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Harvey Weinstein Astrology Timing -Incrimination – Part 5

Harvey WeinsteinIn the case of Harvey Weinstein, a time of birth was never made available. So I proceeded through the method of rectifying his chart. That demanded going through a list of past occurrences in his life. So, in other words, it’s operating backward to estimate a probable time of birth. That allows the astrologer to push onwards.

A significant turning point in Weinstein’s life was transitioning from poverty. So for a career break would signify a change in status and power in achievement. That would be around the ages of 21-28 when natal Pluto was triggered in the MIdheaven.

Other events that would be considered significant would be a marriage. I also got a little fancy. I also looked up the planets of his current, former wife. It made sense that the time of birth I calculated for Weinstein ties in with the recent former wife’s planets. The other factors I considered were a prior marriage, divorce, and surely the birth of 5 children.

In moving forward, the current transit of Pluto is making 3 simultaneous aspects. It will be a substantial period for the next 18 months. Yes, he has an extreme likelihood of imprisonment. Transits alone in his chart will not denote imprisonment. Secondary Progressions also must be factored in. They override the transits. The first significant progression is the arrival of a new Midheaven changing signs. When there is a change in sign a planet or angle receives, it is like a new life ahead as the energies shift — this very universal for all charts. I look for a change in signs, aspects, house position, and direction in comparison to the natal chart.

The transits are pretty heavy for Weinstein. In mid-August, the transits of Pluto to Neptune, the Ascendant, and Jupiter leave the square aspects. So the best opportunity for a plea bargain could be offered between August through December 2018; however, once the 1st of December comes around, the transits from Pluto resume again and continue to go back and forth thru most of 2019.

Now, when the 7-year cycles of the Doebereiner are applied, yes, imprisonment looks very likely because the trigger is to Saturn in the 12th house: The house of sorrows and detention.

If Weinstein were my client, I would suggest accepting the plea bargain because that is the best it is looking in the immediate period. However, in seeing that he has an active Pluto (control), it seems very unlikely that he may accept it. I do not see him as a free man. Also, more new women and scenarios will continue becoming public.

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Congratulations ! Accurately Predicted TIMING Harvey Weinstein Indictment!

Harvey Weinstein Astrology

We salute our reader Albert, extension 3030. He accurately predicted in our newsletter Harvey Weinstein would be encountering illegal charges during the latter part of May 2018. Well — it transpired!!

Per the last paragraph, in Harvey Weinstein Part 4 Forecasting Munich Rhythms Astrology located at:  https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/harvey-weinstein-2/ , Albert stated <<..the follow periods will have development in legal action. Surely this can go to trial and he does have a strong likelihood to be imprisonment. These periods are December 3 – December 31, 2017, April 1, 2018-May 15, 2018, and December 2-December 31, 2018.>>

Even more impressively, Albert rectified Weinstein’s astrological chart with very little information. The art of rectification is done for an unknown birth time. The Astrologer collects data on the significant events in a person’s life (marriage, divorce, career change, children, etc..) and then mathematically calculate the possible cycles that could have been around. So it shows that even Weinstein’s chart was accurately rectified.

The time of birth is super essential for precise TIMING of when events unfold in the Astrology Chart. It is a complicated process that takes precision, experience, and knowledge.

For many of you that have witnessed Albert’s work over the years, he also accurately predicted the downfall of disgraced former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (crack cocaine Mayor scandal.) Albert then also forecasted the deteriorating health of Ford that could lead to possible death. Rob Ford passed away in the Spring.

There will be a follow-up article on this soon, part 5. Be sure to review these articles:

1)Harvey Weinstein Part 4 Forecasting Munich Rhythms Astrology: https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/harvey-weinstein-2/

2) Harvey Weinstein Astrology Continued Part 3: https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/page/2/?s=harvey

3)Harvey Weinstein Power Fetish: https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/page/3/?s=harvey

4) Harvey Weinstein Astrology Rectification: https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/harvey-weinste


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