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Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith
Will Smith Natal Astrology Chart

In part 1, we discussed the planets Will Smith had at the time of the Oscars. Now, we are going to review his natal chart in more detail. Natal analysis always precedes forecasting because the natal promise defines prospects. However, to get this out, I juxtaposed the series for educational purposes. 

 Will Smith is a Libra with Gemini Rising and a Scorpio Moon

The chart ruler, purpose, Mercury in Gemini rising is striving to communicate the effects/result of emotions (6th house) with peace, diplomacy, and kindness (Mercury in Libra.)  Saturn opposing these positions will require navigating through many fears, worries, doubts, behind scenes responsibilities with balance.  The emotional life is reactive, intense, controlling, and may jump to conclusions (Moon in Scorpio.)

The highest achievement in this lifetime (MC) is uniqueness and freedom (Aquarius.)  Freeing up is required.  More specifically, emotional liberation will be tested. 

The Sun in Libra in this chart has the purpose to shine in enjoyment, children, creative forces, and balance in the way the emotional expression is released.

As a side note, in the millions of charts I’ve examined, more than 60% of actors have Venus and Saturn, Saturn and Neptune, and Venus and Neptune in Aspect. Smith has this placement. 

When blending the Smith’s Ascendant in Gemini, this can serve as a teaching force for children in a humanitarian way. Perhaps someday this will come to fruition. 

The Moon in Scorpio has more themes around controlling based on the aspects it makes to other planets.  Control backfires in this chart as Saturn will require ongoing adapting, adjusting, compromising, and giving in leaving the person feeling uncomfortable.

The Moon and Saturn are in fall positions in the chart.  Also, Jupiter is in detriment position.  These positions often require a person settle for less than optimal results after hard work.  Yet, Venus is in its ruling position making Smith charismatic, charming, likable, and artistic.  Planets in their rulership manifest results easier in achievement.  When a combination of planets in strife and other planets in dignity, maintaining results is where hard work is required.  Often, it is this level of excruciating work that becomes emotionally draining. 

Will Smith Declinations Hidden Gems

As mentioned a few weeks ago, Declinations often get overlooked.  These aspects are formed by latitude instead of traditional longitude aspects. 

Neptune Parallel the MC brings in strong artistic and intuitive ability.  Work in the arts is confirmed.  Also, it can generate an absent parental figure.  This is confirmed by the father abandoning the family.

Pluto Contra-parallel the MC will require one parent to dominate the family rigid and highly controlled behavior is in place to maintain equilibrium.  The Moon in Scorpio can make the mother domineering.  Since the moon has conjunction to Neptune, I wonder if religion was used as a weapon growing up.

Ascendant Contra-parallel the Moon brings support from women and the public.  The mother becomes the strong central figure. Sometimes the mother becomes high maintenance whereby she controls the native’s life.

Venus Contra-parallels Mars can accentuate one’s swag meter as others will find the native irresistible.  The sexual libido is intensified for natives with this element.  When combined with the ruler of Venus in the ruling position, this is further strengthened.

Will Smith
Will Smith 90 Degree Uranian Chart

90 Degree Dial

When we plot Smith’s planets along the 90 degree dial, more details become visible.  Planets on the Aries point are visible to the world at large.  These points are degrees of 0 and 22.5 cardinal, 15 fixed, and 7.50 Mutable.  Smith has the combination of Chiron, Uranus, Saturn, and, MC, and Ascendant on these points.  The potential to influence a revolution healing from emotional wounds is indicated.  More than likely, this will get offset by the birth of a grandchild.  This seems relatively soon within the next year. 

Will Smith
Will Smith Hellenistic Chart

Hellenistic Wheel

Planets will shift houses as the house system used in Hellenistic Astrology is Whole Signs.  In Smith’s chart, Saturn moves to the 11th and Mercury and Venus shift over to the end of the 5th house in the Hellenistic chart. This leaves the 6th house with only the Moon.  The mother shows up as hard working, intensive, and commanding.  Emotional drama in childhood was likely in daily chores.  Leaving a dirty plate in the sink would have resulted in beating, shaming, violence, and/or humiliation. 


There are more aspects that can be analyzed.  However, to keep this a short article, the biggest theme that jumps out in this chart is the Moon in Scorpio and the aspects it makes. Themes around  control and domination are strong in this chart.  Jupiter and Pluto in aspect within this chart amplify these themes too. Also, the emotionally dramatic household Smith was  raised in are shown with Mars in the 4th house square the Ascendant.  This can bring up a parent with severe anger and control issues.  Undoing much of that emotional influence to reach liberation and healthy detachment (Aquarius MC) stands out.  Currently with Transiting Saturn traveling through this position, learning lessons surrounding this will come to the forefront.

Will Smith More Links

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Love Compatibility Analysis

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith Oscar Slap

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Planets Gone Wild Part 2 – Declinations


Declinations reveal many hidden gems. Common aspects such as conjunction, opposition, trine, square, etc are the longitude aspects.  

There are various sets of aspects that get undermined understood as declinations. When planets are close to each the orb of 1 degree 12 minutes either north or south is in Declination. Parallel declinations exist when 2 planets are on the same side within the orb and reside either both north and south. When this happens, the point is like a conjunction. Contra-Parallel declinations exist when 2 planets are in the same orb however, one planet is north and the other is south and considered as an opposition. 

There are instances when 2 planets in a chart may not have a longitude aspect, but they share a declination aspect. This creates an important emphasis. For example, I know someone that was born with Mercury Parallel the Ascendant. Longitude aspect-wise, he doesn’t have an aspect between Mercury and the Ascendant. He is known for his voice on the radio as an announcer. That Mercury acts like Mercury conjunct the Ascendant. 

 When 2 planets share a longitude aspect and a declination, it emphasizes the aspect. Other times, a minor longitude aspect between 2 planets is formed; if it is either Parallel or Contra-parallel, it will make that minor aspect a major player.  


Madonna’s declination of Venus and Pluto is Parallel to the MC in her chart. Who was described as the most powerful woman in this world?  This aspect also describes her worldwide iconic and sex symbol status.  

Venus/Pluto aspects demonstrate seduction, sex appeal, topics around sex, religion, and psychology. Pluto/MC will bring a person into power. Venus/MC is an artist with strong creative energy. At first glimpse into her chart, we a Venus /MC sextile is present. Though sextiles are opportunity aspects, they aren’t the strongest. However, when factoring in declinations, the Parallel between those 2 points makes that sextile aspect as powerful as a conjunction.  

Cher is another example. She has Venus/Pluto/Ascendant all Parallel. This makes her a powerful creative force with Iconic status. Viewing her chart with only longitude aspects, this is very difficult to detect. However, once we examine these aspects, it becomes evident. Another chart with this setup is Mariah Carey.    

Declinations are also used in several forecasting tools (transits, progressions, return charts) in predictive work.  Transiting and progressed declinations add additional details into upcoming events.  Also, using declinations in relationship analysis gives more dimensions to compatibility analysis. 

More links on Declinations

Mars out-of-bounds

Out-out-bounds planets

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Planets Gone Wild – Out of Bounds

Out of Bounds Celebrities, Politicians, and More

The longitude of a planet in Astrology is used to the degree of the planet in the Astrological chart. The planet’s latitude is equally important. When a planet advances beyond the greatest latitude declination of north or south of 23°27′, it is thought Out of Bounds. The Sun, Saturn, and Neptune never reach Out of Bounds

Individuals with an Out of Bounds planet overlook or understand boundaries.  They accept no limits and will push buttons.  Stepping outside norms is a behavior found in innovators and criminals.  An Out of Bounds planet can also be negatively expressed as it may show irregular or erratic behavior that may be deemed as unacceptable society norms.  It may appear as if they try to get away with more.  This can result in indefinite originality and triumph.  Yet, it can also result in infamy.

Albert Einstein had an Out of Bounds Moon which provided a unique paradigm of time and space through his assignment on the theory of relativity.  Whereas, R. Kelly’s Moon in the same sign in Sagittarius operates differently than Einstein.  The entire condition of the Moon needs consideration as well as placement. 

Individuals who have Out of Bounds planets leave their effects on the world.  Occasionally you will see both favorable and dysfunctional aspects in the lives of those with Out of Bounds planets. 

Planets in the signs of Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius occasionally reach Out of Bounds.  Planets in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus never reach Out of Bonds positioning.

If one doesn’t have an Out of Bounds planet natally, one may acquire it by progression.  By progression, it may last from a few years to decades.  Sometimes a Solar Return chart may have this position too.  So forecasting these are just as vital.

I noticed during transiting Mars was Out of Bounds, I dealt with a person with misplaced anger.  Upon inspecting her date of birth, I noticed that she was born with an Out of Bounds Mars.

Below is a list of Out of Bounds planets.  We’ll explore in the next week the aspects declinations make. 

Out of bounds planets

Out of Bounds Moon: Emotions are deeply felt.  Usually, there is a difficult family background with trauma.  An emotional disconnect from the mother is typical.  Opposite: mood swings. 

Celebrity: Mariah Carey, Cher, Curt Cobain, Farah Fawcett, Lisa “Left Eyes” Lopes (TLC), Alyssa Milano, Selena Quintanilla,  Kylie Minogue, Brooke Shields, Oprah Winfrey, Amy Winehouse

Other: Al Gore

Notorious: John Wilkes Booth, Erik Menendez, R Kelly, Vladimir Putin, Harvey Weinstein

Out of Bounds Mercury: The mind may over-think matters.  There may be a need to over speak or under speak.  Opposite: Hearing voices and speech issues. 

Celebrity:  Aaliyah, Uta Hagen, Tom Hanks, Bette Midler, Kylie Minogue, Dolly Parton, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Denzel Washington, Howard Stern.

Other:  John Kerry, Donald Trump

Notorious:  R Kelly, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Erik Menendez, Dennis Nilsen, Peter Sutcliffe

Out of Bounds Venus:  There’s either a ton or a lack of love.  The individual will exude charm and grace.  Artistic talents are strong.  Opposite: sexuality outside acceptable bounds.

Celebrity: Cher, Clint Eastwood, Larry King, Susan Sarandon, Robert Schumann, Britney Spears, Tina Turner, Rudolph Valentino, Gene Wilder, 

Notorious: Ian Brady, Ronald Kray, Peter Sutcliffe, William Heirens, James Eagan Holmes

Out of Bounds Mars: Extreme ambition, energy, desire, passion, enthusiasm, and sexual libido.  Opposite: excessive aggressive bullying.

Celebrity: Jackie Chan, Bobbi Kristina Brown, Aretha Franklin, Janice Joplin, Larry King, Lindsay Lohan, Wolfgang Mozart, Rhianna, Steven Spielberg, Barbara Streisand, Rudolph Valentino, Jean Claude Van Damme, Robin Williams

Other Figure:  Prince Charles, John Kerry, Tiger Woods

Notorious: Andrew Cunanan, Mayor Rob Ford, Richard Ludwig Strack, Patrick Kearney, William Heirens, Vladimir Putin

Out of Bounds Jupiter: Sporting ability and remarkable public recognition that lives past death.

Celebrity: Nat King Cole, Marshall Bruce Mathers III (Eminem), and Max Shulman.

Notorious: Still trying to search.  It’s uncommon; however, this depends too on how Jupiter is aspected in the chart. 

Out of Bounds Uranus: Fascinated with discovery, inventing, and revolutionizing.  Dangerous experiments intrigue. 

Celebrity: Jay Leno, Olivia Newton-John, Cybill Shepherd, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep, Josephine Baker, John Belushi, Rhianna

Other Figure:  Prince Charles

Notorious: Edward Gein, James Eagan Holmes 

Out of Bounds Pluto: Achievement of power.  Fascination with the deeper meaning of life.  Opposite: Manipulate by overusing power.

Celebrity: Cher, Farah Fawcett, Aretha Franklin, Elton John, Janice Joplin, Jay Leno, Paul McCartney, Cybill Shepherd, Sylvester Stallone, Meryl Streep, Barbara Streisand, John Belushi, Jessica Savitch, Arnold Schwarzenegger

Other Figure:  George W Bush, Al Gore, Mitt Romney

Infamous: John Wayne Gacy, Harvey Weinstein

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Everyone has a 2nd and 3rd Astrology Chart

An Astrology Chart has many variations. The modern Western Chart is the most commonly used Astrology for obtaining information on a native’s character and possibility. Various forecasting methods show periods for possibilities in all dimensions of life including love and career prospects. Also, there are techniques used for analyzing relationship compatibility, relocation analysis, and event planning.

The Western Chart is enough to get more details than one can imagine.  It takes years to master several concepts.  The knowledge is never-ending as there are always new concepts explored.

The next important chart is the Uranian Chart.  This system was developed in Germany. It uses aspects that are in the Western Chart and other overlooked aspects.  This system uses Midpoints and 8 hypothetical planets. 

Astrology Chart- Uranian

Astrology Chart Whitney Houston Uranian
Chart B Whitney Houston-Uranian Chart

The halfway point between 2 planets is called a midpoint.  For example, the Venus/Mars midpoint is a popular relationship midpoint. 

Planetary trees show aspects between midpoints and planets.

8 hypothetical planets are factored in interpretations.  These are the Trans Neptunian Planets (TNP’s) which are beyond Pluto. 

Uranian Astrology uses formulas to get forecasting answers.  For example, Sun + Moon-Venus is considered a marriage formula.  When the formula becomes active, so does the opportunity for marriage.  Simply, these equations generate timing answers.  There are hundreds of formulas.  This type of chart is an additional forecasting and relationship compatibility source. 

A 90-degree dial navigates the chart.  It is like a plate one spins around to analyze midpoints and planets in calculating time.  Software can do this too.  Yet, a seasoned professional can work faster than a computer manually spinning the dial around

Astrology Chart – Hellenistic

Astrology Chart Whitney Houston Hellenistic
Chart C Whitney Houston- Hellenistic Chart

Finally, the Hellenistic Chart is what I classify as a separate system.  This was used by ancient astrologers in 2 BCE and predates modern astrology.  It uses 5 planets and 2 luminaries.  I was fascinated by this form of Astrology because they separate day charts from night charts.  Each chart has specific theories for what makes a chart work.

In Hellenistic Astrology, a planet can shift into different houses as the whole sign system is used.  This will not happen to all charts.  Subtle differences enrich the analysis.

The 2 Hellenistic forecasting tools shown in the last few weeks were Annual Profections and Zodiacal Releasing.  I am impressed by these tools.  I still want to see the Western chart and the various forecasting tools utilized, I believe these tools serve as polish materials.

Western and Uranian Astrology can give plenty of details to enrich a reading.  Yet, I think some Hellenistic concepts will add nuances that can serve as putting a magnifying glass over a chart.

The charts to the side are Whitney Houston.  Chart A is the traditional Western Chart. Chart B is her Uranian Chart; Chart c is her Hellenistic Chart. 

Repeated themes that come up in all 3 charts are significant.  Overlooked details sometimes are seen through a different lens adding more dimensions.

There are other charts used for other areas that zoom in specifics such as past life, fertility, and more.  I’ll cover those at a later time. 

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Tarot: Space/Time Continuum

Tarot Card Reading

Tarot has all the trappings of a completely plot-twisted sci-fi novel, and I am sure you are wondering what this includes and how it predicts your fate or reads the mind of your constantly running twin flame.

Before we dive into Tarot, please hold in your mind that all things are energy. All that you see, taste, touch, smell, hear, and perceive, is energy. Your words, your thoughts, your feelings, hold an energetic frequency.

According to Einstein, “Everything is Energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. “

Tarot, simply put, is a manner of matching a reality to a frequency.

Tarot is the mystical art that surfaced sometime around the 15th century. Its spread was quick and vast. From the crevices of Europe to the rolling hills of Mozambique; a wholly unique phenomenon within itself, we will save this for another day.

It came to be known as a tool for divination, according to the reigning Supreme and Almighty, Roman Catholic Church, which is also energy. Everything is energy.  Energy is measurable.

Divination is the seeking of knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. The word supernatural is simply a word that is used to define anything that is not capable of being understood through science. Anything that is beyond common Human understanding is supernatural.

When we turn to God in prayer, asking for a sign about the job we applied for, or what’s on the mind of our constantly running twin-flame, is this not, by definition, divination? Or has mankind gained a scientific understanding of that which we call God?  Matthew 7:7-8; Ask. Seek. Knock.

Tarot offers visual authentication for the things for which we pray.  It cannot be distinguished from praying, then turning to a random page in your Bible seeking a sign regarding the answers that were sought in prayer.

Scientifically speaking; Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. The energetic potential for all that was, all that is, and all that ever will be, exists within the space/time continuum. We cannot add to it, nor can we take from it.

A psychic medium, who uses tarot as a tool, is tuning into the energetic frequency of a given moment to provide the signs, messages, answers, or guidance to your prayers. Or as I like to call it, time travel; riding on the principle that all are measurable energy, and I am aligning with the frequency of your words, past, present, and future.

Let’s see what the cards has in store for you.

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Aquarius Sun Aquarius Rising

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Aquarius Sun Capricorn Rising

Aquarius Sun with Capricorn Rising:  Patient and hard-working, this combination shares the rulership of Saturn.  Work and goals are a large part of your focus. There may be a tendency to become overworked.  Balance is required in your social life especially when it comes to nurturing a partner.

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Aquarius Sun Aries Rising

Aquarius Sun with Aries Rising:  You take your idealism to a Utopian extreme. Your sense of independence is extreme.  Your daredevil quality is second nature. There is a need to avoid falling into fanaticism as you may not realize it especially when driving vehicles or motorcycles. 

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Aquarius Sun Cancer Rising

Explore the many Astrology resources on video including Aquarius Sun and various Moon combinations as well as the Aquarius and various rising sign combinations.

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Aquarius Sun with Cancer Rising:  Your receptive memory can serve you in innovative tasks.  Your partner’s support and finances are crucial to your advancement.  Areas of sex, death, occult, insurance, and surgery are other strong themes in your life that may extend professionally.

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Aquarius Sun Gemini Rising

Aquarius Sun with Gemini Rising:  You know very well what you want, but you want many things and all at once. Your wit amazes those around you. You are a master of communication.  You support causes with solidarity.  Many talents exist within publishing. 

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