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Tag Archives: Melania Trump

Melania Trump Astrology and Horoscopes, monthly, yearly and more.  Tarot,  and Psychic Readings, 99 cents minute. 1-800-498-8777.  Over 500 FREE videos on our site

Donald Trump Astrology Health Forecast 2020-2021

Be sure to watch the previous video that precedes from April 2020 where Covid-19 forecasted for Melania and Donald’s health issues too!

Melania Trump Prediction Nailed it again- Covid-19 Positive

Covid 19 Positive for Melania Trump Prediction comes true

Congratulations to our reader, Albert ext 3030. He has astounded us over the last 19 years with stunning exactness in global affairs. This year alone he has forecasted Vaccine promises additions hitting the news first week of September accurately, Madonna’s health complications, and much more. These are minor compared to huge events including 9/11, and more.

In the below APRIL 2020 video, we stated Melania Trump has health concerns and vulnerable to Covid-19. She now has tested Covid-19 positive.

Since our Trusted and Accurate Psychics can predict events to public figures accurately, imagine what they can do for you! Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Below is the video again!

Astrology Mercury Conjunct Mars

Astrology -
Astrology –

Astrology in Aspect

In Astrology, Mercury is the planet of communication. It governs journalists, newspapers, writers, teachers, education, students, and discussions.

Mars is the planet of quarrels, conflicts, brutality, missiles, bombs, guns, war, altercations, combativeness, instigation, vindication, attack, police, military, manufacturing, accidents, and fires.

These 2 planets are in alignment this weekend. This aspect lasts for a 24-hour window. Since Mercury is retrograde, it will last a little longer. Until Mercury moves past the degree of this aspect, the effects are valid for 8 days. It can likely take a few days for it to become apparent because of the retrograde. Not only is it likely this event will stir controversy, but also, it takes a few days for it to come out of being incognito.

Mercury conjunct Mars occurs can occur up twice a year. However, it was in the same position as the solar eclipse a few days ago. That signals a well-publicized event to take to the place where Mars destroys a Mercurial representative, institution, location, etc.

The effects of a solar eclipse last until the next eclipse; that is typically 6 month period.

Mercury and Mars combinations can be speedy to jump into action by exercising the “act now think later mentality.” It may not think of consequences in the big picture.

Donald Trump Astrology

There could be some discovery that within the Trump administration, someone did something hidden that sparks controversy a few days later. Surely since Trump has these 2 planets and eclipse over his Ascendant. Too, it is likely he will be in the news a lot in the next few days as well.

Melania Trump – Astrology

At the same time, this pile-up is over Melania Trump’s Venus. So there could be some information regarding a dispute she had with no other than her husband. Information about their marriage could leak into the press.

Clairvoyant advisors that are screened before hire.   Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!