What do you do when you misplaced something, and you want to find it again? Scour for it of course, but it would be nice if you would have an idea where to look. Not everyone would think of getting a Tarotreading. Through understanding, I have found some ways to deal with missing things.
First, it is important to determine if the missing item is still inside the house. A good way to find this out is to shuffle your cards so reversals can come up, and then draw one card. If the card drawn is upright, the item is still in the house. If the card is reversed, the item is not in the house anymore, it could be gone with the trash or could have been lost outside of the house.
Let’s assume you found that the item is still inside the house. It would be great to narrow the places to search down a bit, especially if you live in a big house. Make a list of all the rooms in your house, like kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, and make sure that the description of the rooms are clear. For instance, if there is more than one bedroom, give all of the bedrooms a different name. Using this list, you can draw a card for each room. If a card is reversed, you won’t find the item in the room that card was drawn for. Ideally this method would leave only one room in the house to search, but usually you end up with two or three rooms left.
Now that you know in what rooms to search, it is handy to get some more details about where exactly to look inside those rooms. Draw up to three cards, you don’t have to use reversals this time. Use the cards you drew intuitively, see if any images or ideas come up when you look at them. For instance, if you draw the 9 of Pentacles from the Rider Waite tarot, the missing item could be near a mirror, dresser or wardrobe. If you draw the 9 of Swords, the item could be near a bed. If you draw the 6 of Pentacles, it could be near things that hold memories for you, like photo albums, pictures, or diaries. Use your imagination with this, and allow your mind to drift back to the past.
After these steps, make a summary of your findings, and then start searching again. This time, you will have a list of rooms and clues, so your search will be much more productive
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The exact origins of Tarot are a mystery. There are more than one theory of where Tarot came from, what brought about the development of these cards and how they were used.
First, let’s take a look at what we do know about that mysterious deck of cards named Tarot. The Tarot cards were used in Italy as early as the fifteenth century as a famous card game by the elite or noblemen. This card game is somewhat similar to the card game of Bridge. The card game of Tarot or the current version of it is still played today, although it is not as widespread in Italy now as it is in France.
The standard Tarot deck of cards now today consists of seventy-eight cards. These cards are divided into to major sections called the major arcane and the minor arcane. The major arcane section contains twenty-two cards numbered zero through twenty-one. The minor arcana section contains fifty-six cards. In the minor arcane is divided even further into four sections called suits. These suits are most commonly called Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles depending on the style of Tarot deck you have. Each suit is made up of Ace through ten with a King, Queen, Knight and Page card, again depending on the style of Tarot deck you have you may see the Knight as a Prince or even have a Princess in the suits.
One of the earliest and complete Tarot decks is the Visconti-Sforza, which was created in or around 1450. It was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the cards became the interest of scholars of the occult. These scholars held that the Tarot could be traced to ancient Egyptian times. Makes one think to one’s self “Ah so that is where the name gypsies come from? Their interest and study of the Tarot was fueled by the belief that Tarot was more than a card game played by noblemen.
Now, there are other theories of origins such as the Tarot coming from China and on and on. There is the theory that since the peasants of medieval times could not read the Tarot was developed with all the picture art as a form of language among the common people. This is just my own little personal theory is that a little bit of each went into making what we call Tarot today.
Tarot today has such a rich abundance of different styles and themes. A deck of Tarot cards can be purchased at a variety of places. There is not so much the hiding of the deck of cards to be passed on from grandmother to grandchild of olden times.
The most popular and common use of Tarot today is as a form of divination. This use is very near and dear to my heart because I do use Tarot in my readings as my point of contact or to give clarity to the questions asked.
I look forward to having fun sharing more of Tarot with you.
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For some practitioners, the fancy images displayed in the many variations of tarot decks available now-a-days seem to detract from the basic messages. For such readers, a back to basics method that has been used throughout the years by gypsies includes something most people have in their homes. It is a deck of ordinary playing cards, which can be used to perform something akin to tarot readings, but not exactly the same.
Now, wait a minute, a tarot deck has 78 cards, and playing decks have only 52 cards. The major difference is that the reading will occur without most of the major arcana, except for the joker, where he signifies the fool. The cards themselves are mostly relational in their meaning, which is similar to tarot readings.
One reason readers may prefer playing cards is for those who have to live in some degree of obscurity, who want to hide their art in plain sight. After all, most people might just as well assume that anyone with a playing deck is just setting up a game of solitaire, or maybe that they like black jack or poker. For many, though, it is not that they want to necessarily cloak their practice, but rather deflect the energy of people who seem to suddenly be attracted to the reader, as in inviting in disruptions to a reading. So, this method also allows for some degree of peace and quiet, because the energy somehow maintains more obscurity for the reader, because it is less likely to pique people’s curiosity.
The last thing anyone needs during a reading are interruptions. The idea is to forget about the body, and enter the spiritual realm through the tools of divinity that allow the clearest channel of information. For some professionals, it is a traditional Rider-Waite deck, and for other professionals, holding their favorite gemstone gets them in the flow. As with the tarot decks, the minor arcana suits are as follow, with the pentacles being signified by diamonds; the wands depicted by the clubs; the cups shown through the hearts; and the swords signified through the spades. The jacks play a two-fold role of both the knight and the page.
For the same reason it may actually be a great way for new readers to get a “feel” for the meaning of each card as well. The reason is that there are no standard pictures that show images of what each card may mean. Some readers actually prefer a regular playing deck for this reason. Many are channeling as they throw down a spread, and simply having the card and its energy is sufficient, without really seeing what plays out based on what appears on the card.
Add to this that they have the relationship between the card’s number and their positional meaning, combined with the suit, put together in a spread, and it tells the whole story. It makes an image that the reader may receive intuitively or through their channel come alive fully.
Lets see what the cards have in store for you!
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Tarot cards and tarot readings often summon up Hollywood movie images of gypsy fortunetellers that are both enigmatic and a little scary. I hope to demystify the tarot by conveying my thoughts about what the tarot is and how it is used in a real psychic reading. So if you are a bit skeptical about the use of tarot cards in your reading, you can relax and know that it is just a means of concentrating the reader’s already present psychic capabilities.
The traditional, 78-card, tarot deck has been around for centuries and has roots in Astrology, Kabbalah, Christianity, Buddhism, Sufism, and ancient Egypt. It is divided into both major and minor arcana. The major arcana are the 22 cards that are numbered with Roman numerals. They usually have a longer or greater significance in a reading. The minor arcana are the remaining 56 cards that are divided by the suits of pentacles, wands, cups, and swords. Each suit relates to an element: earth, fire, water, and air, respectively. There are 10 cards in each suit. Minor arcana cards tend to have shorter or lesser significance in a reading, in general. As for now, this is the most technical I will get in terms of history and symbolism.
I will cover the literal meanings of the tarot in the next few articles. Today I will discuss the first thirteen major arcana cards. I will include the upright meanings which are the more positive interpretations in a reading. I will also include the reversed meanings which are often either more negative than or just not as positive as the upright meanings. For example, the Sun card is usually a very positive, happy card. The reversed meaning doesn’t necessarily that it is a bad influence. It could mean that client is not seeing the bright side of his or her own situation and needs to do so to be proactive in creating a positive outcome. The interpretations are all very different depending on the client’s individual reading. The other cards in the tarot spread and the vibes that the reader gets make all difference in the interpretation. So one must have psychic abilities to do a good tarot reading.
This leads me to my next point about tarot cards. The tarot deck is simply a visual representation of energy. This is the energy that the reader picks up from the client. In my own experience, I use the cards as a springboard for my own clairvoyance (psychic seeing), clairsentience (psychic feeling), clairaudience (psychic hearing) and claircognizance (psychic knowing). I really don’t need the cards, but they are helpful in organizing a reading and getting it started. Because I am a tactile person, I also enjoy the process of shuffling and laying down the cards. In addition to meditation and other psychic development tools, the tarot was one of the main tools I used in honing my own psychic abilities several years ago. I enjoy the cards. They are fun. So I continue to use them in many of my readings.
I took one formal class in reading the tarot cards in 1996. The teacher, a successful, seasoned psychic took us through the entire literal meaning of the deck. As a studious, eager newbie, I took diligent notes. Then as soon as she was done she said, “Okay, now you can just forget about all of that because, in a real reading, it’s always going to be different for each person.” The logical part of my brain panicked. Then she said we were going to practice reading each other. I was petrified. But after the teacher coaxed me to breathe and relax, I did great readings on the other students who were total strangers to me.
I was able to see more than I could ever see if I stayed boxed in with the literal meanings. This was my first time doing readings! I was already learning to trust my own impressions. For example, a client may have the High Priestess in their tarot reading. I could interpret that as the client has latent psychic abilities themselves. In addition to that, perhaps the blue in the card will stimulate a vision of the client painting a picture. I will get a strong feeling that the client could use their artistic ability as one means to develop their clairvoyance. This is how easy it is to go beyond the literal meaning. Your own senses are the key.
So to begin to satisfy the logical, left side of your brain, I will introduce the first 13 cards of the major arcana of the tarot deck. If the tarot interests you as an intuitive art form, then study to your heart’s content. I encourage you to read up to get your individual, scholarly satisfaction. This is important, especially at the beginning. But then at some point, you can practice with a real person and just let go and flow with of whatever visions, words, sounds, impressions, feelings, sensations and even smells come to you. This is the right side of your brain that is opening up. This is your artistic, intuitive guidance that is in touch with the divine. Your angels and spirit guides will use whatever means they can to talk to you. Tarot is one way of many to open up to the spiritual, psychic realm. Practice, play and enjoy.
I will cover the cards for you in the weeks to come… Stay tuned.
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Ace of Wands: Upright – Fresh beginnings, motivation, intuition, power, passion, sexuality, imagination, pure prospect, enthusiasm, bold action, courage, confidence, vitality, kundalini – Reversed: delays, lack of motivation, lack of provocation, not following intuition
2 of Wands: Upright – Planning for the future, progress, weighing options, choices, discovery, personal power, seeing the big picture, beginning stages of a new project – Reversed – Fear of the unknown, lack of planning, not seeing the possible options or big picture, indecisive
3 of Wands: Upright – Exploring the unknown, expanding horizons, leadership, optimism, having foresight, preparation, goals and plans starting to be realized, enterprise, expanding business ventures, waiting for one’s ship to come in – Reversed – Lack of foresight, delays, obstacles to long-term goals, missing or dismissing opportunities
4 of Wands: Upright – Celebration, marriage, harmony, home, supportive community, abundance, parties, festivals, happy times, completion of the foundation of a project – Reversed – incomplete projects, disharmony in the community or festivities, celebrations delayed
5 of Wands: Upright – Competition, disorganization or awkwardness at the beginning of a project, creative conflicts (sometimes beneficial for growth), disagreements, tension, sloppy efforts, projects confused by too many people or ideas – Reversed – Strife, aggression, serious conflicts, sabotage, discord, hidden agendas, losing sight of the greater good for all
6 of Wands: Upright – Victory, triumph, achieving public recognition, accolades, success, feeling pride in one’s accomplishments, self-confidence, rewards and awards – Reversed – Egotism, bad reputation, infamy, lack of confidence, incomplete success, sitting on one’s laurels of past accomplishments, need for new achievements
7 of Wands: Upright – Facing challenges, standing up to naysayers, strong convictions, tough competition, combating criticism, following one’s path despite obstacles and opposition, going for it, courageous acts, heroism – Reversed – Being defeated, overwhelmed by opposition, overly defensive, aggressive, backing down from opposition
8 of Wands: Upright – Jumping into action, speed, movement, travel (esp. air travel), swift change, passionate encounters, fresh and vital energy enlivening a situation or endeavor – Reversed – Delays, procrastination, frustrated efforts, ineffectiveness, waiting for the right moment, holding off, lackluster
9 of Wands: Upright – Strength despite challenges, persistence, resolute, fortitude, long-standing courage, resilience, perseverance will pay off – Reversed – Defensive, paranoid, fearful, physically and/or emotionally worn-out, hesitant, need for rest and rejuvenation before continuing
10 of Wands: Upright – Hard work about to pay off, burden, responsibility, stress, achievements from persistence – Reversed – Joyless, hard work, futility, too much work affecting one’s health, efforts not coming to fruition
Page of Wands: Upright – Enthusiasm or enthusiastic youth, free spirit, discovery, exploration, good news, positive messages – Reversed – Setbacks to plans, pessimism, naivety, lack of direction, immature person
Knight of Wands: Upright – Courageous, enterprising person, energy, passion, lust, taking action, on the move, impulsiveness, spontaneity, adventure – Reversed – Flighty person, scattered energy, delays, frustrations, getting lost
King of Wands: Upright – Aries, Leo or Sagittarius man, natural-born leader, inspiring person, visionary, entrepreneur, loyal, warm, generous, brave, optimistic – Reversed – Arrogant, cocky, hot-headed, impulsive, philandering, macho, aggressive
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ACE OF CUPS – Upright- New attractive beginnings, flooding of love, the offer of marriage, any new relationship or circumstances that is pleasant and loving, fertility, a baby born, love for a career or project, alignment with the higher self, peace, compassion, kindness, spiritual bliss, pleasure in life, a positive phase in life, divine love, gift from God, a miracle, a new home – Reversed – Too much emotion, codependency, muddied emotions, a connection out of balance, repressing love and emotion, a need to express love, fear stopping emotional expression, ask for divine support
2 OF CUPS – Upright – Positive, romantic or creative union, true-blue friendship, harmonious business partnership, mutual feelings of love, romantic/ sexual union, marriage, one-to-one relationships are pleasantly highlighted at this time, positive resolutions, soul mates, twin flames, reconciliation – Reversed – Unfulfilling relationship or project, relationship isn’t what it appears to be, minor problems can be solved in partnership with some effort, romantic opportunity missed, breakup or potential breakup, disharmony, imbalance of giving and receiving, unrequited love
3 OF CUPS – Upright – Celebrations, parties, holiday joy, good times, fun, positive feelings flowing between people, uplifting community, artistic/ creative collaboration, abundance, dancing and music, good fortune, happy outcomes, celebrating good news and victories – Reversed – Partying too much, three’s a crowd, gossip, jealousy, extreme sexuality, overindulgence in any area, possible affair, competition, creative block, hedonism
4 OF CUPS – Upright – Meditation, taking time to ponder the big picture, melancholy, introspection, regrouping, re-evaluation, reflection, evaluating an offer – Reversed – Discontentment, laziness, apathy, self-pitying, aloof, possible solution right in front of your eyes, need to see the opportunity or gift given, rejecting love or emotional experience, need for gratitude for all that one has
5 OF CUPS – Upright – Disappointment, rejection, “crying over spilled milk”, loss of any kind, end of a relationship, job loss, grieving process, despair, taking time to feel in order to heal – Reversed – Need to count one’s blessings, rise above disappointments, things aren’t as bad as they seem, stuck in past disappointments and pain, accepting loss, moving forward, forgiveness
6 OF CUPS – Upright – Pleasant memories, nostalgia, reunion with childhood friends, innocence of childhood, past relationships and situations highlighted, old flame returning in one’s life, a return to innocence and simpler times, kindness and courtesy, gifts, old-fashioned courtship, new relationships with past-life connections – Reversed – Need to let go of the past and move forward, unpleasant memories, old relationships causing pain, mercury retrograde causing confusion, naive expectations or mindset, ex-lovers who need to stay ex-lovers, need for more innocence, peace and generosity
7 OF CUPS – Upright – Daydreams, imagination, options need to be researched before taking action, possibilities entertained, romantic fantasies, sexual fantasies, creative visualization to create desired reality, wishes, hopes, fears, watching movies – Reversed – Lost in illusions and fantasies, art and life imitating each other, the truth is stranger than fiction, fears and phobias, subterfuge, delusions of grandeur, addictions, unrealistic expectations, too many options causing confusion, time to act on making dreams come true
8 OF CUPS – Upright – Leaving an outworn or unpleasant relationship or situation, loss of interest in a relationship or situation, time to move on, leaving the past behind, following a higher calling, honoring and relying on the self, inner guidance is heeded, spiritual calling, soul-searching, calmly walking away from what no longer serves you, positive changes are possible as you follow your instincts, new opportunities ahead, possible relocation, seeking the truth – Reversed – Staying when you should leave, not perceiving the bright future just ahead, lost is the fog of emotions and strife, lack of direction, loneliness, emotional void needs to be filled with healthy relationships and spiritual nourishment, strong need to leave.
9 OF CUPS – Upright – Wishes can or are coming true, happiness, beauty, contentment, peace, self-confidence, generosity, financial gain, luxurious surroundings, satiation, pleasures of life can now be enjoyed, card signifies you should make a wish, good fortune manifests in many areas of life – Reversed – Unfulfilled wishes still need cultivation, need to reassess wishes/ desires, arrogance, gluttony, greed, keeping one’s cards close to one’s chest, cockiness
10 OF CUPS – Upright – Love, peace, happiness, harmony and abundance in all areas of life, happy romantic relationship, marital bliss (often with children), happy family, happy relationships, career fulfillment, spiritual fulfillment, getting the “whole enchilada” in life, heaven on earth – Reversed – Happiness not quite complete yet, happiness farther off in future, need to balance out some areas of life before complete happiness, marital discord, possible break-up/ divorce
PAGE OF CUPS – Upright – Message or messenger of love, love letter, romantic, charming, intuitive, artistic young person, possible new friend or lover, poet or poetry, a beloved child or pet, muse, psychic abilities increased at this time, artistic endeavors highlighted – Reversed – Daydreamer, emotionally immature person, impractical person, unrealized creative energy, need for love and compassion
KNIGHT OF CUPS – Upright – Lover highlighted or to be revealed, romantic opportunity, love offering, marriage proposal, loyal and generous person, artist, creative opportunity, emotionally available person, someone deeply driven by love, beauty, and art, deep love connection with someone (possibly stemming from a past life), soul mate relationship, passionate relationship or person, falling in love – Reversed – Lover not genuine, overly emotional, erratic person, flaky person or behavior, jealousy, moodiness, unrealistic expectations, falling in love with love, need to balance emotions with reason
QUEEN OF CUPS – Upright – Woman with tendency to be loyal, loving, wise, gentle, mature, patient, kind, artistic, intuitive, sensual, a good wife/ lover, generous, caring, a good mother, motherly, compassionate, calm, emotionally balanced with a love for family and home –Reversed – Woman with tendency to be secretive, co-dependent, emotionally imbalanced, jealous, insecure, anxious, clingy, stuck in the past, unforgiving
KING OF CUPS – Upright – Man with tendency to be loving, loyal, wise, mature, intuitive, creative, caring, gentle, generous, emotionally balanced, a good father, a good husband and nurturing to family, friends and employees – Reversed – Man with tendency to be selfish, closed-off, emotionally imbalanced, disloyal, fearful, discontented, volatile, sullen
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I discovered his time of birth! I rectified his Astrological chart by mathematically figuring the chain of circumstances. When a time of birth isn’t known, getting dates of important events to calculate a possible time of birth is employed.
I calculated his time of birth as 7:56 pm. It was discovered to be 9:45 pm. I’m glad I got it as close as possible. That’s ok. This serves as a tool to emphasize that rectification isn’t an easy process. I’m glad though I didn’t see it as a morning birth! It needed 1 hour and 49 more minutes. I used only a ballpark of periods instead of exact dates for the events of birth, marriage, divorce, etc.
The corrected chart is the rising sign is Scorpio with Mars conjunct to the Ascendant. This can add a lot of physical energy, sexual energy, and the possibility of twisting scenarios to fit into a specific mold. This placement can make a person jump into situations without scrutiny. It can make an individual very pushy, impulsive, demanding, and aggressive. Scorpio rules sex. Next, the chart ruler is a strong aspect conjunct the Midheaven. That is attaining a power career.
The big obstacle in this chart is Mars Square Pluto. To me, this was never about sex addiction. Instead, this was more about a misplaced will force that doesn’t have an outlet. Negatively used, it can resort to power plays or as I refer to in a previous article- Power Fetishes.
Falling from grace is the result of the progressed Midheaven in a quincunx aspect to progressed Venus. This entered in 2017, and it is about to exit. Yet there is another Quincunx that will be beginning.
Currently, he is on house arrest wearing an ankle monitoring bracelet. First, it looks like a prison sentence is very close. The progressed MC is making a quincunx aspect to his Sun. That will alter his freedom, day to day living, and may bring about confinement. The signs are Libra & Pisces, so sacrifice, incarceration, legal, and justice.
Next, we look at the progressed Moon. It is in Cancer. It is a susceptible position. In mid-November, this aspect comes in contact with his natal Uranus, which will trigger the natal cardinal grand cross with Uranus/ Saturn/Jupiter and Mercury. There is more scandal expected that can create a downward spiral. The media is going to have a field day for three months. Also, when we look at his natal chart using Munich Rhythms, the seven years of life between the ages of 63 thru 70 are ruled by the 4th house. Hence, the trigger of Uranus’ aspects will be activated. It is nice to see how two different forms of Astrology confirm each other.
The more significant obstacle is in about three months from now when the progressed Moon comes in contact with his natal Saturn. Aspects to Saturn bring learning lessons. Some may call them karmic. We sow what we reap.
In calculating his solar return for New York for March 2020, I see 9th house and 12th house activity. When I do a few other techniques to this chart, the trigger time is certainly January. It seems likely sentencing is very expected.
Also, he has the possibility of more complications in other states, especially during the end of 2022. More convictions during that time are likely.
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Several elements in Astrology can define love compatibility between two people. The inter aspects one chart causes to another person’s planets are the most important tool to use.
There is another tool that can supply more facts on the relationship. The Composite Chart averages both charts into one, hence a relationship chart.
Sometimes added guarantees might contain surplus information by looking at just the inter-aspects. I have seen where it has provided detail that could have been neglected when investigating the inter-aspects.
Other times the Composite Chart may magnify a critical aspect that may be very dominant in one party’s chart that severely impacts the relationship.
For example, I have seen compatibility between two people that seemed just okay. Yet, the Composite Chart seemed very promising. In this case, it helped provide detail on where they can improve their relationship. I have seen the reverse, where compatibility was incredibly harmonious. However, the Composite Chart was bland, indicating where challenges needed attention.
The best part of the Composite Chart is for timing. I have seen Composite Charts indicate altering events the relationship such as pregnancy, divorce, and another significant impact. The timing was on-point.
In my opinion, Composite Charts should only be used when a time of birth is available for both parties.
The Composite Chart for Donald Trump’s first two marriages show enriching details.
Donald and Ivana Trump
Donald’s relationship with Ivana seemed more like a very compulsive relationship. Power struggles, domination, manipulation, arguments, heated disagreements over money, sex was daily. The divorce came through when Uranus and Neptune where square the composite Ascendant in March 1992. Many of these themes come from Ivana’s side, where she was born with Venus opposite Pluto. Control and power are potent themes she carries in any relationship. Also, I may slightly round up another aspect most would view, the past separation quincunx Venus made to the Moon because this aspect is in Donald’s chart. This aspect will make him overly critical, emotional, and demand perfection in the relationship.
Too, I can round up the square Venus makes to Pluto because those two planets are in Ivana’s chart. This relationship is very volatile, dramatic, and aggressive. Some would define this as abusive. When factoring Venus and Pluto, I can also factor in Venus and Saturn in the composite. This relationship may bring a lot of added responsibilities that may result in neglect for each other’s needs. More importantly, this can also bring ongoing threats of abandonment and coercion.
The ascendant of the composite is in Libra. The ruler, Venus, is in the 7th house firmly placed in the sign of Taurus, its ruler. Some would even marvel at it being in a strong house, the 7th house, because it’s the house of partnerships and love. On the surface, this appears as a power couple. But the big problem with this composite ruler is that there is a Quincunx to natal Jupiter. This aspect was a big problem for the couple. Feelings of dissatisfaction, instability, dishonesty, and infidelity are rampant.
Donald Trump and Marla Maples
After having such a tumultuous relationship with Ivana, I’m
sure Donald desired something more peaceful and less emotionally charged.
Hence, he settled with Marla Maples.
His relationship with Marla seemed more like a friendship. It lacked romantic sparks. Though the link had devotion and dedication, it lacked the spark that was needed to keep the relationship going. The divorce came through when Saturn was opposite the 7th Composite Chart house in June 1999. Emotionally, this relationship was a huge problem. The Moon is in the weakest point in the Composite Chart. The Moon in Marla’s chart prefers emotional detachment. Donald may have supported this, especially since his relationship with Ivana may have been overly high-strung. Donald has a complicated Moon in his chart. Emotional bonding may seem complicated for him. The lack of emotional intimacy may seem safe. However, he will get bored immediately once it becomes routine.
I wish I could use Melania’s chart. Hopefully, her time of birth may be available someday. Some inter-aspects can be analyzed with only her date of birth indicate several relationship problems.
In this case, can there be a divorce for Donald? The short answer is yes. That information is from just looking at his chart.
Composite charts are excellent for providing additional detail as long as the process doesn’t skip the inter-aspects between two people; the particulars supplied by it are enriching.
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In the Astrological chart, the 4th house, the Moon, planets in the 4th house, and the ruler of the 4th house defines the momma and the person’s emotional nature.
By the appearance of Donald Trump’s Moon, it is clear; there are a lot of emotional conflicts when it comes to harnessing healthy and nurturing relationships. Donald Trump’s Moon in Sagittarius describes a person that may have disagreements with having emotional needs fulfilled, stiffened emotional growth, low nurturance, challenges with honesty, and emotional ups and downs.
Donald Trump has a lot of mother issues in his chart:
Moon Conjunct South Node
20 Sagittarius: This aspect can bring a very dominant mother that may require
too much attention and stir a bit of drama. This is also a very clairvoyant
aspect where the mother could have been into the new age, astrology, and
divination. More importantly, the mother may be a bit high maintenance and
resort to dramatic theatrics to get her way. Guilt-tripping is typical of this
combination. I call this a very histrionic mother because the mother may
unusually behave like a soap opera character. In turn, this can be exhausting
and draining. Typically, when the south node aspect, it debilitates that
Ruler of the 4th house,
Pluto 10 Leo in the 12th house: In medieval times, planets in the 12th house
usually indicate limitations and sorrows. There may have been an emotional
absence from the mother. In childhood, nurturance was based on a hidden
agenda. The mother may require special care in the elder years. The child may
feel imprisoned by the parent emotionally. As a result of the role modeling
provided by the parent, there may have been limited development.
The nature
of Pluto is to purge and transform. Emotional power struggles are daily, as
conflicts in the household occurred with the roles the parents portrayed. Love
may have been conditional based on accomplishments.
Moon 21 Sagittarius
Opposite Uranus in 17 Gemini: This is a problematic aspect. This can manifest
in an emotionally on again/off again, mother. The emotional nature of the
mother may have been all over the map. This aspect, in combination with Moon
Conjunct South Node, indicates a mother that may have had mental health
complications. It is a very emotionally unstable position. This often lacks
The problem
with this aspect is feeling emotionally crowded each time an emotion comes to
the surface. In turn, this can make the person emotionally neglectful in a
mother, Mary Anne Trump, had a Moon in Aquarius. Uranus rules Aquarius. This
certifies the mother needed a lot of space and may have felt restricted in
parenting her Moon is square to Saturn in Taurus. Too, with Taurus, themes
around stability/instability are prevalent.
Moon 21 Sagittarius
Opposite the Sun 22 Gemini: Though this aspect can fuel ambition, it also
separates. It can go in either direction, depending on the rest of the chart.
Emotional separations due to being emotionally unavailable are frequent.
Moon 21 Sagittarius
Quincunx Saturn 23 Cancer: The quincunx aspect creates an emotional separation
from the mother. There are emotional communication problems with the mother.
In the sign of Sagittarius, it can be an expansive sensitive nature that
crashes against over heightened emotions (aka super moody) Cancer. This also
creates communications with relationships, especially with women.
Moon 21 Sagittarius
Quincunx Venus 25 Cancer: This is another complicated combination where the
mother may have been difficult to please. Perfectionism and high demands are
impossible ever to fulfill. It can make a person an overachiever. This also
creates trying to balance nurturance versus freedom in one’s relationships.
In a
chart, an inflicted Moon usually has challenging aspects. In turn, a person can
become emotionally stifled, disconnected, and suppress their emotional nature.
Emotionally limitations create severe nurturance problems in relationships as
the expression is suppressed. Through time and effort, one can rise from those
natal positions, hence Secondary progressions. Some people may be stuck in their
natal charts, whereas other people become more like their progressed chart.
On a final note, with all these bottled up emotions, can you see why there is a strong flamboyance from Donald? Hence, Leo rising does everything over the top!
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