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Tag Archives: Telephone Psychic Readings

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I-Ching Readings

The I-Ching, also known as the Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination system that has been used for centuries to gain insight into the nature of the world and our place within it. The I-Ching is based on the concept of yin and yang, the two complementary forces that govern the universe.

The I-Ching is a collection of 64 hexagrams, each made up of six lines, that represent various states of being and situations in life. To use the I-Ching, one typically begins by asking a question or focusing on a specific situation in their life. The question should be clear and specific, and can be answered with a simple yes or no.

Once the question is formulated, the diviner typically uses a set of coins or yarrow stalks to generate a hexagram. The coins are typically tossed or shaken, and the resulting pattern of heads and tails is used to determine which lines in the hexagram are changing and which are stable.

Once the hexagram is generated, the diviner consults a book or set of interpretations to gain insight into the meaning of the hexagram and its relevance to the question at hand. The interpretation typically includes both general meanings of the hexagram as well as specific guidance for the situation at hand.

It’s worth noting that while the I-Ching is often used for divination, it is also considered to be a valuable philosophical and spiritual text in its own right, and has been studied and appreciated for centuries as such.

Venus Retrograde Part 3

A construction business started forming a parking lot in the stat of Venus retrograde. Though beauty is not associated with a parking lot, agreements, negotiation, pricing, worker’s capability, worker’s motivation, and quality assistance are a problem.

Technically speaking, a parking lot usually doesn’t have to look beautiful; however, a practical aesthetic is needed.  Perhaps the final product may have a quirk that could have been avoided if the start date was after the Venus Retrograde under different negotiations, workers, and ideas.

Venus also governs negotiations and motivation.  Since the current Venus Retrograde is in Gemini, effective communication and ideas are unavailable.  Affection and appreciation are withheld on a Venus Retrograde.

It is advised not to start a love affair or buy luxury goods during this time because you might end up paying more than bargained for.  Venus also rules beauty, art, social relationships, partnerships, romance, love, values, money, and financial security.  Slow down and reassess what and who you value and why.  I believe the construction of the parking lot will require a plan or staff revision after Venus turns direct.

Venus retrograde has advantages.  Typically it is a period where you can get an excellent deal on antiques, second-hand goods, and flea market/thrift store items.  I have observed some individuals born under a Venus retrograde that are collectors of such items.  Though a good deal can be obtained, I would encourage placing a price cap on items you are willing to purchase prior to the retrograde.

During Venus Retrograde we might feel like retreating from socializing or forming relationships.

It is a valuable time to go inward to reflect and revise our loving nature.  We may review our past needs, desires, tastes, and pursuit of relationships.

Sometimes unresolved issues in a relationship can be magnified.  It is not time to make a decision.  It is an ideal time to analyze your thoughts and slowly make the necessary modifications. 

On a lighter note, it is not the time to “beautify” yourself.  Venus rules beauty and esthetics. During the retrograde, there is a lack of clarity around your efforts.  Therefore, the retrograde period is not an ideal time to change your appearance. So, don’t begin any procedures or surgeries to enhance your beauty such as plastic surgery. This is the wrong time to change your hairstyle, hair color, do a makeover, or purchase a new wardrobe because you may not like the results after the retrograde is complete.   A client of mine went in for a nasal procedure under a retrograde period.  The results were mediocre.  She felt the doctor was too minimal and wanted more results.  So had the procedure redone with a different doctor and got what she wanted.

In essence, any new major venture started on a retrograde Venus will require re-doing them afterward or they experience delays.

Telephone Psychic Reading on AbsolutelyPsychic.com  Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

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Due to the overwhelming demand, we have these events limited HOWEVER, you can always try our secure phone line as an introductory for just .99 cents per minute!

Psychic Readings FAQ’s

Choosing a Psychic Network like AbsolutelyPsychic.com is a great way to choose a Psychic for a reading because the Network has a standard for hiring Psychic Readers as readers have gone through an extensive evaluation process.

A Psychic Reading can be obtained at any interval of your life. Whether you desire a general Psychic Reading or need focus on Love life, career questions or a very specific time, its whatever works for you.

Getting a Psychic Reading at any time will offer you guidance, clarity, certainty and help you make better-informed choices.

Call 1-800-498-8777 to start your Psychic Reading or online at AbsolutelyPsychic.com Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Psychic Testing Done Wrong Vs Right Pt 4

Psychic Testing

It’s been over a year since we followed up to our “Psychic Testing Done Wrong Versus Right” series. In part1part2, and part 3, we shared some scenarios from our coordinators.

It’s been over a year since we followed up to our “Psychic Testing Done Wrong Versus Right” series. In part1part2, and part 3, we shared some scenarios from our coordinators.

In this issue, one of our coordinators (Coordinator #1) examines a recent incident that details our process. Generally, only 2% of applicants have presented an opportunity to be on our Psychic Network. So this instance, we display the 98% that are not provided a chance and the logic behind it. We convey this to you, so you watch how particular we are when it comes to placing a Psychic on our network. Enjoy!

From Coordinator #1

As I mentioned last time, when I test read a Psychic applicant, it is similar to auditioning a singer (or any artist.) In the case of a singer, in the first few seconds of singing, talent shows through instantly. 

Recently I conducted a test where the applicant (a female) I gave the standard directions that all applicants receive. This was a relatively easy and quick test. I was with the Psychic applicant for only 3 minutes and 10 seconds. 

One of the directions is if Tarot Cards are being used, it is ok. However, please do not get technical by telling me the exact card that came up, what the card meant, etc…It’s a reading, not a class. I needed to be spoken to in plain English with non-technical jargon. Some people are fine with jargon. That is fine too. However, in this specific scenario, it was a boundary in the test for that particular moment.

So we started. The first thing she mentioned that made the reading turn South was that she had 2 cards already waiting for her before I called! As an on-demand service on a first-come, first-served basis, Psychics read on the spot. Sure, that would be fine if she wanted to do the reading for herself. More importantly, it demonstrated that my energy on a moment to moment basis wasn’t being considered. Therefore, the applicant was not tuned in to the “now.” Perhaps the applicant was only familiar with reading family and friends. Everyone needs to start somewhere. There was a lack of professional experience in conducting a professional reading, and it showed.

Then she did the ultimate, despite completely grasping the directions. She went into an immediate interpretation of those 2 cards as if it were a class. She demonstrated being incapable of following directions. That is a sore spot for any company. Talent and ability are a must. However, for professional consideration, following directions is a biggie in any field. She was thanked for her time, encouraged to continue her craft, and I went to the next applicant. 

In the parallel example of a singer, this readier “sang,” and I “heard.” As an “audience member,” I know the network deserves better as clients want better. I continued to find just that.  

I have also been on the opposite side of the spectrum. Within the first 50 seconds of the reading, I could tell instantly the reader had the talent and was hire-able. Surely I let the reader continue, as I love getting a good psychic reading. It is like having a great dessert. Who doesn’t like that?! 

Of course, applicants can get nervous. We cover that in the directions. No one is there to be shamed or endure negativity. We make our process a positive, productive, and professional experience for all parties. 

Conducting test reading evaluations over the years is easy and enjoyable. It’s not rocket science as talent is evident in the actual doing. 

Horoscope readings and more on our Psychic Network  Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Psychic Readers Testing Done Wrong Versus Right

Psychic Readers

Try the network for only $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777! Our Network was Founded in 2001 and has 3 decades of knowledge. We understand how to staff only the Finest Psychics!

Sign Up has been around for close to 18 years. In the beginning, anyone could sign up by undergoing the same process for an email address or user account. It would take little time by filling out a few fields on a web page and uploading a profile. Presto! The sign-up person would then be labeled as a Psychic.

After many years of operating, Sign Up has decided to test their already existing Psychic readers by first examining their language skills and their computer skills in their site navigation. On the one hand, I can appreciate any testing process. I support quality control from time to time. Also, I will recommend a language test, as excellent communication is vital. When their multiple-choice tests asked the test taker (experts billed as Psychics) “the proper reflexive form of the verb,” I find that to be irrelevant to Psychic ability.

I will also support the operational procedure of quality control. So inevitably, if Sign Up found it necessary to test their “psychic experts” on where to click on their website for customer service, I can appreciate efficiency. However, these tests have nothing whatsoever to do with Psychic ability.

Well, it now came to my attention that they are sending multiple-choice tests to quiz for Psychic ability. Though Sign Up has a right to handle their affairs however they see fit, I share my point of view on this from an industry perspective after being on the Board of Directors for 2 prior networks since 1988. The testing procedure Sign Up is conducting is useless for evaluating Psychic Ability. If I quizzed my doctor in my car, it would be absurd! I go to the doctor about my health. I go to my mechanic for my car maintenance.

Clients go to Psychic Readers because of their Psychic ability. If they know what reflexive format of a verb or pronoun, great! It is not going to make the psychic ability any better.

When we receive a psychic application on Absolutely Psychic, we will review the application to determine if we are interested in going to the next level.

If it goes into the testing process, one of our 4 testing coordinators will schedule via email a telephone appointment one-on-one LIVE. In my opinion, a live test is a correct way to determine psychic ability, professionalism, language skills, interpersonal skills, and talent.

In this series, we invite our coordinators to chime in on the process. 

From Coordinator 1: Testing a psychic is a breeze and fun experience. I look at as auditioning a singer. Instantly the moment the singer starts to sing, it’s evident if they are talented or not. It’s that simple. When I test a psychic, I tell them straight out; I want to know what you see for me for the next few months in business and relationships. We do not provide the date of births or Astrology signs. If the Tarot will be used, that is fine. However, since this is a reading and not a class, I will request that we do not get bogged down with technical information. Please avoid technical jargon such as “The Queen of Cups is reversed.” Translate what that means. When I go to the doctor, I need to be spoken to in plain, understandable language. Save the medical-ease for the classroom or colleagues. Clients do not want a lesson in the Tarot. They only want answers. It’s that simple. Down deep inside, I know that some readers show off their technical knowledge to mask their insecurities. We need to get passed that. Sometimes there are rare exceptions.

Those first few seconds of the testing process usually tells me a lot while I’m filling out the testing form. If the Psychic accurately described a past or present situation, feeling, energy, another person, time-period, event, I am impressed. Also, reading style demonstrates a lot too. It is a multi-layered experience. It isn’t rocket science. The moment Susan Boyle sang at her audition, in an instant, her talent shined. That video is on YouTube. This is no different. Ability speaks louder than words in the doing.

It is prevalent that taking a test can be nerve-racking. I assure all psychic applicants that we appreciate their time, and this process will remain a positive experience. We are not there to critique them on their talent. Surely if they do well, we will offer constructive tips to improve their performance.

Finally, the most important idea for me while testing an applicant is how I would feel if I were a client receiving that reading. After all, this is for our clients; it must render quality. I like getting a Psychic Reading. However, I will only love a good Psychic Reading that hit points on the dot. If I equated this to eating a pastry, some pastries would be ok while others would be so delicious that I’d like to have more. The same concept applies here. This is a no-brainer, fun, and straightforward process for me.

Your free horoscope awaits for you 

Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Tarot Cards Made Easy

Many psychic readers use Tarot cards, which date back to early 15th century Italy. These initial decks were hand-painted playing cards, accessible primarily to the affluent due to their high cost. The invention of the printing press later made Tarot decks available to the general public.

By the mid-18th century, Tarot cards began to be used for divination and fortune-telling. A Tarot deck consists of twenty-two major arcana cards and fifty-six suited cards, which are divided into four suits: Cups, Wands, Pentacles, and Swords. Each suit contains ten numbered cards and four court cards: Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages.

The twenty-two major arcana cards include: The Fool (0), The Magician (1), The High Priestess (2), The Empress (3), The Emperor (4), The Hierophant (5), The Lovers (6), The Chariot (7), Strength (8), The Hermit (9), The Wheel of Fortune (10), Justice (11), The Hanged Man (12), Death (13), Temperance (14), The Devil (15), The Tower (16), The Star (17), The Moon (18), The Sun (19), Judgment (20), and The World (21). These cards symbolize significant life lessons or stages, suggesting deep, meaningful insights when they appear in a reading.

Each of the four suits in the minor arcana represents different aspects of life:

  • Cups: Linked to the water element, they represent love, relationships, and emotions.
  • Wands: Connected to the fire element, they symbolize creativity, drive, passion, and motivation.
  • Pentacles: Associated with the earth element, they relate to money, success, work, and daily activities.
  • Swords: Tied to the air element, they signify the mind, intellect, thoughts, and ideas.

The court cards in each suit are interpreted as follows:

  • King of Cups: A male or masculine person who is emotional, artistic, secretive, and in touch with their feelings.

  • Queen of Cups: A female or feminine person who is emotional, intuitive, artistic, and deeply feeling.

  • Knight of Cups: Represents romance, a drive for romantic relationships, and a love for life, arts, and music.

  • Page of Cups: Indicates the beginning of romantic feelings or an open heart.

  • King of Wands: A male or masculine person who is passionate, optimistic, loyal, and motivated.

  • Queen of Wands: A female or feminine person who is warm, loyal, and enthusiastic.

  • Knight of Wands: Represents travel, excitement for creative projects, and progress towards a plan.

  • Page of Wands: Denotes the initial concept of a new idea or project.

  • King of Pentacles: A male or masculine person who is financially secure, good at business, and family-oriented.

  • Queen of Pentacles: A female or feminine person with high self-esteem, nurturing, and creating a comfortable home environment.

  • Knight of Pentacles: Represents the energy for daily tasks with joy and value, indicating a strong work ethic.

  • Page of Pentacles: Signifies the start of a new work or material world project.

  • King of Swords: A male or masculine person driven by intellect, educated, fair-minded, and rational.

  • Queen of Swords: A female or feminine person motivated by rational thought, fairness, justice, and implementing ideology.

  • Knight of Swords: Represents mental restlessness, a desire to move forward, and frustration from feeling held back.

  • Page of Swords: Describes the beginning of new ideas and attitudes.

The numbered cards in each suit correspond to their element and have unique meanings, which will be explored in the next article. This overview is just the beginning of our journey into understanding the Tarot.

Most psychic advisors appreciate Tarot for its rich imagery, which aids in providing insightful readings.

Free Horoscope by the AbsolutelyPsychic.com  Network  Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!