Part 2 Psychic Testing Done Wrong Versus Right

The psychicsundergoing our test process was shared in the previous article. In the testing procedure, we communicated one of our evaluator’s experiences in testing our psychic applicants. In this issue, we share another evaluator whom we shall call “evaluator #2.” There are some parallels to “evaluator 1.
From Coordinator 2: My testing style on Psychics
When I perform test reading evaluations on the APN, accuracy in the present or past circumstances are very important for me. At the same time, I like the directions being followed. To me, what an applicant says on the phone word for word is magnified even more if it were a client. So I treat every nuance with the utmost care.
Before working in the HR department on APN, I worked in HR for a well known governmental agency. So screening for skill and authenticity has always been my forte. Admittedly, I’ve had instances where applicants do not live up to standards. Example: I’ve had a situation where an applicant was reading from a book. My “testing muscles” have been exercised so many times that I can immediately tell. With great amusement, I know what to say to throw them off track. This is what I was trained to do working before APN.
For the most part, psychic skills always shine through instantly. I keep an open mind to the fact that not everyone is going to connect with me on a level that may seem perfect. The reason for that is because the chemistry between 2 people always dictates. In those circumstances, a second test may be more appropriate with another evaluator. I have 3 choices: yes, no, maybe. The feasible option is only if the reading was just ok. That is when another evaluator will conduct another evaluation and have my notes on why it was a maybe. Sometimes it can be an easy pass for the 2nd evaluator. Perhaps it was due to the time of the day, the chemistry with a different evaluator, or more confidence set in.
Finally, I am the first to admit that I am not the easiest to read. To some, I may come across as too “by the rules.” However, if one can do a reading for me, then the toughest client will be a breeze to read.
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