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Hellenistic Astrology:  Annual Profections

Annual Profections

One of my favorite Hellenistic practices is Annual Profections. Yes, that is the correct word, it is not perfection. Rather it is PRO (ahead), FECT (make or do), and ION (the act of).

This was a technique developed in the Hellenistic Tradition of Astrology where each year of the person’s life, the Ascendant, or the 1st house, represents the native. It advances annually on the birthday whereby it moves to the next sign and place.

Annual Profections Basics Needed:

 1) House Triggered: The house issues will be propelled to the forefront of the person’s life for that year.

 2)  Sign Triggered: The sign won’t have intrinsic weight, but planets transiting through that sign are significant. 

 3) Planets Triggered in House: What the planet represents in the chart willrepresent the focus for the year.

 4)  Ruler of the Triggered Sign: This will be the planet theme most symbolic for the whole year. The location of that ruler natally, the ruler, and aspects are important. 

If you look at the wheel, the houses in modern are used. Themes around one’s career would be activated at age 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, and 69 as the 10th house is activated. Love life is triggered at ages 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66 as the 7th house is activated. Each house repeats itself in 12-year increments.   Surely, there are differences for a 6 year old having a first crush versus an 18 year old having the most serious experience. 

When we layer the above periods with the 4 guideposts, insights as to the specific themes for that period are available. It is important to factor in the condition of the chart at birth. Also, the house system in place for this technique is quite different. The whole sign system was used instead of the modern chart. This may shift signs and planets in the chart.  

For example, I have a client that her 2nd house (money, possessions, and finances) triggered at ages 25, 37, and 49. Indeed, financial matters were the main themes for those years. However, that did not mean that those years’ finances were great. At age 25 her earning capacity increased. At age 37 multiplied with extreme power struggles as she experienced a divorce. At age 49, she encountered severe financial losses and setbacks. Yet, the theme for all those years revolved around finances. So, the Hellenistic tradition worked fine. However, modern techniques define specifically if those years will have gains or losses. 

Though I do believe Annual  Profections should not be used as a stand-alone technique, it will confirm themes, especially when eye-balling a chart on the spot.

Next, I’ll share a Zodiacal Releasing based on the Hellenistic Astrology.

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Aquarius Sun Aries Rising

Aquarius Sun with Aries Rising:  You take your idealism to a Utopian extreme. Your sense of independence is extreme.  Your daredevil quality is second nature. There is a need to avoid falling into fanaticism as you may not realize it especially when driving vehicles or motorcycles. 

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Aries  Sun Aries Rising

Aries Sun with Aries Rising:  Daredevil!  You have a thirst for power and energy. Born to rule, you demand loyalty and have a great initiative to face anything including acts of heroism. You will more than likely be the first or only one in most accomplishments.  This combination needs a physical outlet to feel whole.

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Aries  Sun Taurus  Rising

Aries Sun with Taurus Rising:  You have a preoccupation with money, which will give you personal security and peace of mind over the support of your family. Yet, you value your time retreating inwardly by concentrating on yourself.  You are attracted to beauty, art, and aesthetics.

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Aries Sun Gemini Rising

Aries Sun with Gemini Rising:  You are energetic and resourceful. Talkative and restless, as you reach a goal, you are ready to go in search of another ideal.  Gifted by writing, teaching, communicating, and multi-tasking, there will be many ventures accomplished.

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Aries Sun Cancer Rising

Aries Sun with Cancer Rising:  Indecision and agitation are sore points.  Accumulated frustrations can be from others.  The revolution goes on inside.  When someone offends you, a grudge is held for a long duration.   Your career is a strong focus that will make you revolutionary and a pioneer.

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Aries Sun Leo Rising

Aries Sun with Leo Rising:  You are very independent and enthusiastic to undertake any fear with courage. Your leadership abilities make you draw crowds by showing yourself open and head-on. You will never be a second-class citizen.  Higher education, travel, and spirituality will play a significant role in life.

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Aries Sun Scorpio Rising

Aries Sun with Scorpio Rising:  You like to dominate and be dominated without being noticed. Even though you are determined and energetic, you can be insensitive to other people’s problems.  There is a tendency to become overworked and exhausted.  At times, you may take on projects too fast.  Slowing down is crucial for your well-being.

Explore the many Astrology resources on video including Scorpio Sun and various Moon combinations as well as the Scorpio and various rising sign combinations.

For a private trusted and accurate reading, call our Psychics at 1-800-498-8777 or do an online chat reading .

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Aries Sun Virgo Rising

Aries Sun with Virgo Rising:  Your concepts are clear, precise as you have ingenuity for businesses.  There may be a tendency to rely too much on the support of others.  Focusing on the details to climb to the top of your career by using your ideas leads you to the success you crave.

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Aries Sun Libra Rising

Aries Sun with Libra Rising:  While you have a strong drive, you are much more diplomatic than other Aries. Inside, war and peace will battle each other. In the end, peace will prevail over war and the momentum will be muted.  Partnerships are the key to your success.

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