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Tag Archives: Venus retrograde 2023

Venus Retrograde Negotiation: SAG-AFTRA Strike

The actor’s union, SAG-AFTRA, has officially declared a strike.  Along with the Writers Guild of America, Hollywood is on strike. 

With Venus slowing down and about to turn retrograde on July 22, 2023, the effects have been felt for the past 3 weeks.

In reviewing a list of SAG strikes, 6 previous ones occurred and were resolved weeks before Venus retrograde:  1953, 1967, 1978, 1980, 1986, 1988, and 1991.  Does this mean there is potential for a resolution within the next 8 days before Venus is officially retrograde on July 22, 2023?  Yes, but only if someone eats a major slice of humble pie.  The likelihood is slim because Venus is in a complex aspect during this stationary period (quincunx to Pluto) for the next 3 weeks.  Major sacrifices, adjustments, frustrations, compromises, emotional irritations, power issues, and control, are required.  If not, expect the strike to continue for up to 4 months. 

There were SAG strikes that did not occur on a Venus retrograde.  The longest SAG strike was in 2000 for 6 months and Venus was not retrograde that year.  Also, the shortest strike was 14 hours in 1986.

Venus rules negotiations. While at the pre-retrograde station, one is forced into negotiation.  The sign of retrograde can bring the nature of the sign to the fullest.  This retrograde is in Leo.  On a higher vibration, this can be charitable, courageous, dignified, and heroic.  Yet, it can be domineering, overblown, and pompous.

A radio station fired the main announcer years ago. The station lost ratings. He was brought back during a Venus Retrograde. In that instance, re-evaluating a previous relationship that went awry became beneficial as it was revisiting a previous disagreement.

Reviewing the value of a person or relationship is strong during a Venus Retrograde because Venus also rules our taste, ability to express appreciation, affection, and experience satisfaction.

There are a few celebrities that are poster children for very bad plastic surgery. The list continues to grow.  I won’t mention names because you probably know who they are!  Some have gone under the knife during a Venus Retrograde and did not like the results requiring a revision.

So re-embarking a previous job, relationship, or friendship may be very positive. However, tread with caution especially when contracts are involved. It is a wonderful time to repurpose items that are hardly used. Go through your possessions and you will find creative outlets for their usage.

New people that enter your life on a Venus Retrograde will appear different after the retrograde is completed. 

The most important tip I can share is to avoid making any major purchases or renovating during this retrograde.  Sometimes, an emergency expense is required.  For example, a car becomes obsolete.  In that case, depending on financial circumstances and financial payment requirements, a temporary car would be preferred.  Though Venus is about the finer things in life and finances, a basic vehicle is suggested.  What is the purpose of the vehicle?  Is it for aesthetics or common use?  If common use, it is better to aim for the longest warranty possible and negotiate a better price.

When items are purchased for aesthetic purposes, one may not like the value or find it worthwhile.  

Venus Retrograde through the houses

Venus is about to turn retrograde on 7/22/23. The houses in astrology represent different areas of life.  Depending on where Venus retrograde is transiting through your chart, determines the area of life that brings a re-evaluation of love, affection, pleasure, warmth, appreciation, beauty, money, art, and desire.  These do not have to be romantic or sexual.  

This upcoming Venus retrograde will have similar tones to the Venus retrograde during the summer of 2015 and 2007 as it is in the same position.  Take into account what was happening for you during those periods.  For example, I know someone that had Venus retrograde through her 4th house.  It was during that time that she developed dissatisfaction with the building she moved months prior.  She felt the financial value of what she was paying didn’t match the quality.  She moved again 6 months later.  

During this retrograde, it may bring people or news about people from the past.  More specifically, the type of people it may draw would be based on the themes of the house Venus makes her transit. 

The entire chart needs evaluation considering the natal position of Venus.  Therefore, below is a general bumper sticker interpretation.  

1st House: A focus on self-image, personal style, and self-expression. It may be a time when you reevaluate your appearance, identity, and how you present yourself to others.  Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  Relationship to yourself.  This is the time to evaluate how well you take care of yourself and how you define self-love.

2nd House: This placement may bring a reassessment of your values, financial matters, and material possessions. It can be a time to reflect on your relationship with money and how you derive pleasure and security from material things.  Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  Your self-worth, security, belongings, your banking institution.

3rd House: Venus retrograde in the 3rd house may affect communication, relationships with siblings or neighbors, and short trips. It could be a period when you revisit conversations, clarify misunderstandings, or reconsider your relationships with close acquaintances. Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  Relationship with siblings, neighbors, and community members.

4th House: With Venus retrograde in the 4th house, there may be a need to reevaluate your family dynamics, home environment, and sense of emotional security. You might find yourself revisiting past family issues or reflecting on your definition of home and comfort. Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  The nurturing parent, ancestors, home, and country. 

5th House: This placement may influence matters of romance, creativity, and self-expression. It could be a time to reconsider your approach to love, artistic projects, or hobbies. Past romantic interests might resurface during this period.  Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  Your children and lovers.

6th House: Venus retrograde in the 6th house can affect your work, daily routines, and health. It may be a time when you reassess your job satisfaction, and work-life balance, or take a closer look at your well-being and self-care practices.  Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  Your pets, co-workers, tenants (if applicable), and employees.

7th House: Relationships, partnerships, and marriage are highlighted. It may bring a need to reevaluate your relationship dynamics, patterns, and commitments. Past relationships may come back into focus. Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  Your partner, attorney, doctor, agent, and banker.  

8th House: This placement can bring introspection and reevaluation of intimacy, shared resources, and deep emotional connections. It may be a time when you delve into psychological or hidden matters, reevaluate financial investments, or confront fears around vulnerability. Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  Partner’s income, sex, traumas, fears, those that have passed.

9th House: Venus retrograde in the 9th house can influence your beliefs, spirituality, higher education, and travel. It may bring a need to reconsider your philosophical perspectives, revisit past educational endeavors, or reflect on the meaning and purpose of life. Relationship re-evaluation emphasis: In-laws, mentors, teachers, foreigners, foreign countries

10th House: This placement can affect your career, public image, and reputation. It may be a time when you reassess your professional goals, reconsider your ambitions, or reflect on your public persona and how it aligns with your authentic self.  Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  Boss, authority, authoritative parent, children’s co-workers.

11th House: Venus retrograde in the 11th house may influence friendships, social networks, and community involvement. It can be a time to reevaluate your social circle, reconnect with old friends, or reconsider your involvement in group activities or organizations. Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  Friends, acquaintances, stepchildren, and foster children. 

12th House: This placement can bring a focus on spirituality, introspection, and hidden matters. It may be a time when you confront unresolved emotional issues, revisit past experiences, or engage in introspective practices such as meditation or therapy. Relationship re-evaluation emphasis:  secret relationships, relationship to your unconsciousness, your private time, and your inner-life. 

Remember that these are general interpretations, and the specific effects of Venus retrograde through the houses can vary based on your unique birth chart and other astrological factors.

Let’s explore with more personalized insights into how Venus retrograde may impact your life.

Venus Retrograde 7/22-9/3

Venus retrograde happens approximately every 18 months; Venus appears to move in reverse through the zodiac. This period typically lasts for about 40 to 43 days.

The effects of the upcoming Venus Retrograde July 22-September 5 are in effect as Venus has started to slow down.  Astrologically, Venus is associated with love, relationships, beauty, harmony, and finances, so its retrograde motion influences these areas.

In astrology, Venus retrograde is often seen as a time for introspection and reevaluation of our relationships, values, and personal aesthetics. It is considered a period when issues related to love, partnerships, and money may come to the forefront. People may experience challenges or delays in their romantic relationships or encounter difficulties in matters of the heart. It is also believed that Venus retrograde can bring back past lovers or unresolved relationship issues. 

 During this period, it is generally advised to avoid making significant relationship or financial decisions, as the energy of Venus retrograde may cloud judgment. It can be a time for reflection, self-care, and addressing any underlying issues within relationships. It is recommended to focus on self-love, personal growth, and exploring one’s values and desires.  Relationships during this time will be re-evaluated.  Are your needs fulfilled?  This is a classic time to restructure your loving nature.  Usually, a lack of warmth takes place during Venus Retrograde periods whereby relationships can turn to ice. 

This upcoming retrograde will resemble the Venus retrograde from July-August 2015 and July-August 2007.  The difference is that Venus in that period was in aspect to different planets. 

Go through cabinets and closets.  You may discover rarely used items that can be used in other capacities.  For example, if you find a container that was intended for holding jewelry, you may repurpose it as a coin holder in your car.  Though that may seem trivial, this retrograde is excellent to declutter. 

Ironically, Venus Retrograde rules antiques. Check the value of items before tossing them.  There could be a hidden gem buried. 

Items remain expensive. This is not the type to purchase major items (appliances, equipment, etc…) I have observed the construction of an apartment building on a Venus Retrograde.  In 18 months it was launched for tenants to lease.  Unfortunately, it was on a Venus Retrograde.  The rents were blown out of proportion.  The building remains 75% unoccupied.  This scenario will require a change in management.    Mind the stock market. This is not the time to make major changes.

Depending on the location Venus is retrograde in your chart will give you insight as to how it impacts you more directly.  Next time, I will cover Venus retrograde through each house in the chart.

Check Venus Retrograde Part 2 through the houses.