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Psychic Myths#2: Psychic Reuniting Lovers (Gasp!)

Reuniting Lovers

I flinch when I see a definition of a psychic contending to reunite split lovers. I find it amusing and unfortunate. My take is simple: If ripped lovers are destined to reunite, they will. Surely, there is timing that goes hand in hand with this case too.

From a more realistic approach to this matter, relationship skills need to be cultivated. These skills encompass communication skills, empathy, fulfilling partners’ emotional needs, communicating needs, being able to work on personal issues/triggers, communicating upset, knowing how to handle stress and difficulties. These skills are life skills that are learned through trial and error.

In all honesty, if a psychic could reunite, do you think this “super-powerful hero” would even bother working? Seriously, if I possessed such power myself, I would undoubtedly find a way to get everything I wanted, whenever, however, etc. Many Hollywood executives would have made sure particular Hollywood power couples would reunite or stay together to protect their investment.

Now from a more realistic point of view, I believe that thoroughly understanding the relationship chemistry, potentials, and pitfalls; one can learn with depth how to relate better to a mate. However, without making a conscious effort to work things out, nothing is going to bind a couple.

The best example I can share is about an acquaintance that married an abusive alcoholic. She had a “psychic witch” perform rituals to reunite her with her abusive husband. Well, technically the man contacted her after they broke up (coincidence.) In their meet up, he beat her again. She got a restraining order thanks to the shiner he gave her left eye. He found a new love potential too behind bars as he was had many criminal legal woes also that resulted in a 10-year prison conviction.

Now if we dissect those 2, his abusive behavior and drinking were detrimental to any relationship. It would seem logical he would have to work on those 2 issues before being involved with anyone as it’s clear that emotionally he was not available. So why would anyone want to get together with someone like this? Codependence! Does that show up in a reading? Yes. This too can be worked on by dissecting the roots of the person. Though psychotherapy does this for most, an accurate reading can examine core issues at hand and get to the origins of the individual.

It takes recovering from the stages of grieving, chemistry, character, destiny, willingness to change.

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Myths Psychic Lotto Numbers! LOL

Psychic Lucky Numbers!

In my earlier days of doing readings via the telephonee in the early ’90s, I had callers requesting for “Lucky Lotto numbers.” Instantly I grinned. My immediate response was, “If I could do that, do you think I’d be speaking to you right now?!” This lucky numbers fable is also shared in newspaper horoscopes, fortune cookies, and other types of materials.

A reader cannot forecast winning numbers. I do believe there are more favorable periods that can come into abundance. That is something I can extract down to precise dates.

In my professional opinion, I believe that if one is destined to win, one will do so regardless of the specific numbers chosen. In fact, with “quick pick” available on most lottery systems, I recommend playing that option instead of under financial abundance cycles. When those times arrive, I also advise playing in moderation. I have to be very practical about this matter. Being lucky in this type of speculation must be tied to one’s destiny.

Even during my most favorable and lucky periods, I walked away, breaking even or winning a few dollars.  While I was driving 2 weeks ago, cash was flying all over the street. Naturally, I stopped my car and collected $1 bills. My total accumulation was $13! However, technically, it was lucky.

I have a relative who is middle class and had a reasonably paying job. He had occasional lucky spurts of winning $3000 here and there. I have seen him win at the horse track too. However, he never won anything severe.

Technically speaking, the winners of millions are rare. In their energy, there are drastic financial changes on the horizon. Now in a reading, I am careful with interpreting it as lottery winnings. Financial abundance can come in so many ways.

For some people, a significant financial windfall may not occur for years or decades. Though it’s great to know such periods for potential can be maximized to the fullest, I am too realistic to give into lofty lottery notions.

Lucky numbers are one of those things that are over-commercialized to gain attention. I would even reason that if one continues to play the same numbers over and over, there could be odds of winning. But then again, I think the more realistic approach to this is destiny and timing, not specific numbers.

I play a $1 scratch-off card about 4 times a year. Usually, I win another free ticket or my $1 back. Technically, it is luck. However, when I tie it back to my energy, I know that financial windfalls won’t come through the lottery. Bummer! I hope this clears up this amusing notion. Play safe!

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Venus Retrograde Oct 5-Nov 16

Venus Retrograde

From October 5 till November 16, is another Venus retrograde. Dodge taking a holiday as it will not be pleasant. It will be an ideal time to reflect on the delight and profits derived from one’s ambitions and efforts. Romantic and business partnerships can be severely tested. Bypass making significant financial shifts or purchases as they will be regretted later. The books claim that during a Venus retrograde, the market is too expensive, be very careful making new investments or making long term investments. Starting a new job on a Venus retrograde will be regretted afterward. I have seen this over and over where the person either detested the job after Venus went direct or they wound up discovering coveted information.

Affection is stagnant and inwardly expressed.  This is not a time to start dating or get married.  If you are paying for matchmaking or dating service, freeze your membership. This will not be the best time to start swiping left or right on a dating app.

The upcoming Venus retrograde will be at 10 degrees of Scorpio.  History repeat’s itself.  Review what was going on in your life during the previous retrogrades periods that were close to the same position as follows: 10/1994-11/1994, 10/2002-11/2002, and 10/2010-11/2010.  There will be similarities where you review and revise what you find pleasurable and worth bonding onto. This is truly an art of reflection. Take a stroll down memory lane and write down what was going on in your life. If necessary, consult a calendar. You will see many similarities.

Once Venus turns direct on November 16th, Mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks.  Though much of the Venus Retrograde influences will be clearing up, avoid contracts and new deals until after December 2. The coast will clear up once again.

Technically speaking, the full effect of a planet’s retrograde is wiped out after it reaches its shadow period. So on December 17th, the full impact of Venus Retrograde is gone. Sure, after December 2, the energies improve. One can carry out ne

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9 Types Of Astrology


Natal Astrology

Way of defining a person’s fate, essence, and possibilities based on the person’s date, time of birth, and place of birth.


Interpreting upcoming cycles in the hours, days, weeks, and months ahead. The most common are transits to natal planets, secondary progressions, solar arc directions, and return charts (solar, lunar and other planets.)


The analysis of 2 or more individuals charts to see how compatible or incompatible they are. This shows strengths, weaknesses, and more.

A composite chart can be calculated, which averages both charts into one chart. That chart is the chart of the relationship and serves as a confirmation to what is in the forecasting and natal charts of the individuals. It is a great surplus to be used but never supersedes the inter-aspects.

Relocation Analysis

In astrology, your date, time, and place of birth is needed. An astrologer can calculate a new chart for the desired location you would like to analyze. The planets will not change. However, the angles in the chart will because of time zone differences. Example: There is a distinct difference between 2 people born on the same date and time on different coasts. The goal is to analyze which area may serve you better for business, finances, relationships, schooling, etc.

It is common for business professionals who do business in multiple locations to want analysis on the place for their marketing campaign or business strategy. Everyone has a position that can bring more abundance or depletion.

Horary Astrology

If you need a specific question answered, your date, time, and place is not required. Instead, the astrologer makes a chart for the moment the question is asked. Values in the chart represent the querent and the topic they are inquiring.

Electional Astrology

If you seek a date and time to launch an important event such as getting married, taking a trip, booking a surgery date, starting a business, etc…This form of astrology will give you the best time possible. Everything has a chart, including an event. The goal behind this is to provide you the best energies possible.

A word of caution: The natal chart and forecasting need to be inspected first.

Uranian Astrology

This form of astrology uses mathematical like equations for natal, forecasting, and synastry. For example, if a client has a cycle such as Sun/Moon=Mars can indicate love life getting stronger.

This type of astrology is terrific to use as a surplus to the western approach.

Munich Rhythms

Developed by Wolfgang Doebriner, this form of astrology divides the houses into the periods of one’s life. For example, the ascendant and its aspects along with the ruler of the ascendant are triggered during the ages of 0-7 and 84-91. In a clockwise motion, each house is triggered in 7-year increments.


Indian style Astrology offering natal, forecasting, and synastry.

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Mars Retrograde and Mercury -Next few weeks

Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde

Now, we are undergoing 2 retrogrades: Mars and Mercury.
Navigate away from significant repairs on equipment (including cars.) A repair job on a Mars retrograde may result in needing another repair to take place. After the retrograde has turned direct, the trouble can be more comprehended. Repair jobs include surgery. Sidestep surgery under this time frame if probable.

In general, you may notice that the level of enthusiasm or desire in starting or completing projects may be stagnant. During a Mars retrograde, the sex drive may become dried up as one may lose the hope for physical expression.

Since this Mars retrograde is in Aquarius, it impacts asserting plans for the big picture. However, it can be an excellent time to reflect on the future. One of the best ways to handle a Mars retrograde is to review how much time you spend on projects and reassess the worth of your time.

I know a landlord that decided to have a few elevators repaired on a previous Mars retrograde. 2 2 months after Mars went direct, the elevator once again stopped working. Sometimes, the ideas that can help get a project completed well-executed aren’t available during a retrograde period.

Fortunately, this cycle is for 80 days every 2 1/2 years. On August 27th, this retrograde will be completed.

After this weekend, there are some slight improvements as Mars will be changing signs. It will be retrograding back into Capricorn. The positive thing about this is that there are more organization and regulation in reviewing one’s time.

Also, currently, Mercury is retrograde. Careful making any upgrades or changes to your equipment (computer, phone, electronics. ) As with any retrograde Mercury, it is not the time to sign a contract. It is a great time to re-inspect prior documents and books. This will be a significant period to re-learn your equipment. Your mind is more receptive to learning or re-learning operations.

A Mercury retrograde, it is an excellent time to re-read, re-review literature. It is also an ideal time to communicate with people from the past, including or people that you have lost communication ties. I know someone that went through 15 years worth of old business emails and organized them. That is a constructive way of using these retrogrades to your advantage. Fortunately, this Mercury retrograde is effect until August 19th. Fortunately, this is approximately 3 weeks. Though this happens 3 times a year, when it is layered with a Mars retrograde, it certainly does increase stagnation.

Once both of these planets pass their shadow, the exact placement it turned retrograde, the effects of the retrograde are entirely gone. Though this could take up to a month after the above dates, there will improvements after both planets turn direct.

In general, this is not the time to look at the new property, start a new job, start a new business plan, etc.. Using this retrograde by going thru old records is ideal.

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Palmistry – Part 4 The Final Basics


In the last few weeks, we sheathed how to take a useful palm print, timing in the palms, love in the palms, and finances in the palms. I chose that way because most clients want to know when circumstances are going to unfold, and points around love and finances.
I held off from going into the basic lines as I wanted first to ascertain Palmistry in the application. Aside from the kind of hand, fingers, lines, and symbols on the palm, there are 4 basic main lines:

Life Line: The physical energy and passion.
Head Line: Intellectual energy.
Heart Line: Sexual and emotional energy
Fate Line: Life purpose.

When we layer timing grids onto the marks in the main lines, it will describe as to what will happen during that period.

Many readers only do Palmistry and they are good at it. Though I do not consider myself a master Palmist/Palm Reader, I use it as a confirmation to the other techniques I use to get my information. I do not need to use it as my other methods give me what I need. However, if I want to get fancy, sure – why not!

For me, confirmation in a reading gives clarity and certainty as to events happening. Surely, Palmistry cannot forecast the more day-to-day activities such, “Will I get the job at ABC?” I will put my neck on the line making the following statement: Every tool used has its limits. The goal for a reader is to know those limits and learn other means to get the answers that other tools can and can’t. Some readers will state they have certain specialties and limitations.

For example, to this day, I cannot do missing person readings, and I have no desire to. However, I have other specialties such as timing events, relocation analysis, and relationship analysis with another person, forecasting periods, and answering those day to day questions. Whereas, the reader that might specialize in those missing person questions may lack being able to perform my specialties. It works both ways. This is similar to a dentist specializes in the mouth; a podiatrist specializes in the feet. They are both doctors.

I furthered my curiosity about Palmistry because of the timing component. Initially, I was put off by Palmistry because I’ve seen so many storefronts of questionable people claiming to be master psychics operating those types of shops. It taught me something valuable. Those awnings also have Tarot cards and Astrology too. Those tools are insightful, respectful, and productive. So I now can say the same about Palmistry.

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Palmistry Basics

Palmistry Basics

In the previous few months, I have grown a fixation with Palmistry. My enjoyment and affection for Palmistry have developed for varied reasons. First, timing can be done in Palmistry. Anything that can go into timing, I enjoy it. Timing is my favorite. After all, we all want to know the timing of possibilities.

More importantly, the fingers, mounts, and certain lines have many astrological parallels.

I have noticed that acupuncturists will look at the palm to diagnose health issues.  Though acupuncturists aren’t palmists and palmists do not (and should not) diagnose health, there is validity to palmistry being a useful tool.

There are some basic requirements to have useful palm reading.  It is crucial to have an accurate palm print.  This could be a challenge.  Using a printer scanner will not be sufficient.  Neither will photographs.  The ink used in taking the print is vital to get every line and marking it on the hand.  Some inks are great for making a print. Others are a nightmare to use.  Paint will not work.

The only ink I have seen that works are block printing ink.  Some inks will form blotches where the

In the last few months, I have developed a fascination with Palmistry.  My enjoyment and respect for Palmistry has grown for various reasons.  First, timing can be done Palmistry.  Anything that can go into timing, I appreciate.  Timing is my favorite.  After all, we all want to know the timing of events.

More importantly, the fingers, mounts, and certain lines have many astrological parallels. 

In fact, I have noticed that acupuncturists will look at the palm to diagnose health issues.  Though acupuncturists aren’t palmists and palmists do not (and should not) diagnose health, there is validity to palmistry being a constructive tool. 

There are some basic requirements in order to have an effective palm reading.  It is crucial to have an accurate palm print.  This could be a challenge.  Using a printer scanner will not be sufficient.  Neither will photographs.  In fact, the ink used in taking the print is important in order to get every line and marking on the hand.  Some inks are great for taking a print. Yet others are a nightmare to use.  Paint will not work. 

The only ink I have seen that works is block printing ink.  Some inks will form blotches where the lines get washed out as they become over saturated.

As for the hand to take the palm print, it is the print of the dominant hand that needs to be taken.  The dominant hand will show the upcoming potentials.  The non dominant hand will show inherited traits.  The markings on the palm change.  So getting a palm print done over time is recommended.

When using block ink, the ink needs to be applied with a roller.  I placed ink onto a disposable paper and use the roller to apply the ink onto the hand.  This requires a lot of patience as there will be a few prints that may have empty (bald) spots on the print.  Its best to continue retrying until the entire print is fully captured.  After all, the last thing one would ever want is to lose important details.  Then carefully gliding the back of a spoon or knife under the paper to finalize the print is also an exercise in patience.  I took me 7 tries of my own palm before I was finally satisfied. 

Timing in palmistry is a little general. It will not break down events into specific months. For that, one needs to use astrology. Instead, in Palmistry, one can get close to years and ranges of life. Yet when all tools come together to confirm events, it makes forecasting accurately astonishing.

The Index Finger is Palmistry is equivalent to Jupiter (learning, expansion, financial gain.).  The middle finger is Saturn (discipline, hard work, restrictions, karma.)  The ring finger is Apollo/Sun (creativity, creation, soul.) and finally, the pinky is Mercury (communication, siblings, the mind.)   The same astr

The Index Finger is Palmistry is equivalent to Jupiter (learning, expansion, financial gain.).  The middle finger is Saturn (discipline, hard work, restrictions, karma.)  The ring finger is Apollo/Sun (creativity, creation, soul.) and finally the pinky is Mercury (communication, siblings, the mind.)   The same astrological meanings apply.  The mount of Venus is around the thumb which rules love life.

In my research, finding good sources on timing was like finding a needle in a haystack.  However they are enclosed in the diagram.

The most important elements to view are where there are markings, crosses, lines, and islands (periods of being stuck like being trapped in an Island.)  A magnifying glass is recommended in looking at the palm print.  With hundreds of lines and marks there is always new information being discovered.


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Harvey Weinstein Astrology Timing -Incrimination – Part 5

Harvey WeinsteinIn the case of Harvey Weinstein, a time of birth was never made available. So I proceeded through the method of rectifying his chart. That demanded going through a list of past occurrences in his life. So, in other words, it’s operating backward to estimate a probable time of birth. That allows the astrologer to push onwards.

A significant turning point in Weinstein’s life was transitioning from poverty. So for a career break would signify a change in status and power in achievement. That would be around the ages of 21-28 when natal Pluto was triggered in the MIdheaven.

Other events that would be considered significant would be a marriage. I also got a little fancy. I also looked up the planets of his current, former wife. It made sense that the time of birth I calculated for Weinstein ties in with the recent former wife’s planets. The other factors I considered were a prior marriage, divorce, and surely the birth of 5 children.

In moving forward, the current transit of Pluto is making 3 simultaneous aspects. It will be a substantial period for the next 18 months. Yes, he has an extreme likelihood of imprisonment. Transits alone in his chart will not denote imprisonment. Secondary Progressions also must be factored in. They override the transits. The first significant progression is the arrival of a new Midheaven changing signs. When there is a change in sign a planet or angle receives, it is like a new life ahead as the energies shift — this very universal for all charts. I look for a change in signs, aspects, house position, and direction in comparison to the natal chart.

The transits are pretty heavy for Weinstein. In mid-August, the transits of Pluto to Neptune, the Ascendant, and Jupiter leave the square aspects. So the best opportunity for a plea bargain could be offered between August through December 2018; however, once the 1st of December comes around, the transits from Pluto resume again and continue to go back and forth thru most of 2019.

Now, when the 7-year cycles of the Doebereiner are applied, yes, imprisonment looks very likely because the trigger is to Saturn in the 12th house: The house of sorrows and detention.

If Weinstein were my client, I would suggest accepting the plea bargain because that is the best it is looking in the immediate period. However, in seeing that he has an active Pluto (control), it seems very unlikely that he may accept it. I do not see him as a free man. Also, more new women and scenarios will continue becoming public.

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Congratulations ! Accurately Predicted TIMING Harvey Weinstein Indictment!

Harvey Weinstein Astrology

We salute our reader Albert, extension 3030. He accurately predicted in our newsletter Harvey Weinstein would be encountering illegal charges during the latter part of May 2018. Well — it transpired!!

Per the last paragraph, in Harvey Weinstein Part 4 Forecasting Munich Rhythms Astrology located at:  https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/harvey-weinstein-2/ , Albert stated <<..the follow periods will have development in legal action. Surely this can go to trial and he does have a strong likelihood to be imprisonment. These periods are December 3 – December 31, 2017, April 1, 2018-May 15, 2018, and December 2-December 31, 2018.>>

Even more impressively, Albert rectified Weinstein’s astrological chart with very little information. The art of rectification is done for an unknown birth time. The Astrologer collects data on the significant events in a person’s life (marriage, divorce, career change, children, etc..) and then mathematically calculate the possible cycles that could have been around. So it shows that even Weinstein’s chart was accurately rectified.

The time of birth is super essential for precise TIMING of when events unfold in the Astrology Chart. It is a complicated process that takes precision, experience, and knowledge.

For many of you that have witnessed Albert’s work over the years, he also accurately predicted the downfall of disgraced former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (crack cocaine Mayor scandal.) Albert then also forecasted the deteriorating health of Ford that could lead to possible death. Rob Ford passed away in the Spring.

There will be a follow-up article on this soon, part 5. Be sure to review these articles:

1)Harvey Weinstein Part 4 Forecasting Munich Rhythms Astrology: https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/harvey-weinstein-2/

2) Harvey Weinstein Astrology Continued Part 3: https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/page/2/?s=harvey

3)Harvey Weinstein Power Fetish: https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/page/3/?s=harvey

4) Harvey Weinstein Astrology Rectification: https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/harvey-weinste


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Planets in Aquarius Videos

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