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category: Sagittarius

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Numerology: Born on the 5th


Numerology A five will be filled with inquisitiveness. The desire to experiment is important for your creativity. However, freedom and constant change is enjoyed. When you communicate it helps you feel connected to people, particularly when it involves something important to you, or things to which you can relate. You are able to form and execute universal ideas for the betterment of a community, society, or the world at large. This is one of your strongest talents. 

Your Traits

  • Talented
  • Performer
  • Dramatic
  • Loyal
  • Fun
  • Unconventional

Your Strengths

You love change, excitement and travel. You easily become bored and need the new and the exotic to feel stimulated and alive. You are highly adaptable, which makes change easy for you. You have a gift for expressing your thoughts creatively. 

 Once you set your mind on your goal, you will devote yourself entirely to it. Your sensitivity, however, makes your life a bit bumpy at times. You are highly aware of what others think, and, whether you care to admit it or not, the thoughts of others matter to you. You must work hard to maintain your own center in the emotional storms you encounter. You work well with others, often inspiring them by your example and your idealism.

Your Challenges

You must avoid the pitfalls of over-indulgence, such as sex, alcohol, drugs and food. By grounding in a particular field and committing your considerable talents to your work, you can make a great success of your life.

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Numerology: Born on the 4th


Numerology: In essence you’re the number of the Earth, of the garden and of solidity. It brings demand. You’re reliable and honest and have an precision at work demanding great concentration and you have a forceful initiative. You thrive with security and need it very badly. You are relentlessly unforgiving if someone offends you deeply. You enjoy writing and your forte would be in reporting or journalism. Both require practical skills and research ability as well as mental concentration.

Your Traits

  • Intuitive
  • Family oriented
  • Nurturing
  • Protective
  • Secure
  • Financially secure
  • Sensitive

Your Strengths

You have a great love of family, tradition and community. You are the foundation of any enterprise you commit to, doing your work with determination and precision.

You love things that are solid and grounded in the practical. Yet, you possess a considerable amount of artistic talent that is searching for concrete forms of expression. Not surprisingly, you love nature — the ultimate union of beauty, form and function. You are a natural organizer and manager with an eye for detail. You can work hard, long and conscientiously. As long as you are taking good care of yourself, you have excellent concentration. You have to be careful not to become overworked to the point that you no longer take time to stop and smell the roses.

Your Challenges

You can be overly emotional and even melodramatic. You have a tendency to magnify your emotional issues, especially when they involve some kind of criticism of you. You are willing to sacrifice much to maintain harmony in important relationships. You willingly provide a soft shoulder to cry on or a ready ear to hear out someone’s problems.

You can be nervous and even given to paranoia, especially when your nerves become frayed or your imagination runs out of control.

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Numerology: Born on the 3rd.


Numerology: You are endowed in writing, speaking, speaking, and strategizing. You have a need to define yourself in whatever way you can; by using your body, voice, art, etc. There is a need to be active at all times, otherwise you will become bored very fast. Multi-tasking assignments are one way to utilize this energy. If you do not use all your energy, it will in turn use you. So it’s important to work out, take long walks, and burn off that excess. 

Your Traits

  • Quick witted
  • Writer
  • Witty
  • Clever tongue
  • Highly creative
  • Flexibility
  • Make people laugh

Your Strengths

You are highly imaginative and quick-witted. You can be the life of the party, entertaining people with stories, jokes or witty remarks. You have plenty of vitality, your body heals quicker than that of most.

You are versatile and talented and there are few things you cannot do. You have a very sharp mind and a fine understanding of the body, which makes careers in medicine or health both possible and rewarding. You are very creative and witty.

Your Challenges

Your challenge is to be willing to start your enterprise small and take practical steps toward enlarging it to its full scope. You have a gift for seeing both the details of a plan and how it should unfold. You are orderly and patient. You can approach a problem methodically and systematically. Your solutions tend to be unique. You keep your own counsel and have much inner strength. Conversely, you can be nervous and suffer grave doubts about yourself, which you also tend to hide.

It is very easy to scatter yourself by taking on too many projects and not being able to follow through with them. 

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Numerology: Born on the 2nd.


Numerology:  Two is consort, adding collaboration and receptivity; you will bring tact. The need to belong and be protected is vital to your well-being. Security is a major need. This gift gives you the source to seek deals that are deep to you. You have the gift of balance and a deep desire to relate to others. Very much a people person, others can come to you for guidance, suggestions, professional counseling, and expertise. 

This number has talents that are immediately noticeable at a very young age.  Cultivate your gifts so that you can feel whole. 

Your Traits

  • Practical
  • Financially wise
  • Nurturing
  • Strong values
  • Aware of others
  • Capable of following through
  • Reliable

Your Strengths

Your co-workers recognize your discipline and come to rely upon you. Ironically, you may feel that you have yet to find the work you truly love or were meant to do. There may be a feeling that your talents are buried too deep for you to find them. This can lead you to try many different vocations without a feeling that you have truly found your place.

You have very sound judgment. You are an excellent manager and organizer. You are gifted with the ability to see the larger picture, and, remarkably, how the details come into play. You are efficient and can handle large projects.

Your Challenges

It’s very easy for you to get consumed with greed.  Also, there is a need to be mindful of not putting too much emphasis on money because that will lead you to put a value tag on yourself and others.  Getting too flashy and showing off possessions can be a trap.

Though you are not one to overspend, when you do it is made with good taste.  However, it’s important to know that a possession will not provide you with eternal happiness or stability.  The only thing that can give you stability is peace of mind and knowing how to cope with stressful circumstances. 

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Numerology: Born on the 1st.


You are the spark, the chief of all things that follow. You’re ready and inherently assume the lead in adverse circumstances that most would dread or fear. Your energies are bold but positive; yours is a voice to be heard. You’ll never allow yourself to be a coward. You are idealistic, full of clever ideas, and have original ideas. You have your brand of courage and boldness. You are certainly gifted in the areas that appeal to you. You are sharp-minded but not always indulgent of others. You have a fine mind and are a great decision-maker.

Your Traits

  • Courage
  • Independence
  • Dynamic
  • Self – reliant
  • Strong willed
  • Daring

Your Strengths

You are highly ambitious and yearn for independence. You possess leadership abilities and a strong drive for success.  You are a pioneer at heart; you are willing to take risks to get what you desire. As such, you are willing to change your environment often, and even enjoy doing so.

You overcome most obstacles and have stamina of endurance.  You possess a sharp mind and fine analytical skills. You have excellent managerial skills. You plan well and can organize people to carry out your plan. 

Your Challenges

You get bored quite easily.  There is a tendency to only want to do things your way.  “It’s either this way or the highway!”  Give yourself some latitude and expand your horizons.  It’s very important to not always make it about you.  Becoming aware of others is crucial.  You will need to sharpen your listening skills.  Also, you will need to focus more on your moment-to-moment interactions with others, such as how they are perceiving and responding to you. 

You can be stubborn and rigid when it comes to ideas that you feel strongly about. Yet, you are a loyal and devoted friend and can be demonstrative with your affections. Conversely, you are highly competitive and can suffer from jealousy when it comes to the success of others, especially colleagues or friends. By using the determination and creativity you possess, you can achieve much success. You are not always sensible about how hard you push yourself or others.

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Tarot Decks -Major Arcana

Tarot Readings

Tarot Decks are made up of 22 cards, which are the Major Arcana and 56 cards, which drive up the Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana is relatively parallel to the 52 cards in a regular deck of cards with a few exceptions. I will now list the cards of the Major Arcana: I The Magician; II The High Priestess; III The Empress; IV The Emperor; V The Hierophant; VI The Lovers; VII The Chariot; VIII Strength; IX The Hermit; X Wheel of Fortune; XI Justice; XII The hanged Man; XIII Death; XIV Temperance; XV The Devil; XVI The Tower; XVII The Star; XVIII The Moon; XIX The Sun; XX Judgement; XXI The World; 0/XXII The Fool. Sometimes the Fool is the 0 card; however, in this application, it is XXII.

Please do not jump to judgments about the importance of these tarot cards. For example, if numerology determined your card is The Hanged Man, it is not going to be negative. All the cards have positive character traits that make up a personality and a few potential weaknesses, just like real life. Everyone is good and evil, and that is why we need to know what is hidden. Always look for the most useful and never fear the worst in anyone.

Today we only have sufficient space left to describe the personality attributes of 1 card. We will start with the number I, The Magician. The person with this character is extremely progressive. He/she treads her way, thinks outside the box, is very clever in answers, and not afraid to try new ideas. This individual makes a better world for themselves and others.

They are not stuck in a rut. They do not possess supernatural power, but their accomplishments will be so brilliant they look like miracles to some observers. Even among peers, this person will be thought of as unique. Passionately motivated, this person will strive to develop their highest potential and maybe a shining success in many areas of life.

The Magician is vulnerable to loneliness and anger. They repeatedly attempt to have their ideas understood and stand-alone against conventional ideas that do not work as well as what they have envisioned. Oppression of their progressive ideas by a more mundane majority brings frustration to them. Isolation is dangerous for them. The Magician needs a supportive, non-competitive partner.

Let’s see what the cards have in store for you!

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Higher Power & Psychic Readings

Higher Power

Our higher power wants to assist us make smart conclusions so that we can live our best potential life. All they want is our pleasure. They want to be invited but can’t reply us directly all the time the same way we speak to each other. This advice needs to come through a material object because we are physical beings. To not ask them is like our favorite uncle leaving us a million dollars in the bank, and we would die to death instead of drawing money for food. There were isolated incidents when a sudden vocal warning from the spiritual realm saved somebody from destruction or disaster, but it is more common for answers to come from divination.

Divination is using a physical object combined with a spiritual connection to receive wisdom in our daily lives.  In my preschool days, I practiced divination with colored buttons, so I would know when it was safe to leave my hiding place and return to our large farmhouse.

My question was urgent as I felt my life depended on the answer.  When helping others, I have seen the more pressing issues seem to make a stronger spiritual connection.  This is when clients receive quick and sure answers.  The urgency allows anything in them that blocks the flow to fall away.

For a single urgent question with a yes or no answer, I like to roll dice (throw the bones).  Another method I often use for a single urgent question with a yes or no answer is a special coin.  It doesn’t matter what the object is when practicing divination.  The crucial ingredient for accuracy is giving oneself with complete abandon to a spiritual connection.

Cards work well for more complete readings to get the whole picture; however, when the mystical energy is flowing, it takes on a life of its own, and the cards become secondary.  It doesn’t matter what kind of cards are used, Tarot or a regular deck.  What matters is the accuracy of the reading.

To discern personalities, I love to use a combination of Tarot Cards and Numerology to learn what card in the Major Arcana represents the personality of the person that is being inquired about.  When we meet a new person, they can put on a front for at least 6-8 weeks.  That is time enough for us to fall in love with who we think they are.  Invariably they will turn into the exact person that their card represents them to be.  It is a great benefit to us to check their signature cards early on so that we are not deceived and disappointed by a bad experience.

In dealing with others in the workplace, it is a lifesaver to have this insight into the character and to know how much to trust or what to expect.  I will follow up this article with a series about the meanings of each of the cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot Deck and how they represent the character of the persons we need to know.

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