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Tag Archives: free tarot card reading

Free Tarot Card reading and  predictions made on Video prior to it happening. Psychic Readings, 99 cents minute. 1-800-498-8777. Over 520 FREE videos on our site Psychic-Tarot-Astrology and more!

Lenormand Divination Cards

Marie Lenormand was a prominent French Psychic who lived in the late 18th and early 19th century. She was accepted for her skill in reading and studying various divination tools, including Tarot Cards, playing cards, and tea leaves.

She quickly gained a standing as a highly precise clairvoyant, and her clientele included members of the French aristocracy and royalty, such as Josephine Bonaparte, the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Lenormand also published a number of books on divination, including the “Grand Jeu de Mlle Lenormand,” a deck of divination cards that are still widespread today. Her name has become interchangeable with this deck of cards, which are known as Lenormand cards.

Lenormand cards are a type of divination system  that is used for gaining insight into various aspects of life. It consists of 36 cards, each with a specific symbol or image that represents a different aspect of life, such as emotions, relationships, career, and health.  This system is different from Tarot cards in that they focus more on practical, everyday concerns and are often more straightforward in their interpretations.

The cards are usually read in pairs or small groups, with each card in the group adding to the overall meaning and providing more detail and nuance to the reading. Lenormand readings can provide insight into the past, present, and future.  It can help individuals gain clarity on various aspects of their lives.

Lenormand cards and Tarot cards are both used for divination, but they have some significant differences in their origins, meanings, and uses.

Tarot cards originated in Italy in the 15th century and were initially used for playing games. They were later adapted for divination purposes in the late 18th century. Lenormand cards, on the other hand, were created in the late 18th century specifically for divination purposes.

Tarot decks usually consist of 78 cards, while Lenormand decks only have 36 cards.

Tarot cards have highly symbolic images that can be interpreted in many different ways. Lenormand cards, on the other hand, have more literal images that depict everyday objects, people, and situations.

Tarot cards tend to focus more on spiritual and psychological themes, while Lenormand cards are more focused on practical, everyday concerns.

Tarot cards are often read in creative spreads that involve multiple cards and positions, while Lenormand cards are typically read in pairs or small groups, with each card adding to the overall meaning of the reading.

In summary, Tarot cards are more symbolic, while Lenormand cards are more straightforward and practical. Both can be used for divination and gaining insight into various aspects of life, but they have different strengths and are suited to different types of questions and situations.

Let’s see what the Lenormand divination cards have in store for you. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Tarot Reading Standouts


The Tarot has been around for hundreds of years and is both an art and a science. We will concentrate on the specific definitions of the cards that stand out in a Tarot Reading.

Death Card:  One of the most daunting cards! People mistaken it for physical death, when in fact, it represents endings of situations or relationships. It also represents re-birth and regeneration of the soul.

The Queen of Coins indicates financial gains and security through a woman. She is depicted as a generous benefactor, someone that can help someone secure a loan from a bank, an inheritance, or generous lady that readily bestows financial favors on loved ones.

The King of Coins also represents this except the benefactor is a male energy instead.

Justice represents all legal matters. If the card faces away from the reader it means legal difficulties to overcome, but if the card is facing the reader it foretells a favorable outcome.

Swords always represent adversity. The King or Queen of Swords indicates an argumentative type of individual, a bully if you will and needs to be avoided at all costs.

Wands represent hope and security and happy results when in conjunction with the rest of the card spread. Gives extra happiness and spiritual awareness.

The Chariot represents journeys and if the card is facing the reader, it is a good time to travel, but if the card is facing OPPOSITE to the reader or upside down, it shows that traveling would be best avoided in the immediate future.

The Fool indicates a person of capricious nature, can be male or female, but is someone that cannot be trusted.

Wheel of Fortune is a very lucky card and it represents victory in virtually all endeavors. If the card is facing the reader, it means instant gratification, but if the card is opposite it means there will be a slight delay in achieving good things.

Hanged Man shows that the person is responsible for their own predicament and can often be their own worst enemy.

The Magician is always clever and will be able to have the fortitude to get themselves out of any tight situations. Will be able to rectify past problems as well.

The Tower represents the home life and family, if facing towards the reader, means problems will be resolved, if opposite, this usually means a divorce or some sort of chaos that forces a person to change their lifestyle, job and or relationships.

The Sun bestows many blessings and success in areas connected to the Major Arcana spread. Once again, if the Sun is facing the reader, immediate gratification, but if opposite, some delays but still wonderful outcome

The Devil is an individual male or female that has ulterior motives. Deception and someone with evil intent that is to be avoided at all costs as well.

The Lovers represent spiritual harmony and a lifetime of continued romance. If it faces the reader, immediate results, but if opposite, it means love will have to wait a little bit.

Lastly, the World indicates that victory and conquest in all matters. Lucky is the client that finds this gem in their deck.

Lets see what’s in your Tarot Reading ! Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Nailed it – Presidential Election Prediction 2020!

Albert ext 3030

Once again for the hundredth time, our reader extraordinaire, Albert ext 3030, has shocked us by nailing the Presidential Election Prediction!

He not only foresaw Biden would win but also, he forecasted the holds and recounts. That article was emailed last week and is available and posted on our blog too. The video version of this has some more details on former US Elections and is posted as well. You can see the date it was uploaded on the Youtube embed feed. 

Albert’s work deserves beyond recognition.  However, this goes beyond accurately predicting the election.  This year he has made quite astonishing predictions one after another. They are all time-stamped and posted on our blog after they were emailed.  A shortlist includes: Donald and Melania Health forecast Video, Covid Vaccines, Madonna health issues / surgery, Harvey Weinstein Imprisonment Dates, and more.

Over the years, you have also observed Albert forecast the download of former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford drug allegations and Ford’s untimely health failure.  Albert’s accurate forecasts continues.  So be prepared for another email like this soon as he forecasted upcoming health issues for Trump in this video.

Our goal is to educate, demonstrate, showcase our reader’s talents, and apply some of these concepts on how readings benefit you.  Public figures (entertainment or political) are used as examples to provide visibility on the phenomena and talents of our readers.  If our Psychics forecast a public figure with such precision,  imagine what they can do for you!   Be sure to get your reading too.

Corona Virus-Donald & Melania Test Positive, US Election 2020: The winner is…., Harvey Weinstein Legal and Imprisonment, Madonna Health Issues, Rob Ford Downfall and Health Issues

Accurate Predictions

Trump Versus Biden Election Prediction 2020

Election Prediction- Election Day 2020  is around the corner.  As for predicting the next president will be,  I  have to first explain exactly how I did this and why I throw caution to the wind.

The general rule of thumb I heard from my favored teacher when it comes to forecasting the winner of a presidential race is by looking at the recent solar return set for Washington DC. The nominee with the most angular planets is the winner. I have used this theory in the past and have successfully predicted the winner. But there is one thing that is vital to keep in mind if the time of birth is off, so is the forecast.

In election for 2016 it was difficult to forecast Hillary Clinton as there are over 3 different birth times. 

Providing the hour of birth is correct for Biden, I am forecasting he will be the elected. 
Here are the solar returns to illustrate this:

Election Prediction

The red circles are planets in angular houses. 
Total: 4 PLANETS..
Election Prediction

The red circles are planets in angular houses. 
Total: 5 PLANETS

The solar return chart is valid for one year. It serves as a stand alone chart that shows the year ahead. It is calculated close to ones birthday and lasts until the next birthday. This technique I use as a confirmation to the other forecasting techniques.

There are concerns over turning direct from Mercury retrograde motion the day prior to the election.  Some have equated similarities to the 2000 election with Bush versus Gore.  However, that year Bush had more anguliarity in his Solar Return.

Finally, there are concerns over the void moon taking place on Inaguration Day, January 20.   Some theories indicate that presidents sworn in under that period will not complete the term.  I have to agree with this concept too because any action or plan made on a void of course moon always changes.  More to come on this topic.

Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!