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Spirit Guides


Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels is a spirit being that help us on our journey through life. They know the outcomes of our choices. Spirit Guides may give us warnings and may be responsible for strange concurrencies that seem to shield us from detriment. A guide will often lead through the Socratic method, rather than direct transmission. Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels are not cosmic nurses. They are not a substitute for the Ultimate Divine. These entities are here to help us learn, but the burden of decision is always on us. 

 The spiritual experience of The Vision of your Holy Guardian Angel is associated with the sphere of Malkuth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. This is the sphere of the element of Earth and represents our plane of existence. Malkuth is a reflection of the top of the Tree of Life, Kether. Kether represents the highest form of the Divine. The best analogy for the way Kether and Malkuth are united is in the way all shades of light shining together make white, and all shades of pigment mixed make black. Malkuth is the black paint.

 We need the assistance of our Spirit Guide, in order to progress up the paths to higher spheres, like Kether, on the Tree of Life. However, It is only in traveling down the path towards Malkuth that we are able to attain the glimpse of our Guardian. Since we start in Malkuth, it is difficult to understand how we can leave the elemental plane to venture out a moment and come back.

 To understand this mystery we must look at the symbolism surrounding the 32nd path, and the spheres it links, Malkuth and Yesod. The 32nd path on the Tree of Life is associated with the Universe card of the Tarot, which represents perfection and completion on both the divine and material plane. Yesod is the sphere of Foundation. The celestial body associated with it is the Moon. Astrologically, the Moon controls our emotions and unconscious habits. Cosmologists believe that the Moon was created when a Mars sized object struck the Earth. The Earth was still in a molten phase and a large blob of liquid rock bubbled off to form our Moon. The Moon’s proximity and relative size to Earth, are key components to life being possible here. It is rare to see planets with moons like ours the right distance from the sun. The information about the Moon’s creation is sort of a literal interpretation of what happens to our minds. Conflicts (Mars) cause our minds to break off into space. It is only by coming down from our emotions and unconscious habits that we are grounded enough to hear, understand and trust our Holy Guardian Angel’s messages. Remembering the Moon’s importance we must never lose sight of our emotions, and seek to understand our unconscious.

 This balance between the spheres is the secret to our first step towards enlightenment. Our Spirit Guide leads us on our journey.

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Runes General Overview


Runes are an alphabetic writing used by the people of Northern Europe from the first century. It has also be used as a technique of symbols used for magic and prophecy. Runes are an alphabetic script used by the ancient Germanic and Norse peoples. This alphabet is carved into stones making them holy. My primary use of runes is for spiritual healing. 

The primary characteristic that deciphers a runic alphabet from other alphabets is that each letter of the rune has a meaning.  For example, the names the first three runes, “fehu”, “uruz”, and “urisaz” are actual words in the Germanic language, meaning “cattle”, “aurochs”, and “giant”, respectively.  Runes have magical and religious significance as well. 

Runes have been rediscovered as a symbolic system and have become popular as a means of divination.  They provide a key to understanding the lives beliefs of the ancient people who created them. 

A long time ago there was a great need in my life for spiritual healing. One day, I was in a spiritual bookstore and I came across a lovely set of runes in a green velvet bag.   Very soon I realized that I was saving my own life! The runes have an amazingly strong ability to heal. I had an almost instant connection with the stones.  Since then I found that through this connection I am able to help not only myself and others mind and spirit.

Through the daily use of tuning in and drawing a stone and the more thorough stone readings, I can draw the focus of healing and growth in and direct the flow of energy to the areas of life they are most needed. The result in my life has been a sense of calm and solace despite all of life’s constant and unique challenges.

When we listen to the guidance of the ancient runes, we are directed to the areas of our life which need the most work and deserve the most healing. When we work towards the healing of our souls, we experience a freedom in our hearts and rather than daunting.  Life feels rich and full.

Often in life it is what hurts us that make us whole. Sad is the soul that experiences only happiness, for there is no growth. By the healing runes, the divine enters our lives. The very part of us that is broken calls out through prayer for a release of knowledge that will lead to an understanding that will repair hearts. When we listen to our hearts, we hear the divine.

Through my work with runes, I have heard my own heart and have begun the life long process of healing. Answers come when the heart is open. Assisted with prophetic vision, hearing the rune messages are the messages to the heart.

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Psychic Telephone Readings Part 2

Psychic Reading

In Psychic Telephone Readings, Voice Vibrations is one of the numerous different tools I use to tune in to my clients/friends to help with their questions and concerns. In part 1, I mentioned that voice vibrations are alike to the way for a blind person can see your aura. If an aura is dark and obscured by negativity, the vibrations carry that energy along with it. If pleasure and light are surrounding you then it is taken along the vibrations for me to hear and feel the positive flow. Even if there is a great deal of negativity in a person’s life at the moment but there is relief and light coming this will be carried along the vibrations conveying of a dissipation of negativity. It is piecemealing each piece of the maze to form insight. These vibrations carry information that is unique to the person who is speaking like a fingerprint. 
 Picture a still pool of clear blue water. Now place a leaf in it. In the center of the pool drop a small pebble. Watch as the ripples circulate…radiating outward and away from the center or source of the disturbance of the stillness. Your own unique voice vibrations carry the information much like the ripples of the pool carry the leaf across the pool on the waves that are moving outward toward the shore. Each individual person’s voice vibrations carry their emotions, hopes, connections and more.

 Under the best of conditions these vibrations come in loud and clear. Sometimes there are gaps or static within the voice vibrations causing your receiver to adjust in order to tune in better. The adjustments or fine tuning of the dial may come in the way of spirit guides to help clarify the meaning of the message riding on the voice vibrations. There are times these vibrations send me images like a little home movie prompting me to ask questions about a particular place or time that is significant to you that is pertinent to the questions at hand. These questions would seem odd at first to anyone else but mean something to you. For example, a question such as Did you recently purchase a yellow gown? may at first seem insignificant or irrelevant. But later on more information is formed by this building up process. In fact, this happened once in a reading where such a simple question was asked and the client responded, Yes, just last week I purchased a yellow dress for my daughter because she is getting married and moving. A message about the daughter is trying to form in the reading.

 Voice vibrations are one of the strongest sources I have for tuning into your concerns and questions about love, family, health, finances or career. So keep sending those vibrations and I will keep listening, receiving and interpreting the energies in your life.

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Psychic Telephone Readings

Psychic Reading

Each individual emits psychic voice vibrations. These voice beats are as unique as each individual person’s DNA. Just like there are no two snowflakes alike there are no two people voice vibrations the same. It is so unique that scientists have found that they can actually identify a person by their voice recordings. There have been studies that have indicated that if the mother and or father talk to their unborn offspring, the child is born with healthier brain function. Talking to the unborn child also develops a greater bond between the child and the parents.

 These voice vibrations create energy. This energy carries emotions such as sadness, happiness, love, stress, anxiety, anger and calmness. As an empathy, I have found at times a person’s voice vibrations carry that persons energy to me.

 In a telephone psychic reading, voice vibrations are a very helpful tool. The vibrations help me to connect better with my clients as well as help me to tune in with my spirit guides and my client’s spirit guides.

 A good comparison for voice vibrations is the radio tower and the radio in your car. The person speaking is the tower transmitting the signals out into the airways. The person listening is the radio filtering and decoding the vibrations into meaningful messages. This is a good example except for your voice vibrations do so much more than the tower and radio.

 Your voice vibrations carry along with it all of you emotions, give your guides a means to communicate and also carry along with it the environment in which you are in.

 I like to think of voice vibrations like a way for a blind person to see your aura. If an aura is dark and clouded by negativity, the vibrations carry that energy along with it. If happiness and light are surrounding you then it is carried along the vibrations for me to hear and feel the positive flow. Even if there is a great deal of negativity in a person’s life at the moment but there is relief and light coming this will be carried along the vibrations telling of a dissipation of negativity.

 It is amazing how just the simple act of talking can bring about such energy and create such a information highway. Your spirit guides and my spirit guides make great use of this wonderful link between us.

 Voice vibrations is just one of the tools that I use to connect with you to better answer your questions and concerns in addition to other tools such as spirit guides, tarot cards and empathic abilities.

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Psychic Scrying

Psychic Reading

Psychic Scrying, (pronounced to rhyme with “crying”), is a state of divination that allows one to “see” the future, or past / present by gazing into a crystal, pool, mirror or other meditative medium. One enters an altered state to gain admission beyond a veil. Visions often come in the form of marks that are interpreted. 

 Scrying works along principle of the Ganzfeld effect state.  For example, if you ever layed in bed gazing at a point in the ceiling until you begin to notice movement of images? Did you ever have to stand/sit in the corner as a child? While gazing at the wall before you suddenly become aware your seeing images? If you have, then you have experienced the Ganzfeld state. Images often come in this hypnotic state. Children are more in tune with this than adults. 

 As a child, I would be sitting in the corner and see images floating before my eyes. Many times I would draw on the wall what I was seeing. One day my grandmother happened to notice my drawings and asked me what they meant. I had drawn a bird on a limb, an envelope, and a firecracker exploding. I remember shrugging my shoulders not saying anything because I thought I was in more trouble.

 She gently pressed further, telling me to look at what I had drawn and tell her what it meant. I looked back to the wall and instantly knew that the bird on the limb was my mother waiting for news from my father away in the Navy. The envelope was a letter that was coming, but when I looked at the fire cracker, all I could sense was great excitement and happy faces. 

 Low and behold there was the letter from my dad that my mom had been so anxiously waiting. It was postmarked 3 weeks earlier and taken long to get to her. Mom called to me saying that I could leave the corner and to come listen to what my father had to say in the letter. I remember the part about him missing us all and that if he could catch a “hop” to the mainland he would be able to take a short “leave.” 

 After reading the letter, my mom handed me a sponge to wash what Id drawn on the wall. She said what I had drawn was a vision that some people call Scrying. She also told me that she would give me a writing tablet to draw in instead of using the wall! So far, everything had happened as I saw, except the fire cracker.

 Later, while out on the porch, our dog started barking. I looked up and saw a man walking down our narrow tree lined driveway. Noticing the navy blue uniform he was wearing, it suddenly hit me, it was my father! I ran into the house screaming “daddy’s home, daddy’s home” at the top of my lungs. Everyone excitedly ran out to meet him. That evening while helping in the kitchen as mom prepared supper, my grandma patted me on the arm and told me that the “firecracker” I’d drawn was my dad coming home. 

 I come from a long line of Spiritually Gifted woman, and with their guidance and encouragement. I have been Scrying since I was 7 years old. Now I use a quartz ball instead of setting in the corner wall!  I’ve found that Scrying is an important tool that works well with my inner vision and I enjoy incorporating it in my readings as often as possible.

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Psychic Runes Part 2


The benefits of Runes in Viking times We’re mingled from rituals, casting lots, aiming help or influence from higher powers, telling futures of people, to even trying to impact the weather or at least forecast the weather and/or crops. Runes We’re even used as amulets for protection in battle.

The more one delves into the history of runes the more ironic the actual meaning of the name runes or runa becomes. Runa means mystery or secret thing. I say this because the rune casters or rune masters of old either did not record their discoveries of the mysteries or their recordings of the mysteries of runes We’re lost.  

 This is also why when looking into the history or origins of runes you will constantly come across the phrases it is thought or many believe, when talking about runes.

 Each rune has an association to gemstones, the elements, have a polarity (male/female), a tree, a plant, deity, an astrological correspondence and yes, even a tarot correspondence.

In part one of Trilogy of Runes we delved briefly into the first of the three families or aettirs of runes. The first family or aettir is Freyrs family. The second family is Hagals family. The third family is Tyrs family. Within the structures of these families are the runes sectioned out belonging to one of the three families. I like to think of them as all those aunts, uncles, and cousins under our various family trees as they branch out indefinitely.

Here is a look at these three families and the runes within each of the families:

Freyrs Family: Fehu, Uruz, Thursiaz, Anuz, Raidho, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo
Hagals Family: Hagalaz, Naudhiz, Isa, Jera, Eihwaz, Perthro, Elhaz, and Sowilo
Tyrs Family: Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Dagaz, Othaia

Each of these family members has their own traits, personalities, strengths and weaknesses (although some will never admit to it, nor will I out of respect for my ancestors/family ever insist on their admission to a weakness). Runes are tied strongly to the Norse Gods of Scandinavian folklore waiting to connect to give advice and guidance for the path you walk.

When I consult my runes to point me in the right direction for your questions or concerns, I feel the hum and vibration of each of these wonderful symbols as soon as I lift up my bag. There is such a warm welcoming feel as my hand reaches in among the stones inscribed by these mysterious runic symbols and the welcoming warm vibrational hum as the stone containing the runic inscription from one of these three families connects to my physical touch and psychic view.

Your future is not written in stone, however your present and past are. These runic symbols from the past coming into the present are signposts giving advice for the path that you walk.

These runes, these symbols from ancient times reach out from the past serving as guiding points of light. It is the job of your psychic to connect and bring to you what is relevant to your circumstances or path.

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Origins of Runes and their History


The origins of runes are lost in history, although they can be traced as far back as 200 BC.

Scholars have come up with many additional theories about their sources though no one knows how or by whom they were first made. The different uses of the signs likely evolved over time from strictly functional pieces of communication to signs that We’re used for divination.                  
Each rune is not only a single letter that can be used to form words, but is also a complete word in itself, with many different meanings. The “rune-masters” of ancient times understood how to use runic grammar for contracts as well as the hidden or secret meanings. For this reason they were respected and feared. The word
rune means secret or whisper it was clear to the ancient consciousness that there are great mysteries contained within the runes.

The Elder Futhark is the most popular of the rune alphabets used today. In this set there are 25 runes all with symbols carved into them except one which is blank, the blank one relates to the unknown. The meanings of the runes are connected with fertility, weather, sunlight, darkness the cycles of the seasons and reflect the relationships of the ancient tribes with their environment. 

Learning to read the runes takes much time and study. Studying the runes can be difficult because rune working died out in the seventeenth century. This has left only fragmentary literary sources to tell us what the runes mean. None of the literature tells us what the symbols on the runes represent. Modern rune lore is therefore based not only on study and tradition, but also on psychic intuition and opinions.

Reading the runes is a mystical art of discovering hidden things, foreseeing future events or discovering the likely outcome of current situations. There are no records of how ancient rune masters used them for divination, so methods used in other systems such as the tarot have been adapted. Usually runes are pulled out of a pouch and placed into a set position and interpreted. The different formats for which runes are laid are known as runes casts or spreads. When asking a question using a rune cast it is best to keep it simple and direct.

The symbols of the runes are attractive and believed by some to be quite powerful. This is why you can purchase jewelry with carved rune symbols on them, pendants are very common.  A specific symbol can also be chosen for the astrological correspondence.

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Love Psychic Readings

Psychic Love Readings

Love Psychic Readings: Love is a wonderful yet wild thing. Many people these days are confused by the relationships that come and go in their lives, particularly the important love relationships. One thing to keep in mind is that everything in your background is present for learning. We learn to love ourselves by learning to love another. The greatest aspect and study of love is that of unconditional acceptance.

To unconditionally accept another persons wishes and behaviors can be difficult. And at the same time that we allow another the free will to choose to live life the way he or she wants and with whom, we must as individuals set boundaries for ourselves so that we do not become the victims of repetitive hurts influenced by that others decisions.
When a person comes to me for a reading on relationship I almost always ask the same three questions up front. For example, Mary calls me for a reading and asks me about her relationship with Michael, I would most likely ask:
1.) Mary, how long have you known Michael?
2.) How did you meet Michael?
3.) And please Mary, tell me about the last correspondence you had with
With this information I can pick up on the vibration of the relationship more firmly. I can tell Mary more about the content of the relationship, whether it is going to last, or if she might want to be picking up the pieces and moving on. I might also be able to tell if Mary and Michael are soul mates, if they’ve ever had a lifetime together before this one, and/or whether they are here to work out an issue or two and then move onward, apart from one another or whether they might be together forever.
Often, once a person is clear as to what condition the relationship is in and what its purpose is in this lifetime, it will help that person assess what the next step in life might be. When one is confused by a relationship, all of life can be very puzzling. A stagnant relationship or the misconception about where a relationship stands can cause problems at work and in other relationships. But once the dynamics of a relationship are understood intellectually, the feelings can be dealt with and the person can move on to heal the self and the relationship in question.
If a client is asking about a fairly new relationship, it will help him or her to know if it is worth the time to pursue, and what might be watched for in that pursuit. New relationships can be very passionate and filled with a lot of intensity. This can bring up past hurts and issues within the individuals involved and can cause fear and confusion. Some people even run the other direction when they encounter this type of intensity. The good news is that people often return once the heart stops pounding and the head clears. True love in relationship takes time, nurturing and patience lots of patience. Commitment to another person is a big step. Relationships can be either long-term or short lived, depending upon the purpose and the elements involved.
Also, in a reading I might tell the person inquiring things that he might want to do for self. Usually these are self-help techniques that can bring comfort and healing to the emotional/psychological aspect of being. The heart can become very bruised sometimes by a forlorn love relationship. Also, the ecstasy of new relationship, especially a relationship between soul mates can cloud a persons thinking and actually hinder effective day-to-day living. So to adjust to the intensity, one can do things like deep breathing, meditation and light work. Long walks, exercise and singing can also help to modify the excitement of new love. Isn’t love grand?
I also do readings on relationships other than primary, intimate couplings, like that of friendship, work relationships, and family relationships. Oftentimes soul mates come into this world together to perform a common task, which often plays out in the work life together. World service and life purpose questions also come up in relationship readings, and we can focus on those together. Love through relationship with self and others is what this earth plane reality is all about. By a combined use of clairvoyance and Tarot I can look into these aspects of life very succinctly and precisely. 

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Keeping a clear vision-meditation


Meditation: I like to start my reading day with a good clearing of energy and recharging of energy at my reading table.  Much like jogger limbers up with stretching techniques before actually starting in on his or her run or race, I warm up too.

My essential morning meditation is a visual and breathing meditation. I use a single white candle which I have captured with my most positive energies and light this candle in the middle of my reading table. Once I have darkened the space with only the single candle, I sit in my chair centering myself just in front of the candle. I make sure my posture is good with back straight, feet flat on the floor, and my hands place on each knee. My next stage of my meditation process is silencing the whole outside physical world by gazing at the light of the candle and breathing in through my nose to a count of four and slowly out by my mouth to a count of eight. After a while I feel the warmth and energy of my single light growing, I close my eyes and travel more in-depth into meditation.

I can feel the energy of connection growing and leaving now room for negativity. The visualization with the flame of the candle helps me connect the physical flame with the spiritual or psychic flame or light growing within me.

Starting from my feet and progressing upward through my entire body to the very top of my head I feel the energy of this white flame filling me with awareness, light and opening up my sight. With this calm and open connection I am ready and able to do my best to help light the way for answers to your questions.

A good example of this would be a lighthouse that has dirt or dust covering the lens of the light. This smudging and dirt would make it very dim and less useful to light the way for the ships at sea that are looking toward it for guidance.

 You probably say Well, how does this help me? My life is rushed! I dont have time for all that!  You can customize a little meditation on the go. For example, if you are stuck in that rush hour traffic, nothing is moving, the guy behind you is blowing his horn, you can take out that little compact emergency meditation kit that you have stored away in your mind.

You dont need the candle flame you can visualize the candle flame because you have used it so many times before. You are already in seated position, your feet are flat on the floor not on the brake (because you put the car in park because nothing is even budging) and now breathe.  Visualize this calming light. Breathe in one, two, three, four.  Breathe out one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight in with the good energy and out with the bad.-calm. Feel the calm flow in and the frustration flow out.  With daily practice, you can re-connect in any situation.

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Psychic Reading Divine Overide

Psychic Reading

Have you ever had a psychic reading, and the answer to your question, had nothing to do with your question? You could have been talking about some situation at work and suddenly the psychic is talking about someone in your family. Or, you might have been asking about a situation with a friend, and suddenly your own personal health issues are brought up.   Even more confusing and/or frustrating is that the messages you are receiving are all true, they’re just not what you wanted to know. 

Most of the time, when you connect with a psychic to talk about a topic, he or she has no problem going straight to the issue. Sometimes though, a reading seems to have a life of its own, and you find yourself wondering if the connection you’ve made with your psychic is a good one. However confusing or even frustrating as it may seem, these are the times when your connection is the strongest, and they are also the times to listen with utmost care.

Divine or Karmic Override most often occurs when your personal focus is locked onto the wrong target. All of us are guilty of this at one time or another and these are the times when we need a little push back towards the right road. Chances are the road is at the Karmic core of the situation that we wanted to know about, but what we We’re asking was not what we needed to know about. For example, when I was working a highly stressful job years ago, I had many challenges relating with my co-workers.  My responsibilities in the company We’re time sensitive.  If just one person goofed, my job became incredibly difficult. At the hub of a very shaky wheel, my already existing health problems began a downward spiral to the point of almost rendering me incapacitated because I had let my work environment “get me”.   I fought crippling migraine headaches and other types of pain on a daily basis.  More serious health issues became a problem.  

At that time, I did a reading for myself in the hopes that I could get to the core of my problems at work. “Tell me about the situation at work and with my co-workers,” was all I said as I shuffled my cards and laid them out. I expected to see some focus on the possibility of quitting my job or being fired, but what came out was a horse of a different color. Cards that spoke of ill health in both my mind and my body flopped out before me, setting the motion of my vision into a completely different focus than what I had wanted to know. At first, I thought of picking them up and reshuffling, but then I realized that it was a situation of Divine Override and took a deep breath to resume. My focus had indeed been distracted from what I needed to be facing, as my vision continued to pound home the need to take better care of myself. I hadn’t been eating right. I hadn’t been drinking enough water. I hadn’t been sleeping enough.

I hadn’t been taking my medications on time or sometimes not at all. All of these things had stressed my body to such a degree that I had fallen prey to the stress at work as well, magnifying the situation into hypersensitivity.   

 That hypersensitivity led to a more snippy, “put upon” attitude which was infectious to everyone around me, and the more animosity that I put out around me, the more I got back, leading me to neglect my health further. The key was there to making things better, and so I made a conscious effort to make some changes. A few weeks later, having looked after my health better, my physical stress factor decreased so that it was no longer “dis”-stress. With an improved body came an improved mind. With an improved mind came an improved ability to handle the fast pace. An improved ability to handle the pace led to an improved flow to my work, and with an improved flow to my work came an example to everyone else of how easy it can be when we all pulled together.

 It is important to keep an open mind during any reading with a psychic, even when we are faced with messages that appear to have nothing to do with what we are asking. In my personal experience, there have been times when the message was so important that I could not move past it to another topic until my client acknowledged the validity of what was being said. Once acknowledged however, the reading was able to proceed with greater depth, and both of us came away with positive feelings about both the messages and the energy shared.

If you find yourself wondering about a message that doesn’t fit the question asked, take a moment to think more carefully about it. You don’t have to see why the message is so important right away, just take it to heart and think about what the message means at face value. Divine Override is a wake up call that may very well tie into the question asked.

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