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Tag Archives: Venus retrograde

Venus Retrograde Astrology!  Over 520 FREE videos on our site on Tarot, Psychic, Astrology. Trusted and Accurate Psychic Readings 800-498-8777. First 5 minutes FREE.

6 Things to Avoid on Mercury Retrograde and Venus Retrograde

Mercury retrograde started on the August 23. We are in this period till September 14. While Venus is about to turn direct on September 3, there will be a full week where communication and desire are delayed. Avoid the following:

Avoid significant buys. This is not a time to go window shopping. You may have misinformation about the object and/or you will not enjoy it.

2. Avoid major decisions.  You may not stick with ideas after both planets turn direct.  That means it is not the time to start a new job, hire someone new, and/or terminate someone.

3. Avoid financial changes.  This is not the time to change portfolios or make market change.  If it is crucial, then making a temporary adjustment is ok.

4. Avoid car repairs.  If your car breaks down or won’t operate anymore, consider a rental car or alternative temporary solution.

5. Avoid purchasing technical equipment.  Computers are necessary.  If you can temporarily use an older one or borrow one, it would be in your better interest than to purchase another one.

6. Avoid going on a date with someone new.  The communication may not be enjoyed.  Blending the concepts of both planets retrograde results in poor communication that may become distracted, lacking taste, or enjoyment.

Though Venus turns direct on September 3, 11 more days will be needed for Mercury to complete its motion as well.  Consider the following:

1. Review all documents before signing them carefully.

2. Add tracking and insurance to important mail and/or packages as Mercury has rulership with the post office and other mail couriers.

3. Give yourself extra time for appointments and travel. 

4. Focus on the prefix, re:  renew, review, revamp, redecorate, etc

5. Reunions with old friends and loved ones go great however be prepared for delays.

6. Expect to have contact with people from your past

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