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Hellenistic Astrology:  Annual Profections

Annual Profections

One of my favorite Hellenistic practices is Annual Profections. Yes, that is the correct word, it is not perfection. Rather it is PRO (ahead), FECT (make or do), and ION (the act of).

This was a technique developed in the Hellenistic Tradition of Astrology where each year of the person’s life, the Ascendant, or the 1st house, represents the native. It advances annually on the birthday whereby it moves to the next sign and place.

Annual Profections Basics Needed:

 1) House Triggered: The house issues will be propelled to the forefront of the person’s life for that year.

 2)  Sign Triggered: The sign won’t have intrinsic weight, but planets transiting through that sign are significant. 

 3) Planets Triggered in House: What the planet represents in the chart willrepresent the focus for the year.

 4)  Ruler of the Triggered Sign: This will be the planet theme most symbolic for the whole year. The location of that ruler natally, the ruler, and aspects are important. 

If you look at the wheel, the houses in modern are used. Themes around one’s career would be activated at age 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, and 69 as the 10th house is activated. Love life is triggered at ages 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66 as the 7th house is activated. Each house repeats itself in 12-year increments.   Surely, there are differences for a 6 year old having a first crush versus an 18 year old having the most serious experience. 

When we layer the above periods with the 4 guideposts, insights as to the specific themes for that period are available. It is important to factor in the condition of the chart at birth. Also, the house system in place for this technique is quite different. The whole sign system was used instead of the modern chart. This may shift signs and planets in the chart.  

For example, I have a client that her 2nd house (money, possessions, and finances) triggered at ages 25, 37, and 49. Indeed, financial matters were the main themes for those years. However, that did not mean that those years’ finances were great. At age 25 her earning capacity increased. At age 37 multiplied with extreme power struggles as she experienced a divorce. At age 49, she encountered severe financial losses and setbacks. Yet, the theme for all those years revolved around finances. So, the Hellenistic tradition worked fine. However, modern techniques define specifically if those years will have gains or losses. 

Though I do believe Annual  Profections should not be used as a stand-alone technique, it will confirm themes, especially when eye-balling a chart on the spot.

Next, I’ll share a Zodiacal Releasing based on the Hellenistic Astrology.

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Capricorn Sun Gemini Rising

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Capricorn Sun with Gemini Rising:  You may be a strong economist, an ambitious politician, or owner of a large publishing company. Others will see you as balanced and serious.  This combination is strong for creating projects and the flexibility in making changes.  There may be a need to curb excessive work hours.

Capricorn Sun Aries Rising Combo

Capricorn Sun with Aries Rising:  This combination makes you industrious, enterprising, and an achiever. You have a strong desire to achieve a good social status and will work hard for it.  Discipline and obedience are natural to you.  Early childhood may have role modeled the importance of career. 

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Capricorn Sun Taurus Rising

Capricorn Sun with Taurus Rising:  Faced with security, you are reserved and cautious. That’s why it takes you a long time to find a partner. You are one of those who think that true love is found by treasuring experiences. Your spirituality and faith will reshape your existence as you grow.

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Capricorn Sun Cancer Rising

Capricorn Sun with Cancer Rising:  Business and personal partnerships play an integral role in your life.  Work life and home life will require ongoing balance as you are fueled by material security.  There could be interest in the fields of commercial construction, commercial real estate, and senior housing.

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Capricorn Sun Sagittarius Rising

Capricorn Sun with Sagittarius Rising:  Your mind seeks the farthest horizons to express itself. Thought and kindness make you ethical and just. You have a constant predisposition to understand everything.  As you learn from mistakes, you increase your experience and philosophical nature.

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Capricorn Sun Virgo Rising

Capricorn Sun with Virgo Rising:  You are detail orientated by your exact nature. Your sharp eyes for detail make you a strong editor.  This combination is an indication of highly intelligent people.  This combination is also strong for working behind the scenes in entertainment.  Maintaining detailed observation for continuity is your forte.

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Capricorn Sun Libra Rising

Capricorn Sun with Libra Rising:  A stern family life, family may demand the most of your attention.  This combination may find challenges in balancing family and professional obligations.  Multi-tasking and time management are requirements to the road of achievement.  

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Capricorn Sun Capricorn Rising

Capricorn Sun with Capricorn Rising:  With a double dosage of responsibility, duty, structure, and order, it’s difficult to keep up with your ambition.  Though you can carry out projects, it may be difficult to start them or take necessary risks.  Having the proper support system around you will help you in realizing your goals.  

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Capricorn Sun Aquarius Rising

Capricorn Sun with Aquarius Rising:  This unique combination is an old soul inside a bohemian.  Many are surprised by your maturity.  You are so realistic that you despise pipe dreams; however, unique visions fascinate you.  This position can work well behind-the-scenes and in solo industries.

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