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Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

I remember looking at Jada Pinkett Smith’s chart after seeing her “Set it Off “.  I was beyond fascinated with her powerful career aspects.  Venus on the MC in a grand trine to Saturn on the 7th and Mars in the 2nd indicates prominent financial success in the arts and a marriage to a record-breaker in the arts.  Venus is in its’ ruling sign, Libra and in aspect to the Aries point makes her visible to the world at large.   

Jupiter is also in its’ ruling position aspecting the Ascendant.  This is a very lucky placement.  I know many charts with this aspect that constantly excel in financial matters.  A close friend of mine constantly finds objects on sidewalks.  This aspect is like having lady luck on one’s side.  Also, Venus and Neptune (film) are in aspect to Jupiter giving her luck in film and beauty endeavors.  She would be super successful in having her cosmetic line like Rhianna.

Though there is no such thing as a bad chart, every chart has advantages and disadvantages.  The next positive aspect is Mercury also in the ruling position, Virgo.  Jada can get her point across with the support of the public.  Typically, when planets are in ruling positions, life offers opportunities and abundance with less effort.  Achievement is easier to manifest.  The opposite holds for individuals born with planets in fall and detriment positions whereby hard work is required to achieve.  In competition, these powerful positions receive support instantly as their charisma and likeability dominate the spectrum. 

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology Aspects

Jada is a New Moon Virgo (Sun and Moon) with a Sagittarius Ascendant.  Her life mission is striving to understand the final results of everything that has brought her to where she and others are in the journey of life. 

Understanding human motivations will aid her in her journey, especially as an actress.  Her highest point of achievement is analyzing her philosophical ideals, spirituality, thoughts, and emotions. This has a strong Jupiter theme too as the MC ruler is in the 9th house.  For this chart to prosper, it will require ongoing expanding the mind by becoming a perpetual student.  

The Virgo Moon is the detail orientated and will devote the majority of time to work.  With so many powerful aspects, if a person cannot put in the hard work needed to excel, they usually tend to marry well to a partner that will help them achieve.  Since the Sun is conjunct Pluto in the sign of Virgo on the MC, she will certainly meet and attain status through the support of powerful men in her career. 

In viewing Jada’s most difficult aspect, communication, learning, and partnership skills are tested. 

Perhaps she was able to get by school based on her charisma, but they surely weren’t excellent.  Saturn Square Mercury can inhibit confidence and require a person to work hard.  Getting past insecurity is a milestone.  Failure can be hard to accept especially for a person with a stellium in Virgo.  

Rather than fail, the easier option may be avoidance. Wherever Saturn is in the chart denotes the area one has to work the hardest.  In the 7th house, marriage and all partnerships will demand responsibility.  Partners will become demanding.  Saturn square to Mercury (communication) brings obstacles to communication skills (talking, listening, absorbing, and empathizing) with a partner.  Interestingly, Saturn in the sign of Gemini will produce learning lessons around communication skills in all relationships.  More than likely, this is the biggest obstacle in her marriage to Will Smith

Mercury in aspect a T square to Neptune, Jupiter, and Saturn can result in difficulties getting past rigid idealized standards.  The mindset is covered with rose-colored glasses to the point it may magnify matters and jump to conclusions without having much of the facts.  Empathy skills require time.  The opposite end of the T square is where most of the activity is executed.  Once again, communication shows up having obstacles as it points to the 3rd house (communication and the mind.) 

Two aspects that I want to point out are Mercury and the Moon are quincunx Mars.  This can easily become stressed out and argumentative during a moment of conflict with a partner.   Partners can push irritating buttons.  Virgo can get fussy and worrisome and make a mountain over a molehill regarding future hopes.  Since this is between the signs of Virgo and Aquarius, there is worry about the big picture (the future) which may lead to easily jumping to conclusions without having all the facts in order.  

Jada has no planets in water signs.  Typically this has a difficult time understanding feelings/emotions (their own and others). Perhaps preferring to rationalize (Earth), intellectualize (Air), or energize (Fire) emotions/feelings; then truly feel them is a major theme in this chart.  

This is the chart for major success in the entertainment industry.  By no means does that dismiss Jada’s talent, rather, it clarifies that success, visibility, and attainment come easier for her.  With the right application, talent can skyrocket.  The true matter lies before Saturn requiring discipline, hard work, and time..

Jada Pinkett Smith

 Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Love Compatibility Analysis

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith Oscar Slap

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Everyone has a 2nd Birthday-Jada

Everyone has a 2nd birthday. That other birthday is the measure the Sun held at birth to the current position it progressed by age. Every year the Sun moves closer to 1 degree. This method is used in Secondary Progression, Solar Arc Directions, and Secondary Solar Returns. Jada Pinkett Smith’s chart will be used for example purposes. 

The moment the Sun enters the exact position of the Secondary progressed Sun (15 Scorpio), is an additional Solar Return that will give insights for the year ahead based on her current progressions cast for November 7, 2021.  Each year as the Secondary progressed sun moves forward (aging by one year) and will move the 2nd birthday by a day.  So, in 2022, her 2nd birthday will be November 8.


When we examine Jada’s progressions, she has a few major aspects taking place.  Currently, Progressed Venus is on the Ascendant.  Love, beauty and the arts are emphasized.

This placement is for visibility and getting noticed.  The condition of the Ascendant is just as important.  The Natal ruler has Jupiter on the Ascendant which can increase social awareness and publicity.  Jupiter is also aspected to Neptune which can bring inspiration, arts, and secrets to the surface.

When a planet enters an angle, there is a change in course of action and destiny.  For over 20 years, progressed Venus was in the 12th house making her life more private. 

Also, progressed Mercury is about to cross this placement.  The problem is that Mercury is in the sign that rules detriment, Sagittarius.  Since Mercury rules the 7th house (partner) and the MC (career) there is much-exaggerated publicity around her relationship with Will Smith that will be surfacing in the media.  This publicity may escalate and bring out extremely personal matters that can create a level of discomfort.  Whenever Mercury crosses the Ascendant, expect an enormous amount of communication (phone/email, etc) to increase.  However, magnified by the condition of the natal Ascendant denotes the style that communication is delivered. 


The traditional Solar Return demonstrates all her angles coming back to the natal position it held.  This usually happens at age 33.

Depending on how far one is from the birthplace, it can happen again between the ages of 50-and 51.  This solar return has Venus square Saturn opposite Uranus.

There is an emphasis on surprises, shocking media exposure, fear, and hard work in damage control.

The partnership seems a bit turbulent as the ruler of the chart, Mercury, is in an exact quincunx to Neptune.  This will bring confusion in relationships as well as adjusting, adapting, and sacrificing.  There is an emphasis on 3rd house activity which brings more communication.


The 2nd birthday Solar Return demonstrates a lot of communication (confirmed by Mercury on the Ascendant) and has another emphasis on 3rd house activity, emphasizing communication.

Yet, this communication is revealing because it’s in secretive Scorpio.  Communication leakage to the press may become an invasion of privacy.

Also, this 2nd birth Solar Return has the Moon Square Neptune describing the emotional state of the partner, Will.   In turn, this has a strain on the marriage.

These next few months appear to be rather challenging in terms of the publicity around her husband’s public slapping of Chris Rock. 

In viewing the hierarchy of prevailing aspects in the year to come, based on the upcoming aspects within the next 2 years Venus will make to Saturn, it seems that continuing the marriage to Will Smith may become difficult.  Could this bring about separation?   Saturn in the 7th house is about responsibility and hard work.  The true question would be if she had the desire to invest in making the hard work and sacrifice required to make it work.  Without hard work, it has very little chance of surviving.

More Jada Links

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Love Compatibility Analysis

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith Oscar Slap

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Will Smith Oscar Slap

The planets in Astrology urge. They do not force. Planets are never the fault, they simply have an impact. Our free will, character development, schooling, and intent co-determine destiny.

Saturn is transiting through Smith’s MC square his natal Moon in the 6th (work/employment.) Saturn brings honor for hard work and learning lessons. Sometimes the lessons seem unjust. It can increase productivity, workflow, work pile, and issues with authority figures. 

The achievement of winning an Oscar is a highlight. 

Will Smith Natal / Solar Arc Directions

On a side note, the last time transiting Saturn was in this exact position (1992), Smith’s fame rose from his role in “Where the Day Takes You” and “6 Degrees of Separation.”  

The Moon in Astrology governs emotions.  Saturn’s transit to Smith’s Moon in Scorpio will bring learning lessons around detaching emotionally.  The current transiting Saturn in the sign of Aquarius will teach lessons surrounding rationality, using words/ideas instead of emotions.  

Smith’s natal Moon in Scorpio is defined as a fall position as the Moon may overreact to situations as intense feelings take over.  This is a severe learning lesson for smith in working out his emotions and choosing responses that seem fit.   The Moon in Scorpio has a strong gift, mindfulness wisdom through attainment. 

There is another more intensive transit that has impels impact:  Transiting Pluto is squaring Smith’s natal Mercury and Venus setting off a cardinal T Square with Saturn.   Since the transiting Pluto is going through the 9th house, there are issues surrounding legal matters and publicity.  Often, Pluto can bring out matters from the past.  Pluto aspects are skin deep.  This is a huge wake-up call.  It is the power of rebirth and transformation.  When contact with Mercury comes into play, it will transform a person’s way of thinking.  

Contact with Venus will transform a person’s affections and interpersonal skills. 

In a T Square, the empty house of the configuration is where the activity takes place.  In Smith’s chart, the 3rd house is where all this will play out:  communication, news, thinking, and speaking.  

Pluto takes additional overtones in Smith’s Solar Arc Direction.  Currently, Smith has SA Venus is square natal Pluto.  Since these 2 are also paired up in the transit, this is a strong message regarding a change in the way people view him and work changes as Venus rules his 6th house (work) and 12th house (subconscious mind.) 

Moving forward, these next few weeks (April thru end of May 2022) will bring legal and disciplinary consequences for Smith as Pluto continues aspects by transit and direction.  Transiting Saturn will form a quincunx to Smith’s natal Pluto resulting in a possible change, adjustment, loss, compromise, and consequence for his behavior. 

The consequences seem severe.  This will impact his ability to work, but more importantly, it will impact how the Academy votes on consequences. 

Will Smith Hellenistic Astrology

When working with Annual Profections, Smith’s current age is 53.  Since September 2021, he has been in a 6th house Profection year. 

The focus from September 2021 to 2022 is on work and day-to-day routines.  The natal ruler of the year is the 6th house, Venus and Pluto. 

Most would disagree that it should be Mars instead of Pluto. 

However, when we compare this additional confirmation to the transits and solar arc directions, Venus/Pluto themes repeat.  When we examine the natal condition of these planets and see the opposition from natal Saturn is highlighted.  The public will have a change in how he is perceived requiring learning lessons in his behavior. 

Annual Profections were used as a standalone technique in medieval Astrology.  With the evolution of Astrology, I use them as an add-on confirmation tool. 

In a different article, I will cover Chris Rock’s chart.  Briefly, this will have the opposite effect on Rock as in the next 5 years he will continue climbing up the success ladder.  

Will Smith more links

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Love Compatibility Analysis

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith Oscar Slap

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Planets Gone Wild Part 2 – Declinations


Declinations reveal many hidden gems. Common aspects such as conjunction, opposition, trine, square, etc are the longitude aspects.  

There are various sets of aspects that get undermined understood as declinations. When planets are close to each the orb of 1 degree 12 minutes either north or south is in Declination. Parallel declinations exist when 2 planets are on the same side within the orb and reside either both north and south. When this happens, the point is like a conjunction. Contra-Parallel declinations exist when 2 planets are in the same orb however, one planet is north and the other is south and considered as an opposition. 

There are instances when 2 planets in a chart may not have a longitude aspect, but they share a declination aspect. This creates an important emphasis. For example, I know someone that was born with Mercury Parallel the Ascendant. Longitude aspect-wise, he doesn’t have an aspect between Mercury and the Ascendant. He is known for his voice on the radio as an announcer. That Mercury acts like Mercury conjunct the Ascendant. 

 When 2 planets share a longitude aspect and a declination, it emphasizes the aspect. Other times, a minor longitude aspect between 2 planets is formed; if it is either Parallel or Contra-parallel, it will make that minor aspect a major player.  


Madonna’s declination of Venus and Pluto is Parallel to the MC in her chart. Who was described as the most powerful woman in this world?  This aspect also describes her worldwide iconic and sex symbol status.  

Venus/Pluto aspects demonstrate seduction, sex appeal, topics around sex, religion, and psychology. Pluto/MC will bring a person into power. Venus/MC is an artist with strong creative energy. At first glimpse into her chart, we a Venus /MC sextile is present. Though sextiles are opportunity aspects, they aren’t the strongest. However, when factoring in declinations, the Parallel between those 2 points makes that sextile aspect as powerful as a conjunction.  

Cher is another example. She has Venus/Pluto/Ascendant all Parallel. This makes her a powerful creative force with Iconic status. Viewing her chart with only longitude aspects, this is very difficult to detect. However, once we examine these aspects, it becomes evident. Another chart with this setup is Mariah Carey.    

Declinations are also used in several forecasting tools (transits, progressions, return charts) in predictive work.  Transiting and progressed declinations add additional details into upcoming events.  Also, using declinations in relationship analysis gives more dimensions to compatibility analysis. 

More links on Declinations

Mars out-of-bounds

Out-out-bounds planets

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Planets Gone Wild – Out of Bounds

Out of Bounds Celebrities, Politicians, and More

The longitude of a planet in Astrology is used to the degree of the planet in the Astrological chart. The planet’s latitude is equally important. When a planet advances beyond the greatest latitude declination of north or south of 23°27′, it is thought Out of Bounds. The Sun, Saturn, and Neptune never reach Out of Bounds

Individuals with an Out of Bounds planet overlook or understand boundaries.  They accept no limits and will push buttons.  Stepping outside norms is a behavior found in innovators and criminals.  An Out of Bounds planet can also be negatively expressed as it may show irregular or erratic behavior that may be deemed as unacceptable society norms.  It may appear as if they try to get away with more.  This can result in indefinite originality and triumph.  Yet, it can also result in infamy.

Albert Einstein had an Out of Bounds Moon which provided a unique paradigm of time and space through his assignment on the theory of relativity.  Whereas, R. Kelly’s Moon in the same sign in Sagittarius operates differently than Einstein.  The entire condition of the Moon needs consideration as well as placement. 

Individuals who have Out of Bounds planets leave their effects on the world.  Occasionally you will see both favorable and dysfunctional aspects in the lives of those with Out of Bounds planets. 

Planets in the signs of Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius occasionally reach Out of Bounds.  Planets in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus never reach Out of Bonds positioning.

If one doesn’t have an Out of Bounds planet natally, one may acquire it by progression.  By progression, it may last from a few years to decades.  Sometimes a Solar Return chart may have this position too.  So forecasting these are just as vital.

I noticed during transiting Mars was Out of Bounds, I dealt with a person with misplaced anger.  Upon inspecting her date of birth, I noticed that she was born with an Out of Bounds Mars.

Below is a list of Out of Bounds planets.  We’ll explore in the next week the aspects declinations make. 

Out of bounds planets

Out of Bounds Moon: Emotions are deeply felt.  Usually, there is a difficult family background with trauma.  An emotional disconnect from the mother is typical.  Opposite: mood swings. 

Celebrity: Mariah Carey, Cher, Curt Cobain, Farah Fawcett, Lisa “Left Eyes” Lopes (TLC), Alyssa Milano, Selena Quintanilla,  Kylie Minogue, Brooke Shields, Oprah Winfrey, Amy Winehouse

Other: Al Gore

Notorious: John Wilkes Booth, Erik Menendez, R Kelly, Vladimir Putin, Harvey Weinstein

Out of Bounds Mercury: The mind may over-think matters.  There may be a need to over speak or under speak.  Opposite: Hearing voices and speech issues. 

Celebrity:  Aaliyah, Uta Hagen, Tom Hanks, Bette Midler, Kylie Minogue, Dolly Parton, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Denzel Washington, Howard Stern.

Other:  John Kerry, Donald Trump

Notorious:  R Kelly, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Erik Menendez, Dennis Nilsen, Peter Sutcliffe

Out of Bounds Venus:  There’s either a ton or a lack of love.  The individual will exude charm and grace.  Artistic talents are strong.  Opposite: sexuality outside acceptable bounds.

Celebrity: Cher, Clint Eastwood, Larry King, Susan Sarandon, Robert Schumann, Britney Spears, Tina Turner, Rudolph Valentino, Gene Wilder, 

Notorious: Ian Brady, Ronald Kray, Peter Sutcliffe, William Heirens, James Eagan Holmes

Out of Bounds Mars: Extreme ambition, energy, desire, passion, enthusiasm, and sexual libido.  Opposite: excessive aggressive bullying.

Celebrity: Jackie Chan, Bobbi Kristina Brown, Aretha Franklin, Janice Joplin, Larry King, Lindsay Lohan, Wolfgang Mozart, Rhianna, Steven Spielberg, Barbara Streisand, Rudolph Valentino, Jean Claude Van Damme, Robin Williams

Other Figure:  Prince Charles, John Kerry, Tiger Woods

Notorious: Andrew Cunanan, Mayor Rob Ford, Richard Ludwig Strack, Patrick Kearney, William Heirens, Vladimir Putin

Out of Bounds Jupiter: Sporting ability and remarkable public recognition that lives past death.

Celebrity: Nat King Cole, Marshall Bruce Mathers III (Eminem), and Max Shulman.

Notorious: Still trying to search.  It’s uncommon; however, this depends too on how Jupiter is aspected in the chart. 

Out of Bounds Uranus: Fascinated with discovery, inventing, and revolutionizing.  Dangerous experiments intrigue. 

Celebrity: Jay Leno, Olivia Newton-John, Cybill Shepherd, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep, Josephine Baker, John Belushi, Rhianna

Other Figure:  Prince Charles

Notorious: Edward Gein, James Eagan Holmes 

Out of Bounds Pluto: Achievement of power.  Fascination with the deeper meaning of life.  Opposite: Manipulate by overusing power.

Celebrity: Cher, Farah Fawcett, Aretha Franklin, Elton John, Janice Joplin, Jay Leno, Paul McCartney, Cybill Shepherd, Sylvester Stallone, Meryl Streep, Barbara Streisand, John Belushi, Jessica Savitch, Arnold Schwarzenegger

Other Figure:  George W Bush, Al Gore, Mitt Romney

Infamous: John Wayne Gacy, Harvey Weinstein

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Everyone has a 2nd and 3rd Astrology Chart

An Astrology Chart has many variations. The modern Western Chart is the most commonly used Astrology for obtaining information on a native’s character and possibility. Various forecasting methods show periods for possibilities in all dimensions of life including love and career prospects. Also, there are techniques used for analyzing relationship compatibility, relocation analysis, and event planning.

The Western Chart is enough to get more details than one can imagine.  It takes years to master several concepts.  The knowledge is never-ending as there are always new concepts explored.

The next important chart is the Uranian Chart.  This system was developed in Germany. It uses aspects that are in the Western Chart and other overlooked aspects.  This system uses Midpoints and 8 hypothetical planets. 

Astrology Chart- Uranian

Astrology Chart Whitney Houston Uranian
Chart B Whitney Houston-Uranian Chart

The halfway point between 2 planets is called a midpoint.  For example, the Venus/Mars midpoint is a popular relationship midpoint. 

Planetary trees show aspects between midpoints and planets.

8 hypothetical planets are factored in interpretations.  These are the Trans Neptunian Planets (TNP’s) which are beyond Pluto. 

Uranian Astrology uses formulas to get forecasting answers.  For example, Sun + Moon-Venus is considered a marriage formula.  When the formula becomes active, so does the opportunity for marriage.  Simply, these equations generate timing answers.  There are hundreds of formulas.  This type of chart is an additional forecasting and relationship compatibility source. 

A 90-degree dial navigates the chart.  It is like a plate one spins around to analyze midpoints and planets in calculating time.  Software can do this too.  Yet, a seasoned professional can work faster than a computer manually spinning the dial around

Astrology Chart – Hellenistic

Astrology Chart Whitney Houston Hellenistic
Chart C Whitney Houston- Hellenistic Chart

Finally, the Hellenistic Chart is what I classify as a separate system.  This was used by ancient astrologers in 2 BCE and predates modern astrology.  It uses 5 planets and 2 luminaries.  I was fascinated by this form of Astrology because they separate day charts from night charts.  Each chart has specific theories for what makes a chart work.

In Hellenistic Astrology, a planet can shift into different houses as the whole sign system is used.  This will not happen to all charts.  Subtle differences enrich the analysis.

The 2 Hellenistic forecasting tools shown in the last few weeks were Annual Profections and Zodiacal Releasing.  I am impressed by these tools.  I still want to see the Western chart and the various forecasting tools utilized, I believe these tools serve as polish materials.

Western and Uranian Astrology can give plenty of details to enrich a reading.  Yet, I think some Hellenistic concepts will add nuances that can serve as putting a magnifying glass over a chart.

The charts to the side are Whitney Houston.  Chart A is the traditional Western Chart. Chart B is her Uranian Chart; Chart c is her Hellenistic Chart. 

Repeated themes that come up in all 3 charts are significant.  Overlooked details sometimes are seen through a different lens adding more dimensions.

There are other charts used for other areas that zoom in specifics such as past life, fertility, and more.  I’ll cover those at a later time. 

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Hellenistic Astrology Part 3: Not All Is Grim

Hellenistic Astrology

Hellenistic Astrology predates Medieval Astrology from 2 BCE. Though there are some great uses for their theories in modern Astrology, there are numerous grim interpretations for the 12th, 6th, and 8th houses. Those houses as considered the worst placements whereby destitution and suffering take place. Check out Hellenistic Astrology Part 1 and Part 2 of this Hellenistic Astrology series.

  I choose a classic chart that will illustrate this is not the case. 90% of this chart would represent horrors.

Hellenistic Astrology only uses the 5 planets and the 2 luminaries (Sun and Moon.) It excludes the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.)
 In the last 2 weeks, I shared 2 forecasting tools that serve as great add-ons to Modern Astrology.
 Modern Astrology doesn’t treat the 12th, 6th, and 8th houses as awful placements. Those houses embody talent, strength, depth, mystery, and intuition.
 Otherwise, the native of this chart, Mariah Carey, would not have achieved worldwide success.

Western Astrology Chart Post Hellenistic Astrology

When viewing Mariah’s chart in the modern approach, we see many amazing aspects demonstrating massive career opportunities. 9 planets aspect her Midheaven. Some are minor aspects and out-of-sign aspects, however, they are potent. This would be overlooked using the Hellenistic approach.
 The Hellenistic approach can serve well as creating a 2nd chart to get secondary information as that chart will shift planets into houses that are not in the modern chart.
 If I were limited to only the Hellenistic approach, I would never estimate the first chart belonged to a major entertainer; whereas, the modern chart (#2) shows all of it.
 Science, entertainment, technology, medicine, psychology, etc. have come a long way since 2 BCE.  Astrology has also come a long way.
 Some wonderful Hellenistic theories can be used for today’s modern approach. Yet, one needs to tread with caution. There is no such thing as a “bad” chart. Certainly, some charts have challenges; however, they serve as an opportunity to fuel ambition and hard work.
 Whenever I see a difficult aspect in a chart, I question what makes it complicated and what can be done to improve. This is where Modern astrology differs and offers solutions for improvements.
 I have seen charts that have a lot of ease. However, many of the natives lack ambition towards hard work because they rarely had a struggle. Yet, when tough times are encountered, there may be little strength or motive to work hard.
 Though I won’t deny that Carey’s chart has obstacles when it comes to love life, they can be worked on.  However, career-wise, I was astounded by many of her planetary placements.
 2022 has major changes for Mariah with transiting Uranus entering her first house. We can expect to see surprising professional, personal, and physical changes for Mariah from March through November.

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Hellenistic Astrology Pt 2:  Zodiacal Releasing  

Another Hellenistic forecasting tool is Zodiacal Releasing. To use this, the idea of “Lots” is used. Usually, they are comprehended as “Arabic Parts.” The Part of Fortune is the most prevalent one. However, the Parts differ from the Lots.

Hellenistic Astrology Part 1 and Part 3 is also part of this series.

 A Lot is a mathematical point in the chart that holds a distinctive set of meanings or topics. For instance, the Lot of Fortune was usually associated with the body of the native. The Lot of Spirit was attributed to the mind. Other Lots signify topics such as Marriage, Eros, Success, Parents, Children, Strife, Nemesis, Courage, etc. 

Lots are calculated by calculating the space between two planets in the chart and then taking that calculation further. For this article, I will keep that out as it can get technical for most. 

The two frequently used Lots in the Hellenistic Astrology were the Lot of Fortune and the Lot of Spirit.  Once the Lots have been calculated, we can do more interpretation. 

Zodiacal Releasing

In Zodiacal Releasing, each zodiac sign has a specific amount of time-based on the planetary period of the sign’s ruling planet. Libra is ruled by Venus, and the planetary period of Venus is 8 years. The number of years associated with the sign Libra or Taurus is 8. 

To compute the person’s Zodiacal Releasing years, select where the Lot of Fortune and the Lot of Spirit are located in the chart. These two Lots are the starting points. 

The Lot that you begin from supplies the timing periods is created. If you want to examine the person’s career and life direction, calculate the Lot of Spirit and utilize the sign it is located in as the beginning point. Once the person has finished the number of years associated with that Zodiac sign, it proceeds to the next sign in zodiacal order.

Releasing the Lot of Spirit from the Lot of Fortune gives information about the career. This may seem confusing. In general, the Lot of Fortune is a release point for all the lots. When the Lots move to a division of 4, an extremely active high point is achieved. For example, examining career, we use the Lot of Spirit. Signs that are 1, 4, 7, 10 signs away from the Part of Fortune will show a high point in the career.   

Zodiacal Releasing Justin Bieber

Justin Beiber was born with the Part of Spirit in Cancer in the 9th house which was already 4 signs away from Fortune. This means he was born with a peak period since birth at level 1. 

When level 2 sub-periods reached another 1, 4, 7, 10, from Fortune, that was when reached global success. Interpretations are given for each moment a planet was activated describes the periods to detail adding more nuances.  Those will be skipped for the purpose of this article. 

Use chart 1, to get the numerical value. Now go to chart 2.  Beiber’s the Part of Spirit was at birth in Cancer. So in level 2 (subperiod/months), POS  stays in Cancer it stayed for 25 months, Leo 19 months, Virgo 20 months, Libra 8 months, Scorpio 20 months, Sagittarius 12, Capricorn 27 months, Aquarius 30 months, Pisces 12 months. When you add all these months together, they total 14.4 years. Add this number to his birthday, 3/1/1994, totals when he had his successful breakout period in 2008.  

On a technical note, one must use the whole sign chart system for this to work.  It is not visible in the modernized chart systems.  

These Lots and Zodiacal Releases enrich modern techniques for calculating marriage, career, children, and more.

Many other techniques do the same.  I present this to you to demonstrate how it was done in ancient Astrology periods from 2 BCE that still works today.

Confirmation adds more clarity and certainty in forecasts.  

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Hellenistic Astrology:  Annual Profections

Annual Profections

One of my favorite Hellenistic practices is Annual Profections. Yes, that is the correct word, it is not perfection. Rather it is PRO (ahead), FECT (make or do), and ION (the act of).

This was a technique developed in the Hellenistic Tradition of Astrology where each year of the person’s life, the Ascendant, or the 1st house, represents the native. It advances annually on the birthday whereby it moves to the next sign and place.

Annual Profections Basics Needed:

 1) House Triggered: The house issues will be propelled to the forefront of the person’s life for that year.

 2)  Sign Triggered: The sign won’t have intrinsic weight, but planets transiting through that sign are significant. 

 3) Planets Triggered in House: What the planet represents in the chart willrepresent the focus for the year.

 4)  Ruler of the Triggered Sign: This will be the planet theme most symbolic for the whole year. The location of that ruler natally, the ruler, and aspects are important. 

If you look at the wheel, the houses in modern are used. Themes around one’s career would be activated at age 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, and 69 as the 10th house is activated. Love life is triggered at ages 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66 as the 7th house is activated. Each house repeats itself in 12-year increments.   Surely, there are differences for a 6 year old having a first crush versus an 18 year old having the most serious experience. 

When we layer the above periods with the 4 guideposts, insights as to the specific themes for that period are available. It is important to factor in the condition of the chart at birth. Also, the house system in place for this technique is quite different. The whole sign system was used instead of the modern chart. This may shift signs and planets in the chart.  

For example, I have a client that her 2nd house (money, possessions, and finances) triggered at ages 25, 37, and 49. Indeed, financial matters were the main themes for those years. However, that did not mean that those years’ finances were great. At age 25 her earning capacity increased. At age 37 multiplied with extreme power struggles as she experienced a divorce. At age 49, she encountered severe financial losses and setbacks. Yet, the theme for all those years revolved around finances. So, the Hellenistic tradition worked fine. However, modern techniques define specifically if those years will have gains or losses. 

Though I do believe Annual  Profections should not be used as a stand-alone technique, it will confirm themes, especially when eye-balling a chart on the spot.

Next, I’ll share a Zodiacal Releasing based on the Hellenistic Astrology.

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