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Ben Affleck-Divorce/Marriage: Bennifer 2.0

With Capricorn on the cusp of Ben Affleck’s 7th house (relationships), he approaches partnerships with a sense of commitment, caution, duty, and respect for traditional conventions. The ruler of this house is positioned in the 12th house, highlighting a strong need for privacy in his relationships. Since Saturn, the ruling planet, is in Gemini, this need for privacy specifically manifests in his communication—he values private, intimate conversations. Themes like caretaking, fears, secrets, past life connections, and matters hidden from view are significant in his relationships. The 12th house can be thought of as the mask one wears, but it is also a source of great inner strength, despite being unfairly characterized as the “trash bin” of the zodiac. In Ben’s case, with Gemini on the cusp, his strength lies in using his intellect to generate new ideas and conduct research.
The aspect of Saturn squaring the Midheaven suggests that, while Ben is ambitious, he places a high value on keeping his partnerships out of the public eye. The 1st/7th house axis, representing the relationship dynamic, plays a key role in his chart. The Moon forms an exact semi-square, and while some might consider this a minor aspect, it is important due to the connection between the ruling planets. This connection brings irritations in relationships, particularly around emotions, communication, sex, romance, and ideas. A key consideration is that when one planet in the configuration receives an aspect, the other planet is also affected, creating a “double whammy.”
Jennifer Lopez’s “This is Me Now” project revealed intimate details about her love life, which likely didn’t sit well with Ben. Privacy is paramount for him, especially with a 12th house planet ruling his 7th house and a Scorpio Moon. This may have been a tipping point for him.  I suspect this is the main reason she cancelled her tour earlier this year. 

One of the core issues in his relationship with Jennifer Lopez is his deep need for privacy. Notably, Ben’s Saturn exactly conjuncts her Venus. At the time of their divorce announcement, transiting Saturn was hitting three major points in his chart: conjuncting his Midheaven (bringing lessons around career and reputation), squaring his natal Saturn (raising challenges in relationship security), and sesquiquadrating his Moon (indicating possible separation from a female figure). While Saturn often brings recognition and growth when lessons are mastered, it can also have a separating influence.

With Capricorn on the cusp of Ben’s 7th house (relationships), he approaches partnerships with a sense of commitment, caution, duty, and respect for traditional conventions. The ruler of this house is positioned in the 12th house, highlighting a strong need for privacy in his relationships. Since Saturn, the ruling planet, is in Gemini, this need for privacy specifically manifests in his communication—he values private, intimate conversations. Themes like caretaking, fears, secrets, past life connections, and matters hidden from view are significant in his relationships. The 12th house can be thought of as the mask one wears, but it is also a source of great inner strength, despite being unfairly characterized as the “trash bin” of the zodiac. In Ben’s case, with Gemini on the cusp, his strength lies in using his intellect to generate new ideas and conduct research.

The aspect of Saturn squaring the Midheaven suggests that, while Ben is ambitious, he places a high value on keeping his partnerships out of the public eye. The 1st/7th house axis, representing the relationship dynamic, plays a key role in his chart. The Moon forms an exact semi-square, and while some might consider this a minor aspect, it is important due to the connection between the ruling planets. This connection brings irritations in relationships, particularly around emotions, communication, sex, romance, and ideas. A key consideration is that when one planet in the configuration receives an aspect, the other planet is also affected, creating a “double whammy.” 

Jennifer Lopez’s “This is Me Now” project revealed intimate details about her love life, which likely didn’t sit well with Ben. Privacy is paramount for him, especially with a 12th house planet ruling his 7th house and a Scorpio Moon. This may have been a tipping point for him.  I suspect this is the main reason she cancelled her tour earlier this year and the main conflict with Bennifer 2.0.

One of the core issues in his relationship with Jennifer Lopez is his deep need for privacy. Notably, Ben’s Saturn exactly conjuncts her Venus. At the time of their divorce announcement, transiting Saturn was hitting three major points in his chart: conjuncting his Midheaven (bringing lessons around career and reputation), squaring his natal Saturn (raising challenges in relationship security), and sesquiquadrating his Moon (indicating possible separation from a female figure). While Saturn often brings recognition and growth when lessons are mastered, it can also have a separating influence.

In this case, progressed Venus plays a crucial role, having moved into Virgo—a sign of its “fall.” When a planet is in fall, it tends to feel exiled, disrespected, and diminished, which may have contributed to feelings of abandonment in the relationship. However, we can’t just blame the planets—personal responsibility plays a crucial role in behavior. Venus in Virgo has a tendency to be overly critical and nitpicky. With progressed Venus conjunct Mars, there was likely significant tension, as the Venus/Mars combination can indicate conflict and disagreements.

Six years ago, Ben experienced 2 significant astrological events: Solar Arc Saturn was square his Moon, and Solar Arc Moon was opposite his natal Saturn, coinciding with his divorce from Jennifer Garner. Looking ahead, there is the potential for another marriage in Ben’s future. A traditional astrological technique suggests that, for men, the number of applying aspects from the Moon can indicate the potential for marriage, and Ben’s chart shows three major applying aspects.

Astrology has many applications.  Another method I use is Dobereiner’s Munich Rhythms. Between the ages of 56 and 63, Venus, the ruler of his 5th house, will be activated. This period will likely be a time of increased popularity, perhaps even bringing him another Oscar, Golden Globe aware etc or significant career recognition. Love may also blossom during this time, and there is a strong possibility of another marriage. According to the derivative house system, the 11th house represents third marriages, and with Venus intercepted in this house, the next relationship could begin as a friendship. The introduction to this person may come through mutual friends, and time will tell how this unfolds.

Marriage/Divorce Bennifer 2.0

In relationship astrology for Bennifer, when one person’s Saturn conjuncts another person’s Venus, it creates a dynamic that can be both stabilizing and challenging, depending on other factors in the relationship and the individual charts. Saturn symbolizes structure, discipline, and responsibility, while Venus represents love, pleasure, and affection. This conjunction often brings a serious, committed energy to the Venus person’s expressions of love, fostering a sense of duty and obligation that can lead to long-term commitment. 

The Saturn person (Ben) may provide stability and security, making the Venus person (Jennifer) feel supported and protected. However, Saturn’s energy can also feel restrictive, leading the Venus person to sometimes feel confined in their expression of love and affection. This relationship can be a profound learning experience for both individuals. The Venus person may gain insights into the importance of responsibility and boundaries in love, while the Saturn person may learn to embrace more warmth and affection. 

Challenges can arise, particularly if the Saturn person becomes overly critical or demanding. The Venus person might feel unappreciated or that they must work hard to earn the Saturn person’s approval, creating tension in the relationship. Despite these difficulties, Saturn’s influence often signals the potential for longevity. If both partners are willing to work through the obstacles and respect each other’s needs, this aspect can foster a deep and lasting bond. 

This aspect often works better when both individuals are mature or when there is a significant age difference, as Saturn’s influence can sometimes feel paternal or authoritative. Additionally, this conjunction is highly favorable in business relationships. Saturn, being a prominent business planet, when combined with Venus, can create a powerful placement for those in the arts, as seen in the example of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, who met while working on the film Gigli. Many artists, particularly actors, are born with significant Venus-Saturn aspects. 

The overall synastry between the two charts plays a crucial role in how this conjunction manifests. Harmonious aspects between other planets can ease the tension, while challenging aspects may intensify difficulties. The signs and houses where Saturn and Venus are placed add further layers to the interpretation. For example, Saturn in Capricorn might handle this energy well, while Venus in Leo might struggle with it. 

Since Jennifer Lopez has Venus in Gemini, Ben’s Saturn aspect brings lessons around communication, duality, the love of freedom, variety, change, and focus in relationships. For those willing to put in the effort, this aspect can be highly rewarding, but it requires both partners to carefully navigate the balance between love and responsibility. 

Friendship and independence are key desires for relationships with Aquarius on the 7th house, as in Jennifer’s chart. With the ruler in the 3rd house, communication is again emphasized, a theme echoed by Venus in Gemini. However, with Jupiter in this position, these themes are even more pronounced, potentially leading to a challenge of maintaining ongoing excitement and avoiding boredom. 

As for Jennifer’s future, more marriages seem likely—possibly 2 more. This can be seen by counting the number of applying aspects the Sun makes in her chart, which totals six.  Ironically, the name of her first album was “On the 6.”

Another intriguing aspect to explore in Jennifer Lopez’s chart is the influence of the traditional and modern rulers of her relationship house. Saturn, the traditional ruler, and Uranus, the modern ruler, both offer insights into the type of partner she seeks. With Saturn in her 10th house, she is drawn to partners who can elevate her career and status, placing a strong emphasis on public relationships. She may even attract partners through her career. Both interpretations hold validity.

Currently, Jennifer is navigating two significant astrological challenges. By solar arc, Saturn in her 12th house in Cancer squares her Uranus/Jupiter, emphasizing emotional lessons in love and unresolved emotional issues. Additionally, transiting Pluto is opposing both her Ascendant and Sun, signaling profound changes that will transform her deeply. This period marks a time of recovery and discovery regarding her love needs and the type of partner she desires. These are not light cycles; they represent milestones that will bring about a personal rebirth, making the upcoming year one of significant transformation.

Pluto’s transit through her 7th house highlights themes of power dynamics, facing fears, endings, and control—major shifts that will impact her relationships and personal growth. Legal issues may arise with Pluto moving through the 7th house, potentially leading to heated disputes. The lyrics to “My Love Don’t Cost a Thing” might need a revision, as love could come with a hefty price tag.

Additionally, transiting Saturn is square her natal Venus. Throughout the summer, this aspect contributed significantly to the separation. This cycle is a classic indicator of hard work or distance in relationships, often teaching valuable lessons in love. Saturn, however, can also bring recognition and reward if one has acted with integrity.

While the 7th house is traditionally the main area to examine for relationship matters, especially after multiple marriages, the derivative house system can offer insights into the specific partner one attracts with each new relationship. Jennifer’s first spouse, Ojani Noa, is associated with the 7th house. Her second spouse, Cris Judd, is linked to the 9th house (two houses from the 7th). Marc Anthony, her third spouse, is connected to the 11th house (two houses from the 9th). Finally, Ben Affleck, her fourth spouse, is governed by the Ascendant (two houses from the 11th). Interestingly, Ben and Jennifer share similar traits, as partners described by the Ascendant often reflect oneself. Both have Leo Suns with Scorpio Moons.

Her potential fifth marriage would be ruled by the 3rd house, and her sixth marriage by the 5th house. After the sixth marriage, the cycle returns to the 7th house on the chart wheel. It’s worth noting that Glynn “Scotty” Wolfe, a former Baptist minister, holds the record for the most monogamous marriages by a man, with 29. Over time, there may be recurring traits in the partners one attracts.

Certain astrological combinations are often cautioned against in relationship interpretations. Two combinations that typically receive a red flag are Venus/Saturn and Mars/Pluto. Ben and Jennifer’s charts feature the former, which can stabilize but may lack longevity. Mars/Pluto combinations, on the other hand, can lead to abusive dynamics, though the entire chart must be considered.

In Jennifer’s chart, a challenging aspect between Venus and Pluto highlights themes of control, jealousy, and greed that need attention. While Saturn’s influence on Venus might bring some stability, such a pairing is usually short-lived. The 7th house ruler remains the most significant factor in the chart for understanding relationships.

Spot-on Worldly/Global/Celebrity Predictions

Our Psychics make numerous spot-on predictions about global events in our newsletter. Imagine the precise guidance they can provide for your relationships and career.

If you know of any other Network that has this type of quality, please let us know and show us the proof. We have it all over our social media.

Some Worldly Accurate Predictions made include: Intuit Dome/Bruno Mars concert delay and illness, Trump Guilty Verdict, Trump Assassination Attempt, SAG-AFTRA, Actors Union strike end date, Stock volatilityAnother previous Volcano Eruption, FAA Outage  Weather Issues/Floods During Mars Rx,  Rhianna’s major financial success in the cosmetic industry Johnny Depp Court Success Lincoln College Cyber attack Presidential Election 2020 Covid Vaccines Harvey Weinstein Verdict & TimingHarvey Weinstein Verdict in other states Madonna Health/Surgery Rob Ford Scandal, and health decline, and more.  

When was the last time you had this level of precision in your reading? Let’s fix that now!  

62st & 63rd Global Predication Nailed

 Albert ext 3030

New Video Posted today – Bennifer 2.0 Astrology includes predictions: More Marriages for both Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck!

Everyone’s favorite reader, Albert ext 3030, nailed it again: 2 predictions in one newsletter! This now makes it his 62st & 63nd accurate global prediction. 

More specifically, not only the event was predicted, but also, during the exact time period it would take place.  Have you had accurate forecasts with precision on timing?

n our 8/8/2024 newsletter, Albert predicted that the grand opening of the Intuit Dome in Los Angeles, featuring a Bruno Mars concert, might face delays and potential health-related issues. Did you catch the news?

The event experienced a 2-hour delay due to technical problems with the Dome’s facial recognition software at entry. Additionally, during the concert, Bruno Mars had to pause the show because of a medical emergency involving an attendee. You can watch the clip on YouTube.

Check out the original posting on this.

<<The Intuit Dome in Los Angeles is gearing up for its grand opening on August 15, after three years of construction and controversy. The event will feature a two-day concert by Bruno Mars, but the astrology for the opening night reveals significant challenges. Major aspects like Jupiter square Saturn and Mars square Saturn suggest potential delays, technical malfunctions, and even chaos. 

Bruno Mars’ personal chart is also under pressure, with natal Mars in his chart facing opposition from transiting Saturn and a square from transiting Mars, which could lead to disruptions, interruptions, and an increased risk of accidents or illness. Adding to the complications, Mercury is in retrograde, heightening the potential for miscommunications and technical issues. >>

Albert has forecasted accurately in front of all of us in this newsletter:   

Some Worldly Accurate Predictions made include:
Trump Guilty Verdict
, Trump Assassination Attempt, SAG-AFTRA, Actors Union strike end date, Stock volatilityAnother previous Volcano Eruption, FAA Outage  Weather Issues/Floods During Mars Rx,  Rhianna’s major financial success in the cosmetic industry Johnny Depp Court Success Lincoln College Cyber attack Presidential Election 2020 Covid Vaccines
Harvey Weinstein Verdict & Timing
Harvey Weinstein Verdict in other states Madonna
Rob Ford Scandal, and health decline, and more.  

When was the last time you had this level of precision in your reading? Let’s fix that now!   How about having a nailed prediction for yourself? Would you like that?  

Our Dreams At Night

Can we work out our problems through our dreams at night? Yes, I believe so. Dreams are transformative, effective, and powerful ways to work out our issues.

The first thing to do is get yourself a dream journal. Then, put your journal by your bed, with a pen. As soon as you wake up, write down your dream in as much detail as you can remember. By keeping track of time, you will see different types of dreams. You will be able to see patterns, symbols, and messages.

There is so much that goes on in the sleep dimension. People wake up to memories, lost items can be found in dreams. Ideas, inspiration; especially events, seeing an event or meeting in the future and then experiencing déjà vu when the event happens.
For artists and musicians, going into the unconscious dream state can be a source of inspiration. Numerous artists have accredited their dreams for a portion or even the whole painting. Composers, songwriters, and even poets have also claimed their work came through a dream.

Even dogs and cats have dreams. People have been studying dreams for centuries. Aristotle left many writings referred to as “exoteric writings”.

Carl G. Jung was considered one of the greatest minds of our times. Almost a century ago, began his investigation of dreams. He adopted an important new attitude. His approach was integrating the personal unconscious and its dream contents with the symbols of religion, literature, philosophy, and art.

He insisted that we must give up all preconceived opinions when it comes to the unconscious mind. Sometimes, your dreams can be very simple. Dealing with a problem that you are having in your daily life. Your feelings about someone or something.

If you struggle to remember your dreams, there are certain things you can do to help yourself remember. Ask your mind a question right before you go to sleep. It can be about anything. Write the question in your dream journal. Then, in the morning record what you dreamt. If you feel the dream doesn’t make sense, to your question, the following night, ask the same question again. Record your dream again. By the third night, your answer should become clearer.

It’s a good idea to avoid alcohol before bed. It’s harder to remember your dreams. We all have our symbols and images. Dream dictionaries can be wrong for your situation.

Being confident, in your ability to remember your dreams, helps you remember them. Fearful dreams that have reoccurred over and over in your life are usually based on fears. When you face fear, it makes a big difference in your life. Over time, in your dream journal, you will see that you do receive help in your daily life from your dreams. Your symbols will start to make sense to you. Often, animals play a part in our dreams and can help us understand ourselves better.

Nailed again! Timing

Once again, our reader, Albert at ext 3030 nailed the precise timing of the SAG-AFTRA strike. With exact precision, he stated expect the strike for 4 months. Thats exactly how long it took! Heres the link and check our social media to see this stamped too! https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/venus-retrograde-negotiation-sag-aftra-strike/

Now this joins over 56+ global events & celebrity predictions accurately forecasted with precise timing in our newsletters.

Earlier this year, we celebrated another global prediction made by Albert Ext 3030 regarding Popocatepetl volcano.  Back in January,  Albert forecasted during the time window (this past week) weather conditions and stock market volatility. Guam was hit with a Typhoon and the stock market has experienced volatility.   Check out that article issue  again <<Stock markets dip during this period. There may be some type of warfare, environmental, weather, earthquake, and volcano type of major eruption. >> 

We don’t celebrate the manifestation of tragic events.  Rather, we celebrate our readers’ victory with precise forecasting and timing precision.    When was the last time you had this level of precision in your reading?  We can fix that!  🙂 

We have sent out these “nailed it” emails over 56 times! It’s just a normal pattern here.  Albert has forecasted accurately in front of all of us in this newsletter:  Volcano Eruption, FAA Outage  Weather Issues/Floods During Mars RxRhianna’s major financial success in the cosmetic industry Johnny Depp Court Success Lincoln College Cyber attack Presidential Election 2020 Covid Vaccines Harvey Weinstein Verdict & TimingHarvey Weinstein Verdict in other states,  Madonna Health/Surgery Rob Ford Scandal, and health decline, and more.  

How about having a nailed prediction for yourself? Would you like that?

Self care tips for Empaths


As an Empath, I allow myself to relax or recharge by setting aside alone time.  It helps me shed others energy.  I go on daily walks.  It helps me balance my energy and clear my mind.  I love to eat fresh fruit and vegetables and drink teas like chamomile and turmeric.  Here are more self care tips I’ve done or tried over the years. 

It’s so hard to manage your self-care as an Empath because you are so busy taking care of others.  As an Empath we desperately need time to relax and recharge.  At times we can feel guilty about taking time to do this.  If we don’t take time to unwind it can cause us to burnout.  To keep you feeling balanced here are some self care tips. 

Health is wealth and should always be a priority.  Try working out a few times a week.  Drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruit and vegetables regularly.  These little investments in your health can make a big difference in your energy.  Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed, take an honest inventory.  Ask yourself often if you’re taking on too much or if you’re over stimulated.  If the answer is yes, prioritize from most to least information.  Make a weekly schedule to ensure you won’t overload yourself for the week, pencil in rest breaks.  Saying no isn’t selfish.  Knowing when to say no is important.  We all have a limited amount of time and resources to give; you can’t help everyone at all times.  Setting boundaries is important and can help prevent burnout. 

Empaths often need time to be alone and center themselves.  Be honest with yourself when you have met your max capacity with interactions or socializing.  Allow yourself blocks of alone time.  Seek out hobbies or activities that allow you to express yourself.  Writing and poetry are amazing outlets for an overflow of emotions.  Other activities like photography, hiking, and biking can provide an opportunity to get out into nature and slow down.  Nurturing our hobbies allow us to nurture our hearts and create outlet or release that allow us to grow and process in our own way. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, sometimes we need tools to help us process our emotions or a trusted friend or counselor to listen.  It takes strength to let someone in and evaluate when you may need additional support.  Just as you have a heart for helping others, there are people ready to help you, too.  Please, if you are struggling, do not hesitate to ask for help.  Your ability to connect with the emotions of others is a blessing.  It’s not a weakness to feel as much as you do, but it will require awareness so you don’t become overly immersed in the emotional highs and lows of others.  Be gentle with yourself as you navigate tough emotions and situations.

Venus Retrograde Negotiation: SAG-AFTRA Strike

The actor’s union, SAG-AFTRA, has officially declared a strike.  Along with the Writers Guild of America, Hollywood is on strike. 

With Venus slowing down and about to turn retrograde on July 22, 2023, the effects have been felt for the past 3 weeks.

In reviewing a list of SAG strikes, 6 previous ones occurred and were resolved weeks before Venus retrograde:  1953, 1967, 1978, 1980, 1986, 1988, and 1991.  Does this mean there is potential for a resolution within the next 8 days before Venus is officially retrograde on July 22, 2023?  Yes, but only if someone eats a major slice of humble pie.  The likelihood is slim because Venus is in a complex aspect during this stationary period (quincunx to Pluto) for the next 3 weeks.  Major sacrifices, adjustments, frustrations, compromises, emotional irritations, power issues, and control, are required.  If not, expect the strike to continue for up to 4 months. 

There were SAG strikes that did not occur on a Venus retrograde.  The longest SAG strike was in 2000 for 6 months and Venus was not retrograde that year.  Also, the shortest strike was 14 hours in 1986.

Venus rules negotiations. While at the pre-retrograde station, one is forced into negotiation.  The sign of retrograde can bring the nature of the sign to the fullest.  This retrograde is in Leo.  On a higher vibration, this can be charitable, courageous, dignified, and heroic.  Yet, it can be domineering, overblown, and pompous.

A radio station fired the main announcer years ago. The station lost ratings. He was brought back during a Venus Retrograde. In that instance, re-evaluating a previous relationship that went awry became beneficial as it was revisiting a previous disagreement.

Reviewing the value of a person or relationship is strong during a Venus Retrograde because Venus also rules our taste, ability to express appreciation, affection, and experience satisfaction.

There are a few celebrities that are poster children for very bad plastic surgery. The list continues to grow.  I won’t mention names because you probably know who they are!  Some have gone under the knife during a Venus Retrograde and did not like the results requiring a revision.

So re-embarking a previous job, relationship, or friendship may be very positive. However, tread with caution especially when contracts are involved. It is a wonderful time to repurpose items that are hardly used. Go through your possessions and you will find creative outlets for their usage.

New people that enter your life on a Venus Retrograde will appear different after the retrograde is completed. 

The most important tip I can share is to avoid making any major purchases or renovating during this retrograde.  Sometimes, an emergency expense is required.  For example, a car becomes obsolete.  In that case, depending on financial circumstances and financial payment requirements, a temporary car would be preferred.  Though Venus is about the finer things in life and finances, a basic vehicle is suggested.  What is the purpose of the vehicle?  Is it for aesthetics or common use?  If common use, it is better to aim for the longest warranty possible and negotiate a better price.

When items are purchased for aesthetic purposes, one may not like the value or find it worthwhile.  

Venus Retrograde 7/22-9/3

Venus retrograde happens approximately every 18 months; Venus appears to move in reverse through the zodiac. This period typically lasts for about 40 to 43 days.

The effects of the upcoming Venus Retrograde July 22-September 5 are in effect as Venus has started to slow down.  Astrologically, Venus is associated with love, relationships, beauty, harmony, and finances, so its retrograde motion influences these areas.

In astrology, Venus retrograde is often seen as a time for introspection and reevaluation of our relationships, values, and personal aesthetics. It is considered a period when issues related to love, partnerships, and money may come to the forefront. People may experience challenges or delays in their romantic relationships or encounter difficulties in matters of the heart. It is also believed that Venus retrograde can bring back past lovers or unresolved relationship issues. 

 During this period, it is generally advised to avoid making significant relationship or financial decisions, as the energy of Venus retrograde may cloud judgment. It can be a time for reflection, self-care, and addressing any underlying issues within relationships. It is recommended to focus on self-love, personal growth, and exploring one’s values and desires.  Relationships during this time will be re-evaluated.  Are your needs fulfilled?  This is a classic time to restructure your loving nature.  Usually, a lack of warmth takes place during Venus Retrograde periods whereby relationships can turn to ice. 

This upcoming retrograde will resemble the Venus retrograde from July-August 2015 and July-August 2007.  The difference is that Venus in that period was in aspect to different planets. 

Go through cabinets and closets.  You may discover rarely used items that can be used in other capacities.  For example, if you find a container that was intended for holding jewelry, you may repurpose it as a coin holder in your car.  Though that may seem trivial, this retrograde is excellent to declutter. 

Ironically, Venus Retrograde rules antiques. Check the value of items before tossing them.  There could be a hidden gem buried. 

Items remain expensive. This is not the type to purchase major items (appliances, equipment, etc…) I have observed the construction of an apartment building on a Venus Retrograde.  In 18 months it was launched for tenants to lease.  Unfortunately, it was on a Venus Retrograde.  The rents were blown out of proportion.  The building remains 75% unoccupied.  This scenario will require a change in management.    Mind the stock market. This is not the time to make major changes.

Depending on the location Venus is retrograde in your chart will give you insight as to how it impacts you more directly.  Next time, I will cover Venus retrograde through each house in the chart.

Check Venus Retrograde Part 2 through the houses.

5 Steps to Cultivating Gratitude.

As a Psychic Reader, I have developed some ways to take an energetic dip as an opportunity to address self-peace. 5 steps to cultivating gratitude.

1) Say I am sorry (and mean it) to yourself. LET IT GO!

2) Give yourself time. Whether it’s 5 minutes or 5 hours, give yourself time to self-evaluate.

3) Do one thing that may not be normal. Wear a crazy accessory, get that little black dress on, or spend too much on one self-care item you never buy. The point isn’t monetary value. It is allowing yourself to indulge in one harmless “treat” or doing something that makes you feel special.

4) Affirm your positives in the wake of the affirmation movement. It’s incredible how much positivity comes from simply telling yourself, “I am enough” and “I am beautiful/handsome.” One small compliment to yourself daily can change your entire week/month/year.

5) Let go of comparisons! You are you for a reason. No one in this plane of existence is you more than you. If you have the grace to forgive that makes the next hurdle of forgetting a lot easier. Giving yourself time to breathe and release the negativity the anxiety will help. Taking yourself out of the normal day to day, it allows you the ability to see things in a different light. I am a huge proponent of affirming your beliefs by practicing the grace of acknowledgment. Quit comparing, you will never be anyone else other than yourself. Being them comes with a whole source of issues that use up energy and shift focus.

The people you surround yourself with is the person you want to be. So the only person who should ever dictate your feelings and reactions is you. The person you haven’t found yet is the best version of yourself. And you should show them just as much, if not more, love than anyone else in your life.