As a Psychic Reader, I have developed some ways to take an energetic dip as an opportunity to address self-peace. 5 steps to cultivating gratitude.
1) Say I am sorry (and mean it) to yourself. LET IT GO!
2) Give yourself time. Whether it’s 5 minutes or 5 hours, give yourself time to self-evaluate.
3) Do one thing that may not be normal. Wear a crazy accessory, get that little black dress on, or spend too much on one self-care item you never buy. The point isn’t monetary value. It is allowing yourself to indulge in one harmless “treat” or doing something that makes you feel special.
4) Affirm your positives in the wake of the affirmation movement. It’s incredible how much positivity comes from simply telling yourself, “I am enough” and “I am beautiful/handsome.” One small compliment to yourself daily can change your entire week/month/year.
5) Let go of comparisons! You are you for a reason. No one in this plane of existence is you more than you. If you have the grace to forgive that makes the next hurdle of forgetting a lot easier. Giving yourself time to breathe and release the negativity the anxiety will help. Taking yourself out of the normal day to day, it allows you the ability to see things in a different light. I am a huge proponent of affirming your beliefs by practicing the grace of acknowledgment. Quit comparing, you will never be anyone else other than yourself. Being them comes with a whole source of issues that use up energy and shift focus.
The people you surround yourself with is the person you want to be. So the only person who should ever dictate your feelings and reactions is you. The person you haven’t found yet is the best version of yourself. And you should show them just as much, if not more, love than anyone else in your life.