Mercury Retrograde Part 2

As Mercury Retrograde persists Retrograde, it will re-enter into the sign of Cancer on July 19th. This will have an impact on communicating and suffusing feelings, disseminating with family members, and contacts surrounding property issues.
This retrograde can spark reflecting on emotions towards family members. The possibility of understanding an emotional bond between family members is strong. Communicating feelings on a profound level are heightened. However, if that is not possible, analyzing those feelings and coming to grips with it is accentuated.
Interestingly, Alcoholics Anonymous was found on a Mercury Retrograde in Cancer. Though the nature of a 12 step program is about getting sober, getting down to the core of one’s feelings and tracing one’s roots as to how they got to feel about people, places, and things is magnified. Well, guess what? That is precisely what Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is about.
There can be a possibility that communication with family members can be delayed or misunderstood. It is not recommended to travel for visiting a family member. Travel is never recommended on this retrograde due to travel delays and baggage loss possibilities. However, miscommunication with family members is a possibility, or someone may be holding back.
Mercury in Cancer finds a loving and kind way to look at things due to instinctively knowing unsuspected feelings. There is an ability to express sympathy towards others.
Devices in the household will malfunction. I noticed the klutz in me is knocking things off shelves. The other day I was surprised a tightly secured item on the wall was knocked off. It is not recommended to make any major changes or install any new appliances.
Remembering old personal business ideas is also significant. Perhaps an idea you once had may now re-enter your mind. However, acting on it is recommended after Mercury goes direct. Fortunately, we only have another few days for this to be completed.
Surely this is not a “bad” period. There are many positive uses for this, such as reviewing old ideas, feelings, thoughts, etc.…As usual, many blame this for delays in communications, articles getting lost, etc. With any energy, it is essential also to know positive use. Retrograde Mercury is an ideal time to re-read a book, review materials that you previously learned, or reinvestigate matters. Often, one will have a new perspective on it. Usually, if one didn’t understand a subject, re-exploring it on a retrograde can help one appreciate it better.
Finally, since the sign of Cancer also has jurisdiction over property matters, it is an excellent time to go over any property/land deeds or leases. It is not the time to sign a new act or any contract whatsoever until Mercury exits retrograde position at the end of July.
This point in time is unique and purposeful. The current period we are in is only descriptive of the energies. You can turn them around to make them better. It is a matter of knowing how to do so.
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