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Donald Trump Astrology 2020-2021 Forecast

Donald Trump Astrology

Currently, Donald Trump has progressed Moon square natal Uranus which governs the 6th house (health.) The next 2 months are going to be a battle to survive. These aspects deprive stability. With Uranus change is needed otherwise, surprises and shock come in. 

In Trump’s chart, he has a Sun / Uranus conjunction in Gemini.  Gemini is associated with the lungs and breathing.

Through 2020, Trump was already challenged with health cycles from Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn to his natal Sun. 

In the last few months, I focused more on the cycles he had at the end of November, which seem difficult for health.  When factored in these newer cycles, it seems this is the start of health challenges.

In 2021, Trump has more health concerns taking place with transiting Saturn entering his 6th house, the placement for health.  More concerning, he will start a powerful 10-month cycle of Solar Arc, Uranus, conjucting his Ascendant.  This brings change to the physical body and health.  Also, around the same time, Solar Arc Neptune is Opposite Uranus.  Uranus rules his 6th house.  These 2 in combination are susceptible to odd illnesses.  The nature of an opposition throws one off course.  Neptune can dissolve matters.  Often it requires medical attention.  If Trump survives, something deemed as “odd” is likely to occur.

I never forecast death because of ethical reasons.  The inability of finishing his term in office seems likely and can result from many reasons from the obvious to the unexpected.  I leave room for many possible factors because Trump was born with Sun / Moon Uranus which means in this lifetime he will always be full of surprises and draw unexpected circumstances that will shock others.

Interestingly enough, Covid 19 is the recipe of these 2 in combination as that is what was present at the time when the pandemic started.

In Trump’s chart, the impact of this solar arc cycle governs his physical body, his health, and surprises.  Again, Uranus brings unexpected shock and change: a breakdown or breakthrough.  The zodiac sign involved is Leo which is susceptible to heart issues. 

Though Saturn does not create health problems, it requires one to take responsibility for their health.  However, in older age, this is the reverse.  There is more concern about his bones especially. 

Finishing his term as president seems difficult.  If he were able to complete his term, I would be surprised because these cycles do not let up. 

So does this mean Joe Biden has a stronger chance of becoming America’s next President?  That has to be in Biden’s chart, which will be explored separately in the weeks to come. 

7 weeks from now, Trump’s Progressed Ascendant moves into a new sign, Scorpio.  The change in Ascendant usually happens approximately every 30 years depending on ascension.  Scorpio will be about endings, surgery, and looking at life through a different lens.  The body and personality undergo a huge change.  More importantly, people view the individual differently too.  To the individual, it brings about a sense of permeating beneath the surface the effects of their behavior.  His first ex-wife has Scorpio rising in her chart.  More than likely, she will play an even more significant role in his life thereafter.

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Part 3: Momma Trump Maryanne Trump Astrology

A few weeks ago, we examined the composite charts of Donald Trump with his ex-wives. Currently, we are going to examine the composite chart between Donald and his mother, Maryanne. 

Again, a composite chart is a mathematical calculation of both charts combined which will serve as the relationship chart.

A composite chart as a standalone tool for relationship analysis is not enough. The inter-aspects between both charts takes priority. The composite chart will bring out many details that are contained in each natal chart. Since we are focusing on just this specific relationship, I will gloss over them and save them for another. time. 

Composite Chart Aspects between Donald and his mother

1) Cancer on House 7:  The 7th house in any composite describes the nature of the relationship.  The relationship is an emotional one. We then need to look at the ruler (the Moon.) It is in Aquarius. This relationship is emotionally cool, detached, aloof, and more intellectual than emotional. 

2) Pluto in the 7th house can bring emotional power play.  Where Pluto is in the chart, challenges regarding matters beyond one’s control will be present.  It is also where the deepest transformation will be felt.  Clearly,  these 2 will transform each other,  however, this can lead to being overwhelmed by the relationship.  Someone in this combination keeps secrets from the other. Trust is a najor issue.

3) )Moon quincunx Pluto –Emotionally out of control. Emotional detachment results in low nurturance.  This aspect can bring trust problems and the inability to be available for each other emotionally.  In some cases, there can be shaming for experiencing feelings.

4) Difficulties with communication T square: Moon-Mercury-Neptune:  Obstacles in the communication of emotions, ideas, wishes, and nurturance.  This relationship may either have miscommunication, abusive communication, or limited communication.  There is a lack of hearing and understanding each other.  Jumping to conclusions and judging facts before collecting evidence can be typical behavior.

Inter-aspects and composite charts can be done for any relationship, including siblings, business partners, children, and client-vendor.  The beauty of having additional birth information is to magnify the details in a person’s chart.

Before analyzing Maryanne’s chart, I had a sense that Donald’s relationship with her was problematic.  When I factor in her planets, the precise details either confirm or add more detail.

In looking at the root of Donald’s emotional life, we can get a better picture of the “how” and “why” he formed into the person he is today. Articles are floating on the web from Psychologists that attempted figuring out his character.  Though I cannot comment on their expertise as it is outside of my bounds, I can only comment based on the planetary aspects.  However, both sciences nicely confirm each other.

Without healing or recovery, growing up with Donald’s turbulent childhood can result in emotional problems brought into every relationship.  Worse, they can be passed from to the next generation.

Many turn to the New Age, Metaphysics, Psychics, and other programs to find a way to understand their essence and improve their potentials.

Often many only want to know about the future.  However, this neglects to understand how one arrived at the current destination.  Without correction, there is the only repetition of the same mistakes in the future.

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Momma Trump Dearest Part 2

In the previous few weeks, we’ve examined Donald’s past affinities. I think the most important association that needs to be comprehended is the connection with his mother, Maryanne. Be sure to check part 1 of Momma Trump Dearest and the video

Maryanne’s chart is placed around Donald’s to the right.

His relationship with his mother was volatile.  As mentioned in a previous article, there are many Moon problems in his chart.  This presents a problem because at the root level.  The Moon in the chart indicates the early childhood, emotional responses to life, relationship with women, emotional needs, and above all, the early conditioning that impacts a person in their adult life.

In actuality, analyzing only Donald’s chart was enough for me to conclude that his relationship with his mother was brutal.  But, when I factor in her chart into the equation, it confirms it by 200%!

The effects of growing up with such animosity may result in emotional wellness issues.  I am an advocate and ally of Mental Health, but it is not my professional expertise.  I assert that as a result of growing up with so much aggression can result in personality challenges.  More importantly, his mother may have had mental health issues herself.  Why?  Donald was born with the Moon Conjunct the South Node. I have yet to meet a native with this aspect that doesn’t have an over the top problematic mother .  Also, the mother is born with the Moon Square Saturn and a prominent 12th house.  When I factor in those two elements, I can make a professional opinion based on it being universal.

Now when compare Maryanne’s planets to some of Donald’s planets, more details appear.

The effects of growing up with such animosity may result in emotional wellness issues.  I am an advocate and ally of Mental Health, but it is not my professional expertise.  I assert that as a result of growing up with so much aggression can result in personality challenges.  More importantly, his mother may have had mental health issues herself.  Why?  Donald was born with the Moon Conjunct the South Node. I have yet to meet a native with this aspect that doesn’t have an over the top problematic mother.  Also, the mother is born with the Moon Square Saturn and a prominent 12th house.  When I factor in those two elements, I can make a professional opinion based on it being universal.

Now when compare Maryanne’s planets to some of Donald’s planets, more details appear.

Maryanne’s Saturn conjunct Donald’s MC:  This can be a strict parent that may demand perfection and the world from the child.  This parent may insist the child become just like the father, please the father, and influence the child that the only way to success is to mirror the father.  The father in the chart is often the MC.  The mother is the opposite point, the IC.  Usually, the mother may demand this type of achievement based on her own fears and insecurities.  His mother may have worried that if her children wouldn’t conform, her husband would leave her.  She grew up in poverty and was very financially driven.  The fear of being abandoned and stuck with a houseful of children may have resulted in paranoia. 

Maryanne’s Saturn quincunx Donald’s Moon:   This aspect is significant because Donald has this in his chart.  The mother may never give approval, credit, or validation for any success.  This can create an ongoing nagging that there is never enough time to enjoy the fruits of one’s labor or success.  Maryanne’s Saturn is in Taurus, which will make her financially driven.  She may place the worth of a person based on financial success.  Communication is stalled.  This is a vast problem aspect because it creates a communication barrier for the child with the parent,

Maryanne’s Saturn Square Donald’s Mars:   This combination is subjected to many frustrations, physical assaults, outbursts, and breakdown.  The mother will continuously demand more as she can never succumb to satisfaction.

Maryanne’s Mars Quincunx Donald’s Moon:   This is a problem with emotional bonding, empathy, and the ability to develop intimacy.  Maryanne may come across as aggressive, dominant, and always stressed, or she cannot be bothered. 

Maryanne’s Neptune Quincunx Donald’s Moon:  Over idealization of a dream for perfection is a life mission with this combination.  The barometer may be set through the ceiling whereby over achievement is considered normal.

Next time we ill review the Composite Chart with Maryanne.

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