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Tag Archives: psychic readings

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Psychic Website Throwback! LOL!!

Psychic Site - Absolutey Psychic
Website  Site 2012
Psychic Site in 2005
Website  2005
Psychic Website 2003
Website 2003
Psychic Website 2001
Website 2001

Psychic website trip down memory lane for sure! Looking back over the years at all the re-designs the Absolutely Psychic Network’s website has experienced is like going through a high school yearbook and finding big hair, mullets, and shoulder pads! Sure, we flinch, chuckle, and grin.

There’s a myriad of thoughts that go through our minds.  “What we’re we thinking!” “Did we look like that!”  “Yikes!”  Then we sit back and take a breathe and feel the joy and gratitude from all the growth.

We have come a long way.  Originally Absolutely Psychic was just a dot com psychic website.  Things changed once we launched the telephone division close to a year and a half after launch.  We knew instantly the Psychic Telephone Readings would always be the center of the industry.  Why?  Because that was in its roots.  Chat readings were trendy.  Mostly chatroom readings have faded.    Now there are applets for chat readings.  The centerpiece for Psychic Readings is always on the phone.

Chat /text readings have a place and have many excellent advantages.  The downfall is the other technology that needs to be understood by both ends (the Psychic and the client.)  Also, if other pieces of technology interfere in connectivity, it can result in a time lag.  On a realistic note, it takes less time to speak a sentence than type it out.  For this reason, we have always been more pro-telephone readings.

Unlike our network, many psychic websites that focus on just chat readings do not even test their psychics.  The challenge is that anyone can hide behind a computer and not be that great. Get them on the phone, and you can instantly tell if they are an excellent psychic or not.  Behind a computer screen lies another life which is a mystery.  On the phone, however, that is much harder to conceal.

Our phone network in itself has been thru more upgrades, enhancements than we could ever list — more than the website. The phone network is a stand-alone system, as no website was ever needed.

We are coming up on our 16th anniversary in a few weeks and will be rolling out a few more enhancements.

Psychic near me and ready to give you a reading now. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!