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Monthly Archives: August 2017

Psychic Tools- No hard and fast rules.

Psychic Tools
Psychic Tools

Psychic readers have various tools and sometimes they don’t.  Every reader has his or her own gift.  Psychics may use the Askashic Records, spirit guides, channeling, crystals, clairaudience, psychometry, scrying, crystallomancy, and many other tools as well.

Each occasion calls for a separate tool. Like a mechanic, the instruments required for fixing a Toyota may be much different than those used for a Volvo. The type of reading being given, the atmosphere at the time, the client and his or her place (in person, by telephone, etc.), and the kind of energy engaged in the reading all influence the accuracy of the reading. Depending on what the querent needs, scrying may not be as fitting as a Tarot card reading. This is exactly why having a toolbox is important.

Many years ago I used to do readings at parties.  Usually these parties would have a number of people wanting to be read.  Entering into a deep trance in this atmosphere is difficult for some readers.  The noise, dim lighting, and large amount of people is simply not a practical or productive atmosphere for readings.  This is where basic scrying or Tarot cards is better for me.  Another psychic may use different tools in the same circumstances.

Ive had circumstances where, during a telephone reading, the client’s spirit guides were so clear that I didn’t need any other tool.


Some clients may be easier to read than others.  Some cases, if I feel that I need more detail or confirmation on a piece of information received, then an additional reading method is very helpful.  With some clients I rely on only clairaudience, yet for other clients I prefer a more visual approach, so I will use channeling or scrying.

It can be beneficial to use different methods on returning clients, as one type of reading may resonate better than another, allowing additional information to be gained.  In the case of missing people, psychometry may be the best tool to use to gain additional information.

I also believe the psychic can tell what tool would be best on a specific client in order to gain the most information.  Some clients believe they should dictate the type of reading they want.  However, I believe that the psychic knows best, based on their connection to the client and their own experiences.

All tools have their limits.  For this reason having more tools helps the psychic develop a well-rounded foundation.  There are times when just the day itself can have its own energy.  Perhaps the psychic channeled a lot within the day and a different tool can be used to refresh the psychic.  There are some psychics that can only channel during certain hours of the day.


I’ve seen so many variations.  Psychic readers are like artists.  They have their own form that makes them unique.  At the same time each reading is unique.  There is so much to psychic phenomena.  Sure there is a structure to each tool.  I believe that knowing the structure for each tool is important.  Yet relying on your intuition to know how to treat each reading is the biggest asset for transforming a reading from good to great.

Be sure to check out articles on  How to See and Interpret Auras, Developing Psychic Abilities,   Psychic Tools – No Hard and Fast Rule,

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