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Monthly Archives: August 2020

Various Tarot Decks

Tarot Decks

The world today is flooded with Tarot deck options, from the classic 78 card Rider-Waite, to the trendy Oracle Decks with no set number of cards. So many options can blur the waters, making it challenging to determine which ones will be useful to the reader.

Tarot cards themselves are only a tool.  The cards allow a reader to communicate with spirit via the subconscious mind, which speaks only in symbols.  The symbols appear in the cards which are then translated to the reader using psychic abilities.  Readings are enhanced by clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient abilities.

We can think of each deck as a different language.  Many are derivative of older versions, only giving new flare, while others are totally unique.  The best path is to become completely familiar with one first, becoming fluent in the language of symbolism and interpretations of each card in the deck.  Think of this as a native language, as it will always be what is most comfortable and familiar.  It can be beneficial and mind opening to learn new languages.

However, the completely derivative decks are not really helpful for a new point of view.   A reader may prefer the new look, but most of the modern decks are based upon the Rider-Waite deck, created in 1909.  One deck that does stand out is the Thoth Deck, published in 1944, commissioned by Aleister Crowley.  Very few deck creators stray from these two decks as inspiration.  Most of them are artists looking for a drawing project, which can be pretty, but does anyone really need the Hello Kitty Tarot? (and yes, it exists)

The new trends in tarot are the oracle cards and angel decks.  These decks are usually created with a specific purpose or theme in mind.  The number of cards and artistic style is completely open.  The tradition is actually quite old, with decks of cards with images and prompt words.  These decks can be used alone or in conjunction with traditional decks.  The additional insight can enhance the reading, giving an accent to the language.

The amount of cards on the market has surged due to increased interest in the Tarot, and many more decks are on the way.  It is a huge undertaking to draw so many cards within the same theme, and at the same time thinking how they work as a whole.  It is the symbolism within the cards that is most important, so a reader can use decks that “speak” to them.

Let’s see what the cards have in store for you with Free tarot readings and more. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Tarot Card Superstitions

Tarot Card Readings

Tere are many superstitions and traditions surrounding the practice of reading the Tarot.  These are the views of a longtime Tarot Reader, and may not be shared by all Tarot Readers.

The first practice starts with getting the deck, itself. It is customary for the Tarot Cards to be given as a gift. Buying a deck for myself will give me pretty cards, but without influences. My first deck was the traditional Rider-Waite deck, given to me by my boyfriend’s mother. The cards came in a container with a little book full of definitions and spreads. This is still the deck I use to this day, and get the best results with. I have been given other decks, and I have purchased some.

The one I purchased was gorgeous, colorful and well thought out.  However, using them for readings did not work for me.  Most Tarot Readers readily give decks to others.  I have given that colorful deck away and many more Tarot decks over the years.  This spirit of giving and sharing gives good energy to the cards.

The next tradition is card protection.  The Tarot cards are very absorbent of surrounding energies.  Many superstitions and methods surround protecting the deck from interfering vibes.  One method is wrapping the cards in a silk cloth when not in use.  Another is keeping decks away from electronic devices to avoid EMF exposure.  And lastly, guarding against negative people and their energies around the cards. 

The third tradition is cleansing the deck.  Many times after a reading the cards may feel unclean, as if the energies from the reading are still lingering in the deck.  A good shuffle will cleanse out those vibes.  I like to smear the cards all over the table and swish them around when they feel especially tainted.  Every month, many readers place their cards outside under the full moon.  Along with charging crystals, the full moon energy charges the cards with purifying energy.  Another method popular with readers is using smoke to clean the cards.  I will light some incense, and hover the deck over the smoke, shuffling them slightly.  The smoke will purify and energize the deck.

Every Tarot Reader adapts their traditions and superstitions, which are just as unique as they are.  It takes several years to develop skills in reading, plus an innate gift of powerful intuition to understand the messages in the cards.

Lotus Tarot Card Reading

Let’s see what the cards have in store for you with a free tarot card reading online or on 1-800-498-8777. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

5 Self Care Tips

The previous few months have taken a stirring toll on our lives with the Corona Virus pandemic. Integrating motion plans to cope while we wait for the completion of this brief life phase will enrich you. Here are 5 simple methods you can practice self-care today.

1. Nurture your mind, body, and soul.

Taking 5 minutes for yourself to practice some deep breathing is helpful.  Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.  You will be amazed at how refreshed you will feel. 

Physical exercises are crucial.  Whether it’s stretching, yoga, or cardio, physical activity will awaken your body and elevate your mood.  It is also an emotional reboot.  If this sounds boring, put music on.  Sing and dance!

Continue grooming routines. Feeling refreshed at the start of your day has an impact on your mind. 

Finally, meditation is a great way to decompress.  There are many meditations on YouTube and our blog.

2. Keep track of your feelings

The power of journaling is profound.  Even if you allow 5 minutes to write down what you are feeling, why you are feeling the way you do, and what you hope to accomplish, you will have a record to track patterns.  This will put you on the path towards making an action plan. 

3. Limit News and Social Media.

There is a difference between staying informed versus hearing every gory detail.  Unfortunately, the purpose of the news is to sell.  Online news outlets earn revenue through clicks and impressions.  The news may attempt to arouse fear by juxtaposing information for keeping viewers in suspense. 

4. Remain connected

It is easy to develop cabin fever after spending much time in isolation. Social distancing and working remotely can bring feelings of loneliness. Make time to have communication with friends and loved ones.  We are human and need connection.  Sometimes hearing another’s struggles helps us realize we are not alone.  The strength we give, we receive.  

5. Remember your purpose

During these times, many of us question our purpose in life.  Periods of reflection give rise to brainstorming new possibilities and brilliant ideas.  Everyone has a different response to a situation as each individual has a unique emotional and psychological gift.  One person may view quarantine as a gift whereas another individual may see it as stressful.  Getting to the root of the matter and discover fate is where our Psychics will help! Online tarot readings available too.

Gain deep insights by the Best Psychic Readers on our Psychic Network. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!