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Medium Reading Vs. Psychic Reading

A Medium reading is the practice of communicating with spirits of the deceased. A medium is a person who is able to perceive and communicate with spirits in order to relay messages, guidance, or comfort to those who are seeking to connect with loved ones who have passed away.
 In a typical mediumship reading, the medium will go into a trance-like state and connect with the spirit world. They may receive messages through images, sounds, feelings, or even direct communication from the spirit. The medium will then interpret the message and convey it to the person seeking the reading.
 It is important to note that not all mediums work in the same way, and the accuracy and effectiveness of mediumship readings can vary greatly. Some mediums may specialize in specific types of communication, such as connecting with animal spirits or angels, while others may focus solely on communicating with deceased loved ones.
 Mediumship can provide comfort, closure, and healing to those who are grieving or seeking guidance from beyond. However, it is important to approach mediumship with an open mind and to remember that it is not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice.
 The main difference between mediumship and prediction is the type of information that is being communicated.
 Mediumship is the practice of communicating with spirits of the deceased, and the messages conveyed are typically focused on providing comfort, closure, and healing to those who are grieving or seeking guidance from beyond. The information received through mediumship is usually personal, emotional, and based on the specific needs of the person seeking the reading.
 Prediction, on the other hand, involves using divination tools to gain insight into the future. This can include practices such as tarot readings, astrology, and numerology. The messages conveyed through prediction are typically focused on providing guidance and direction for the future, and may be more practical and specific in nature.
 While there can be some overlap between the two practices, mediumship is generally more focused on emotional and spiritual healing, while prediction is more focused on providing practical guidance for the future. It’s worth noting that both practices require a certain level of skill and experience, and the accuracy and effectiveness of readings can vary depending on the abilities of the practitioner and the openness of the person seeking the reading.

Venus Retrograde March 1-April 11

From March 1-April 11 is a time of  Venus retrograde. It will be an excellent time to reflect on the satisfaction derived from one’s ambitions and efforts. Romantic and business partnerships can be seriously tested. Dodge making major financial shifts or purchases as they will be regretted later. The books claim that during a Venus retrograde, the market is too expensive. Starting a new job on a Venus retrograde will lead to regret afterward. I have seen this over and over where the person either detested the job after Venus went direct or they wound up discovering coveted information. 

Affection is stagnant and inwardly expressed. This is not a time to start dating or get married. If you are paying for matchmaking or dating service, freeze your membership. It will not be the best time to start swiping left or right on dating apps.

The upcoming Venus retrograde will be at 10 Aries. Venus typically retrogrades in the same sign about every 8 years. History repeats itself. Review what was going on in your life during the previous retrogrades periods that were close to the same position as follows: March 6 – April 15, 2017, March 6 – April 17, 2009, and March 8 – April 19, 2001. There will be similarities where you review and revise what you find pleasurable and worth bonding onto. This is truly an art of reflection. Take a stroll down memory lane and write down what was going on in your life. If necessary, consult a calendar. You will see many similarities.

Technically speaking, the full effect of a planet’s retrograde is wiped out after it reaches past the shadow period. So on May 16, the full effects of Venus Retrograde are gone. The energies improve before the shadow exits.  One can carry out new ventures.

Venus also rules beauty and beauticians. Under the pandemic, taking matters into their hands and heads is not recommended. Careful giving yourself a “Pandemic Haircut” or “Pandemic Chemical service.” Embarking a new relationship with a new stylist is not recommended.

I noticed on a previous Venus retrograde, a building in my community started re-painting their building a different color. Unless it was a former color, I do not recommend it.  Yet, I still do not recommend repainting or renovating on a Venus Retrograde.  From a business perspective, that building may generate results that may not be positive.

Work carried out may be expensive or limited. Worse, the work may need to be redone after the retrograde completes. Check out what to avoid on a Venus Retrograde (part2) and Part 3.

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