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category: cancer horoscope

Cancer Videos: compatibility, rising sign combinations, sun/moon combos and more. Love, relationship compatibility, career, finances, and more. 800-498-8777. First 3 min free daily.

Cancer Sun Leo Rising

Cancer Sun with Leo Rising:  You rarely get defeated from difficulties by playing every moment to the fullest.  You possess courage and spiritual energy in the face of pain without leaving loose strings.  With talents for tasks behind-the-scenes, you finish what you start even if it means risking safety.

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Cancer Sun Virgo Rising

Cancer Sun with Virgo Rising:  You move between passion and indifference. You strive to uphold fairness, equality, and impartiality. Logic surrounds all your actions. Tenderness is your greatest virtue, so you give love serenely and in balance. You need someone that knows how to cooperate and has a level of empathy that reaches you.

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Cancer Sun Libra   Rising Combo

Cancer Sun with Libra Rising:  You prefer independence. You are attracted to all tasks that have to do with art, beauty, fashion, crafts, and decoration. With strong interpersonal skills, you strive to get along with everyone.  There may be a tendency to place other’s feelings before your own.

Free horoscope weekly and by email  Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics at https://www.AbsolutelyPsychic.com

Cancer Sun Scorpio Rising

Cancer Sun with Scorpio Rising:  Everything hidden attracts you. Your passions are private.  Silence surrounds your life. With natural investigating talents, you make a strong detective as your intuition sparks your ideas.  This is a strong placement for law enforcement and professions where others would run from.

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Cancer Sun Sagittarius Rising

Cancer Sun with Sagittarius Rising:  As a bohemian globetrotter, your life will be an eternal journey, mentally and physically.  You are a born traveler who loves expeditions to exotic lands. A career in medicine, education, or law is the most similar to your personality.

 Need Horoscope hindustan times and Psychic answers to your love life?  Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics at https://www.AbsolutelyPsychic.com

Cancer Sun Capricorn Rising

 Cancer Sun with Capricorn Rising:  This partnership oriented combination will find itself with older partners.  You seek emotional maturity in your relationships.  Most marry after their Saturn return.  This combination is strong for building a family and equality in relationships.

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Cancer Sun Aquarius   Rising Combo

Cancer Sun with Aquarius Rising:  Unique and eccentric, you stand out in the crowd.  You can fluctuate between living in seclusion or sharing your life at family parties and events. You display your sense of humor to cover weaknesses.  Your work is your joy which may require getting family members on board.

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Cancer Sun Pisces   Rising Combo

Cancer Sun with Pisces Rising:  Within a sensitive personality, you combine universal consciousness with solidarity. You tend to depend psychologically on your partner for safety.  To let someone enter your life, you need intimacy, meeting of minds, sensuality, and mysticism.

Weekly horoscope  and love telephone psychic reading?  Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics at https://www.AbsolutelyPsychic.com

Cancer Sun / Moon and Sun/Rising Sign Combo Directory

Cancer Sun Aries Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun aries moon/

Cancer Sun Taurus Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun taurus moon/

Cancer Sun Gemini Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun gemini moon/

Cancer Sun Cancer Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun cancer moon/

Cancer Sun Leo Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun leo moon/

Cancer Sun Virgo Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun virgo moon/

Cancer Sun Libra Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun libra moon/

Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun scorpio moon/

Cancer Sun Sagittarius Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun sagittarius moon/

Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun capricorn moon/

Cancer Sun Aquarius Moon  https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun aquarius moon/

Cancer Sun Pisces Moon   https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer sun pisces moon/

Cancer Sun Aries Rising  https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-aries-rising-combo/

Cancer Sun Taurus Rising  https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-taurus-rising-combo/

Cancer Sun Gemini Rising https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-gemini-rising-combo/
Cancer Sun Cancer Rising  https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-cancer-rising-combo/
Cancer Sun Leo Rising https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-leo-rising-combo/
Cancer Sun Virgo Rising  https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-virgo-rising-combo/
Cancer Sun Libra Rising https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-libra-rising-combo/

Cancer Sun Scorpio Rising https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-scorpio-rising-combo/

Cancer Sun Sagittarius Rising https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-sagittarius-rising-combo/

Cancer Sun Capricorn Rising https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-capricorn-rising-combo/

Cancer Sun Aquarius Rising https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-aquarius-rising-combo/
Cancer Sun Pisces Rising  https://psychic.absolutelypsychic.com/cancer-sun-pisces-rising-combo/


Cancer Sun Leo Moon

Cancer Sun Leo Moon -The Creative Feeler – The Sun in Cancer Moon in Leo combination indicates a creative person that can put expressive feelings into motion as a form of healing, drawing, teaching, and/or coaching.  The Leo expressive spark will make this Cancer less shy and bolder than the average Cancer.

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