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Harvey Weinstein + Covid19 Astrology

Harvey Weinstein + Covid19 Astrology

Harvey Weinstein was diagnosed positive for Corona-19 Virus. Transiting Uranus is moving through his 6th house, the health sector of his natal chart. Wherever one has transiting Uranus, unexpected transformations and the most unconventional events will occur. 

This doesn’t mean that everyone with Uranus going through the 6th house will acquire a positive status for Covid 19. The entire chart must be examined. Also, the natal chart must be given more priority.

Based on the pileup of planetary influences to Weinstein’s natal Uranus, it makes him more susceptible to Covid-19. When we then factor Uranus going through the 6th house, it makes sense that he tested positive.

On the flip side, if he didn’t have such heavy pileups to natal Uranus, then transiting Uranus in the 6th may only bring odd rashes, illnesses, and circumstances surrounding health.

Weinstein has more potential to have more pressing health matters in 2 years as heavier health cycles will form. This looks a bit concerning because of the aspects he is receiving from other planets to Uranus in his chart.  Like the Rob Ford prediction I made in 2015, Weinstein’s survival rate looks like a struggle if he doesn’t have better care for the next 2.5 years.

More importantly, health aspects are usually seen in quincunx aspects.  Weinstein has a major quincunx aspect via Secondary Progression. The Progressed MC in his chart is currently in a quincunx aspect to his natal Sun. The Sun is also the vitality (health.) When we blend all of the above, he is extremely candidate for Covid-19 and other health surprises.

Many worry if they will turn positive for Covid.  Health issues have to be present in the chart. More importantly, it has to also be set up in the natal chart.  Currently, Weinstein has progressed Mars the ruler of his 6th house retrograde. The retrograde weakens his health especially since his natal Mars has difficult aspects in his chart. This is a very similar setup to Tom Hanks.

As stated last week, we can expect improvements around Covid-19 by April 7th.

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Harvey Weinstein Predictions

Harvey Weinstein Predictions
Weinstein Progressed Chart

After the Weinstein’s verdict was delivered, Weinstein was diverted to the hospital due to heart pulses and high blood pressure. This is very typical with Uranus cycles. Weinstein’s chart has progressed Moon triggering a natal configuration that involves Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Mercury, and Jupiter. Surgery may be required as this Moon is traveling through his 8th house. This arrangement is strong for the next 7 months.

The Progressed Moon in Weinstein’s chart will be entering the 9th house, in 4 months.  During those 2.5 years, there will be more legal issues brewing for him.  More than likely, after criminal cases wind down, the civil cases will commence.  Legal matters haven’t yet scratched the surface for him.  However, on a positive spectrum, the 9th house also governs Spirituality.  Perhaps for the first time, he may give in to a higher source and work through his wreckage.  It’s never too late to change.  However, that is a long journey that requires willingness and serious help. 

His day to day freedom will be completely changed as the Quincunx from the progressed MC in Libra to his Sun in Pisces. The nature of a quincunx is the feeling of confinement, sacrificing, and adapting.  Libra also governs lawsuits, open enemies, and justice.  Pisces also rules prisons.  This is not an easy position and one that will have a long-lasting impact on his remaining years.

Weinstein Solar Return

The solar return is an excellent tool used to forecast from one birthday year the next birthday.  Technically, the moment the natal Sun travels back to the same degree/minute/second (the birthday) a new chart is drawn.  The moment that occurs, it represents the entire year at hand.  In my professional opinion, it should be used as a confirmation to other significant forecasting tools. 

Weinstein’s Solar Return seems difficult.  The Moon in the Solar Return shows the emotional outlook for the year.  Weinstein’s Solar Return moon is in Aquarius.  Aquarius represents freedom and detachment.  The aspect this Moon makes to Uranus in the 12th house (freedom /confinement) is extremely difficult and upsetting for him.  Being forced to submit, give in especially under confinement will not be an easy ride for him.  It will be an extremely emotionally draining, chaotic, anxious, and restless year. Unfortunately, these cycles can bring up so emotional turmoil, it can be viewed as suicidal.   The fragile emotional state can be like suicidal thoughts.  However, thoughts do not always succeed in actions and I cannot forecast that because of ethical reasons.  There is always free-will in a chart.

The next significant theme in his Solar Return is a stellium (cluster) of planets in the 9th house, legal activity.  This confirms the activity the progressed Moon will be making especially since the Solar Return moon is in the 9th house as well. 

The outlook for the year with Gemini Rising in the solar return demonstrates communication, media, and publicity, with the ruler in the 10th house.  Perhaps there may be a film or book written about or based on his life story. 

His health looks severe in about 2 years as he will experience Solar Arcs to his Sun from Neptune and Jupiter.  Though I’m cautious about forecasting any doom/gloom, I believe he will have to monitor his ability to function under isolation.  Resistance will only bring further health serious complications.  The challenge with him is that he is very strong-willed and has difficulty with giving in.

More to come…..

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