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2024 Top 3 Forecasts

We have an exciting year ahead. Expect a lot of advancement in technology this year. This may be a wise time to look into investing in technological companies and transportation. There are many shifts. I will cover the top 3. We’ll cover them as the year progresses.

#1 Pluto in Aquarius: For the next 19 years, expect increases in transformation, rebirth, empowerment in communication and technology. AI, robots, and other forms of technology are hitting at lightning bolt speed. I have already seen on the street self driving taxi cabs and robotic delivery carts on the street. Many supermarkets are without a register. The shopping cart is the checkout stand and/or it is APP based. 

A change in humanity for the collective good, movements, and many revolutions will take place. We will reconsider the status quo and the established foundations which our society poses and start to question them. 

#2 Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 15-April 27: Expect the unexpected. This is a strong period on Wall Street.  The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in astrology is considered a powerful and dynamic aspect. Both Jupiter and Uranus are associated with expansion, growth, and unconventional energies, but they express these qualities in different ways.

1. Jupiter:

  • Symbolizes expansion, abundance, and optimism.
  • Rules over higher education, philosophy, and spirituality.
  • Can bring luck, opportunities, and a desire for exploration.

2. Uranus:

• Represents innovation, change, and sudden breakthroughs.

• Governs individuality, originality, and a rebellious spirit.

• Often associated with unexpected events and a desire for freedom.

When Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct, their energies combine, potentially leading to:

• Innovative Expansion: The conjunction can bring about opportunities for growth and expansion in unconventional or unexpected ways. There may be a desire for freedom and a willingness to embrace change.

• Breakthroughs: Individuals may experience sudden breakthroughs, whether in their personal lives or on a larger societal scale. This can lead to new perspectives and ideas.

• Optimistic Rebellion: There might be a sense of optimism and a desire to break free from limitations or conventional norms. People may be more open to experimenting with new concepts and pushing boundaries.

• Risk-Taking: The conjunction can encourage risk-taking and a willingness to step outside one’s comfort zone. It’s a time where embracing the unknown can lead to positive outcomes.

It’s important to note that the specific impact of this conjunction can vary depending on the astrological houses it falls in within an individual’s birth chart and the overall astrological context.

#3 Jupiter moves into Gemini May 25, 2024 thru May 2025: Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury, representing communication, curiosity, and adaptability. When Jupiter is in Gemini, these energies combine, creating a specific influence.

Some key characteristics and themes associated with Jupiter in Gemini:

1. Intellectual Curiosity: Jupiter in Gemini individuals are often intellectually curious and open-minded. They have a natural desire to explore a wide range of ideas, subjects, and perspectives. Learning and knowledge are important to them.

2. Effective Communicators: Communication is a strong suit for those with Jupiter in Gemini. They may excel in expressing their ideas and thoughts clearly, making them effective communicators. This placement may also indicate a talent for teaching or public speaking.

3. Versatility: Gemini is a sign known for its versatility and adaptability. With Jupiter in Gemini, individuals may find opportunities for growth in diverse areas of life. They may be flexible and able to adapt to different situations with ease.

4. Social Engagement: These individuals often enjoy socializing and networking. They may thrive in social settings where they can exchange ideas and connect with a variety of people. Jupiter in Gemini encourages a broadening of social circles.

5. Love of Learning: The placement fosters a love of learning, and individuals with Jupiter in Gemini may pursue education, whether formal or informal, throughout their lives. They may be drawn to continuous learning and staying updated on various topics.

6. Risk-Taking in Communication: There may be a willingness to take risks in communication, expressing bold ideas or unconventional thoughts. However, it’s essential to balance this with consideration for others’ perspectives.

When we combine the above, expect self-driving cars to hit the market. So, invest wisely in these companies as we are reaching a new era.

What does the new year have in store for you in terms of Love, Career, and more? Find out. Get your own private Psychic, Tarot, Astrology reading.

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is a type of psychic ability that involves using extrasensory perception (ESP) to gather information about a distant or unseen target, object, or location. Remote viewing is believed to allow a person to perceive information about a remote target through means other than their five senses, such as sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

Remote viewing is often used in the context of espionage, military, and law enforcement applications to gather intelligence or locate targets. However, it is also practiced by some individuals and groups for personal or spiritual purposes, such as exploring the nature of consciousness and the universe.

The practice of remote viewing typically involves a trained practitioner or viewer who enters into a state of relaxed focus and uses various techniques to access information about a remote target. This information can be in the form of sensory impressions, images, feelings, or words. The viewer then reports their findings to the person or organization that requested the remote viewing session.

There are certain techniques and aids that some practitioners may use to enhance their ability to perceive information about remote targets. Here are some common tools and techniques that are used in remote viewing:

Sketchpad and pen/pencil: Some remote viewers use a sketchpad and pen/pencil to quickly draw images or impressions that come to them during the viewing session.

Blind target feedback: In order to verify the accuracy of their perceptions, remote viewers may use blind target feedback. This involves having someone else select a target at random and provide feedback on the target after the remote viewer has provided their impressions.

Meditation: Many remote viewers use meditation to enter into a relaxed, focused state of mind that is conducive to perceiving information about remote targets.

Coordinate remote viewing: This involves using a set of random numbers or coordinates to identify the target for the remote viewing session. The viewer is given only the coordinates and must use their psychic ability to perceive information about the target associated with those coordinates.

Associative remote viewing: In this technique, the viewer is given a cue or keyword that is associated with the target. They then use their psychic ability to perceive information about the target based on that association.

It’s important to note that while these tools and techniques can be helpful in remote viewing, they are not necessary for the practice and not all remote viewers use them. The most important aspect of remote viewing is the viewer’s ability to access their psychic ability and focus their attention on the target.

CONGRATS TO  Albert  ext 3030

61 global events & celebrity predictions accurately forecasted with precise timing in our newsletters.

Congratulations to our reader, Albert (ext 3030), who accurately predicted Trump’s verdict in our newsletter before it was officially announced and  safety concerns regarding the recent violent events.

As a kind reminder, this is not intended as political commentary. Instead, it showcases our readers’ talents in accurately predicting global events from a neutral perspective, demonstrating the effectiveness of forecasting. Be sure to check out some of our Trump archives.

With this prediction, Albert has now made his 61st accurate global prediction in our newsletter. It takes more than bravery to put one’s name on the line and make such bold forecasts publicly.

Question:  What is the most accurate prediction any reader has made for you? Would you like to have 60 predictions about you and your life were nailed accurately?

We don’t celebrate the manifestation of tragic events.  Rather, we celebrate our readers’ victory with precise forecasting and timing precision.    When was the last time you had this level of precision in your reading?  We can fix that!  🙂 

Below is a re-run of the newsletter. 

Trump – Uranus

Putin vs Weinstein

Times are looking a bit shaky for Donald Trump. Based on several progressions and transits, his legal woes could potentially result in a guilty verdict. Conflict and notoriety certainly lie ahead.

Some of his Saturn progressions indicate a serious and somber period, emphasizing the need for learning lessons and addressing karmic debt. With Saturn, you reap what you sow; actions have consequences.

Trump was born with Uranus on the Midheaven (MC), conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon. This placement suggests a great deal of originality, unconventional approaches, revolutionary goals, independence, constant spotlight, and innovation in his career path.

The Midheaven in astrology represents career and public life, goals, reputation, authority, parental influence, and social contribution. Uranus is about breaking free and often involves divorce and separations.

Combining these meanings, it seems Trump may face an enforced type of surrender. His Uranus-Midheaven conjunction in Gemini signifies a predisposition toward change and innovation. However, the current transit of Uranus through Taurus is resistant to change, and such stubbornness can lead to trouble.

As Uranus continues moving through Taurus in June, it will square Trump’s Mars. This aspect can lead to aggression, violence, anger, disagreements, accidents, sudden shocks, restlessness, nervousness, and disruptions.

Additionally, I’ve noted that Trump has some health concerns that need attention. Neptune and Pluto have been in a sextile aspect for over 50 years. I recall a client in 1995 who had an exact Yod from these two planets to her Ascendant and was diagnosed with cancer. While I am not suggesting that Trump will be diagnosed with cancer, Pluto in the 6th house (health and daily routines) is a significant placement. This Yod in his chart is active this summer. Since Leo, which rules the heart, is the sign receiving the Yod, cardiovascular issues could be a prime concern.

Tarot-Golden Dawn


Tarot draws on many additional spiritual and esoteric respects and traditions; one of the most significant is Western Astrology. Understanding the systems and practices that the Tarot is built on gives insight when it comes to understanding each of the Tarot card. Specific Tarot cards are linked to the zodiac signs. 

Before the existence of clocks, the ancient Egyptians would measure the passage of time by the movement in the sky of 36 constellations they referred to as Decans.  When Western Astrology made its way to Egypt, it merged with the concept of Decans.  The Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn used this understanding of Astrology with Tarot Cards. 

The first Decan of the fire sign, Aries, and the first Minor Arcana Tarot from the Suit of Wands and so on, until they went through an entire deck and matched each Decan of each Zodiac to a particular Tarot. 

Major Arcana Ace’s represents the four elements in the purest form.  The four ace’s are the roots of the four elements.  Ace of wands is pure fire (fire sign).  Ace of cups means water energy (water sign).    Ace of swords heavy air energy (air sign).  Ace of pentacles you can always find a coin grounded in the earth (earth sign). 

The cards that the reader shuffles and lays out will than paint a picture for the reader, to get a better understanding and give a detailed reading.  Everything is energy so the cards choose you.  If ever you see in a reading three of cups, three of wands, three of swords, its heavy water, fire, air energy in your placements and the number 333 could be of significance.  You will see number patterns in Tarot for it give the reader an idea of the time frame you seek.  Weather its past present or future everything is energy that ties us all together in human form.  For a Tarot Reading

Check our Tarot Readers and Psychic Readers for an Accurate and Trusted Psychic Reading. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Jada and Will Smith Astrology Videos

Jada and Will Articles

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Love Compatibility Analysis

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith Oscar Slap

Make sure to get your private one on one Psychic Reading.

Jada Pinkett and Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

The 2nd type of Composite chart, the Davison Composite Chart (DCC), is not as famous as the Midpoint Composite Chart (MCC). I like to use it because it lives in date, time, and space. It averages both dates and comes up with a new one that mirrors the relationship. If there is an age difference between the couple, the date will appear before one party in the relationship. Abundant details are visible In Jada Pinkett and Will Smith’s Relationship analysis.

As always, each individual natal chart must be analyzed in terms of the natal promise for each party in the relationship. Please refer back to Will’s natal chart, Jada’s natal chart, and the inter-aspects .

This type of composite chart is for determining what is outside the relationship (children, relatives, finances, etc.) The zodiac signs can be used.  I like to use this chart to look at other strong aspects such as Out of Bounds and Declinations.  A factor that is not possible in the Midpoint Composite Chart instantly shows up with this couple.  Jada and Will both have Venus in Libra natally.  Each has a loving nature that revolves around tact, diplomacy, fairness, equality, harmony, and kindness.  In the MCC, the couple’s Venus would show up in Libra.  However, in the DCC, the couple’s Venus shows up in Aries which may show up as impatient, tactless, jumping into situations before thinking, and more importantly, self vested interests.  Each may view the relationship in terms of what it is in it for “me” instead of us. 

Will has Venus opposite Saturn bringing discomfort and hard work when it comes to love.  Also, in his natal chart, he has the ruler of the 7th in fall position quincunx Saturn in Aries.  The discomfort of this relationship heightens Will’s fears more than Jada’s.  Saturn in Aries has learning lessons around sharing. Briefly, I cover only the top 4 DCC aspects for Will and Jada Smith. Each of these aspects deserves a chapter. This will be a watered-down rendition. For the sake of brevity, many other aspects are not covered as it would become a book.

If we go back to the MCC, we notice there was a stellium in the 8th house.  Take a look at the chart ruler for the DCC is in the 8th house. This once again highlights the previously mentioned 8th house themes. 

Jada Pinkett and Will Smith Relationship

We then see Plutonian themes resurface with Pluto paralleling the Midheaven in the DCC.   This relationship is labeled the power couple.  Yet, much of this is twisted for the media.  Power struggles and tight control impacts this relationship.  This relationship can feel like an actual routine and monotonous job in itself. 

Mars conjunct Saturn conjunct the Midheaven opposite Jupiter will generate deep ambitions, hard work, and heightened sexuality.  Since this relationship is about media and public image, there are issues connecting with each other harmoniously. This relationship takes time and hard work as promised by Saturn. They will elevate each other career-wise and prioritize career over any other area of life.  This can be extremely difficult with timing as Saturn is about the clock. When one partner is busy, the other is available and vice-versa.  Interestingly enough, when we examine Jada’s Mars, it is on Will’s Midheaven. I believe this theme is brought on more by Jada than Will.

Saturn/Mars combinations can bring about a very committed relationship that may be fueled by “all or nothing” narrow-mindedness Jupiter in Scorpio opposition as an omen.  Yet, it brings balance and opportunity to make this work.  Career pursuits impact the amount of time spent together.  Balance is the key to getting this to work as this relationship may find itself on one end of the spectrum and then on the opposite end of the spectrum at other times.  Bickering and disagreeing are common with this combination. 

Jada Pinkett and Will Smith Relationship Aspects

Sun quincunx Jupiter can have issues with sexuality.  These issues can come in the form of repetition, delays, and minimal satisfaction.  The technical pairing can have difficulty with growth, literally or figuratively.  By no means does this mean there are issues for erectile dysfunction, however, the potential is there, especially since the Sun is placed in the 8th house. This is further themed with Jupiter in Scorpio retrograde.  Themes around master/slave and domination may become themes in their sex lives.

Mercury quincunx Jupiter has communication barriers in terms of being understood and valued. One may feel minimized or unheard.  Agreeing, compromising, and negotiating are major obstacles requiring adjusting and adapting to each other.  Currently, Uranus is on the MC of this chart and the media is having a field day regarding the couple.  This continues for a while especially with the upcoming eclipse in May 2022. So for the next 5-6 months, there is more media and press regarding the couple.

A first look at Will’s and Jada’s natal forecasting needs to be evaluated. Then we can layer the following forecasting aspects to the DCC.

Currently, Uranus is on the MC of this chart and the media is having a field day regarding the couple.  This continues for a while especially with the upcoming eclipse in May 2022.  So for the next 5-6 months, there is more media and press regarding the couple.

Transiting Saturn is in the 7th house brings more hard work in the marriage.  Yet, I think the one that may have more difficulty with this is Jada because she was born with Saturn in the 7th.  There may be difficulties in the relationship where there are changes and adjustments to finances.  However, there may be concerns over privacy and a change in the home may be required as an invasion of privacy is likely.  This can be a move or adding a major security system within the home, or both.  I would caution this couple in the event they have any private video footage to guard as there is potential for exposure.

In summary, many repeated themes show up in Jada’s chart, Will’s chart, the inter-aspects between both, and the composite chart that illustrate significant communication roadblocks.  This obstacle will need reparation for this relationship to last.  The worst thing one can ever do in this relationship is to give up communicating to prevent further heated disagreements.  Relearning how to communicate with each other is a major step toward improving this relationship.

More Jada Pinkett and Will Smith Relationship links

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Love Compatibility Analysis

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith Oscar Slap

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Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Composite charts come in 2 forms. The most famous composite chart is the Midpoint Composite Chart. Another kind of composite chart is the Davison Composite Chart. Though the Davison isn’t used too frequently, duplicated themes in the composite charts confirm and highlight inter-aspects.

I have seen where composite charts provided detail that could have been neglected when examining the inter-aspects. Sometimes inter-aspects compatibility between two people appears “okay.” Yet, the Composite Chart demonstrates promise. In this case, it helped provide detail on where they can improve their relationship. I have seen the reverse, where compatibility was incredibly harmonious but the Composite Chart seemed bland.  

The best part of the Composite Chart is for timing. I have seen Composite Charts indicate altering events in the relationship such as pregnancy, divorce, and other significant impacts with on-point timing. In my opinion, Composite Charts should only be used when a time of birth is available for both parties. 

Before examining a composite chart, an examination of love potentials within each chart is a must.  Please refer back to Jada Pinkett’s chart and Will Smith’s chart.  Then the inter-aspects need more weight.  A composite chart is saved for last.  

Midpoint composite: This composite chart is the most commonly used.  It is calculated by averaging both charts by midpoints.  The zodiac signs that fall into this chart need to be ignored because it is not a chart that exists in time and space.  It is used to only see house placements and aspects.  Some Astrologers disagree on this too. 

Midpoint composite chart

The stellium of planets in the 8th house indicates every facet of this couple’s life is controlled.  There may be conflicts of freedom versus rigid control.  Advisors to the couple such as lawyers, family members, etc. may give their unsolicited options by instructing or controlling what to wear, eat, speak, and share about in the public eye.  

The 8th house transforms a person’s life.  It is death and rebirth.  Strong intimacy, emotional, financial, and career support the couple brings to each other.  This is a strong placement for producing as other people’s money is generated.  Together they have produced a lot of ventures.  This brings several themes of who wears the pants in the relationship.   Will and Jada each contribute controlling reigns to the relationship too.  Jada has a stellium of planets conjunct Pluto in her chart.  Will has a Jupiter / Pluto conjunction in his chart.  I have seen many with this 12-year recurring aspect with control issues. 

There may be some deeply rooted and unresolved psychological and addiction issues present in the relationship with a loaded 8th house.  Per Wikipedia.org, it stated Jada was a former drug dealer in her youth and her mother was a heroin user that now has over 3 decades of recovery in Narcotics Anonymous.  Natally, Jada has a Neptune and Jupiter conjunct the Ascendant which is highly addicted to escape, fantasy, illusion, sex, love, and more.  Neptune on the Ascendant is classic for these theme. Jupiter enlarges the nature of any aspect including this one.  Think of it as the largest Neptune conjunct the Ascendant aspect possible. 

Also, per Will’s autobiography, he shared the violent physical abuse his mother endured growing up. These themes never go away without effort.  This is why many undergo healing and recovery modalities such as Astrology, New Age, 12 Step programs, counseling, etc.  Healing and recovery is a lifelong journey.  On a very positive note, the 8th house is about transformation and these 2 can assist each other in that reawakening. 

Midpoint Composite Chart Aspects

Saturn square Ascendant from 3rd house: Learning lessons and communication restrictions.  Much of the information shared in this relationship may be under a tight lip.  Yet, there is a problem.  If we review Jada’s chart, she has Sagittarius rising which is about candor and frankness.  Will has Gemini rising which is all about communication.  More than likely this pair may disagree on what, how, and to whom information was divulged. 

Venus quincunx Saturn: There are obstacles with timing, stability, and durability.  Often one may feel financial pressure to stay in the relationship based on assets.  Freedom from tight responsibility becomes overbearing.  Some may disapprove of this relationship.  Staying in the relationship for the status-quo is the #1 problem with this aspect. 

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Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

I remember looking at Jada Pinkett Smith’s chart after seeing her “Set it Off “.  I was beyond fascinated with her powerful career aspects.  Venus on the MC in a grand trine to Saturn on the 7th and Mars in the 2nd indicates prominent financial success in the arts and a marriage to a record-breaker in the arts.  Venus is in its’ ruling sign, Libra and in aspect to the Aries point makes her visible to the world at large.   

Jupiter is also in its’ ruling position aspecting the Ascendant.  This is a very lucky placement.  I know many charts with this aspect that constantly excel in financial matters.  A close friend of mine constantly finds objects on sidewalks.  This aspect is like having lady luck on one’s side.  Also, Venus and Neptune (film) are in aspect to Jupiter giving her luck in film and beauty endeavors.  She would be super successful in having her cosmetic line like Rhianna.

Though there is no such thing as a bad chart, every chart has advantages and disadvantages.  The next positive aspect is Mercury also in the ruling position, Virgo.  Jada can get her point across with the support of the public.  Typically, when planets are in ruling positions, life offers opportunities and abundance with less effort.  Achievement is easier to manifest.  The opposite holds for individuals born with planets in fall and detriment positions whereby hard work is required to achieve.  In competition, these powerful positions receive support instantly as their charisma and likeability dominate the spectrum. 

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology Aspects

Jada is a New Moon Virgo (Sun and Moon) with a Sagittarius Ascendant.  Her life mission is striving to understand the final results of everything that has brought her to where she and others are in the journey of life. 

Understanding human motivations will aid her in her journey, especially as an actress.  Her highest point of achievement is analyzing her philosophical ideals, spirituality, thoughts, and emotions. This has a strong Jupiter theme too as the MC ruler is in the 9th house.  For this chart to prosper, it will require ongoing expanding the mind by becoming a perpetual student.  

The Virgo Moon is the detail orientated and will devote the majority of time to work.  With so many powerful aspects, if a person cannot put in the hard work needed to excel, they usually tend to marry well to a partner that will help them achieve.  Since the Sun is conjunct Pluto in the sign of Virgo on the MC, she will certainly meet and attain status through the support of powerful men in her career. 

In viewing Jada’s most difficult aspect, communication, learning, and partnership skills are tested. 

Perhaps she was able to get by school based on her charisma, but they surely weren’t excellent.  Saturn Square Mercury can inhibit confidence and require a person to work hard.  Getting past insecurity is a milestone.  Failure can be hard to accept especially for a person with a stellium in Virgo.  

Rather than fail, the easier option may be avoidance. Wherever Saturn is in the chart denotes the area one has to work the hardest.  In the 7th house, marriage and all partnerships will demand responsibility.  Partners will become demanding.  Saturn square to Mercury (communication) brings obstacles to communication skills (talking, listening, absorbing, and empathizing) with a partner.  Interestingly, Saturn in the sign of Gemini will produce learning lessons around communication skills in all relationships.  More than likely, this is the biggest obstacle in her marriage to Will Smith

Mercury in aspect a T square to Neptune, Jupiter, and Saturn can result in difficulties getting past rigid idealized standards.  The mindset is covered with rose-colored glasses to the point it may magnify matters and jump to conclusions without having much of the facts.  Empathy skills require time.  The opposite end of the T square is where most of the activity is executed.  Once again, communication shows up having obstacles as it points to the 3rd house (communication and the mind.) 

Two aspects that I want to point out are Mercury and the Moon are quincunx Mars.  This can easily become stressed out and argumentative during a moment of conflict with a partner.   Partners can push irritating buttons.  Virgo can get fussy and worrisome and make a mountain over a molehill regarding future hopes.  Since this is between the signs of Virgo and Aquarius, there is worry about the big picture (the future) which may lead to easily jumping to conclusions without having all the facts in order.  

Jada has no planets in water signs.  Typically this has a difficult time understanding feelings/emotions (their own and others). Perhaps preferring to rationalize (Earth), intellectualize (Air), or energize (Fire) emotions/feelings; then truly feel them is a major theme in this chart.  

This is the chart for major success in the entertainment industry.  By no means does that dismiss Jada’s talent, rather, it clarifies that success, visibility, and attainment come easier for her.  With the right application, talent can skyrocket.  The true matter lies before Saturn requiring discipline, hard work, and time..

Jada Pinkett Smith

 Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Relationship Analysis #2 Davison Composite Chart

Jada & Will Smith Relationship Analysis Midpoint Composite Chart

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith Love Compatibility Analysis

Jada Pinkett Smith Astrology

Will Smith – Moon in Scorpio Control Issues

Will Smith Oscar Slap

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Planets Gone Wild Part 2 – Declinations


Declinations reveal many hidden gems. Common aspects such as conjunction, opposition, trine, square, etc are the longitude aspects.  

There are various sets of aspects that get undermined understood as declinations. When planets are close to each the orb of 1 degree 12 minutes either north or south is in Declination. Parallel declinations exist when 2 planets are on the same side within the orb and reside either both north and south. When this happens, the point is like a conjunction. Contra-Parallel declinations exist when 2 planets are in the same orb however, one planet is north and the other is south and considered as an opposition. 

There are instances when 2 planets in a chart may not have a longitude aspect, but they share a declination aspect. This creates an important emphasis. For example, I know someone that was born with Mercury Parallel the Ascendant. Longitude aspect-wise, he doesn’t have an aspect between Mercury and the Ascendant. He is known for his voice on the radio as an announcer. That Mercury acts like Mercury conjunct the Ascendant. 

 When 2 planets share a longitude aspect and a declination, it emphasizes the aspect. Other times, a minor longitude aspect between 2 planets is formed; if it is either Parallel or Contra-parallel, it will make that minor aspect a major player.  


Madonna’s declination of Venus and Pluto is Parallel to the MC in her chart. Who was described as the most powerful woman in this world?  This aspect also describes her worldwide iconic and sex symbol status.  

Venus/Pluto aspects demonstrate seduction, sex appeal, topics around sex, religion, and psychology. Pluto/MC will bring a person into power. Venus/MC is an artist with strong creative energy. At first glimpse into her chart, we a Venus /MC sextile is present. Though sextiles are opportunity aspects, they aren’t the strongest. However, when factoring in declinations, the Parallel between those 2 points makes that sextile aspect as powerful as a conjunction.  

Cher is another example. She has Venus/Pluto/Ascendant all Parallel. This makes her a powerful creative force with Iconic status. Viewing her chart with only longitude aspects, this is very difficult to detect. However, once we examine these aspects, it becomes evident. Another chart with this setup is Mariah Carey.    

Declinations are also used in several forecasting tools (transits, progressions, return charts) in predictive work.  Transiting and progressed declinations add additional details into upcoming events.  Also, using declinations in relationship analysis gives more dimensions to compatibility analysis. 

More links on Declinations

Mars out-of-bounds

Out-out-bounds planets

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Everyone has a 2nd and 3rd Astrology Chart

An Astrology Chart has many variations. The modern Western Chart is the most commonly used Astrology for obtaining information on a native’s character and possibility. Various forecasting methods show periods for possibilities in all dimensions of life including love and career prospects. Also, there are techniques used for analyzing relationship compatibility, relocation analysis, and event planning.

The Western Chart is enough to get more details than one can imagine.  It takes years to master several concepts.  The knowledge is never-ending as there are always new concepts explored.

The next important chart is the Uranian Chart.  This system was developed in Germany. It uses aspects that are in the Western Chart and other overlooked aspects.  This system uses Midpoints and 8 hypothetical planets. 

Astrology Chart- Uranian

Astrology Chart Whitney Houston Uranian
Chart B Whitney Houston-Uranian Chart

The halfway point between 2 planets is called a midpoint.  For example, the Venus/Mars midpoint is a popular relationship midpoint. 

Planetary trees show aspects between midpoints and planets.

8 hypothetical planets are factored in interpretations.  These are the Trans Neptunian Planets (TNP’s) which are beyond Pluto. 

Uranian Astrology uses formulas to get forecasting answers.  For example, Sun + Moon-Venus is considered a marriage formula.  When the formula becomes active, so does the opportunity for marriage.  Simply, these equations generate timing answers.  There are hundreds of formulas.  This type of chart is an additional forecasting and relationship compatibility source. 

A 90-degree dial navigates the chart.  It is like a plate one spins around to analyze midpoints and planets in calculating time.  Software can do this too.  Yet, a seasoned professional can work faster than a computer manually spinning the dial around

Astrology Chart – Hellenistic

Astrology Chart Whitney Houston Hellenistic
Chart C Whitney Houston- Hellenistic Chart

Finally, the Hellenistic Chart is what I classify as a separate system.  This was used by ancient astrologers in 2 BCE and predates modern astrology.  It uses 5 planets and 2 luminaries.  I was fascinated by this form of Astrology because they separate day charts from night charts.  Each chart has specific theories for what makes a chart work.

In Hellenistic Astrology, a planet can shift into different houses as the whole sign system is used.  This will not happen to all charts.  Subtle differences enrich the analysis.

The 2 Hellenistic forecasting tools shown in the last few weeks were Annual Profections and Zodiacal Releasing.  I am impressed by these tools.  I still want to see the Western chart and the various forecasting tools utilized, I believe these tools serve as polish materials.

Western and Uranian Astrology can give plenty of details to enrich a reading.  Yet, I think some Hellenistic concepts will add nuances that can serve as putting a magnifying glass over a chart.

The charts to the side are Whitney Houston.  Chart A is the traditional Western Chart. Chart B is her Uranian Chart; Chart c is her Hellenistic Chart. 

Repeated themes that come up in all 3 charts are significant.  Overlooked details sometimes are seen through a different lens adding more dimensions.

There are other charts used for other areas that zoom in specifics such as past life, fertility, and more.  I’ll cover those at a later time. 

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