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Clues to Relationship Breaking Ups

Relationships? Deciding to end a relationship can be a difficult and complex process, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, there are some common signs that may indicate that it’s time to end a relationship. Here are a few:

Lack of communication or frequent arguments: If you find that you and your partner are no longer communicating effectively or are constantly arguing, it may be a sign that the relationship is no longer healthy or fulfilling.
Different values or goals: If you and your partner have different values, beliefs, or goals, it can create significant tension and conflict in the relationship.
Loss of trust or respect: If trust or respect has been broken in the relationship, it can be difficult to rebuild, and it may be a sign that the relationship has run its course.
Feeling unhappy or unfulfilled: If you feel consistently unhappy or unfulfilled in the relationship, despite efforts to improve it, it may be a sign that it’s time to move on.
Lack of intimacy or emotional connection: If you and your partner have lost the emotional or physical intimacy that once existed in the relationship, it may be a sign that you have grown apart and it’s time to end the relationship.

It’s important to remember that ending a relationship is a personal decision, and you should consider your own feelings and circumstances before making any decisions. It may also be helpful to seek the advice and support of a trusted friend during this process.

Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are a type of divination tool used for gaining insight and guidance. Unlike tarot cards, which have a standardized set of 78 cards with specific meanings, oracle cards can have any number of cards with a wide range of themes and artwork.

Oracle cards are typically used for personal growth and self-reflection, and they can be used for a variety of purposes, such as gaining insight into a situation, finding inspiration, or receiving guidance on a particular issue.

There are many different types of oracle cards available, each with their own unique themes and artwork. Here are some common types of oracle cards:

  1. Angel Cards: These cards feature images and messages from angels and can provide guidance, comfort, and support.
  2. Goddess Cards: These cards feature images and messages from various goddesses from different cultures and can provide insight and guidance on feminine energy and empowerment.
  3. Animal Cards: These cards feature images and messages from different animals and can provide guidance on connecting with nature and understanding animal symbolism.
  4. Chakra Cards: These cards feature images and messages related to the chakras, or energy centers in the body, and can provide guidance on balancing and healing these centers.
  5. Tarot-inspired Oracle Cards: These cards are similar to tarot cards but with less strict structure and can provide guidance on various aspects of life such as love, career, and personal growth.
  6. Affirmation Cards: These cards feature positive affirmations and can be used as a tool for self-reflection and self-improvement.
  7. Numerology Cards: These cards feature numbers and can provide guidance on understanding the significance of numerology in one’s life.
  8. Elemental Cards: These cards feature images and messages related to the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and can provide guidance on understanding and connecting with these elements.

There are many other types of oracle cards available, and new decks are constantly being created with unique themes and artwork.

Medium Reading Vs. Psychic Reading

A Medium reading is the practice of communicating with spirits of the deceased. A medium is a person who is able to perceive and communicate with spirits in order to relay messages, guidance, or comfort to those who are seeking to connect with loved ones who have passed away.
 In a typical mediumship reading, the medium will go into a trance-like state and connect with the spirit world. They may receive messages through images, sounds, feelings, or even direct communication from the spirit. The medium will then interpret the message and convey it to the person seeking the reading.
 It is important to note that not all mediums work in the same way, and the accuracy and effectiveness of mediumship readings can vary greatly. Some mediums may specialize in specific types of communication, such as connecting with animal spirits or angels, while others may focus solely on communicating with deceased loved ones.
 Mediumship can provide comfort, closure, and healing to those who are grieving or seeking guidance from beyond. However, it is important to approach mediumship with an open mind and to remember that it is not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice.
 The main difference between mediumship and prediction is the type of information that is being communicated.
 Mediumship is the practice of communicating with spirits of the deceased, and the messages conveyed are typically focused on providing comfort, closure, and healing to those who are grieving or seeking guidance from beyond. The information received through mediumship is usually personal, emotional, and based on the specific needs of the person seeking the reading.
 Prediction, on the other hand, involves using divination tools to gain insight into the future. This can include practices such as tarot readings, astrology, and numerology. The messages conveyed through prediction are typically focused on providing guidance and direction for the future, and may be more practical and specific in nature.
 While there can be some overlap between the two practices, mediumship is generally more focused on emotional and spiritual healing, while prediction is more focused on providing practical guidance for the future. It’s worth noting that both practices require a certain level of skill and experience, and the accuracy and effectiveness of readings can vary depending on the abilities of the practitioner and the openness of the person seeking the reading.

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is a type of psychic ability that involves using extrasensory perception (ESP) to gather information about a distant or unseen target, object, or location. Remote viewing is believed to allow a person to perceive information about a remote target through means other than their five senses, such as sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

Remote viewing is often used in the context of espionage, military, and law enforcement applications to gather intelligence or locate targets. However, it is also practiced by some individuals and groups for personal or spiritual purposes, such as exploring the nature of consciousness and the universe.

The practice of remote viewing typically involves a trained practitioner or viewer who enters into a state of relaxed focus and uses various techniques to access information about a remote target. This information can be in the form of sensory impressions, images, feelings, or words. The viewer then reports their findings to the person or organization that requested the remote viewing session.

There are certain techniques and aids that some practitioners may use to enhance their ability to perceive information about remote targets. Here are some common tools and techniques that are used in remote viewing:

Sketchpad and pen/pencil: Some remote viewers use a sketchpad and pen/pencil to quickly draw images or impressions that come to them during the viewing session.

Blind target feedback: In order to verify the accuracy of their perceptions, remote viewers may use blind target feedback. This involves having someone else select a target at random and provide feedback on the target after the remote viewer has provided their impressions.

Meditation: Many remote viewers use meditation to enter into a relaxed, focused state of mind that is conducive to perceiving information about remote targets.

Coordinate remote viewing: This involves using a set of random numbers or coordinates to identify the target for the remote viewing session. The viewer is given only the coordinates and must use their psychic ability to perceive information about the target associated with those coordinates.

Associative remote viewing: In this technique, the viewer is given a cue or keyword that is associated with the target. They then use their psychic ability to perceive information about the target based on that association.

It’s important to note that while these tools and techniques can be helpful in remote viewing, they are not necessary for the practice and not all remote viewers use them. The most important aspect of remote viewing is the viewer’s ability to access their psychic ability and focus their attention on the target.

Tips Before a Reading

Whether it’s Tarot, Scrying, or Mediumship, some universal tips are useful for receiving a reading and the reader. There are general practices to follow most would think of before proceeding: make sure you are rested, set aside a specific time to be fully focused and don’t rush, etc.
 Before the reading starts, execute good life habits that improve all areas of your life. Grounding activity helps before reading for all involved so that information can be properly given and received. Deep breathing, aromatherapy, incense, and nature can help your brain and body get into the habit of relaxing and slowing down the mind.
 Clarify your intentions: Reflect on why you want a psychic reading and what specific areas of your life you would like guidance or insight on. Having a clear intention can help you get the most out of the reading.
 Take notes: During the reading, it can be helpful to take notes or record the session (if permitted) so you can refer back to it later. This way, you won’t rely solely on memory and can review the information provided at a later time.
 Reflect on the reading afterward: Take some time after the reading to reflect on the information and guidance you received. Allow yourself to process the insights and consider how they may apply to your life. Remember that you have the power to make choices and decisions based on the information provided.
 Follow up: If you have any further questions or need clarification after the reading, don’t hesitate to reach out to the psychic for additional support or guidance. They may be able to provide further insight or offer suggestions for your specific situation.

CONGRATS TO  Albert  ext 3030

61 global events & celebrity predictions accurately forecasted with precise timing in our newsletters.

Congratulations to our reader, Albert (ext 3030), who accurately predicted Trump’s verdict in our newsletter before it was officially announced and  safety concerns regarding the recent violent events.

As a kind reminder, this is not intended as political commentary. Instead, it showcases our readers’ talents in accurately predicting global events from a neutral perspective, demonstrating the effectiveness of forecasting. Be sure to check out some of our Trump archives.

With this prediction, Albert has now made his 61st accurate global prediction in our newsletter. It takes more than bravery to put one’s name on the line and make such bold forecasts publicly.

Question:  What is the most accurate prediction any reader has made for you? Would you like to have 60 predictions about you and your life were nailed accurately?

We don’t celebrate the manifestation of tragic events.  Rather, we celebrate our readers’ victory with precise forecasting and timing precision.    When was the last time you had this level of precision in your reading?  We can fix that!  🙂 

Below is a re-run of the newsletter. 

Trump – Uranus

Putin vs Weinstein

Times are looking a bit shaky for Donald Trump. Based on several progressions and transits, his legal woes could potentially result in a guilty verdict. Conflict and notoriety certainly lie ahead.

Some of his Saturn progressions indicate a serious and somber period, emphasizing the need for learning lessons and addressing karmic debt. With Saturn, you reap what you sow; actions have consequences.

Trump was born with Uranus on the Midheaven (MC), conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon. This placement suggests a great deal of originality, unconventional approaches, revolutionary goals, independence, constant spotlight, and innovation in his career path.

The Midheaven in astrology represents career and public life, goals, reputation, authority, parental influence, and social contribution. Uranus is about breaking free and often involves divorce and separations.

Combining these meanings, it seems Trump may face an enforced type of surrender. His Uranus-Midheaven conjunction in Gemini signifies a predisposition toward change and innovation. However, the current transit of Uranus through Taurus is resistant to change, and such stubbornness can lead to trouble.

As Uranus continues moving through Taurus in June, it will square Trump’s Mars. This aspect can lead to aggression, violence, anger, disagreements, accidents, sudden shocks, restlessness, nervousness, and disruptions.

Additionally, I’ve noted that Trump has some health concerns that need attention. Neptune and Pluto have been in a sextile aspect for over 50 years. I recall a client in 1995 who had an exact Yod from these two planets to her Ascendant and was diagnosed with cancer. While I am not suggesting that Trump will be diagnosed with cancer, Pluto in the 6th house (health and daily routines) is a significant placement. This Yod in his chart is active this summer. Since Leo, which rules the heart, is the sign receiving the Yod, cardiovascular issues could be a prime concern.

FAA Outage Predicted 3 Months Ago!

Congratulations again to Albert Ext 3030 for nailing 3 predictions in 1 newsletter! Floods/Rain (California), Travel / Technical issues FAA outage.

Predicted in October 2022. https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/mars-retrograde/

The FAA had difficulties with a damaged database file that paused travels.

Per newsletter << There could be difficulties, arguments, disagreements with legal, religious, travel>> and <>

Another prediction made in the same newsletter was the difficult weather/floods. Pouring rain in California (especially Northern) with a sinkhole in Southern California (Chatsworth,). << Fires, possible protests, and “Acts from God” will also be strongly themed. Hurricanes are strongly felt during this period as well as floods and possible earthquakes.>>

From 2017 through 2019, Albert provided extensive coverage of Harvey Weinstein.  Well, the verdict was out mind December 20212.  Per our newsletter on October 18, 2019, Albert stated <<Also, he has the possibility of more complications in other states, especially during the end of 2022. More convictions during that time are likely. >>

The ruling is out. In mid November, Weinstein was convicted in Los Angeles. We don’t honor that victory. Rather, we glorify our readers’ victory with accurate forecasting and timing exactness.

How many networks have this track record? Let us know! Remember, if our readers can forecast this level of accuracy on global and public figures accurately, imagine what they can do for you regarding your love and career forecast. This is why we test read every Psychic staffed on our network. 

We have sent over 50 of these “nailed it ” in our history – it’s our pattern! Albert has forecasted accurately in front of all of us in these newsletters:  Rhianna’s major financial success in the cosmetic industry Johnny Depp Court Success Lincoln College Cyber attack Presidential Election 2020 Covid Vaccines Harvey Weinstein Verdict & Timing Madonna Health/Surgery Rob Ford Scandal, and health decline, and more. 

Albert is known for publicly forecasting in 1993 on his Call in TV show, Chartalk, the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center 2001. Everyone was shocked 8 years later.  

We have a new promotion!  Try the network for just $1/ Minute! Only the Best Psychics are on our network. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

2023 Planetary Forecast

In this 2023 Planetary Forecast, you’ll notice few improvements and changes . A difficult portion of 2022 will finally be released as Mars turns direct on January 12.   Protests and scandals start to resolve.  Mars brings confrontations, upheavals, disagreements, violence, and infections. Mental and emotional volatility will stabilize. The Twitter fiasco could have been avoided if someone consulted an Astrologer prior. In the sign of Gemini, technology and communication improvements move forward. Perhaps there will be more changes in Twitter starting in February.

Projects that have stalled will finally get more momentum once Mars comes out of Retrograde on January 12.  It will take another week for improvements as communication is still an issue.  Though the above sounds promising, from the 18th of January we have another hurdle to overcome as both Mercury and Mars are in a quincunx aspect until January 23.  A need to revamp agreements, plans, and ideas is likely.  Careful with the security around technology; it’s a vulnerable period around hacking.

Pluto enters in Aquarius March 23: An entire book can be written on this; this is a watered-down version. Transcendental planets bring about new generational themes. When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, changes in Corporations and banking systems took place.  The rise of the Kardashians blossomed.

When outer planets experience a change in sign, themes and fads shift. Pluto in Aquarius will bring Transformation in democracy. This is most certainly for the people, global causes, changes in artificial intelligence, technology, and more. When Uranus was in Aquarius, the rise of the internet grew as well as mobile phones, and mobile phones had internet on them. Expect more development in all appliances and technology. Robots may become the new norm in the years to come. We might see these metal creatures in supermarkets bagging our groceries or on the street doing the job of police officers. Though Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11, final themes start the fading process so that once Pluto re-enters Aquarius in 2024 commences a new chapter.

Saturn enters in Pisces on March 7:  Finally, there is a shift from Saturn in Aquarius’ detached and cerebral analysis to a sensitive/sacrificing sign.  With the entrance into a new sign, there are learning lessons and changes around homelessness, special governmental assistance programs, prison systems, hospitals, health care, and more. Saturn in Pisces typically brings recognition and learning lessons around sacrifice. However, there is one golden nugget to this. Saturn is the taskmaster, and Pisces is the dreamer. When the 2 combine, dreams come true.  Artistic projects take on a special shape such as special effects, animation, and other creative vessels blossom.

May 19-23 Caution alert: Careful with any type of travel. The volatility of Mars square Pluto can be devastating, combating, explosive, and violent. When these 2 are paired with each other in opposition, both have to give in and balance each other out. The 3rd planet combined is Jupiter. This adds extended issues to the planets in the opposition. The rule of thumb, a T square requires the opposition by the planet squaring both planets. Jupiter will require some type of understanding, generosity, and foreign aid. Brutal force is applied. Stock markets dip during this period. There may be some type of warfare, environmental, weather, earthquake, and volcano type of major eruption.  The concern about this configuration is that it is highlighted by the Solar Eclipse a month prior.

Saturn sextille Jupiter 6/13-6/24: Growth and financial stability are strong. The markets will be doing much well, especially with Jupiter in a financial sign. For most of the last 2 years, conservative caution was recommended in financial portfolios. This will be an ideal period to rebalance investments.

January through April is a productive period for asserting new projects and exercising more drive with projects that have stalled.

Get more than just 2023 Planetary Forecast – get your own private reading!

Mars Retrograde

October 30, 2022-January 12, 2023

Mars is shifting retrograde. Each Mars retrograde differs established on the sign it is retrograde. Presently, it is out-of-bounds until May 2023. The previous time we had this blend was in 2001 before 9/11. 

Mars Retrograde happens every 26 months for 70 to 80 days. Projects will stall.  Our energy level will be lower. Accidents and arguments from impulsive actions and unrecognized anger will flare. Sexual activity is often flawed.

The textbooks indicate that hidden frustrations result in a volcano-like eruption. Individuals may burst with frustration and poorly respond with violence and anger instead of patience and dialogue. A retrograde can push one to go deep within and make groundbreaking shifts in terms of the nature of the planet and the nature of the sign.  In this case, it impacts communication.

This retrograde can result in communication procrastination.  Assertive patterns are more introspective. Many will encounter passive-aggressive individuals that may lack drive or follow-through.

Steer away from starting a new business under a retrograde.

The birth of a business during a Mars Retrograde will result in constant problems with having action asserted at a quality and effective pace. No matter how hard you try to push, nothing will happen. Everything is in a sluggish state.

More importantly, steer away from major repairs especially automotive repairs or purchasing a new vehicle.

Avoid surgery during a Mars retrograde.  Since Mars governs destructions, deconstruction may become more understood after Mars turns direct. If an electronic gadget breaks down, a repair job will not cure the fix. A repair job on a Mars retrograde may result in having another repair take place. However, after the retrograde has turned direct, the problem can be more understood. Repair jobs include surgery. Avoid surgery under a time frame if possible.

Nevertheless, being born with a Mars retrograde is much different than experiencing one during the cycle. A well aspected Mars retrograde in an individual’s birth chart can produce a lot of success. Energy and initiative are internalized (retrograde.) Usually an individual competes with himself. Many athletes are born with a well-aspected Mars Retrograde. When Mars is aspected with challenging aspects, individuals may act hastily and often need to retrace and redo his steps

There could be difficulties, arguments, disagreements with legal, religious, travel, and matters with someone that may be very philosophical and/or have a very strong opinion. So during this time, it would be wise to frame your intentions as a visionary. Keep the bigger picture in mind especially when asserting your own opinion as dogma.

One’s sexual drive during a Mars retrograde can change a lot. It has been stated that the level of satisfaction during a Mars retrograde can be difficult to satisfy.

Political issues will be exaggerated in the news. Fires, possible protests, and “Acts from God” will also be strongly themed. Hurricanes are strongly felt during this period as well as floods and possible earthquakes.

During this cycle, there are going to be some upheavals. More than likely some scandalous battles will result between presidential candidates. This is a strong placement for assault (verbal, physical, emotional, etc.)

 Technological breakdowns may occur with website outages and security breaches may also be in the news especially in the travel industry. Avoid major purchases of any kind if possible.

Fortunately, this cycle is for 80 days every 2 1/2 years. On January 12, 2023, this retrograde will be completed. 

In general, this is not the time to look at the new property, start a new job, start a new business plan, etc. Using this retrograde by going thru old records is ideal.

Visit AbsolutelyPsychic.com for more articles and videos on Psychic, Tarot, Astrology. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Puttin’ Putin’s Pluto Precisely-Putin’s Astrology Chart

What do Harvey Weinstein and Vladimir Putin have in familiarity? Both men were born in 1952 and they have Scorpio rising, and the chart ruler, Pluto, conjuncts the Midheaven. These powerful figures used violent means of gaining and keeping power. When power is manipulated, a fall from dignity is expected as we saw with Harvey Weinstein.

Before examining future trends, a natal interpretation is required.  The natal promise is crucial because triggers to natal key points in one chart will not work out the same in another’s chart.  For brevity, this will be watered down drastically otherwise we can spend hours analyzing every point. 

In Putin’s natal chart, he is striving to attach to power and control in worldwide endeavors.  There is a hidden agenda disguised with softness, but in reality, there is secrecy and privacy.

The way this is carried out is through non-conformity.  The outcome is alienation.  This is a mixture of being alone on an island and feeling powerful but shunned by society.  The need for balance and encounters with others is needed, but feeling misunderstood and/or misunderstanding circumstances.  This is a blend of the Ascendant, planets in the 1st house, ruler placement, Sun, and MC ruler ala Wolfgang Doberiener Munich Rhythms

Natal Pluto is the chart ruler and the focal point of a T square which can impel an individual to attack life with ferociousness.  A one-track mind is attempting to balance indulgences and social ability.  The usage of brutal force, control, psychological tactics, and manipulation, is used to overcome being thrown off the power.  Sometimes, this can be done via a hidden agenda disguised as charm and generosity. 

Many upcoming cycles raise concerns for Putin.  The following seven cycles barely scratch the surface.  One can write a book on each of the following cycles. It seems that Putin’s power may be transformed and possibly extinguished. 

Putin Forecast

First, by Solar Arc direction, Solar Arc Pluto is currently conjunct with his natal Ascendant.  Changes to the identity, physical body, and outlook in life undergo a radical transformation.  A rise or fall from power is a classic of this energy.  This is dependent on how the native has behaved.   Pluto’s theme around death and rebirth is strong.  I never forecast death because of ethical reasons.  A chart lives forever as one can measure cycles around it.  

These next eight weeks are pivotal for him as this cycle is nearing the exact pinnacle.  It has been in effect these last six months and will be in effect for another six months.

Next, the solar eclipse taking place during the third week of October is an aspect with his Ascendant exactly.  When forecasting Solar Eclipses, it is important to determine the type of eclipse.  Is the solar eclipse conjunction with the North Node or the South Node?    The North Node eclipse is more favorable.  South Node indicates a possible loss and dealing with issues from the past.  A South Node solar eclipse emphasizes the Sun more than the Moon, whereas, with the North Node conjunction, the emphasis is more on the Sun.

Lunations and eclipses are standalone in their own right.  In the first house, there is possible endangerment to health and the physical body because wherever the south node transits, it signifies possible loss.  The eclipse illuminates that as well.  Yet, all lunations and eclipses activate Progressions, Solar Arcs, and other Transits.  Here we have a confirmation to the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Ascendant.

Third, Putin was born with a Mars and Moon that were both out-of-bounds.  Mars is about to turn out-of-bounds.  The station of transiting Mars turning retrograde forming an opposition over his natal Mars wouldn’t be worth mentioning if it were the standard 3-day Mars cycle.  The general rule of thumb is that the longer the duration of a cycle, the more impact it has. With a station retrograde that has a similar flair to his natal position; this is significant and will last for 3 weeks.  This leads to increased violent, warlike, destructive, impulsive, and dangerous behavior that will be met with opposition.  Oppositions require balance and compromise.

Forth, the progressed lunation cycle Putin is on is a balsamic phase.  During this phase, the Moon is moving toward the darkness of the next New Moon.  One enters a time of liberation.  This phase is characterized by a feeling of winding down.  It’s time to surrender to the next chapter of life. In the final part of this stage, periods of reflection and withdrawal become a necessary process to allow the release of what needs clearance for rebirth.  Typically, one may think about the past, grieve, and heal.

The keywords for this transition phase are release, endings, surrender, withdrawal, retirement, detachment, call inward, deepening studies, inner work, rest, and solitude.

Fifth progressed Mars square Jupiter is a dangerous aspect that can result in war, fire, accidents, and injury if one behaves recklessly. It is triggering a fixed grand cross to Jupiter, Venus, and Pluto.  The natal T square previously mentioned becomes a grand cross while this configuration becomes active. Power struggles will require surrender.  This burdensome aspect can result in becoming trapped by circumstances, stubbornness, conflicts, stress, tension, disharmony, pressure, and strain. 

Sixth, Progressed Mars is Quincunx Uranus, impulsive actions lead to compromise, surrendering, adjusting, adapting, and sacrificing.  The Lunar Eclipse in November will accentuate this as well whereby reversals and surprises occur with possibly devastating consequences. 

Finally, whenever the progressed Moon conjuncts the Progressed Ascendant, an emotionally intensive milestone is reached leaving one feeling either supported or unsupported depending on the behavior leading to that moment.

This is a vulnerable period for Putin that may result in serious consequences, personal safety, and a fall from power.

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