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Happiness is a Choice


No one pledged life would be strawberries and cream. Only those who are no longer breathing, have no worries. For those of us still among the living, each day may include a particular amount of battle. One thing is sure you will not find happiness in the visions of another.

The reason for that is simple; another person does not know what makes you happy. They know what makes them happy. They can imagine what makes you happy, but only your soul truly knows how to make you happy. So how do we find happiness?

So the first step to finding happiness is to get to know yourself, your ins and outs, your loves, and your fears. 

Our fears are a part of us. A problem with a lot of people is they don’t want to look at the dark aspects of who they are. But those aspects are as much a part of you as the positive ones. 

When we understand ourselves, why we favor one thing and fear another, it gives us clarity and wisdom. Most of the time people avoid situations because of fear, “I don’t want to open my heart, because what if I am rejected” This is contamination. It does not work.

To get to the next phase of joy, you must first release the chains of fear that are holding you captive. 

I remember once I was in Shabbat and a boy came up to the Bina and said “Yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery today is a gift which is why we call it the ‘Present’ that stuck with me. Joy lives in the present. Fear lives in the past, and worries live in the future.

Worry is one of the most useless emotions. It serves no purpose; it only throws your chakras off balance and drains you of the vital energy that you need. Most of the time, we are worried about things that are the size of a pea. We make them larger than what they are, until all we see is the GIANT problem and rather than stepping back so we can see the solution standing right in front of us. We stare at the BIG Problem. This is unhealthy.

Let’s explore how to find that joy and explore it together.

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Mercury Rx Part 2

Mercury Rx
Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Rx Part 2: Like any planet, glancing at the sign it is in helps clarify how that planet functions. In a person’s chart, it is equally necessary to consider the location the planet is in. Is it in the love sector? Is it in the occupation sector? Or is it someplace else? That defines how the current planet is affecting the individual.

 Currently, this retrograde Mercury is in the sign of Pisces. This type of thinking is categorized as poetic, reflective, and dreamy. A Mercury Retrograde can make a person think on a deeper level. Often, one can re-think things through. Exploring emotions and developing deep empathy are possible and intuitive.

 Interestingly, Alcoholics Anonymous was founded by Bill Wilson when Mercury was Retrograde in another water sign. Though the nature of a 12 step program is about getting sober, getting down to the core of one’s feelings and tracing one’s roots as to how they got to feel about people, places, and things is magnified. Mercury Retrograde in Pisces can be used for the same thing.

 More importantly, since Pisces also rules addiction, the current retrograde can be used as a period of examining sobriety.

 Surely this is not a “bad” period. There are many positive uses for this, such as reviewing old ideas, feelings, thoughts, etc.…As usual, many blame this for delays in communications, articles getting lost, etc.. However, with any energy, it is essential also to know the positive use. Retrograde Mercury is a beautiful time to re-read a book, review materials that you previously learned or re-investigate matters. Often one will have a new perspective on it. Usually, if one didn’t understand a subject, re-exploring it on a retrograde can help one appreciate it better.

 There are some peak dates that one should be careful with communication devices and technology: March 14-March 16 as Mercury will be squared to Jupiter. There can be many misunderstandings and stumbling blocks in functionality. It is strongly advised not to hold any important business meetings or do any device upgrade during that 48-hour window.

This point in time is unique and purposeful. The current period we are in is only descriptive of the energies. You can turn them around to make them better. It is a matter of knowing how to do so.

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Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury rules telephones and electronics. Mercury, the planet of communication, will turn retrograde on March 5. It is only for 3 weeks. This will be completed on March 28. Generally when a product is released on a Mercury retrograde, the subsequent occurs:

1) Major recalls.

2) Many technical errors.

3)The product is delayed, and a new date is launched.

4) Loss.

The better date to purchase new devices will be after March 28. However, the best time will be after Mercury comes out of the shadow. On April 16. Mercury has to get past the shadow period of 29 degrees Pisces as that was the degree it turned retrograde.

Some people may believe that insurance and warranties make it safer to purchase on a retrograde. That may hold, please know the keyword is SAFER, NOT SAFE. For those taking the plunge during the retrograde, another challenge that occurs is data loss by transferring from one device to another device under a retrograde. Also, having to re-transfer data again can be a time waste. You will be better off waiting.

Mercury retrograde offers an opportunity to handle unfinished business. However, it is not recommended to start new projects. Contracts and agreements need to be carefully analyzed before signing.

Under Mercury retrograde expect your electronic devices to crash. So making a backup is vital. Travel delays and traffic jams are usual.

This Mercury retrograde is in the sign of Pisces. Expect to get many details mixed up. Communications can go haywire more than expected. Under this retrograde expect the most clever cyber virus attacks.

Below are some DO’s and DON’T’s:

DO …

  1. Review all documents before signing them carefully.
  2. Add tracking and insurance to important mail and packages as Mercury has rulership with the post office and other mail couriers.
  3. Give yourself extra time for appointments and travel.
  4. Focus on the prefix, re: renew, review, revamp, redecorate, etc
  5. Reunions with old friends and loved ones go great. However, prepare for delays.
  6. Expect to have contact with people from your past
  7. Run antivirus software on your computer and other electronic devices.


  1. Make new purchases especially a car, technical equipment, telephone equipment and electronic equipment.
  2. Sign contracts or make an oral agreement without careful scrutiny. Wait until Mercury turns direct. Waiting for the shadow to be completed gone will be better.
  3. Make long term commitments
  4. Turn in unchecked work.
  5. Make a mass mailing hit the post office. Save your stamp expense until Mercury goes direct. Though electronic mass mailings do not cost, it would be better if it can be postponed until Mercury turns direct.
  6. Make software updates.

Finally, except for some funky turn in events. Usually lost luggage is retrieved on a retrograde Mercury. I have heard stories of airlines “suddenly” delivery a suitcase many years later to the rightful owner. Recovering others that were once lost is common. Also, expect specific gadgets to start working after they stopped.

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Quincunxes: Health and Sacrifices-Trump!


Out of all the important elements in Astrology, the one that often gets very little attention is the Quincunx, otherwise understood as the Inconjunct.

This aspect can be one of the most problematic aspects. Like the Square aspect, a conflict arises. The big difference is that the efforts expended to resolve them may feel never-ending and require ongoing adjustments. In other words, it is trying and re-trying. It is a never-ending negotiation. This can also, in turn, create a waiting period. Sometimes there is a personal level of sacrifice required.

Also, the Quincunx is a health aspect Rob Ford (Former Crack/Cocaine Toronto Mayor) had tons of quincunxes in his chart a year prior. That was when his cancer got worse. Note: not every Quincunx is cancerous! It is essential to utilize common sense. An individual that is pro-active regarding health and maintains a healthy lifestyle isn’t going to have the same outcome. At the same time, we must look into the natal chart because that must be factored in when forecasting.

When I reviewed Donald Trump’s chart, I noticed he has a dual aspect taking place. First, his natal Sun has a Quincunx from transiting Pluto. That can be a significant issue regarding forcing his will to get his way. This is a major obstacle. With Pluto, there are power struggles where one has to surrender control and domination. However, when the Sun is involved, it is an issue regarding surrendering one’s ego. Now since both of these aspects are in the 5th house, there can be more scandals coming out in the media regarding love affairs. Health needs to be taken seriously. The Sun rules the heart and the right eye in a man’s chart. Gemini governs the lungs and shoulders. These 4 body parts are particularly vulnerable.

Also, the opposition that Pluto will form to natal Saturn starting March through July requires a need to give in. An opposition typically will pull an individual in the opposite direction according to the will of another person. However, oppositions are notorious for separations. Since the Sun is on the Midheaven, the status is impacted. That can translate into business dealings that may undergo “restructuring,” surrendering, and loss. 

For the next few months ahead, there is a lot of submissions that will be needed by Trump to handle some challenges that come in. There is resistance in his chart as it is ruled by the Sun (rising Sun ruler) and an active Mars that rises by the Ascendant. Compromise isn’t his strongest forte. However, there is a fine line between not being able to do versus being forced to do so. That is where the primary battle starts.

Handling multiple stresses can feel like being a juggler in a circus. Fortunately, Trump’s Sun in Gemini is skilled at multi-tasking. The concerns over Pluto and a Quincunx can be overwhelming, especially heart health matters. This is a time to find ways to decompress, develop humility, cultivate a healthy regimen, and detaching from ego. 

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Neptune-Saturn- Dreams Come True

Saturn Astrology
Neptune Astrology

From Now till February 14, June 1-July 3, October 27-November 19, Saturn will be sextile Neptune. This is a potent mixture for mixing discipline with ideas. It is the fuel of a disciplined artist. Disciplining motivation will lead to glory. There can be gains from Spirituality. This can make your visions come true with hard work. Though Saturn defines constraints, the unlimited can be set loose. Spiritually, it can help cultivate a more in-depth insight into goals and how they tie into the broader spectrum.

This is also a powerful cycle for the wisdom of a sage. Self-discipline, mixed with sacrifice, does bring results.

This is an active period for the stock market in terms of oil investments and legal investments. Charities can thrive under this period, which includes animal rights, environmental causes, churches, religious groups, spiritual groups, and more. Often, one may be drawn to these places.

When the energy is inspected for each planet, one can certify that it is a great time to start a new business and make a business plan. It is also a great time to undergo a Neptune activity. That can include an art class or creative endeavor of any kind.

There can be some brilliant pieces of art that can hit the media during these periods. Artistic recognition of someone prominent will be in the public eye, as well. This can also be the popularity of a film, book, or television series. There is also the possibility of a spiritual impact.

For those looking to re-balance financial portfolios, it is a great time to look into oil, gasoline, perfume, cosmetics, dental, chiropractic, medical, health, marine (including equipment), and seafood investments.

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Debunking Psychic Myths# 5: Warning: Rev’s and Dr.’s

Reverend or octor

This may rattle a few feathers. I communicate from my opinion founded on years of background scrutinizing. For me, the word Reverend gives me the image of someone “holier-than-thou.” I can also define a Reverend as someone that may seem religious, devout, and righteous. The word Doctor may seem very therapeutic, medically oriented or Ph.D. programs.

When I see some Psychics use the titles of Dr. or Rev. before their name, I cringe. The reason for this is because most of the certifications that give those titles are easily purchased online. In 2011, journalist, Noah Rosenberg, for the New York Times exposed one such organization that defined themselves as an “online church.”

The customer of the “Reverend” or “Doctor” of Metaphysics certificate from an “online church” checked out via an online shopping cart. Surely that customer is using the services of a printer instead of an actual educational program. I won’t discredit any more educational severe programs. However, I have seen this from time to time, and my eyebrows rise because clients seeking a Psychic reading see this and are seduced into believing the Psychic has special or more advanced merit. That is my biggest concern with these titles.

To be a real church, it must have a congregation, a pastor, a place of worship. A real church and an” online church” use titles such as Reverend or Doctor. These titles give the impression that an individual achieved educational merit from a seminary or university. Instead, a piece of paper resembling a diploma was purchased from a website.

In conducting criminal background checks on applicants applying on our network, we noticed a Psychic applicant with the title “Reverend” had a criminal record for violating a restraining order. That was only 1 charge, and there were more charges too. That criminal record was anything but holy. The only sacred thing about it was my visceral response which “Holy Mackerel!

Surely, if a Psychic reader has special training that will be noted. Calling a person “Doctor” places that person on a pedestal. If you hear the term doctor, please make sure it’s an MD, DO, or Ph.D. doctor.

We had another psychic applicant years ago that used the title, “Dr” after his name. Sure enough, he spent time in prison and was on probation and wasn’t even a high school graduate.

These titles do not belong to Psychics. More importantly, they should not be used to determine if a Psychic is more skilled. On our network, we do not allow those titles because it gives this impression that one has spent time in a program above any other reader. It can be very misleading.

Sure, there are real programs out there for reverends of interfaith ministry. Indeed, they are more legitimate than purchasing on the online diploma. However, being a valid interfaith ministry has nothing to do with Psychic ability. Even in this scenario, we still won’t allow a Psychic call themselves Reverend. However, they are welcomed to share their educational and training achievements in a bio.

Unless I am walking into a church or speaking to a specialist in a direct capacity that involves their title, I will use it respectfully. Similarly, when a client is getting a psychic reading, they are looking for a Psychic, not a “Reverend” or “Doctor.”

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Psychic Myths#3 Spells-Don’t Ever Fall For This!

Psychic Spells

I’ve listened it all at this point in my life. This contains silly Psychic Spells portrayed as rituals from cracking a coconut at an junction, getting a purification with a live chicken, or burning candles to rid terrible fate.

I believe amulets serve as a placebo effect so one can think more positive and make better or more effective efforts to improve circumstances. There is no way possible to make a cycle exit faster that influences a person’s life. However, I believe that applying mindfulness in interacting with others, regulating one’s behavior, and surely developing emotional strength gives rise to improving circumstances. So if an amulet can help with that – so be it. Maturity, therapy, spirituality, religion, new age, yoga, and more can lead one to the same path of mindfulness.

Mindfulness will not convert a non-interested person to become attracted to you suddenly. Also, mindfulness will not turn a non-interested business into hiring you. Instead, mindfulness can lead you to understand and accept the circumstances, create a better life (change,) and conger new prosperous ideas. Unfortunately, those that develop spells do not understand that concept. After all, their goal isn’t to help; it’s to collect payment. There is a hidden agenda fueled by deception and psychosis by such “spell casters.”

For example, I know someone that underwent significant career hardship. She worked very hard, and the results generated were minimal. She was extremely dissatisfied. Surely, she did many things, burn candles, etc..

However, she needed was an accurate reading to get to the core of her career issues. First, she needed to re-evaluate the path she was pursuing. Next, she had to go back to college. Later on, after a few years, she became a successful entrepreneur.

Being able to have a clear cut reading to explore options and see other areas, she could also manifest into success was more important for her.

I am a firm believer in fixing a problem. When there is a problem, there are 2 solutions: do something about it or do nothing. At the core of the issue, it’s essential to know where one’s potentials can be used more successfully.

When it comes to love, the same thing applies. There are patterns that one may need to change and personal issues/baggage that may need resolution. Also, sometimes, it is a timing issue. Surely to create a spell/amulet etc.. to attract, isn’t going to change a person’s destiny.

It gives our industry a bad wrap when a fake psychic abuses a client by claiming he/she has a spell and must pay to have that hex removed. Seriously?! There’s just no way possible that one can shoot something into the sky to make a cycle enter or exit any faster.

I believe in the power of timing and strength of change over time. The best analogy I can correlate is losing weight. It requires perseverance, discipline, hard work, restriction, and time. If you want to change, you need to make it happen. Moreover, an accurate reading can look into the timing of when such changes will take place, and the best course of action to change in making possibilities happen. No silly hocus-pocus or breaking a coconut will do the trick. Besides, there are better things one can do with a coconut!


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Myths Psychic Lotto Numbers! LOL

Psychic Lucky Numbers!

In my earlier days of doing readings via the telephonee in the early ’90s, I had callers requesting for “Lucky Lotto numbers.” Instantly I grinned. My immediate response was, “If I could do that, do you think I’d be speaking to you right now?!” This lucky numbers fable is also shared in newspaper horoscopes, fortune cookies, and other types of materials.

A reader cannot forecast winning numbers. I do believe there are more favorable periods that can come into abundance. That is something I can extract down to precise dates.

In my professional opinion, I believe that if one is destined to win, one will do so regardless of the specific numbers chosen. In fact, with “quick pick” available on most lottery systems, I recommend playing that option instead of under financial abundance cycles. When those times arrive, I also advise playing in moderation. I have to be very practical about this matter. Being lucky in this type of speculation must be tied to one’s destiny.

Even during my most favorable and lucky periods, I walked away, breaking even or winning a few dollars.  While I was driving 2 weeks ago, cash was flying all over the street. Naturally, I stopped my car and collected $1 bills. My total accumulation was $13! However, technically, it was lucky.

I have a relative who is middle class and had a reasonably paying job. He had occasional lucky spurts of winning $3000 here and there. I have seen him win at the horse track too. However, he never won anything severe.

Technically speaking, the winners of millions are rare. In their energy, there are drastic financial changes on the horizon. Now in a reading, I am careful with interpreting it as lottery winnings. Financial abundance can come in so many ways.

For some people, a significant financial windfall may not occur for years or decades. Though it’s great to know such periods for potential can be maximized to the fullest, I am too realistic to give into lofty lottery notions.

Lucky numbers are one of those things that are over-commercialized to gain attention. I would even reason that if one continues to play the same numbers over and over, there could be odds of winning. But then again, I think the more realistic approach to this is destiny and timing, not specific numbers.

I play a $1 scratch-off card about 4 times a year. Usually, I win another free ticket or my $1 back. Technically, it is luck. However, when I tie it back to my energy, I know that financial windfalls won’t come through the lottery. Bummer! I hope this clears up this amusing notion. Play safe!

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Venus Retrograde Oct 5-Nov 16

Venus Retrograde

From October 5 till November 16, is another Venus retrograde. Dodge taking a holiday as it will not be pleasant. It will be an ideal time to reflect on the delight and profits derived from one’s ambitions and efforts. Romantic and business partnerships can be severely tested. Bypass making significant financial shifts or purchases as they will be regretted later. The books claim that during a Venus retrograde, the market is too expensive, be very careful making new investments or making long term investments. Starting a new job on a Venus retrograde will be regretted afterward. I have seen this over and over where the person either detested the job after Venus went direct or they wound up discovering coveted information.

Affection is stagnant and inwardly expressed.  This is not a time to start dating or get married.  If you are paying for matchmaking or dating service, freeze your membership. This will not be the best time to start swiping left or right on a dating app.

The upcoming Venus retrograde will be at 10 degrees of Scorpio.  History repeat’s itself.  Review what was going on in your life during the previous retrogrades periods that were close to the same position as follows: 10/1994-11/1994, 10/2002-11/2002, and 10/2010-11/2010.  There will be similarities where you review and revise what you find pleasurable and worth bonding onto. This is truly an art of reflection. Take a stroll down memory lane and write down what was going on in your life. If necessary, consult a calendar. You will see many similarities.

Once Venus turns direct on November 16th, Mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks.  Though much of the Venus Retrograde influences will be clearing up, avoid contracts and new deals until after December 2. The coast will clear up once again.

Technically speaking, the full effect of a planet’s retrograde is wiped out after it reaches its shadow period. So on December 17th, the full impact of Venus Retrograde is gone. Sure, after December 2, the energies improve. One can carry out ne

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9 Types Of Astrology


Natal Astrology

Way of defining a person’s fate, essence, and possibilities based on the person’s date, time of birth, and place of birth.


Interpreting upcoming cycles in the hours, days, weeks, and months ahead. The most common are transits to natal planets, secondary progressions, solar arc directions, and return charts (solar, lunar and other planets.)


The analysis of 2 or more individuals charts to see how compatible or incompatible they are. This shows strengths, weaknesses, and more.

A composite chart can be calculated, which averages both charts into one chart. That chart is the chart of the relationship and serves as a confirmation to what is in the forecasting and natal charts of the individuals. It is a great surplus to be used but never supersedes the inter-aspects.

Relocation Analysis

In astrology, your date, time, and place of birth is needed. An astrologer can calculate a new chart for the desired location you would like to analyze. The planets will not change. However, the angles in the chart will because of time zone differences. Example: There is a distinct difference between 2 people born on the same date and time on different coasts. The goal is to analyze which area may serve you better for business, finances, relationships, schooling, etc.

It is common for business professionals who do business in multiple locations to want analysis on the place for their marketing campaign or business strategy. Everyone has a position that can bring more abundance or depletion.

Horary Astrology

If you need a specific question answered, your date, time, and place is not required. Instead, the astrologer makes a chart for the moment the question is asked. Values in the chart represent the querent and the topic they are inquiring.

Electional Astrology

If you seek a date and time to launch an important event such as getting married, taking a trip, booking a surgery date, starting a business, etc…This form of astrology will give you the best time possible. Everything has a chart, including an event. The goal behind this is to provide you the best energies possible.

A word of caution: The natal chart and forecasting need to be inspected first.

Uranian Astrology

This form of astrology uses mathematical like equations for natal, forecasting, and synastry. For example, if a client has a cycle such as Sun/Moon=Mars can indicate love life getting stronger.

This type of astrology is terrific to use as a surplus to the western approach.

Munich Rhythms

Developed by Wolfgang Doebriner, this form of astrology divides the houses into the periods of one’s life. For example, the ascendant and its aspects along with the ruler of the ascendant are triggered during the ages of 0-7 and 84-91. In a clockwise motion, each house is triggered in 7-year increments.


Indian style Astrology offering natal, forecasting, and synastry.

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