the inter-aspects between both, and the composite chart that illustrate significant communication roadblocks.  This obstacle will need reparation for this relationship to last.  The worst thing one can ever do in this relationship is to give up communicating to prevent further heated disagreements.  Relearning how to communicate with each other is a major step toward improving this relationship.

More Jada Pinkett and Will Smith Relationship links

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

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