The I-Ching, also known as the Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination system that has been used for centuries to gain insight into the nature of the world and our place within it. The I-Ching is based on the concept of yin and yang, the two complementary forces that govern the universe.
The I-Ching is a collection of 64 hexagrams, each made up of six lines, that represent various states of being and situations in life. To use the I-Ching, one typically begins by asking a question or focusing on a specific situation in their life. The question should be clear and specific, and can be answered with a simple yes or no.
Once the question is formulated, the diviner typically uses a set of coins or yarrow stalks to generate a hexagram. The coins are typically tossed or shaken, and the resulting pattern of heads and tails is used to determine which lines in the hexagram are changing and which are stable.
Once the hexagram is generated, the diviner consults a book or set of interpretations to gain insight into the meaning of the hexagram and its relevance to the question at hand. The interpretation typically includes both general meanings of the hexagram as well as specific guidance for the situation at hand.
It’s worth noting that while the I-Ching is often used for divination, it is also considered to be a valuable philosophical and spiritual text in its own right, and has been studied and appreciated for centuries as such.
category: spiritual
Psychography- Automatic Writing

Psychography does not relating to writing about psycho’s… but that can happen. Instead, it is Automatic Writing.
Automatic writing is a practice in which a person writes without consciously thinking about what they are writing. The process typically involves the writer entering a relaxed or meditative state, and allowing their hand to move across the page or keyboard without consciously directing it. The resulting writing may be incoherent or may contain messages that the writer did not consciously intend.
Automatic writing is often used as a tool for personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual exploration. Some people believe that the writing produced through automatic writing is influenced by subconscious or spiritual forces, while others see it as a way to tap into their own intuition and creativity. It can be used for various purposes, including accessing inner wisdom, exploring emotions, and working through issues or problems.
It’s important to note that automatic writing can be a powerful and potentially transformative practice, but it should be approached with caution and guidance from a qualified professional. It can sometimes bring up intense emotions or experiences, and it’s important to have support in processing these experiences.
Next time, we’ll comb through Non-dominant writing to access the inner child.
Non-dominant writing accessing Inner Child

Non-dominant writing refers to the act of writing with the hand that is not your dominant one. For most people, their dominant hand is the right hand or the left hand, and using the other hand to write can feel awkward and challenging. However, practicing non-dominant writing can offer several benefits, such as improving coordination, stimulating creativity, and strengthening the connections between the brain’s hemispheres.
Practicing non-dominant writing can access your inner child.
You can start by writing simple sentences or short paragraphs with your non-dominant hand, and gradually increase the difficulty level as you feel more comfortable. It’s important to be patient and persistent, as it may take some time to develop the muscle memory and dexterity needed for non-dominant writing.
Writing from the perspective of your inner child with your non-dominant hand can be a powerful way to connect with your emotions, memories, and experiences from childhood. It can help you tap into your creativity and gain new insights about yourself.
To start, find a quiet and comfortable place where you can write without distractions. Take a few deep breaths to relax and focus your mind. Then, begin writing with your non-dominant hand, allowing your inner child to guide your words and express their feelings and thoughts.
You can start by asking your inner child questions such as:
What do you want to say?
How are you feeling?
What do you remember from your childhood?
What did you enjoy doing as a child?
What did you find challenging or difficult?
Write down whatever comes to mind, without judging or censoring your thoughts.
You may find that your writing is messy or illegible at first, but with practice, it will become easier and more natural.
When you’re done writing, take some time to reflect on what you’ve written. What insights have you gained about your inner child? What emotions or memories have surfaced? How can you use this information to nurture and heal your inner child?
Buried memories rarely appear in tact. Sometimes, they may come in fragments through a s sound, taste, smell, feeling. The awakening of memories is powerful.
Remember to be kind, compassionate, and patient with yourself as you explore this process. Writing from the perspective of your inner child with your non-dominant hand can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing.
Clues to Relationship Breaking Ups

Relationships? Deciding to end a relationship can be a difficult and complex process, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, there are some common signs that may indicate that it’s time to end a relationship. Here are a few:
Lack of communication or frequent arguments: If you find that you and your partner are no longer communicating effectively or are constantly arguing, it may be a sign that the relationship is no longer healthy or fulfilling.
Different values or goals: If you and your partner have different values, beliefs, or goals, it can create significant tension and conflict in the relationship.
Loss of trust or respect: If trust or respect has been broken in the relationship, it can be difficult to rebuild, and it may be a sign that the relationship has run its course.
Feeling unhappy or unfulfilled: If you feel consistently unhappy or unfulfilled in the relationship, despite efforts to improve it, it may be a sign that it’s time to move on.
Lack of intimacy or emotional connection: If you and your partner have lost the emotional or physical intimacy that once existed in the relationship, it may be a sign that you have grown apart and it’s time to end the relationship.
It’s important to remember that ending a relationship is a personal decision, and you should consider your own feelings and circumstances before making any decisions. It may also be helpful to seek the advice and support of a trusted friend during this process.
Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is a type of psychic ability that involves using extrasensory perception (ESP) to gather information about a distant or unseen target, object, or location. Remote viewing is believed to allow a person to perceive information about a remote target through means other than their five senses, such as sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.
Remote viewing is often used in the context of espionage, military, and law enforcement applications to gather intelligence or locate targets. However, it is also practiced by some individuals and groups for personal or spiritual purposes, such as exploring the nature of consciousness and the universe.
The practice of remote viewing typically involves a trained practitioner or viewer who enters into a state of relaxed focus and uses various techniques to access information about a remote target. This information can be in the form of sensory impressions, images, feelings, or words. The viewer then reports their findings to the person or organization that requested the remote viewing session.
There are certain techniques and aids that some practitioners may use to enhance their ability to perceive information about remote targets. Here are some common tools and techniques that are used in remote viewing:
Sketchpad and pen/pencil: Some remote viewers use a sketchpad and pen/pencil to quickly draw images or impressions that come to them during the viewing session.
Blind target feedback: In order to verify the accuracy of their perceptions, remote viewers may use blind target feedback. This involves having someone else select a target at random and provide feedback on the target after the remote viewer has provided their impressions.
Meditation: Many remote viewers use meditation to enter into a relaxed, focused state of mind that is conducive to perceiving information about remote targets.
Coordinate remote viewing: This involves using a set of random numbers or coordinates to identify the target for the remote viewing session. The viewer is given only the coordinates and must use their psychic ability to perceive information about the target associated with those coordinates.
Associative remote viewing: In this technique, the viewer is given a cue or keyword that is associated with the target. They then use their psychic ability to perceive information about the target based on that association.
It’s important to note that while these tools and techniques can be helpful in remote viewing, they are not necessary for the practice and not all remote viewers use them. The most important aspect of remote viewing is the viewer’s ability to access their psychic ability and focus their attention on the target.
Puttin’ Putin’s Pluto Precisely-Putin’s Astrology Chart

What do Harvey Weinstein and Vladimir Putin have in familiarity? Both men were born in 1952 and they have Scorpio rising, and the chart ruler, Pluto, conjuncts the Midheaven. These powerful figures used violent means of gaining and keeping power. When power is manipulated, a fall from dignity is expected as we saw with Harvey Weinstein.
Before examining future trends, a natal interpretation is required. The natal promise is crucial because triggers to natal key points in one chart will not work out the same in another’s chart. For brevity, this will be watered down drastically otherwise we can spend hours analyzing every point.
In Putin’s natal chart, he is striving to attach to power and control in worldwide endeavors. There is a hidden agenda disguised with softness, but in reality, there is secrecy and privacy.
The way this is carried out is through non-conformity. The outcome is alienation. This is a mixture of being alone on an island and feeling powerful but shunned by society. The need for balance and encounters with others is needed, but feeling misunderstood and/or misunderstanding circumstances. This is a blend of the Ascendant, planets in the 1st house, ruler placement, Sun, and MC ruler ala Wolfgang Doberiener Munich Rhythms.
Natal Pluto is the chart ruler and the focal point of a T square which can impel an individual to attack life with ferociousness. A one-track mind is attempting to balance indulgences and social ability. The usage of brutal force, control, psychological tactics, and manipulation, is used to overcome being thrown off the power. Sometimes, this can be done via a hidden agenda disguised as charm and generosity.
Many upcoming cycles raise concerns for Putin. The following seven cycles barely scratch the surface. One can write a book on each of the following cycles. It seems that Putin’s power may be transformed and possibly extinguished.
Putin Forecast

First, by Solar Arc direction, Solar Arc Pluto is currently conjunct with his natal Ascendant. Changes to the identity, physical body, and outlook in life undergo a radical transformation. A rise or fall from power is a classic of this energy. This is dependent on how the native has behaved. Pluto’s theme around death and rebirth is strong. I never forecast death because of ethical reasons. A chart lives forever as one can measure cycles around it.
These next eight weeks are pivotal for him as this cycle is nearing the exact pinnacle. It has been in effect these last six months and will be in effect for another six months.
Next, the solar eclipse taking place during the third week of October is an aspect with his Ascendant exactly. When forecasting Solar Eclipses, it is important to determine the type of eclipse. Is the solar eclipse conjunction with the North Node or the South Node? The North Node eclipse is more favorable. South Node indicates a possible loss and dealing with issues from the past. A South Node solar eclipse emphasizes the Sun more than the Moon, whereas, with the North Node conjunction, the emphasis is more on the Sun.
Lunations and eclipses are standalone in their own right. In the first house, there is possible endangerment to health and the physical body because wherever the south node transits, it signifies possible loss. The eclipse illuminates that as well. Yet, all lunations and eclipses activate Progressions, Solar Arcs, and other Transits. Here we have a confirmation to the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Ascendant.
Third, Putin was born with a Mars and Moon that were both out-of-bounds. Mars is about to turn out-of-bounds. The station of transiting Mars turning retrograde forming an opposition over his natal Mars wouldn’t be worth mentioning if it were the standard 3-day Mars cycle. The general rule of thumb is that the longer the duration of a cycle, the more impact it has. With a station retrograde that has a similar flair to his natal position; this is significant and will last for 3 weeks. This leads to increased violent, warlike, destructive, impulsive, and dangerous behavior that will be met with opposition. Oppositions require balance and compromise.

Forth, the progressed lunation cycle Putin is on is a balsamic phase. During this phase, the Moon is moving toward the darkness of the next New Moon. One enters a time of liberation. This phase is characterized by a feeling of winding down. It’s time to surrender to the next chapter of life. In the final part of this stage, periods of reflection and withdrawal become a necessary process to allow the release of what needs clearance for rebirth. Typically, one may think about the past, grieve, and heal.
The keywords for this transition phase are release, endings, surrender, withdrawal, retirement, detachment, call inward, deepening studies, inner work, rest, and solitude.
Fifth progressed Mars square Jupiter is a dangerous aspect that can result in war, fire, accidents, and injury if one behaves recklessly. It is triggering a fixed grand cross to Jupiter, Venus, and Pluto. The natal T square previously mentioned becomes a grand cross while this configuration becomes active. Power struggles will require surrender. This burdensome aspect can result in becoming trapped by circumstances, stubbornness, conflicts, stress, tension, disharmony, pressure, and strain.
Sixth, Progressed Mars is Quincunx Uranus, impulsive actions lead to compromise, surrendering, adjusting, adapting, and sacrificing. The Lunar Eclipse in November will accentuate this as well whereby reversals and surprises occur with possibly devastating consequences.
Finally, whenever the progressed Moon conjuncts the Progressed Ascendant, an emotionally intensive milestone is reached leaving one feeling either supported or unsupported depending on the behavior leading to that moment.
This is a vulnerable period for Putin that may result in serious consequences, personal safety, and a fall from power.
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Mars out-of-bounds

Mars is more than just the “God of war.” Mars describes what Venus enjoys and battles what Venus detests. Sex, assertion, drive, physical energy, competition, fire, anger, and war are ruled by Mars. Mars out-of-bounds is about to start.
Certain planets go out-of-bounds every few years. Usually, it is for a short 2-3 month period. The upcoming Mars out-of-bounds will enter on October 22, 2022, until May 5, 2023. Similar to sports, beyond the limits of the established field of play is where an out-of-bounds planet travels.
Some people born under the period of an out-of-bounds Mars may be labeled as aggressive. The adrenaline for such individuals may be interpreted as walking time bombs waiting to explode. This too is determined by the rest of the chart. An out-of-bounds planet does not respect limits or boundaries. It can generate genius a breakthrough. Negatively, it can become volatile and unacceptable to society.
Freedom is retaliated against Saturn’s limitations. This freedom for Mars is like a super Uranus which seeks to awaken and revolutionize and liberate. These energies are interwoven when there will be some type of need to break freefrom something.
The best way to understand the future is by looking at the past. The general rule of thumb is that the longer a cycle lasts, the longer and more significant the impact. The last time we had an out-of-bounds Mars last for many months was during 4/5/2001-10/20/2001. The major event that took place was 9/11. This does not mean that another worldwide catastrophe is forecasted. However, there will be national security changes taking place. Mars is also retrograde. Like in 2001, Mars was retrograde for a few months while it was out-of-bounds. A few weeks after it turned direct and remained out-of-bounds, 9/11 occurred.
Since Mars will be retrograde in Gemini (and will be covered separately,) this is the time to be extra careful with online security and online banking especially conducted via a Smartphone device. Though Gemini governs automotive, communication, local transportation, elementary schools, post offices, and communication carriers, this is a time to pay extra attention to any transaction with these institutions. Pay additional detail to passwords. The potential for hacking is strong. Also, for those driving cars with driving assistant, pay attention to how you rely on it. Recently, LAUSD was hacked. A ransom was rejected. The entire roster was exposed.
Mars is war. Could there be potential or just talk Gemini loves to talk, the short answer is yes. However, it is mutable and short-lived.
The financial markets may be a bit difficult. The last time another out-of-bounds Mars was in effect was during the period of 10/4/2007-4/25/2008. Certainly, with other planetary configurations, this is especially strong.
Though Mars out-of-bounds may seem to appear as violent, it can produce courage and physical abilities. Henry Kissinger had an out-of-bounds Mars in Gemini. He negotiated dialogues to end conflicts during the Vietnam War. Could this be a possible breakthrough with Biden? Maybe. Putin will have an impact. This too will be discussed at a later date.
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Progressed Lunation Cycle-Timing

The Progressed Lunation Cycle
Timing cycles are part of 28-year phases. There are around 2-3 in a lifetime. Each individual will experience a secondary progressed New Moon at some point in their life. This is estimated from the Progressed Sun to the Progressed Moon and becomes a highly individualized measurement that is divided into eight sections. The progressed Moon moves approximately 1 degree per month. Potent seeds for producing your life. Understanding what phase you are in now gives rise to understanding your full 28-year cycle ahead.
Similar to a monthly Moon cycle that farmers use to plant (Farmers Almanac,) the Moon cycle in a 28 year period can demonstrate the vibration you are on in terms of your career, financial, and relationship potentials.
The natal chart is stable. The modifications are represented by the progressed chart. Your chart grows, just like you. In the progressed chart, the Moon is the quickest moving body.
The Moon starts a waxing phase from a New to a Full Moon approximately every 27 – 28 days. In progressions, each day equals 1 year. The eight phases of the Moon are also applied in 27-28 year increments in your progressed chart as: New Moon, Crescent Moon, First Quarter, Gibbous Moon, Full Moon, Disseminating Moon, Last Quarter, and Balsamic Moon. Note: this special cycle is Progressed to Progressed aspects; and they add precision to timing techniques like a charm.
The Progressed Lunation Cycle
New Moon: 0° – 44° ahead of the Sun. Active period. Sowing seeds. Beginning over again. Re-learning life. There may be a period of disorientation, confusion, or a sense of being in the dark. You may feel vulnerable, revived, eager, and enthusiastic. You may start a new job, move, wed, divorce, or become a parent. This positions the path for the next 28 years. Keywords: Emergence, beginnings, birth, potential.
Crescent Moon: 45° – 89 ° ahead of the Sun. Passive period. Endeavors initiated on the New Moon grow. The strong desire to thrust forward and expand is non-stop. Situations may propel you out of your convenience spot. The trail ahead may not be apparent, but there’s a sense that you must get rolling. You may be trying out your plan, purifying it, and placing stronger foundations in place while gaining a more precise idea of where you are going. Keywords: Assertion, bravery, testing the waters.
First Quarter Moon 90° – 134° ahead of the Sun. Active period. The first push towards victory. This is a sweet spot. There is often more money and opportunity as the Moon increases in light. The square produces tension. A crisis will result in action. Placing the support in place is crucial. Keywords: Action, commitment, ordeals, crisis, outsource to get some help.
Gibbous Moon 135° – 179° ahead of the Sun. Passive period. Gains, polishing, striving, and access to resources. A sense of security is in the atmosphere. You are starting to see how your efforts are producing. If there was a loss in the first quarter, this phase may be marked by over-reaction or strain. There’s haste to relieve distress, to try to force fruition. If things went well at the quarter Moon, you may now be excited to see the results of your labors. This can bubble over into impatience, drama, or overstretching. Keywords: Expression, over-reaction, adjustment, adapting
Full Moon Moon 180° – 134° ahead of the Sun. Active period. Exposure, rise to the top. You are in the spotlight. Actions reach culmination. Similar to the Full Moon in the monthly cycle, this represents a climax. Feelings are intensified. Relationships with others may be pivotal. You realize your goals or realize the idealism behind them. If this time is met with disappointment, this phase enables strategizing. Keywords: Fruition, fulfillment, transparency, motivation, materialization, revelations.
Disseminating Moon 135° – 89° behind the Sun. Passive period. Sharing, teaching, and giving back. You acknowledge that you have changed and developed. You put your talents to work, exhibit what you know, expend your privileges, and transfer your knowledge. Experiences during this stage may question you to examine your knowledge of life to distill what you believe. The Moon starts to wane (decrease in light). Keywords: Synthesis, demonstration, evaluation, sharing, productivity, allocation, integration, assimilation.
Last Quarter Moon 90° – 46° behind the Sun. Active Period. There is a feeling of urgency to complete tasks as the Moon is decreasing in light. A crossroad ahead where a predicament of consciousness may be reached. You have gained maturity. The challenge is whether to resume or start a process of releasing those things which no longer inspire you. This phase needs confronting the truth and admitting when things have outgrown their effectiveness. This duration of stress may require separating or restructuring. It may feel like a final opportunity to make what you want in this revolution. As the progressed Moon moves towards darkness, you may encounter a sense of void. The void within buzzes you to recognize what must be removed to make room for new development in the end. Keywords: Re-orientation, adulthood, truth, restructuring, overindulgence.
Balsamic Moon is 45° – 1° behind the Sun. Passive period. Moving towards the darkness of the next New Moon. You enter a time of liberation. This phase is characterized by a feeling of winding down. Now it’s time to let go and surrender to the next chapter of life. In the final part of this stage. Periods of reflection and withdrawal will become a necessary process to allow you to release what needs clearance so that you are reborn. You will find yourself thinking about the past, grieving, and healing. This is a transition phase. Keywords: Release, endings, surrender, withdrawal, retirement, detachment, call inward, deepening studies, inner work, rest, solitude.
Soon, you will be entering the New Moon phase and will re-embark on a new 28-year journey. It is helpful to understand the phase of the Moon you were born in. Some people that are more of a balsamic type may feel uncomfortable during a full moon period as they are more introverted. Too much exposure for a person that desires privacy may become uncomfortable. Similarly, a person born when the Moon was waxing may feel unfamiliar during introverted periods.
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Septar-Repurposed Solar Returns Part 2

Septars are an excellent tool for forecasting relationships and careers. It has a distinctive form for timing upcoming predictions. Last time, we explained the different ages that correspond to a specific Septar. That specific Septar is a previous solar return from childhood. Please see how these Solar Returns work in part 1 of this article
Using Harvey Weinstein as an example, currently, he is 70 years old. That means his 11th Septar is in effect between the ages of 70-76. His 11th solar return took place in 1962.
Though it’s customary to run the Solar Return for the location of residency, remember, this is not traditional Astrology, so the birthplace is used.
When we view this specific Septar, we can see the major challenges he is currently facing in California after being given 23 years of prison in the state of New York. Each house in a Septar is activated for 7 months in a clockwise direction. Whereas in the traditional Munich Rhythm Theory, each house clockwise is for 7 years.
First, we can give this chart the justice it deserves by giving a mini interpretation before forecasting. Doebereiner chart interpretation is very structured. I appreciate that as a starting point to get to the meat of the chart, especially when eyeballing the chart on the spot. The mission in this chart is striving to assert defining and protecting secrets to prevent loss (Taurus Rising/ruler in house #12.) This is carried out by burying deeper fabrications and exaggerations (Sun in 12th house). The outcome, MC ruler, is the legal consequences and the removal of freedom (house #10.)
The chart ruler, Venus, in the 12th house, intercepted will bring up feelings of abandonment, loneliness, entrapped, and grief. This is a difficult placement for a person as it can feel like an unloving period. There is a configuration to this planet as well where the level of restlessness and despair. The emotional level is extremely critical, dramatic, and hysterical.
From October 22, 2022, thru May 2023, the house shifts to the ruler of the 12th house. That means Neptune and all the aspects formed on this planet dominate the period. This includes the square formed by Saturn. This combination will bring a lot of hysteria as a result of more information surfacing especially from females in his past. Learning lessons around deception. Since the Septar Neptune is in the sign of Scorpio, lessons around power, control, and sex.
Also, during this period, the activation of Aries occurs because it is intercepted in the 12th house.
Mars/Mercury/Pluto aspects bring out buried secrets. There may first time news revealed about Weinstein. More abused survivors may come to the surface. He can also get into more legal problems for other matters or locations. This can become a turbulent war-like period for him.
Transits may be applied to that specific Septar as a timing mechanism. The activation of the transiting Uranus and Saturn Square will be impacting the Ascendant in this Septar. Saturn is about learning lessons, law, authority figures, and sowing from past behavior. Learning lessons around sexuality, exertion of authority, liberty, expression, and domination are all in the mix.
The big game-changing transit to this chart is transiting Pluto conjunct the Midheaven. Pluto transforms by either empowering or disempowering a person’s status when transiting through the Midheaven. Next, we can also look at the upcoming solar eclipse at 2 Scorpio. It will activate Saturn and all the aspects formed by it. The sentencing he is going to receive in California seems similar to or harsher than in New York. After this house completes activation, in May 2023-December 2023, there is a shift in house energy again. This eclipse confirms the release of Neptune/Saturn.
The ruler of his 11th house in the Septar is activated. The ruler is in the 5th in the sign of Leo. This can range from being moved to a different prison location, difficult health diagnosis, and heart complications. Surely, taking this further by digging deeper into the MRT of Weinstein’s natal chart is important as well a0s using other forecasting tools.
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Prediction Nailed Again- Rhianna Billionaire Forbes
Our reader, Albert ext 3030, nailed it once again for the umpteenth time. 3 years ago, in the video, Albert shared singer, Rhianna’s forthcoming lingering success in the cosmetic enterprise. Check out the time stamp 28-35 minutes. Forbes reported this week, Rhianna just entered Billionaire status.
This isn’t the first time a “nailed it” email is sent. It’s our pattern! Albert has forecasted accurately in front of all of us in this newsletter: Johnny Depp Court Success, Lincoln College Cyber attack, Presidential Election 2020, Covid Vaccines, Harvey Weinstein Verdict & Timing, Madonna Health/Surgery, Rob Ford Scandal, and health decline, and more.
Albert is known for publicly forecasting in 1993 on his Call in TV show, Chartalk, the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center 2001. Everyone was shocked 8 years later.
How many networks have this track record? Let us know! Remember, if our readers can forecast this level of accuracy on global and public figures accurately, imagine what they can do for you regarding your love and career forecast. This is why we test read every Psychic staffed on our network.
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