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Harvey Weinstein Astrology Rectification

Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein Astrology Chart
Harvey Weinstein Picture
Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein‘s chart has been rectified. In Astrology, the time of birth is needed for timing goals. For every 4 minutes the birth time is off, the timing can be out up to a year. So when there is no time of birth known, we can throw in a couple of important life events such as a move, job changes, marriage, divorce, legal matters, etc. This mathematical process is called rectification. This rectification process can take a few hours. It is clearly not a service portrayed as an on-demand service.

Once the chart has been rectified, we need to look at the personality traits described in that chart to see if it makes sense. The planetary combinations must certify personality and lifestyle. This is an essential process in efforts to forecast accurately with precise timing.

Currently, in the news, embroiled producer Harvey Weinstein has faced several sexual abuse allegations. However, when we look at the significant events surrounding these allegations, some facts need to be factored in: divorce, career destruction.

For example, on the internet, we can search for Harvey Weinstein’s birth information. The only thing information we have at our disposal is a date of birth of March 19, 1952, in Flushing, NY.

Applying astrology, we need to see what would create a significant upheaval. Very simple, the planet Uranus is known for shake-ups, divorce, thrown down from power, scandal, etc..

So when placing a divorce cycle, I would put that transiting Uranus in the 7th house in a square aspect to the Midheaven. That would represent the current cycles. When we do this, the time of birth we calculate is 7:56 pm.

Now when looking at the rectified chart, all the sexual energy is defined by 2 things: Pluto on the Midheaven square Mars in Scorpio. All 3 sexual positions: Scorpio, Pluto, Mars. However, the theme there is far more profound than just sexual hormones. Instead, these aspects stem from a deep sense of power fetishes fantasies. Pluto is skin deep and goes to a place many people wouldn’t dare.

Also, we have to look at the other aspects involved: Mars has some serious harsh aspects to Jupiter and Mercury. The issue with this is that a person may sexualize stress by taking “sexual holidays” in efforts to escape stress, anger, upset, etc.. At the same time, the type of aspect involved, the quincunx/inconjunct, can lead to rejection. So for Harvey, the thrill is more about the conquest instead of the actual act.

An essential piece of evidence of this birth time being Harvey’s is his millionaire status. We need to look for apparent things when looking at the rectified position. The Pluto on the Midheaven can bring a person into a significant power in his lifetime. Mars in the 2nd house will also energize the person’s money. The aspects Pluto makes to Jupiter and Mercury indicate millionaire status. Furthermore, the Jupiter combination of Neptune often leads to fortunes.

The last piece of information that convinces me this an accurate chart is the Neptune/Jupiter combination aspecting the Ascendant/Descendant axis as that would describe famous artists the person would be contacted. Therefore, I am convinced Harvey Weinstein’s time of birth is 7:56 pm. 

Another astrological spark one can add to the chart once it’s been rectified is to plug in a spouse’s birth planets around the natal chart to see if it makes any contact. Sure enough, there is a contact from the soon to be ex-wife to Harvey’s chart. Her moon lands on Harvey’s Ascendant. This means she can be very supportive of Harvey. Furthermore, it will be r very public relationship.

Surely if the individual relocated from the birthplace, one could relocate the chart as well to the new location. Harvey was born in New York, and his primary home is in Los Angeles. That brings additional details.

Finally, in terms of forecasting, there are quite a few legal matters and criminal charges Harvey will be facing. This scandal is only beginning. A lot more details will be surfacing in the next 2 months.

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Astrology Mercury Conjunct Mars

Astrology -
Astrology –

Astrology in Aspect

In Astrology, Mercury is the planet of communication. It governs journalists, newspapers, writers, teachers, education, students, and discussions.

Mars is the planet of quarrels, conflicts, brutality, missiles, bombs, guns, war, altercations, combativeness, instigation, vindication, attack, police, military, manufacturing, accidents, and fires.

These 2 planets are in alignment this weekend. This aspect lasts for a 24-hour window. Since Mercury is retrograde, it will last a little longer. Until Mercury moves past the degree of this aspect, the effects are valid for 8 days. It can likely take a few days for it to become apparent because of the retrograde. Not only is it likely this event will stir controversy, but also, it takes a few days for it to come out of being incognito.

Mercury conjunct Mars occurs can occur up twice a year. However, it was in the same position as the solar eclipse a few days ago. That signals a well-publicized event to take to the place where Mars destroys a Mercurial representative, institution, location, etc.

The effects of a solar eclipse last until the next eclipse; that is typically 6 month period.

Mercury and Mars combinations can be speedy to jump into action by exercising the “act now think later mentality.” It may not think of consequences in the big picture.

Donald Trump Astrology

There could be some discovery that within the Trump administration, someone did something hidden that sparks controversy a few days later. Surely since Trump has these 2 planets and eclipse over his Ascendant. Too, it is likely he will be in the news a lot in the next few days as well.

Melania Trump – Astrology

At the same time, this pile-up is over Melania Trump’s Venus. So there could be some information regarding a dispute she had with no other than her husband. Information about their marriage could leak into the press.

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Psychic Website Throwback! LOL!!

Psychic Site - Absolutey Psychic
Website  Site 2012

Psychic Site in 2005
Website  2005

Psychic Website 2003
Website 2003

Psychic Website 2001
Website 2001

Psychic website trip down memory lane for sure! Looking back over the years at all the re-designs the Absolutely Psychic Network’s website has experienced is like going through a high school yearbook and finding big hair, mullets, and shoulder pads! Sure, we flinch, chuckle, and grin.

There’s a myriad of thoughts that go through our minds.  “What we’re we thinking!” “Did we look like that!”  “Yikes!”  Then we sit back and take a breathe and feel the joy and gratitude from all the growth.

We have come a long way.  Originally Absolutely Psychic was just a dot com psychic website.  Things changed once we launched the telephone division close to a year and a half after launch.  We knew instantly the Psychic Telephone Readings would always be the center of the industry.  Why?  Because that was in its roots.  Chat readings were trendy.  Mostly chatroom readings have faded.    Now there are applets for chat readings.  The centerpiece for Psychic Readings is always on the phone.

Chat /text readings have a place and have many excellent advantages.  The downfall is the other technology that needs to be understood by both ends (the Psychic and the client.)  Also, if other pieces of technology interfere in connectivity, it can result in a time lag.  On a realistic note, it takes less time to speak a sentence than type it out.  For this reason, we have always been more pro-telephone readings.

Unlike our network, many psychic websites that focus on just chat readings do not even test their psychics.  The challenge is that anyone can hide behind a computer and not be that great. Get them on the phone, and you can instantly tell if they are an excellent psychic or not.  Behind a computer screen lies another life which is a mystery.  On the phone, however, that is much harder to conceal.

Our phone network in itself has been thru more upgrades, enhancements than we could ever list — more than the website. The phone network is a stand-alone system, as no website was ever needed.

We are coming up on our 16th anniversary in a few weeks and will be rolling out a few more enhancements.

Psychic near me and ready to give you a reading now. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Astrology – Love in the Chart

Astrology charts show strong indications of your love destiny. The Moon in your Astrology horoscope chart represents your emotional needs and everything you need to be pleased.

Venus in your astrology chart shows what pleases you.  Mars indicates how you want to please others. Mars will express Venus’ desires especially to love and sex.

The aspects each of these planets make to the rest of the astrology chart, the zodiac sign they are in, and the house position give more details.

For example, Venus in Pisces may find pleasure in romantic and unconditional love; whereas Venus in Aquarius finds joy in independence, autonomy, and detachment. A first-house Venus may be viewed as a beautiful person and attract partners instantly. Whereas a 12th house Venus may be more private about love matters and prefer it to be kept a secret.

Sometimes these 2 planets in aspect with each other can give insights into a person’s love life. It is prevalent that Venus in harmonious aspects with Mars will draw relationships and a peaceful sex life very quickly. Challenging aspects may result in constant conflicts. For example, I know an individual with an exact aspect to Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Aquarius known as a square. The individual only has found pleasure in deep desires that result in all or nothing from a partner. The demands can be quite high. The way that is expressed is cool and freedom-oriented and rebellious via the Aquarius that Mars is in. The result is ongoing fighting. That individual has many learning lessons to encounter. Surely by looking at the other aspects in the chart as well, the house position makes a difference.

Every chart progresses and receives new cycles. That means if you weren’t born with an aspect to either of these planets, we could easily detect when the planet will be getting some activity, what that activity will be, and the dates of that activity. So if an individual will have progressed Venus cross the Ascendant, a severe change in a person’s life will be happening. The result can be filled with popularity, love coming from everywhere, and a change in physical appearance.

The next important area to factor in for love life is the 7th house. The sign on the cusp of the house will demonstrate how one pursues a relationship. Surely with Aries on the cusp, it will be pursued with bravery, courage, and enthusiasm. On the flip side, one can also pursue relationships in a rush and has to guard against jumping into situations too early. The irony about that is that regardless of the zodiac Sun sign one is born with, it explains in detail just precisely your relationship energy. Inevitably this changes over time via progression.

Next, planets in the 7th house and the ruler of the 7th house position and its aspects demonstrate the type of people you draw. Do you have Neptune in aspect to any of these planets? That can surely bring an artist, poet, musician, doctor, or drug dealer. Surely incorporating the rest of the chart and factoring in the client’s background and upbringing play a role in all this.

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Psychics – Presidents Even Use Them


Psychics are used many to get answers to questions. Some include: “Should I open myself up to this new relationship?” “Should I ask for that much-needed and deserved raise at work? “Is currently the time to move my family into a bigger home?” Throughout history, many times, psychics have been consulted. Some of history’s best-known and influential people consulted psychics and mediums.

Spiritualism was at its peak during the Civil War. It was very posh and trendy to hold “seance parties”. President and Mrs. Lincoln hosted a number of these meetups at the White House. After the death of their youngest son, Willie Mary Todd Lincoln made the acquaintance of the well-renowned medium Nettie Colburn. President Lincoln himself was said to have had precognitive visions. Claims of several visions of his assassination were recorded. Many historians argue amongst each other that Lincoln himself did or did not participate in the seances.

Winston Churchill is also well known for having consulted psychics. During World War II numerous psychics, mediums, and astrologers were consulted by Churchill including Aleister Crowley. It was rumored that Churchill had psychic gifts as well. It held a lifelong fascination
for him.

President Franklin Roosevelt also had many psychic advisors. He was said to consult with his advising psychics regarding international relations. There are no claims that Roosevelt held any psychic talents himself. But his belief in the metaphysical was loyal. He regularly soaked in the healing waters of Warm Springs, Ga to ease the pain caused by polio.

Woodrow Wilson was said to have consulted psychics during his presidency as well. Although not about international relations or war. A more human reason, perhaps one we can all relate to. He simply wanted to know when he was going to die.

In the 1970s Nancy Reagan met and became close with psychic Joan Quigley. Quigley often provided Nancy with readings that calculated periods of success for the President and when to act on individual decisions. After the President was shot, a unique phone line was installed in the White House as well as Camp David as a dedicated line straight to Quigley. Many of her predictions about the President came true. Quigley published a book called “What does Joan say?” regarding her tenure with the Regan’s.

During the early days of his presidential campaign, President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton attended several new-age functions. Mrs. Clinton met and became very close to psychic Jean Houston. Journalist Bob Woodward broke the story of their interactions, including a seance that Clinton was involved in. Reportedly Clinton went into a trance and channeled the spirits of Eleanor Roosevelt and Ghandi.

So it’s not uncommon to look for answers outside of what we may think of as “normal.”Sometimes we have questions that we may not want to share with our friends or family. Let’s look at what tomorrow may hold for you.

Psychic advisors are here for you.  Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Tarot Cards Made Easy

Many psychic readers use Tarot cards, which date back to early 15th century Italy. These initial decks were hand-painted playing cards, accessible primarily to the affluent due to their high cost. The invention of the printing press later made Tarot decks available to the general public.

By the mid-18th century, Tarot cards began to be used for divination and fortune-telling. A Tarot deck consists of twenty-two major arcana cards and fifty-six suited cards, which are divided into four suits: Cups, Wands, Pentacles, and Swords. Each suit contains ten numbered cards and four court cards: Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages.

The twenty-two major arcana cards include: The Fool (0), The Magician (1), The High Priestess (2), The Empress (3), The Emperor (4), The Hierophant (5), The Lovers (6), The Chariot (7), Strength (8), The Hermit (9), The Wheel of Fortune (10), Justice (11), The Hanged Man (12), Death (13), Temperance (14), The Devil (15), The Tower (16), The Star (17), The Moon (18), The Sun (19), Judgment (20), and The World (21). These cards symbolize significant life lessons or stages, suggesting deep, meaningful insights when they appear in a reading.

Each of the four suits in the minor arcana represents different aspects of life:

  • Cups: Linked to the water element, they represent love, relationships, and emotions.
  • Wands: Connected to the fire element, they symbolize creativity, drive, passion, and motivation.
  • Pentacles: Associated with the earth element, they relate to money, success, work, and daily activities.
  • Swords: Tied to the air element, they signify the mind, intellect, thoughts, and ideas.

The court cards in each suit are interpreted as follows:

  • King of Cups: A male or masculine person who is emotional, artistic, secretive, and in touch with their feelings.

  • Queen of Cups: A female or feminine person who is emotional, intuitive, artistic, and deeply feeling.

  • Knight of Cups: Represents romance, a drive for romantic relationships, and a love for life, arts, and music.

  • Page of Cups: Indicates the beginning of romantic feelings or an open heart.

  • King of Wands: A male or masculine person who is passionate, optimistic, loyal, and motivated.

  • Queen of Wands: A female or feminine person who is warm, loyal, and enthusiastic.

  • Knight of Wands: Represents travel, excitement for creative projects, and progress towards a plan.

  • Page of Wands: Denotes the initial concept of a new idea or project.

  • King of Pentacles: A male or masculine person who is financially secure, good at business, and family-oriented.

  • Queen of Pentacles: A female or feminine person with high self-esteem, nurturing, and creating a comfortable home environment.

  • Knight of Pentacles: Represents the energy for daily tasks with joy and value, indicating a strong work ethic.

  • Page of Pentacles: Signifies the start of a new work or material world project.

  • King of Swords: A male or masculine person driven by intellect, educated, fair-minded, and rational.

  • Queen of Swords: A female or feminine person motivated by rational thought, fairness, justice, and implementing ideology.

  • Knight of Swords: Represents mental restlessness, a desire to move forward, and frustration from feeling held back.

  • Page of Swords: Describes the beginning of new ideas and attitudes.

The numbered cards in each suit correspond to their element and have unique meanings, which will be explored in the next article. This overview is just the beginning of our journey into understanding the Tarot.

Most psychic advisors appreciate Tarot for its rich imagery, which aids in providing insightful readings.

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