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Difference between Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Mediumship


 As a professional psychic consultant for over 15 years and a channel/author of several books and psychic evolution courses, I have had many studies regarding the dynamics of psychic phenomena; many ventures from which to draw knowledge. People have asked me over time what might be the distinction between the method of channeling, that of clairvoyance, and the art of mediumship. I often use all three modalities of communication when I do readings and/or compose written and audio material. A great deal of sophistication and class goes into doing any of these types of world service works well. I honor all those in this psychic work that perfect the craft on an ongoing basis

 Channeling is a process of stepping back from personal consciousness and allowing energy sources of higher consciousness to come through with threads of thought communication. Thought is energy vibration and cloaked in etheric semblances of form. Information is not solid form, but it is close to form. When we question our reality, a process of channeling can allow information of a higher nature to come through to provide direction and answers. When I channel, I put my own voices on hold. You might say that I enter an altered state of mind, and allow seemingly other-worldly information to come through to be verbalized as I receive it to my client or public audience. Channeling works well to get in touch with messages from your angels, high level guides, extraterrestrial sources, and the Masters.

 Clairvoyance (within this I include the senses of clairaudience, telekinesis, etc, anything that is sensually felt by the person reading) in my experience is the process of receiving information that is sensed with the so-called sixth sense. It is developed to the point that all of the symbols, verbal messages heard, and other sens at information is most likely relevant to the client and can actually be activated in their lives. Ask a clairvoyant anything that is immediate in your life. These messages often give very practical advice, easy to understand and practice. The mass consciousness is becoming more clairvoyant at this time. This is resulting in more people understanding and using intuition and psychic abilities in their everyday lives.

 Mediumship is an intricate, skilled art that has the reader tapping into the fourth dimensional spirit world. It is a craft that Spiritualists have used throughout history to help others have comfort and peace in their lives. This information can come from deceased loved ones, experts who have crossed over that have stayed to share what they have learned, and prophets of the past who come back to the spirit world to impart wisdom. Contacting those spirits from the other side of this dimension can be an enlightening experience and offer healing like no other type of psychic counsel can.

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Psychic Reading


Crystallomancy is a term employed to describe foretelling the future, reading the present, and analyzing the past using crystals. These crystals can be in the form of meditation crystals or crystal balls, which are used for focal moments. Gazing and scrying are forms of prophecy that are associated with this. 

Scrying comes from the old English term descry meaning “to produce out dimly” or “to reveal.” Scrying comes in many forms, from looking into a pool of water, an ink spill or even a mirror.

Crystallomancy is a refined form of scyring, and is considered a fine art. The energies of the crystal resonate together with the energies of the reader, commonly a clairvoyant or other psychically-gifted human being. There are quite a few ways to charge, cleanse, and hold a crystal ball. Most people will allow it to rest in moonlight overnight or throughout a certain time period of the moon cycle. Storing a crystal in a black cloth when not in use is another common practice. This is done in order to cleanse and “charge” it up with energy.

However these methods are not constantly needed. Methods vary according to different psychic practioners and the usage of the crystals. Many individuals rest them in sunlight alone, or both sun and moonlight equally, and display them on their tables or altars to disperse the crystal’s energy throughout the room. Some will even clean them with sea salt or kosher salt.

There are many different ways of engaging the crystal for scrying. Some seers may stare for hours at the crystal in a room with very low lighting. Other psychics have their third eye open and actively seek information for the querent. The main goal is to achieve a state of mind that engages the side of the brain that taps into psychic information. The psychic’s vision will see images that are below the surface of ordinary reality that appear in the crystal. This includes holograms produced by inclusions. Regardless of the method used, the possibilities of what can be learned are almost limitless.

Simply put, the crystal ball can act as a bridge to other forms of psychic phenomena.
Crystals have their own energy frequencies that subtly draw the gazer to the proper crystal. I’ve been working with a lovely citrine for quite some time now; it has three special inclusions which are truly intriguing. Psychics choose their crystals by what “feels” right for them, and crystal ball gazing is a great additional tool to help the psychic in his or her practice.

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Automatic Writing


One cool tool that is often forgotten is automatic writing. It has had two different purposes, one as a part of the Freudian psychotherapeutic approach, in which case it is used to learn about the subconscious and what is going on there. Of course, it has a metaphysical approach to it that is far more fascinating, because if anything, the individual is invited to get their mind out of the way. 

In this sense, automatic writing is simply the channeling of a message through the pen to paper, or in many cases from fingertips into a computer keyboard. There are many ways to develop this skill, which seem to differ from one individual to the next. That can be unendingly helpful as it may take time and patience for someone who is new to it to feel like they are getting the hang of it.

Some swear by writing with the non-dominant hand to make this happen. For instance, a right-handed person would try to write with their left hand. Anyone who has trouble with this is certainly not alone. Clumsily scrawling out illegible words may do anything but help to move the brain out of the way. And, if the logical brain is in the way, chances are no messages worthy of receiving will come through, except say to remember to buy milk next time you’re at the grocery store. The illegible chicken scratch actually has another name, called asemic writing, and is practiced as a form of art.

The Surrealists were closely associated with the practice of automatic writing, as they seemed to have mastered it early on in the late 1800s and 1900s. So, it definitely has a history dating back more than 150 years. Now, others who have mastered automatic writing in more recent decades say patience and persistence is the greatest guide for getting automatic writing to happen.

In one practice, the individual is taught to utilize a repeating phrase, which they jot continuously onto the page or computer screen. Eventually, for those who have success with it, the message starts to change to one that the automatic writer or channel has really no clue about, because their consciousness moves aside. And astoundingly what happens is that at first the repeating phrase sometimes seems a little broken up by a little blip here and there. Then, it becomes a full message that may include wisdom beyond the individual’s consciousness.

Along the same lines as the repeating phrase, those who prefer to draw or doodle may find their way through this oft-thought right-brained activity. Again, the idea is to get the logical part of ourselves out of the way. When the inner artist shows up, he or she can relax the brain so that something more can happen. In other instances, individuals have had a good deal of success diverting their attention and actually looking away as they doodle away.

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Akashic Records

Connections to the Akashic Records, also known as the everlasting Book of Life, stem from antiquity. The Old Testament has considerations that there is a communal repository of omniscience.

What is Akashic Data?
Akashic Data is like the DNA of the universe. They may be the soul’s journey through time. Each thought, action, word and feeling is registered inside Akashic data. Every soul has its individual Akashic record.

The way we gather information in the Akashic Records is in encoded vocabulary that is like a sacred geometry of words encoded in fire. Mastering tips on how to interpret the information is crucial. We start understanding the usage of our inner senses to offer text and interpretation from what we collect; we also get in touch with this new energy.

The Akashic Records are the particular personal data of a soul from the time it leaves its stage of origin until it returns. In the time we make the choice to witness everyday life as an independent experience, there is actually a field of energy designed to record each and every considered phrase, emotion, as well as the actions generated by practical experience. These subjects will be the Akashic Data. Akasha simply means the core of all that is formed. Records are the imprints that register life experience. Put the 2 words together and it becomes clear that the Akashic Records are essentially a psychic recorder.

By opening the Akashic Data with its own special Sacred Prayer, we align to the vibrations being received in the reading. The prayer tunes into the energetic vibration. Think of it as surfing for radio stations using a dial. The prayer works hand in hand with the energy.

The data in the Akashic Records help us understand our past, immediate present, and future. By accessing the Akashic Data, we learn of the habits in our lives that have become an obstacle in realizing our oneness with God.

We can look at why we have behavioral and/or addictive patterns. These show up in relationship patterns, habitual reactions, the way we react in our lives, and what we can do to form more positive actions in the future.

The healing vitality in the Akashic Records allows us the independence to choose grace in all issues; thus overriding any illusions we’ve created during our life. This allows us the ability to consider why we have separated from God, Spirit, or a Higher Power.

It can be a powerful tool here on earth, to help and remind us of our oneness with our God, spirit, or foundation.

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5 Psychic Senses and More

Sure you are acquainted with the sixth sense, or the psychic gifts, but did you know each has a correlating sibling, you might say? Just as there are five physical senses, there are five psychic ones. And, each has a full gamut of presentation and degree to them, just like the physical senses do. For instance, a pilot might have all around awesome eye sight, but their senses of taste and smell are nothing compared to the top sommeliers or even ice cream quality test tasters of the world. You may have had some occasions with some of these psychic marvels before, or have had a friend or family member who has. 

First of all, the five aspects of extra-sensory perception are clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairgustance, and clairalience. Psychic sight is clairvoyance, such as seeing symbols or images of what may come in the future, what is happening at the present or what happened in history, such as in an old house. Clairaudience is the ability to hear spirits, whether they are of loved ones who have passed, other disembodied spirits, or they may include angels, guides, and replaying of events even. Clairsentience is the sense of touch, whether it is a spirit coming by to say hi with a pat on the back, or just rushing on by them.

Clairsentience goes on a bit more to include some other neat modes of feeling. It may include the physical sensations of another person, including feeling the pain of their surgery, or how they passed, or medical discomfort. Further to that, but related is psychometry. Psychometry occurs when someone who has this ability is given an object. They can feel where the object has been, quite literally, and may even pick up other ESP from it, such as clairvoyant images even.

Clairgustance and clairalience are two that many people report after a family member has passed, when they sense they are visiting or just hanging out around them. Clairgustance might be that unmistakable whiff in the kitchen of grandma’s best loved omelet cooking on the stove, but the kitchen is empty and dark for the night. Clairalience is that scent that mysteriously reminds you of your beloved mother or wife who passed years ago. It is a perfume that perhaps is no longer made, and you have no traces of it in your home, but it is unmistakable that you smelled it in the hallway the other day!

A little more about clairvoyance. Those who are mediums may be able to hear, see, feel, smell, or unfortunately even taste the spirits of humans, animals, and aliens who have passed or are just on an astral travel. Each of these senses may play a role in helping to identify which Uncle Mike is talking during a gallery session to many people. It helps in passing along messages too, because they can show the medium a story about their life, where the money is hidden, or share a great memory for instance.

Lets use any of these senses to look into your future.

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Indigo Children

Online Psychic

 Children display very strong signs of any psychic ability. This is most symptomatic in their toddler years, the age when we are most psychic. Psychic gifts in children are very common. In fact, psychic children are often referred to as Indigo children. There are many amazing capabilities in the psychic realm. For kids, the three most common abilities are telepathy, clairsentience, and clairvoyance. But typically speaking, signs of psychic abilities often interweave; this is why it may be hard to distinctly tell what exact type of special gift is bestowed upon a person.

 So now you may ask, should I be alarmed if my child shows signs of being psychic? The answer is no — there is nothing alarming kids can benefit a lot from their psychic gifts, when these abilities are properly tuned.

 During the later part of the Seventies a woman named Nancy Ann Tappe noticed a change taking place in the color of Children auras. She did a lot of work in China and taught at the University of San Diego. As part of her research and study she published a book in 1982 called Understanding Your Life Through Color. In that, this is where the first mention of indigo is talked about. Tappe recognized that after 1980 about 80% of the babies being born had this aura around them that she equated to their life mission and their life color. It was what she called Indigo. As of 1990 she realized that there We’re about 90% being born. Indigo is the color of the third eye chakra, which is an energy center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions and spirits. So many of the Indigo Children are classed as clairvoyant. 

 The Indigo Children have a warrior nature, a Rebel with a Cause personality with absolutely no guilt. They are often labeled as hyperactive or aggressive, but this is their purpose. They are here to break down old and outmoded systems legal, educational, medical, you name it. These kids are here to force honesty and integrity on a global level. Telepathy and other psychic abilities are rife amongst the Indigo, which is leading us into a telepathic society. A society that must be based on the indigo principles for it to function. Telepathy cannot work if dishonesty and deceit are present. 

 The Indigo are frequently misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is because of their warrior nature. Parents cant handle this intense energy and think the only way to calm them down is to numb them with powerful pharmaceutical psycho-stimulant drugs. These Children have right and left brain alignment, something we psychics on the spiritual path strive for throughout our lifetime. They are also very sensitive, have psychic abilities and possess incredible wisdom, as though they are old souls in young bodies. Evidence for the reincarnation process is becoming a reality as more and more of these children remember their past lives. Some of these children remarkably remember all of their past lives.

 It seems that schools cannot contain this innate quality and therefore label them with these disorders. But some of these children have extremely high IQ. Some at genius level of 160, and many at around 130. It not that their attention is distracted or they cant concentrate. On the contrary, they process information very quickly and understand things intuitively, which leads to extreme boredom in these kids minds. We cant contain these children in these environments any more. It not the kids who have to change, it the system that has to, and fortunately this is becoming more and more recognized by certain governments around the world. These remarkable children evolve very quickly: They are teaching others by the age of four or five. By the time they reach their twelfth They have telekinetic powers. Here is a list of some characteristics they exhibit”(2010,ezine)

 1. Have dreams that are highly evolved, and they begin dreaming and remembering dreams at a very early age.

 2. They have an affinity for languages of all types. Many speak more than one language, if exposed, by age three.

 3. They are determined, and at time can be quite stubborn 

 4. They invent pretending games in which they take on the role of healer, using laying on of hands.

 5. They are drawn to water, more than any other setting. They often stare into space at length, especially when near rivers, oceans or even the blue sky.

 6. They have an understanding of how animals feel and think. They explain this to others in a matter-of-fact Don’t you know manner.

 7. By the time they reach their teens, many have a desire to go to other countries often attempting to urge their parents to take them, or going so far as to plan their own trips. 

 8. Their personalities seem to fluctuate between two extremes from being serious, single-minded and focused , to being dreamy-eyed and distant 

 Having a psychic child should not bring you fear; they should be supported and nurtured as it is a good thing. We can learn many things from our psychic children it is the evolving nature of the order of things. But many professional Psychics now We’re these children! 

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