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Tag Archives: tarot readings

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Leo Sun Leo Moon

Leo Sun Leo Moon -The Creative Creator – The Sun in Leo Moon in Leo combination suggests a double blend of creativity.  A natural party person, you need to be the center of attention. Professions that require starting anything from scratch or taking a new concept and giving it form are effective for you.

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Leo Sun Cancer Moon

Leo Sun Cancer Moon -The Nurturing Creator – The Sun in Leo Moon in Cancer suggests a natural talent for dealing with children. Leo’s creative sense mixed with Cancer’s domestic skills makes a strong talent for child daycare, construction, architecture, and real estate ventures. Cooking is another creative outlet for this native. 

Psychics near me will guide you on love, career, and more.  3 Minutes Free Daily Free 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Leo Sun Gemini Moon

Leo Sun Gemini Moon -The Clever Creator – The Sun in Leo Moon in Gemini suggests a clever, witty, and creative person. Writing and teaching are natural talents. You are a Leo that can create ideas and blend them into practical application. More versatile than the typical Leo, this position makes the native more flexible. 

clairvoyant readings await you on love and more  3 Minutes Free Daily Free 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Leo Sun Pisces Moon

Leo Sun Pisces Moon -The Mystical Creator – The Sun in Leo Moon in Pisces combination suggests gifts in both artistry from Pisces and creativity from Leo. Natural talents are in photography, poetry, painting, drawing, animation, and most visual arts. The emotional life of this Leo is more empathy-based and easily moved feelings. 

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Mercury Retrograde

Mercury RX
Mercury Retrograde

Retrograde Mercury starts positively as Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the sky.  This will bring peaceful communications, harmony, and enjoyment.   

6/3-6/8 – Caution!

Mercury squares Neptune transit twists supposing which clouds and hazes communication. Focus can lack accurateness and misunderstanding. The overzealous minds conflict with reasoning and logical processes of thought resulting in self-deception and the formation of the individual version of accuracy. This raises complexity and indecision. 

Mercury rules all communication.  Neptune rules illusion.  These 2 planets are in their ruling signs.  When they come together, it can lead to fabrication.  Since these 2 planets are in mutable signs, seeing a goal or idea to completion lacks stability.  Mutable signs may over multi-task to the point of becoming scattered.

Forgetting duties, ideas, and responsibilities are common.  Miscommunication is heightened with these 2 planets in aspect.

Telephones and electronics are ruled by Mercury. However, with aspects to Neptune, Mercury based items are likely to break completely, disappear, or develop permanent damage.

Mercury retrograde offers an opportunity to handle unfinished business. However, it is not recommended to start new projects. Contracts and agreements need to be carefully analyzed before signing.

Under Mercury retrograde expect your electronic devices to crash. So making a backup is vital. Travel delays and traffic jams are normal.

Below are some DO’s and DON’T’s:


1. Review all documents before signing carefully.

2. Add tracking and insurance to important mail and/or packages as Mercury has rulership with the post office and other mail couriers.

3. Give yourself extra time for appointments and travel.

4. Focus on the prefix, re: renew, review, revamp, redecorate, etc

5. Reunions with old friends and loved one go great however be prepared for delays.

6. Expect to have contact with people from your past

7. Run antivirus software on your computer and other electronic devices.


1. Make new purchases especially car, technical equipment, telephone equipment and/or electronic equipment.

2. Sign contracts or make an oral agreement without a careful scrutiny. Wait until Mercury turns direct . Yet waiting for the shadow to be completed gone will be better.

3. Make long term commitments

4. Turn in unchecked work.

5. Make a mass mailing hit the post office. Save your stamp expense until Mercury goes direct. Though electronic mass mailings do not cost, it would be better if it can be postponed until Mercury turns direct.

6) Make software updates.

Finally, expect for some funky turn in events. Usually lost luggage is retrieved on a retrograde Mercury. I have heard stories of airlines “suddenly” delivery a suitcase many years later to the rightful owner. Retrieving other that were once lost is common. Also, expect certain gadgets to start working after they stopped.

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Various Tarot Decks

Tarot Decks

The world today is flooded with Tarot deck options, from the classic 78 card Rider-Waite, to the trendy Oracle Decks with no set number of cards. So many options can blur the waters, making it challenging to determine which ones will be useful to the reader.

Tarot cards themselves are only a tool.  The cards allow a reader to communicate with spirit via the subconscious mind, which speaks only in symbols.  The symbols appear in the cards which are then translated to the reader using psychic abilities.  Readings are enhanced by clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient abilities.

We can think of each deck as a different language.  Many are derivative of older versions, only giving new flare, while others are totally unique.  The best path is to become completely familiar with one first, becoming fluent in the language of symbolism and interpretations of each card in the deck.  Think of this as a native language, as it will always be what is most comfortable and familiar.  It can be beneficial and mind opening to learn new languages.

However, the completely derivative decks are not really helpful for a new point of view.   A reader may prefer the new look, but most of the modern decks are based upon the Rider-Waite deck, created in 1909.  One deck that does stand out is the Thoth Deck, published in 1944, commissioned by Aleister Crowley.  Very few deck creators stray from these two decks as inspiration.  Most of them are artists looking for a drawing project, which can be pretty, but does anyone really need the Hello Kitty Tarot? (and yes, it exists)

The new trends in tarot are the oracle cards and angel decks.  These decks are usually created with a specific purpose or theme in mind.  The number of cards and artistic style is completely open.  The tradition is actually quite old, with decks of cards with images and prompt words.  These decks can be used alone or in conjunction with traditional decks.  The additional insight can enhance the reading, giving an accent to the language.

The amount of cards on the market has surged due to increased interest in the Tarot, and many more decks are on the way.  It is a huge undertaking to draw so many cards within the same theme, and at the same time thinking how they work as a whole.  It is the symbolism within the cards that is most important, so a reader can use decks that “speak” to them.

Let’s see what the cards have in store for you with Free tarot readings and more. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Renaissance Tarot

Tarot Reading

The Renaissance Tarot is an awesome deck by Jane Lyle. It has the usual amount of 78 cards, and for the ordering of the Major Arcana the Tarot de Marseille pattern is followed, Justice is 8 and Strength is 11. As we will see later on, a lot of the photographs on the cards are established on the Tarot de Marseille, but there are also a lot of cards that correspond the Rider Waite Tarot

The reason that this deck is so extraordinary is that the images are based on 3-dimensional works of art, designed by Helen Jones. A lot of bronze, gold and silver colors are used, that make the cards look very rich. Every card shows a beautiful scene against a bright-colored background. Each suit has its on background color, red for Wands, light-blue for Cups, purple for Swords, and green for Pentacles.

In contrast to the rich colors, this deck is the most calm and peaceful deck I have ever seen. Since the cards look so calm, they could seem “simple”, but the cards are filled with symbols. The cards contain all kinds of symbols, including mythological symbols from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The peacefulness of the cards is enhanced by the expression of the persons on the cards. There are no sad or angry faces, and only a few faces that smile, most faces look serene but confident.

The Minor Arcana cards show the most similarities to the Tarot de Marseille, since a lot of them mostly show the elements of the suit. For instance, let’ s take a look at the 10 of Cups from both decks. The 10 of Cups from the Tarot de Marseille shows 10 Cups, arranged in a symmetrical pattern. The Renaissance 10 of Cups also shows 10 Cups, but in a very different form. The shape is that of a pyramid, reaching the top of the card, and the Cups seem to be overflowing. According to the book, the pyramid symbolizes a peak in an emotional cycle, and flowing from the Cups are the waters of Love and Creational powers. Compared to this card, the Tarot de Marseille card looks dull and deprived of symbolism.

But there are also Minor Arcana cards that show a lot of similarities with the Rider Waite, as we can see in the 8 of Swords. The scene in both cards is almost identical, but the Renaissance Tarot depicts it in a more simple but powerful form. The woman in the Rider Waite 8 of Swords could have been tied by someone else and could be unwilling to free herself. The person on the Renaissance card isn’t tied with ropes, but with his own thoughts. According to the book, the card clearly illustrates that the “prison” the person is captured into, is self-created. The Renaissance card shows less details, but provides a fuller picture.

The Major Arcana cards are deeply influenced by the Rider Waite Tarot, but some cards show interesting variances. Let’s take a look at the Lovers card from both decks. The Rider Waite Lovers card shows Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. The Renaissance Lovers card shows a man representing the Sun and the Yin principle, and a woman representing the Moon and the Yang principle. So instead of only concentrating on love, this card talks about the opposite primal forces of life that need each other to form a unity.

Because of the peace in the cards, this deck would be excellent for meditation and contemplation, especially after readings. The versatility of this deck makes it truly a work of art.

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Tarot Decks

Tarot Reading

There are hundreds of different Tarot Decks to choose from. The artwork on the decks range from Angels to Animals from Middle Ages to the Millennium.

The interest you feel for a certain deck comes as much from the artwork as it does from how the deck makes you feel when you hold it. A favored deck evolves your favorite because it expresses to something deep in your inner being. When you pick it up it just feels right and comfortable.

For a beginner the best deck is the Rider Waite or any Waite-Smith deck. There are many books written about these decks. It is easy to find out information about using these decks.

When you finally choose your deck, you should shuffle and mix the cards until they feel ready for use. At first the cards will feel stiff and cold. As the cards pick up your energy they will feel more pliable and warm. You will feel a connection to the cards. At this point you may begin to feel they will talk to you.

Taking care of your cards is very important. The traditional method is to wrap your deck in a natural cloth, bag, or wooden box. Silk or cotton is the favored cloth to use. Bags of velvet or satin are often used. They can be plain or decorated with embroidery or hand painted. You can use decorated or plain wooden boxes, decorated tin containers, or even the paper package it came in.

In point of fact, it really doesn’t matter. One reader may use the traditional method of wrapping their cards or keeping them in bags or boxes. Another reader may scatter decks all over the house held together in just a rubber band or tied with a shoe lace. It is the energy connection with the cards that is important.

A collector of Tarot Cards needs to keep the original packaging with the cards. Without the booklet and package the deck isn’t as valuable.

Many readers use a ritual before doing a reading with their cards. This, like most things that are connected with Tarot is a matter of personal choice. Some will do little more than clear their mind and focus on the task at hand. Others may light candles, light incense, meditate and/or pray. Again, what ever works for you and makes you comfortable and able to tune into your abilities is fine.

When your cards are being used often, they tend to become harder to read. The energies seem to get jumbled. When this happens you can clear your cards. One way to do this is to put your cards in their original order. Start with the majors and put them in numerical order. Follow these cards by putting each suit in numerical order arranged from ace to king. Shuffle the deck just as you would if it was new.

Other ways to clear decks are using crystals. Many feel that placing a quartz crystal on top of your deck in between readings will absorb what ever vibrations are left from the prior reading. The crystals need cleansing themselves periodically. This is done by placing them in a bath of sea salt and warm water. They should be dried in the open air or in a sunny spot where the suns rays can recharge them. Native Americans use the smoke of burning sage or cedar to clear their decks. If you cant find cedar you can use rosemary or sage in a fire proof bowl or dish. Just pass the deck or crystal through the smoke several times.

If you are in a hurry you can just use a different deck until you can clear the deck you have been using.

When your deck becomes ragged and torn and needs to be replaced there are a couple of ways to do this. One is to buy a new deck and start over with it. Another way is to buy a new deck exactly like your old one. Slowly replace a few of the worn cards with the new ones. Just do a few at a time. When they fit into your deck comfortably start replacing a few others. Eventually you will have replaced the whole deck without having to really spend a lot of time getting used to a whole new deck.

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Tarot Reading Finding Missing Objects


 What do you do when you misplaced something, and you want to find it again? Scour for it of course, but it would be nice if you would have an idea where to look. Not everyone would think of getting a Tarotreading. Through understanding, I have found some ways to deal with missing things.

First, it is important to determine if the missing item is still inside the house. A good way to find this out is to shuffle your cards so reversals can come up, and then draw one card. If the card drawn is upright, the item is still in the house. If the card is reversed, the item is not in the house anymore, it could be gone with the trash or could have been lost outside of the house.

Let’s assume you found that the item is still inside the house. It would be great to narrow the places to search down a bit, especially if you live in a big house. Make a list of all the rooms in your house, like kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, and make sure that the description of the rooms are clear. For instance, if there is more than one bedroom, give all of the bedrooms a different name. Using this list, you can draw a card for each room. If a card is reversed, you won’t find the item in the room that card was drawn for. Ideally this method would leave only one room in the house to search, but usually you end up with two or three rooms left.

Now that you know in what rooms to search, it is handy to get some more details about where exactly to look inside those rooms. Draw up to three cards, you don’t have to use reversals this time. Use the cards you drew intuitively, see if any images or ideas come up when you look at them. For instance, if you draw the 9 of Pentacles from the Rider Waite tarot, the missing item could be near a mirror, dresser or wardrobe. If you draw the 9 of Swords, the item could be near a bed. If you draw the 6 of Pentacles, it could be near things that hold memories for you, like photo albums, pictures, or diaries. Use your imagination with this, and allow your mind to drift back to the past.

After these steps, make a summary of your findings, and then start searching again. This time, you will have a list of rooms and clues, so your search will be much more productive

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Tarot and Origins

Tarot Card Reading

The exact origins of Tarot are a mystery. There are more than one theory of where Tarot came from, what brought about the development of these cards and how they were used.

First, let’s take a look at what we do know about that mysterious deck of cards named Tarot. The Tarot cards were used in Italy as early as the fifteenth century as a famous card game by the elite or noblemen. This card game is somewhat similar to the card game of Bridge. The card game of Tarot or the current version of it is still played today, although it is not as widespread in Italy now as it is in France.

The standard Tarot deck of cards now today consists of seventy-eight cards. These cards are divided into to major sections called the major arcane and the minor arcane. The major arcane section contains twenty-two cards numbered zero through twenty-one. The minor arcana section contains fifty-six cards. In the minor arcane is divided even further into four sections called suits. These suits are most commonly called Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles depending on the style of Tarot deck you have. Each suit is made up of Ace through ten with a King, Queen, Knight and Page card, again depending on the style of Tarot deck you have you may see the Knight as a Prince or even have a Princess in the suits.

One of the earliest and complete Tarot decks is the Visconti-Sforza, which was created in or around 1450. It was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the cards became the interest of scholars of the occult. These scholars held that the Tarot could be traced to ancient Egyptian times. Makes one think to one’s self “Ah so that is where the name gypsies come from? Their interest and study of the Tarot was fueled by the belief that Tarot was more than a card game played by noblemen.

Now, there are other theories of origins such as the Tarot coming from China and on and on. There is the theory that since the peasants of medieval times could not read the Tarot was developed with all the picture art as a form of language among the common people. This is just my own little personal theory is that a little bit of each went into making what we call Tarot today.

Tarot today has such a rich abundance of different styles and themes. A deck of Tarot cards can be purchased at a variety of places. There is not so much the hiding of the deck of cards to be passed on from grandmother to grandchild of olden times.

The most popular and common use of Tarot today is as a form of divination. This use is very near and dear to my heart because I do use Tarot in my readings as my point of contact or to give clarity to the questions asked.

I look forward to having fun sharing more of Tarot with you.

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