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Psychics – Presidents Even Use Them


Psychics are used many to get answers to questions. Some include: “Should I open myself up to this new relationship?” “Should I ask for that much-needed and deserved raise at work? “Is currently the time to move my family into a bigger home?” Throughout history, many times, psychics have been consulted. Some of history’s best-known and influential people consulted psychics and mediums.

Spiritualism was at its peak during the Civil War. It was very posh and trendy to hold “seance parties”. President and Mrs. Lincoln hosted a number of these meetups at the White House. After the death of their youngest son, Willie Mary Todd Lincoln made the acquaintance of the well-renowned medium Nettie Colburn. President Lincoln himself was said to have had precognitive visions. Claims of several visions of his assassination were recorded. Many historians argue amongst each other that Lincoln himself did or did not participate in the seances.

Winston Churchill is also well known for having consulted psychics. During World War II numerous psychics, mediums, and astrologers were consulted by Churchill including Aleister Crowley. It was rumored that Churchill had psychic gifts as well. It held a lifelong fascination
for him.

President Franklin Roosevelt also had many psychic advisors. He was said to consult with his advising psychics regarding international relations. There are no claims that Roosevelt held any psychic talents himself. But his belief in the metaphysical was loyal. He regularly soaked in the healing waters of Warm Springs, Ga to ease the pain caused by polio.

Woodrow Wilson was said to have consulted psychics during his presidency as well. Although not about international relations or war. A more human reason, perhaps one we can all relate to. He simply wanted to know when he was going to die.

In the 1970s Nancy Reagan met and became close with psychic Joan Quigley. Quigley often provided Nancy with readings that calculated periods of success for the President and when to act on individual decisions. After the President was shot, a unique phone line was installed in the White House as well as Camp David as a dedicated line straight to Quigley. Many of her predictions about the President came true. Quigley published a book called “What does Joan say?” regarding her tenure with the Regan’s.

During the early days of his presidential campaign, President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton attended several new-age functions. Mrs. Clinton met and became very close to psychic Jean Houston. Journalist Bob Woodward broke the story of their interactions, including a seance that Clinton was involved in. Reportedly Clinton went into a trance and channeled the spirits of Eleanor Roosevelt and Ghandi.

So it’s not uncommon to look for answers outside of what we may think of as “normal.”Sometimes we have questions that we may not want to share with our friends or family. Let’s look at what tomorrow may hold for you.

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Tarot Cards Made Easy

Many psychic readers use Tarot cards, which date back to early 15th century Italy. These initial decks were hand-painted playing cards, accessible primarily to the affluent due to their high cost. The invention of the printing press later made Tarot decks available to the general public.

By the mid-18th century, Tarot cards began to be used for divination and fortune-telling. A Tarot deck consists of twenty-two major arcana cards and fifty-six suited cards, which are divided into four suits: Cups, Wands, Pentacles, and Swords. Each suit contains ten numbered cards and four court cards: Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages.

The twenty-two major arcana cards include: The Fool (0), The Magician (1), The High Priestess (2), The Empress (3), The Emperor (4), The Hierophant (5), The Lovers (6), The Chariot (7), Strength (8), The Hermit (9), The Wheel of Fortune (10), Justice (11), The Hanged Man (12), Death (13), Temperance (14), The Devil (15), The Tower (16), The Star (17), The Moon (18), The Sun (19), Judgment (20), and The World (21). These cards symbolize significant life lessons or stages, suggesting deep, meaningful insights when they appear in a reading.

Each of the four suits in the minor arcana represents different aspects of life:

  • Cups: Linked to the water element, they represent love, relationships, and emotions.
  • Wands: Connected to the fire element, they symbolize creativity, drive, passion, and motivation.
  • Pentacles: Associated with the earth element, they relate to money, success, work, and daily activities.
  • Swords: Tied to the air element, they signify the mind, intellect, thoughts, and ideas.

The court cards in each suit are interpreted as follows:

  • King of Cups: A male or masculine person who is emotional, artistic, secretive, and in touch with their feelings.

  • Queen of Cups: A female or feminine person who is emotional, intuitive, artistic, and deeply feeling.

  • Knight of Cups: Represents romance, a drive for romantic relationships, and a love for life, arts, and music.

  • Page of Cups: Indicates the beginning of romantic feelings or an open heart.

  • King of Wands: A male or masculine person who is passionate, optimistic, loyal, and motivated.

  • Queen of Wands: A female or feminine person who is warm, loyal, and enthusiastic.

  • Knight of Wands: Represents travel, excitement for creative projects, and progress towards a plan.

  • Page of Wands: Denotes the initial concept of a new idea or project.

  • King of Pentacles: A male or masculine person who is financially secure, good at business, and family-oriented.

  • Queen of Pentacles: A female or feminine person with high self-esteem, nurturing, and creating a comfortable home environment.

  • Knight of Pentacles: Represents the energy for daily tasks with joy and value, indicating a strong work ethic.

  • Page of Pentacles: Signifies the start of a new work or material world project.

  • King of Swords: A male or masculine person driven by intellect, educated, fair-minded, and rational.

  • Queen of Swords: A female or feminine person motivated by rational thought, fairness, justice, and implementing ideology.

  • Knight of Swords: Represents mental restlessness, a desire to move forward, and frustration from feeling held back.

  • Page of Swords: Describes the beginning of new ideas and attitudes.

The numbered cards in each suit correspond to their element and have unique meanings, which will be explored in the next article. This overview is just the beginning of our journey into understanding the Tarot.

Most psychic advisors appreciate Tarot for its rich imagery, which aids in providing insightful readings.

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