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Free Tarot Card reading and Free forecasts made on Video prior to it happening. Psychic Readings, 99 cents minute. 1-800-498-8777. Over 520 FREE videos on our site Psychic-Tarot-Astrology and more!

Tarot-Golden Dawn


Tarot draws on many additional spiritual and esoteric respects and traditions; one of the most significant is Western Astrology. Understanding the systems and practices that the Tarot is built on gives insight when it comes to understanding each of the Tarot card. Specific Tarot cards are linked to the zodiac signs. 

Before the existence of clocks, the ancient Egyptians would measure the passage of time by the movement in the sky of 36 constellations they referred to as Decans.  When Western Astrology made its way to Egypt, it merged with the concept of Decans.  The Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn used this understanding of Astrology with Tarot Cards. 

The first Decan of the fire sign, Aries, and the first Minor Arcana Tarot from the Suit of Wands and so on, until they went through an entire deck and matched each Decan of each Zodiac to a particular Tarot. 

Major Arcana Ace’s represents the four elements in the purest form.  The four ace’s are the roots of the four elements.  Ace of wands is pure fire (fire sign).  Ace of cups means water energy (water sign).    Ace of swords heavy air energy (air sign).  Ace of pentacles you can always find a coin grounded in the earth (earth sign). 

The cards that the reader shuffles and lays out will than paint a picture for the reader, to get a better understanding and give a detailed reading.  Everything is energy so the cards choose you.  If ever you see in a reading three of cups, three of wands, three of swords, its heavy water, fire, air energy in your placements and the number 333 could be of significance.  You will see number patterns in Tarot for it give the reader an idea of the time frame you seek.  Weather its past present or future everything is energy that ties us all together in human form.  For a Tarot Reading

Check our Tarot Readers and Psychic Readers for an Accurate and Trusted Psychic Reading. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Pisces Sun Gemini Moon

Pisces Sun Gemini Moon -The Clever Idealist – The Sun in Pisces Moon in Gemini combination suggests a personality that is changeable with duality in both Pisces and Gemini. You are a Pisces that can become more nervous. Details can get you lost easily. You need a constant source of stability and structure for the completion of tasks. 

Free Telephone Psychic Reading with one of our accurate Psychics. Chat or Phone  3 Minutes Free Daily Free 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Pisces Sun Aries Moon

Pisces Sun Aries Moon -The Groundbreaking Idealist- The Sun in Pisces Moon in Aries combination suggests a personality that may take more action to achieve visions and ideals. You are a Pisces with more stamina and assertiveness than the average Pisces. You can assert taking action to make your daydreams a reality. 

Astrology Readings with elite readers  3 Minutes Free Daily Free Phone and Chat Readings 1-800-498-8777.  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  ONLY the Best Psychics!

Pisces Sun Virgo Moon

Pisces Sun Virgo Moon -The detailed Idealist – The Sun in Pisces Moon in Virgo suggests a more detailed and work-oriented Pisces. This combination may reduce Pisces daydreaming into Virgo Moon’s carefully spot-checking details. Both signs together are an ideal placement for any profession in the health industry. 

Clairvoyant readers will amaze you.  Chat or Phone Readings.  3 Minutes Free Daily Free 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Tarot Reading Standouts


The Tarot has been around for hundreds of years and is both an art and a science. We will concentrate on the specific definitions of the cards that stand out in a Tarot Reading.

Death Card:  One of the most daunting cards! People mistaken it for physical death, when in fact, it represents endings of situations or relationships. It also represents re-birth and regeneration of the soul.

The Queen of Coins indicates financial gains and security through a woman. She is depicted as a generous benefactor, someone that can help someone secure a loan from a bank, an inheritance, or generous lady that readily bestows financial favors on loved ones.

The King of Coins also represents this except the benefactor is a male energy instead.

Justice represents all legal matters. If the card faces away from the reader it means legal difficulties to overcome, but if the card is facing the reader it foretells a favorable outcome.

Swords always represent adversity. The King or Queen of Swords indicates an argumentative type of individual, a bully if you will and needs to be avoided at all costs.

Wands represent hope and security and happy results when in conjunction with the rest of the card spread. Gives extra happiness and spiritual awareness.

The Chariot represents journeys and if the card is facing the reader, it is a good time to travel, but if the card is facing OPPOSITE to the reader or upside down, it shows that traveling would be best avoided in the immediate future.

The Fool indicates a person of capricious nature, can be male or female, but is someone that cannot be trusted.

Wheel of Fortune is a very lucky card and it represents victory in virtually all endeavors. If the card is facing the reader, it means instant gratification, but if the card is opposite it means there will be a slight delay in achieving good things.

Hanged Man shows that the person is responsible for their own predicament and can often be their own worst enemy.

The Magician is always clever and will be able to have the fortitude to get themselves out of any tight situations. Will be able to rectify past problems as well.

The Tower represents the home life and family, if facing towards the reader, means problems will be resolved, if opposite, this usually means a divorce or some sort of chaos that forces a person to change their lifestyle, job and or relationships.

The Sun bestows many blessings and success in areas connected to the Major Arcana spread. Once again, if the Sun is facing the reader, immediate gratification, but if opposite, some delays but still wonderful outcome

The Devil is an individual male or female that has ulterior motives. Deception and someone with evil intent that is to be avoided at all costs as well.

The Lovers represent spiritual harmony and a lifetime of continued romance. If it faces the reader, immediate results, but if opposite, it means love will have to wait a little bit.

Lastly, the World indicates that victory and conquest in all matters. Lucky is the client that finds this gem in their deck.

Lets see what’s in your Tarot Reading ! Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Tarot by Numbers

Tarot Reading

Most cartomancers consent there aren’t any “negative” tarot cards in the Tarot. Even ones that make worry seekers like Death or The Tower aren’t bad. That’s because universal guides send messages through the cards to encourage you to take an active role regarding your life questions—and that’s always positive. 

But if anything could be called negative, this year sure qualified! In fact, if we could add another card to the deck to represent 2020, it’d have to be major Arcana card XXIII: “Dumpster Fire.”

So let’s clear out that crummy 2020 energy by using the wondrous Tarot to look ahead at 2021. The most in-depth and fun way is for your psychic to do a “Zodiac spread” for the year.

Of course, everybody knows what the zodiac is. It’s the 12 astrological signs (“houses”) like Aquarius and Scorpio. As you would expect, the Zodiac spread uses 12 cards, one for each house. You ask a question and each card that comes out addresses a different aspect of the answer based on the house where it falls, starting with Aries and ending with Pisces. It’s a great way to get a really deep picture.

But for seekers who want to know how about the next year, whether in general or about their love life or career or health or any other specific area or question during that time frame, I lay out 12 cards just as in the Zodiac spread … but for 12 months instead of 12 signs.

Rather than the “Aries” aspect of an answer (which is “Identity,” by the way). The first card that comes up now represents January, in particular how itwill be regarding your life and question (or in general) as things stand now. But REMEMBER: As with any divinatory message, YOU are in the driver’s seat at all times. If you don’t like anything that’s predicted, the universe is showing you this possible future to empower you to do something about it! For this reason, I recommend getting this 12-card reading no more often than every three months. Give your actions time to bear fruit before checking back in with another “year ahead” reading.

Moving on, the second card to come up is about what to expect in February, the third about March, and so on. Some readers include a thirteenth card to sum up the year as a whole. Others first shuffle just the court cards and choose one at random to represent the seeker before shuffling the rest of the deck (with the other court cards) to do the actual reading. Any reader should be happy to do it or not do it according to your wishes. You need only let them know if you want this extra card laid out or not. It won’t make any different to the 12 cards of the actual reading other than that court card not being available.

What does 2021 have in store for you? Get a “year ahead” reading to find out!

Tarot Card Reading

Get a tarot card reading on our network online or on 800-498-8777. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!