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Pisces Sun Pisces Moon

Pisces Sun Pisces Moon -The Mystical Idealist – The Sun in Pisces Moon in Pisces suggests a personality that is the most sensitive that all combinations. Professions that require tuning into others such as healers or counselors are strong placements especially in places of confinement and/or rehabilitation.

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Afflicted Moon in Astrology Chart

Ed Buck Astrology
Ed Buck Astrology on AbsolutelyPsychic.com 1-800-498-8777

Any aspect of the Moon in the chart highlights a person’s emotional life and well-being. Flowing aspects can bring ease and opportunity for positive emotional expression. Hard aspects to the Moon can bring emotional challenges. An afflicted Moon has several difficult aspects, it is known as an Afflicted Moon. 

There isn’t a hard and fast formula as to the number of aspects needed for it to be classified as an afflicted Moon. This depends on all aspects it makes, the sign position, the house position, and the rest of the chart. 

Generally speaking, an afflicted Moon can bring complications with daily moods, negative thinking, habits, difficulties with females, and conflicts with a person’s mother.

Usually, an afflicted Moon means the Moon on the day the person was born was forming hard aspects with other planets that day. 

Typically the square is considered a conflict. However, if a Moon has no squares, it doesn’t mean it’s a smooth ride. There can be many other Astrological aspects and factors to consider. For example, I know an individual with no squares to the Moon, however, he had 3 quincunxes to the Moon, 2 oppositions, the Moon was Void in his chart, and was out-of-bounds. I classify that lineup as an afflicted Moon.

Recently, I used Ed Buck as an example of a Moon with several challenging aspects. Though there isn’t a time of birth for Buck, there are 2 squares the Moon makes to Venus and Neptune. There is also a conjunction to the South Node which is more burdensome.

 Buck was a drug user who escaped into the world of fantasy by combining drugs and sex and injecting drugs into the arms of escorts who passed away in his home. Addiction is shown by a few factors in a chart including aspects to Neptune. I also have to make room for another issue in his chart, the applying conjunction to Uranus and Jupiter. The conjunction with Uranus will lead a person to irritability and emotional instability. However, Jupiter will expand the nature of anything. Expanding the above-mentioned magnifies this to the point of concern.

Though hard aspects, such as a square can bring challenges, I believe the most important idea is the planet aspects. For example, in Buck’s case, the Moon is square to Neptune. His emotional nature may be filled with denial, escapism, addiction (clearly), and instability. That is more complicated to handle than having a Moon square to an inner planet.

Next, I look for is exact aspects in a chart as these are visible instantly. If a chart has a few difficulties, 1 exact moon square, depending on the square, would be a point I would have to factor in.

Finally, an afflicted Moon doesn’t mean the person is destined to a life of duress. The native has to study, grow, change, and receive a few hard knocks along the course of life. An oyster will turn into a pearl. However, this isn’t a joyride either. It requires mastery, discipline, and hard work.

Ed Buck – Moon in Cancer Problems

Ed Buck Astrology
Ed Buck Astrology on AbsolutelyPsychic.com 1-800-498-8777

I like biopics and some media coverage of events. Rich facts in character encourage me to look at the person’s Astrology chart. Last week, I heard about the now-infamous Ed Buck. He was charged with 20 years in federal penitentiary for the death of 2 men he injected with Crystal Meth. He employed escorts and homeless men online for “party and play” sessions (drugs/sex) and injected them with Crystal Meth. 2 victims died in his house in the last few years. 

Buck was a wealthy political activist and democratic political fundraiser. Pictures of him with notable politicians including Hilary Clinton can be found online. 

Considering I once lived around the corner from where he resided, inspired me to read into this. Buck does not have a published time of birth. So, in this instance, I will provide some basics that stand out in his planetary positions.

A problematic aspect Buck was born with was the Moon in Cancer conjunct the South Node. This aspect can bring a very dominant mother that may require too much attention and stir drama. The mother may become high maintenance by resorting to dramatic theatrics and demand an enmeshed relationship with the child. She may treat the child as a surrogate partner. Guilt-tripping is typical. This can be exhausting and draining. Typically, the south node debilitates the planet it aspects. The problem with this aspect is feeling emotionally crowded each time an emotion comes to the surface. The imprint this has on a child may be very damaging as the nurturing may be associated with violence or excessive acts.

Another element that is prominent in Bucks planets is the stellium in Cancer. This more brings attention to family, the mother, politics, etc. The mother is a much stronger influence than imagined. On a side note, many wealthy individuals such as Buck have a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. This can bring sudden luck, fortunes, and influential connections. This aspect too brings attraction to the excitement and unconventional behavior. 

Moon Square Venus: This is another complicated combination where the mother may have been difficult to please. Perfectionism and high demands are impossible ever to fulfill. It can make a person an overachiever. This also creates trying to balance nurturance versus freedom in one’s relationships.

In a chart, an inflicted Moon usually has challenging aspects. In turn, a person can become emotionally stifled, disconnected, suppress their emotional nature, and resort to abusive volatile reactions.  Emotional limitations create severe nurturance problems in relationships as the expression is suppressed.

The Moon in Cancer is already an emotional Moon.  These aspects amplify the sign of  becoming emotionally out of control.  This Moon needs nurturance, security, family, and a safe home. 

The danger with this aspect is visible with Neptune/Venus as this may draw an individual to drug, alcohol, and extreme fetishes especially.  The entire stellium amplifies extremity.

Can one rise above these influences? Most definitely! Saturn in Scorpio, when used properly, can master learning lessons through hard workaround by consuming oneself in flames to rebirth new from ashes, just like a phoenix. The power of transformation is skin-deep when sought.

As for forecasting upcoming events, Buck has progressed Sun and Mercury conjunct natal Saturn.  This can be a difficult aspect if one gets in trouble with the law. One will reap what they have sewn and transform.  Saturn in Scorpio has learning lessons regarding sexuality.  Since Mercury is also involved, a movie may be written about him in the next 2 years.

The goal of this article is to dig deep into the planetary configurations. Through time and effort, one can rise from those natal positions, hence Secondary progressions. Some people may be stuck in their natal charts, whereas other people become more like their progressed chart.

Now, considering there isn’t a published time of birth, I could rectify this chart by mathematically calculating some positions. I may do this at some point or consider a second part into Buck’s victims.

COVID Predictions Mars Retrograde

Covid on Mars Retrograde

There has been quite a bit of scope regarding trials entering phase 3 for COVID vaccines. My concern is that there may be a rush to mass-produce vaccines that may require more term for development. A word of alert: hold off on any possible vaccine until after November 13. 

Mars is in Aries usually operates effectively. The retrograde can either slow down productivity or bring an impulsive delivery. Aries nature is “Me first!”  Also, Aries is known for jumping into situations without due diligence.  The concern is that some manufacturers may be trying to claim their name as the first one to deliver a vaccine.

Between Venus and Jupiter, Mars resides. It rules the will force, physical energy, efforts, impulse, courage, driving force towards a goal, assertion, and sexual libido. Depending on Mars’ zodiacal position at birth, it describes your will and passion. From September 8 – November 9 2020 Mars will be retrograde in the sign of Aries.

Retrograde Mars occurs every 26 months for 70 to 80 days. Projects will stall or develop slowly. Our energy level will be lower. Accidents and arguments from impulsive actions and unrecognized anger will flare. Sexual activity is often unsatisfactory.

The textbooks indicate that suppressed frustrations result in a volcano-like eruption. Individuals may explode with frustration and decide poorly and respond with violence and anger instead of patience and dialogue. A retrograde can force one to go deep within and make groundbreaking changes in terms of the nature of the planet and the nature of the sign. 

This retrograde can result in procrastination. Assertive patterns are more introspective. Many will encounter passive individuals that may lack drive. Steer away from starting a new business under a retrograde.

The birth of a business during a Mars Retrograde will result in constant problems with having action asserted at a quality and effective pace. No matter how hard you try to push, nothing will happen. Everything is in a sluggish state.

More importantly, steer away from major repairs and surgery. Since Mars governs destructions, deconstruction may become more understood after Mars turns direct. If an electronic gadget breaks down on a Mars Retrograde, a repair job will not cure the fix. A repair job on a Mars retrograde may result in having another repair take place. However, after the retrograde has turned direct, the problem can be more understood. Repair jobs include surgery. Avoid surgery under a time frame if possible.

However, being born with a Mars retrograde is much different than experiencing one during the cycle. A well aspected Mars retrograde in an individual’s birth chart can produce a lot of success. Since energy and initiative are internalized (retrograde) usually the individual competes with himself. Many athletes are born with a well-aspected Mars Retrograde. However, when Mars is aspected with challenging aspects, individuals may act hastily and often need to retrace and redo his steps

There could be difficulties, arguments, disagreements with legal, religious, travel, and matters with someone that may be very philosophical and/or have a very strong opinion. So during this time, it would be wise to frame your intentions as a visionary. Keep the bigger picture in mind especially when asserting your own opinion as dogma.

One’s sexual drive during a Mars retrograde can change a lot. It has been stated that the level of satisfaction during a Mars retrograde can be difficult to satisfy. In the sign of Aries, it could be the opposite of nature: stagnant and procrastinating.

Aries rules the head and battles. During this cycle, there are going to be some upheavals. More than likely some scandalous battles will result between presidential candidates. This is a strong placement for assault (verbal, physical, emotional, etc.)

I will cover some of the aspects Mars will form in the next edition. Stay tuned!

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6 Things to Avoid on Mercury Retrograde and Venus Retrograde

Mercury retrograde started on the August 23. We are in this period till September 14. While Venus is about to turn direct on September 3, there will be a full week where communication and desire are delayed. Avoid the following:

Avoid significant buys. This is not a time to go window shopping. You may have misinformation about the object and/or you will not enjoy it.

2. Avoid major decisions.  You may not stick with ideas after both planets turn direct.  That means it is not the time to start a new job, hire someone new, and/or terminate someone.

3. Avoid financial changes.  This is not the time to change portfolios or make market change.  If it is crucial, then making a temporary adjustment is ok.

4. Avoid car repairs.  If your car breaks down or won’t operate anymore, consider a rental car or alternative temporary solution.

5. Avoid purchasing technical equipment.  Computers are necessary.  If you can temporarily use an older one or borrow one, it would be in your better interest than to purchase another one.

6. Avoid going on a date with someone new.  The communication may not be enjoyed.  Blending the concepts of both planets retrograde results in poor communication that may become distracted, lacking taste, or enjoyment.

Though Venus turns direct on September 3, 11 more days will be needed for Mercury to complete its motion as well.  Consider the following:

1. Review all documents before signing them carefully.

2. Add tracking and insurance to important mail and/or packages as Mercury has rulership with the post office and other mail couriers.

3. Give yourself extra time for appointments and travel. 

4. Focus on the prefix, re:  renew, review, revamp, redecorate, etc

5. Reunions with old friends and loved ones go great however be prepared for delays.

6. Expect to have contact with people from your past

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Venus Retrograde Part 2

Years ago on a prior Venus Retrograde, Facebook went public. There were a lot of issues that took a while to iron out. Though they have grown abundantly, it came with wrangles. As for investors, making any major portfolio shifts is not recommended. Making any major economic decision may not be wise because the market may be too pricey or not the best promising period.

There are a few celebrities that are poster children for very bad plastic surgery. I won’t mention names.  We know who they are!  They either went to a butcher or overdid it. Some have gone under the knife during a Venus Retrograde and did not like the results requiring a revision. 

On a Venus Retrograde never get married, start a new job, or start a new relationship. So is living under a rock recommended? Of course not… I observed something very fascinating that does work on a Venus Retrograde.

A radio station fired its’ main announcer years ago. The station lost ratings. He was brought back during a Venus Retrograde. In that instance, re-evaluating a previous relationship that went awry became beneficial as it was revisiting a previous disagreement.

Reviewing the value of a person or relationship is strong during a Venus Retrograde because Venus also rules our taste, ability to express appreciation, affection, and experience satisfaction.

So re-embarking an previous job, relationship, or  friendship may be very positive. However, tread with caution especially when contracts are involved. It is a wonderful time to re-purpose items that are hardly used.  Go through your possessions and you will find creative outlets for their usage. 

I was told that antiques become quite popular during a Venus Retrograde because one re-inspects old items that have gone through many owners. I have an acquaintance with a progressed Venus Retrograde that is an antique collector.

So what happens to new  items purchased on a Venus Retrograde? You might return them because you may not like them or see their value is worthwhile. I once bought a cheap shirt on a Venus Retrograde and never used it. It still hangs somewhere inside a drawer.

New people that enter your life on a Venus Retrograde will appear different after the retrograde is completed.  

The most important tip I can share is to avoid making any major purchase or renovating during this retrograde. 

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Harvey Weinstein Predictions

Harvey Weinstein Predictions
Weinstein Progressed Chart

After the Weinstein’s verdict was delivered, Weinstein was diverted to the hospital due to heart pulses and high blood pressure. This is very typical with Uranus cycles. Weinstein’s chart has progressed Moon triggering a natal configuration that involves Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Mercury, and Jupiter. Surgery may be required as this Moon is traveling through his 8th house. This arrangement is strong for the next 7 months.

The Progressed Moon in Weinstein’s chart will be entering the 9th house, in 4 months.  During those 2.5 years, there will be more legal issues brewing for him.  More than likely, after criminal cases wind down, the civil cases will commence.  Legal matters haven’t yet scratched the surface for him.  However, on a positive spectrum, the 9th house also governs Spirituality.  Perhaps for the first time, he may give in to a higher source and work through his wreckage.  It’s never too late to change.  However, that is a long journey that requires willingness and serious help. 

His day to day freedom will be completely changed as the Quincunx from the progressed MC in Libra to his Sun in Pisces. The nature of a quincunx is the feeling of confinement, sacrificing, and adapting.  Libra also governs lawsuits, open enemies, and justice.  Pisces also rules prisons.  This is not an easy position and one that will have a long-lasting impact on his remaining years.

Weinstein Solar Return

The solar return is an excellent tool used to forecast from one birthday year the next birthday.  Technically, the moment the natal Sun travels back to the same degree/minute/second (the birthday) a new chart is drawn.  The moment that occurs, it represents the entire year at hand.  In my professional opinion, it should be used as a confirmation to other significant forecasting tools. 

Weinstein’s Solar Return seems difficult.  The Moon in the Solar Return shows the emotional outlook for the year.  Weinstein’s Solar Return moon is in Aquarius.  Aquarius represents freedom and detachment.  The aspect this Moon makes to Uranus in the 12th house (freedom /confinement) is extremely difficult and upsetting for him.  Being forced to submit, give in especially under confinement will not be an easy ride for him.  It will be an extremely emotionally draining, chaotic, anxious, and restless year. Unfortunately, these cycles can bring up so emotional turmoil, it can be viewed as suicidal.   The fragile emotional state can be like suicidal thoughts.  However, thoughts do not always succeed in actions and I cannot forecast that because of ethical reasons.  There is always free-will in a chart.

The next significant theme in his Solar Return is a stellium (cluster) of planets in the 9th house, legal activity.  This confirms the activity the progressed Moon will be making especially since the Solar Return moon is in the 9th house as well. 

The outlook for the year with Gemini Rising in the solar return demonstrates communication, media, and publicity, with the ruler in the 10th house.  Perhaps there may be a film or book written about or based on his life story. 

His health looks severe in about 2 years as he will experience Solar Arcs to his Sun from Neptune and Jupiter.  Though I’m cautious about forecasting any doom/gloom, I believe he will have to monitor his ability to function under isolation.  Resistance will only bring further health serious complications.  The challenge with him is that he is very strong-willed and has difficulty with giving in.

More to come…..

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Weinstein Verdict: Forecasted Accurately – Congrats to our Reader: Albert ext 3030

Harvey Weinstein Astrology

Hope you are well. Just a quick update: our master reader, Albert ext 3030, has for the umpteenth time made an precise public figure prediction accurately! Harvey Weinstein’s conviction hit the media yesterday with the jury’s ruling. There will be a follow-up article in a few days. 

Be sure to get your reading too! Below is the last video and article circulated in October 2019.

Previous articles are also linked from this series.

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Madonna Astrology Health Issue Part 2

Madonna Astrology

See Part 1

Madonna Astrology Health cycles caution! Pluto in Capricorn is quincunx her Sun in Leo. This has raised issues with health. More particularly, it has produced issues that are related to her knees, which rules Capricorn.

Her “illness” has not been revealed in the press.  It is obvious that seeing her walk with a cane and appear stiff in her rehearsal videos, that she is experiencing knee issues.  She has adjusted her footwear to dance in her latest tour, Madame X.  Also, her choreography has gone through alterations.  Furthermore, she has also canceled yet another show.

This cycle continues for a few months and is the main theme for her during 2020.  The new moon in her health sector does bring some hope to possible new treatment options.  Yet, she will be slowing down more.  She has 27 more shows.  More shows will be canceled.

Likely, she will possibly undergo surgery in the spring season.  Recovery seems very promising especially during the summer time. 

In my opinion, health diagnosis is never something a reader should attempt unless they are a medical professional.  Sure, I recommend full physical examinations when there are indications that health needs more attention.  Certain elements that may indicate a certain spot of the body is vulnerable during a specific period, but that is best left to a doctor.

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Astrology Forecast – Part 2

Astrology Forecast
Madonna Astrology

The year is off to a combustive start. In the next 7 days, we are entering a red zone with the astrological planetary cycles. This weekend brings together a very strong planetary aspect, Saturn Conjunct Pluto. The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) also triggers it on Friday. Strains with and Iran will escalate. This aspect stays in consequence until the 22nd of January.  

When these 2 planets come together usually there are some issues with the stock market as well.  Pay extra careful attention to investments.  Now is not the time to take action.   

On a side note, I would like to also make a forecast regarding the Queen of Pop, Madonna.  Use this information, observe, and see the accuracy of planetary activity.  

This Saturn/Pluto conjunction is a problem Madonna’s chart as it is an exact Quincunx to her natal Sun.  She has been on a theatre tour for Madame X since September 2019.  The tour faced several cancellations in every city.  Recently, she canceled her Boston dates and her last date in Florida due to health concerns.  She claimed to be in a lot of pain.  

The problem is that the Sun in Madonna’s chart is receiving concerning aspects.  The Sun is the giver of life and vitality.  Quincunx aspects require adjustments, changes, sacrifices, and health aspects.  When Pluto impacts the Sun, surgery may be required.  Also, Pluto may be forceful, where issues beyond one’s control take place.  Saturn can bring delays, restrictions, and issues with the skin, teeth, bones, and knees.  With both of these planets in Capricorn during this conjunction, health concerns will increase for Madonna.   

According to the tour schedule, she is will be opening up in Portugal this weekend.  It seems more than likely she may need to adjust her entire show.  Perhaps she may be forced to do less dancing, and/or adjust a lot of her choreography.  This tour has been rocky from the very start.  Now that these planets are aspecting her Sun, it is very likely she may cancel a lot more shows or the rest of the tour.   

These are very serious aspects that can take a toll on one’s health if not given attention and result in consequences when resisted. 

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